i just sent this letter to Mr. William Spence of the county of maui..Planning dept.,

lets see where this is going?????.....for i am seeking the responsibled to be accountable....amene~~~

aloha mr. spence,

 i spoke to you a few weeks ago, in sadness concerning the "old Maluuluolele ball park" in lahaina, steve of the county of maui parks and recreation of Lahaina....referred me to you mr. spence......after i voiced my concerns to him about the friends of mokuula/maui nui tours and all nonprofits...being monitored/audited and REMOVED immediately, from this site of my sacred royal ancesters in lahaina...of Loko O Mokuhinia.....and to please take notice of the Disrespect (digging) and Dishonor (wrongful criminal acts of exploiting our culture for the tourist) using and abusing my ancesters sacred lands in lahaina...needs attention mr. spence.....mahalo~~~for please take the time to walk barefoot on my sacred lands of my ancesters, and feel the sorrow that is allowed by your dept. of this county of maui.....please feel the pain under your feet as you walk and think of me~~~!!!

 i want to meet both you and the mayor with my living kupuna's and my ohana nation (our Royal Kingdom Heirs) of Maui Nui....concerning my Kingdom Birthrights of Loko O Mokuhinia, as the Administrator of the "Kumaewa, Kaina, Kaleo and Momona" Estates of our Ancestors,

i have already spoken to Keaumoku Kapu and Anty Patty with Na Kupuna of Maui, as well as the friends of mokuula...Executive Director..Shirley, about my HA (breath of life) being raised on Loko O Mokuhinia with the Traditional Protocals...taught by my mama Kahili and my grandmama Lydia Kalua Poepoe Poaipuni (as a child on Loko O Mokuhinia) and i mentioned the Mana (spiritual powers), of my Royal Kingdom Ancesters....of La Haina and of our Kingdom of Maui Nui sacredness of Traditional Ancient Protocals of Maui Nui on our Sacred Lands of our Maui Royalties in Lahaina and Iao Valley!

 i still await your response to the way this sacred site of my ancestors....is being handled by this county of maui officials today????, after over 20 yrs.....by allowing a group of strangers, intruders, trespassers of outsiders on our Sacred Lands....made up of nonprofits.....to decide the fate of our Sacredness of our Royal Kingdom Lands/Heirs..... is Hewa (a wrongful criminal act)!,

 i request to claim (read the public law of the Apolpgy Bill).....this site as a Royal Kingdom Heir to malama (care for our traditional birthright sacredness) and be Accountable as the Administrator of our Royal Kingdom Estates.....for the Restoration to Accomplish what this county of maui needs to continue to cleanse and finish to Restore (removal of all the ball park fences, tennis courts, trimming of the trees, and start watering), and to get the Royal Heirs involved~~~no one from these nonprofits ever made the effort to contact our Royal Heirs of this generation?????

 All moneys that was taken by these nonprofits under the direction of the Federal, State, County of Maui and private funding....should return the moneys to do the job correctly (back to this Sacredness) and i seek Justice to the removal of any and all nonprofits off the entire sacred lands of our Waine'e Ahupua'a of Lahaina .....for this is a time to cleanse and be restored in the proper Protocals of our Royal Kingdom Ancestors......amene

 Mauruuru........da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia.....La haina...da Royal Kingdom Capital of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government~~~


  {now to await and to get the responsibled be accountable to this kind of Hewa in our generation}



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  • we need to give attention to the responsibled to be accountable and disciplined,

    by addressing this illegal acts allowed by this county of maui....will also stop others.....mauruuru~~~

  • i never met mr. spence personally, however he was very kind and polite,

    very understanding and he will do his research and get back to me.....mahalo Ke Akua~~~

    while i await his response.....and at the same time...i will be gathering my living kupuna's,

    my living makua's of our maui nui to bare witness and to testify...of who i am and where i belong...

    to soon malama the sacredness of my Royal Kingdom Kupuna Kahiko's of my Maui Nui....mauruuru~~~amene

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