Property Tax The legal Owners ! |
from Eric Poohina:
Homelands Get Tax Break.
Ignorant settlers from asia and the USA know little of the
political history of Hawaii but consistently give their
uneducated public opinions.
Hawaiians who reside on Hawaiian Homelands don't own the land
that their houses are on because they signed a lease.
In the lease they relinquished their claims to the original
Crown lands also known as Ceded lands.
the Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands lease where Hawaiian homesteaders
signed off their mineral, natural resources, water rights,
sovereign rights
and all claims to the demised lands to the state of Hawaii.
The Hawaiian Homesteads are technically Indian Reservations
and the Hawaiians residing on the Homesteads are Indians
as defined under American Indian Law.
They signed off their claims to their cultural lands.
So that is the reason why homesteaders dont pay property tax.
The State of Hawaii is only in a managerial position realtive
to the Crown lands. The legal owners stipulated within the
Great Mahele Hawaiian land Tenure System of 1848 are the descendants
of King Kekaulike and King Kamehameha I.
Research , Kamehameha's Children Living Today by Charles Ahlo,
The U.S. Hawaiian Apology Law 103-150 of 1993,
the 2009 State Supreme Court Ruling on the Ceded lands, (CIV. NO
the 2009 U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on the Ceded lands, (NO. 07-1372),
and 2009 State of Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals case
Maunalua Bay Beach Ohana 28 (No. 28175) all acknowledge the fact
that Hawaiians with the genealogy connection still have a legitimate
to the Kuleana, Konohiki, Ali'i Private Estate Trust Lands and Crown
also known as Ceded lands.
The Great Mahele of 1848 is alive and well!
Eric Po'ohina
po box 744
kailua hi 96734
ph# 348-7550
Hawaiian Kingdom Records 2010-1891 received and filed in records of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina:
June 01, 2010 burial treatment for May 14, 2010 iwikupuna exposure, scattering and damages...
ide details 5:31 PM" alt="Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 5:31 PM"">5:31 PM (3 hours ago)
Spokesperson for Hawaiian Lineal Descendants
931 Uakanikoo Street
Wahiawa, Island of O’ahu
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina (96786)
November 19, 2010
United States Federal Government, et al
Department of the Army
United States Army Installation Management
Command, Pacific Region
Headquarters, United States Army Garrison-Hawaii
851 Wright Avenue, Wheeler Army Airfield
Schofield Barracks Military Reservation, Hawaii 96857-5000
Colonel Douglas S. Mulbury, Commanding:
‘ano’ai kakou
Since receipt of our U.S Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL 7010 0290 0001 7796 5062 dated
September 26, 2010, your organization once again failed to respond to our Lawful Notice of
Obligatory Responsibility.
Your counsel Mr. Kerry Abramson and Mr. James Duttweiler were provided by our counsel
Mr. Aran Alton Ardaiz with documents which queries your organization to reveal and affirm your
claim of clear land title ownership of our iwiawaloa sites in question, which your organization
claims to own and/or control as PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.
To the United States Army Garrison-Hawaii, Commanding:
- Please prove your claim of “exclusive territorial jurisdiction” over Hawaiian land and
Nationals which claim of jurisdiction has not been revealed or proven. Jurisdiction over
the land (in rem) and in personum (Private Citizen) must be proven in
not just assumed, not just stated, and not just
claimed without proof and written
evidence of law. Jurisdiction when challenged, as in this instant, must be
Treaties and Documents
Time of War. Geneva 12 August 1949, i.e., Article 42, 43 and 56 as either applying or
not applying to our situation. Noticed: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 18.
Assistant Secretary Anthony Babauta (U.S. Department of the Interior): “The lesson of Collapse that [Jared] Diamond articulates, is that societies, as often as not, aren’t murdered, they commit suicide, they slit their wrists, and then in the course of many decades, stand by passively and watch themselves bleed to death. Diamond is largely contentious because he glosses over at times and grossly omits the external historical factors that influence ones society survival over another. Whether you subscribe to Diamond’s conjectures or reject theory all together is not the issue. There is however a very subtle underpinning argument that I believe merits our consideration this morning. And that is our role, our own personal responsibility in shaping our environment and ensuring our cultures never collapse. Will we be the civilization that chooses to survive or will we engage in blatant systematic decimation of our own society, the culture. The title of Diamond’s book largely gives it away, and that is, that there is an option. There is a choice to be made, we must pertinently, we must determine what faith, that we choose for ourselves. That is the crux of it all. That is why we are here.”
“While on travel I’ve learned that while customs and traditions and cultures and practices may vary from island to island, no matter where I go there exists a pervasive appetite, to want to protect and conserve what’s distinctly indigenous to each island. My sense is larger than the cogency and the exigency of that desire that’s most ardently evidenced in the communities, that increasing face the threat of assimilation, westernization and acculturation.”
“The Virgin Islands recent years ...this particular way of life has increasing come under siege as developers have sought legal ownership of land. Hawai`i is no stranger to wealthy developers, looking to invest in tropical vacation homes, beach side resorts. Nor are the native Virgin Islanders, many of them who feel they are callously being asked to abandon, and call into question their customs, cultural heritage, and their way of life.”
“A thousand years ago, our ancestors were relentless on the canoes, traversing ocean swells, united by the stars, and by their Gods, until they reached the shores we now call home. They faced perils which we will never know, we never understand. But they survived, and so will the Pacific Islander of today, for thousands of years to come.”
Bull Shit Bull shit!
That is what a typical sell out would say! One that sells his sons to the military at the age of 8 and his daughters the the whore house. Which has nothing to do with culture values and it's traditional practices. When the Americans did them selves in they did it for money and the love of violence.
Thanks for the music, it stirred up my thinking and I went to the 'Kahoolawe Story' and listened to Walter Ritte give an indebth interview on film. So, lots of pictures from that first contact with Kahoolawe, April 7, 1977 and Mar 3, 1977.
We had a meeting with both Neighborhood Board memebers and the Colonel Douglas S. Mulbury, Commanding back up group,
They came for bear to convinence themselves that we should clean up.
I am not for clean up and so all the Maoliworld postings on DU was argued while all the Na Kanaka sat aside and watched the military argue for them as to the reasons why the military should clean up the whole coast.
There is two professors that are good friends of mine. Both are Marine scientist Dr. Julie Brock and Dr. James Brock. Both have done 40 plus years of research in Waianae marine habitat and elsewhere in the world. I use to sit and listen to them when they gave presentations at UH as well as socially join them on outings.
Dr. James Brock was an interesting person, I would ask him questions over the years about the ocean. His wife did the petrie dish sampling near shore looking for worms among other things. James, and I would sit and talk about coral and how under the water would change before hurricanes such as Ewa and Iniki. He dove offshore for 40 plus years and documented the conditions of the Waianae Coast.
So that night with the military, it was awful! There was no one to argue against clean up!
I later found out because I asked a lot of questions during their presentations many approached me after very genntlemen like and tried to convience me the reasons why we should spread U-234 througout the Pacific Ocean as a good thing.
The use of a 'hopper' will spread the remaining U-234 throughout the entire coast line in Waianae. Our death sentence.
Although the UH Manoa so called scientist gave their presetation they know in their hearts that this is dangerous, but they are remaining objective.
No Pono was not there! I met him before, and spoke to him during and after. There was no cameras.
There was lots of computor documentations which are being sent to the Pentagon and Washington DC.
I did have a lot of credibility with Tad Davis team and Colonel Douglas S. Mulbury, Commanding team enough for them to want to type my questions, I believe.
The neighborhood board got pissed and at one point literally told me to shut up (not in those words) so I muttered 'stupid head' you should be asking these questions not me. So what happened at that point the Army did included audience input.
Too many presenters, too little time and one needed to have a strong academic background to manuver through their thick presentations. And their FAT lies!!!
One being that DU is present. The second is the hopper will distribute u-234 throughout the coast of Waianae water ways. The third is that they will clean some of the debrie, but if they need to distroy the coral (small kine) they will leave the UXO in place to satisfy the NRC.
The NRC lawyers are arguing with the military Lawyers as to why they (dangerously) decommissioned nuclear isotopes.
So, I believe this meeting was to smooth over the arguments of Oct 29, 2010 between parties the NRC and the Army in Hawaii.
After the meeting I was approached by eight different people from the Army. I told them I have a docket, and so that set the lines at that point as to my supporting the NRC rules.
I don't know what to say Amelia, the military was listening and the local Na Kanaka was 'stupidly, nasty'. What am I going to do? It's are our own people that are killing each other. First for ego, then as a group thing, and the last is maybe their careers and status.
The outcome of the similarities is that the 'hopper' needs to have live feed so that the public can see what's happening. They said they can't. What they are going to do is pick up with the hopper and then shred the DU on board the boat and deliver it to a receiving place in Hawaii. And not ship it to the mainland. I believe this is to satisfy the Rules of the NRC and martial law Hawaii. Marine Spatial Planning was done by the Presidents signature and therefore all they have to do now is to change the 'high water mark' to offshore boundaries.
As I was talking to Carl Jennings, I got interrupted! Why? Because the scientist used him to do their dirty work! i was trying to explain to him why I got upset with the panel that he was on when the houseless was mention in a negative manner.
The houseless on the shores are living on the high water mark. They are practicing gathering of the species near shore. Opihi, limu, ahukiuki etc. Colonel Douglas S. Mulbury, Commanding science team wanted testimonies from our Na Kupuna (they approached me after the meeting) to share the cultural practice in our natuaral habitat. I suspect to add another layer of authority. It seems to me in listening to the political policy makers that the 'high water mark is being stolen by the DLNR and the City and County and now the Feds. But, all three levels are also setting up their rules of gathering/non too. The science community is trying to make opihi illegal to gather.
I had gone to Alaska three times and had an opportunity to meet with the natives there. The are well aware of their subsistence laws and rights to gather. It's an interesting thing. The CNHA are also well known and not very liked in Alaska.
Amelia, I don't know what to say. Pono was not there and they was no documentation of this meeting. I tried to communicate to Pono the importance of this meeting, I couldn't get pass the stuff in between. I cannot do anything to stop the cleaning which will spread the U-234 isotopes which means death in the end for our Waianae Na Kanaka and their future generation. I can only ask for an 'Exit Plan'.
I can't get passed the 'local mentality' and their need to do in their families, I guess. I don't know what the hell is going on in their heads!
Spokesperson Thomas Joseph Lenchanko, Alika Poe Silva Kahu Kulaiwi and our lawful counsel
Mr. Aran Alton Ardaiz so we may together, respectfully, develop a more knowledgeable
understanding of Hawaiian National traditions, our cultural practices and our respect for our land,
its resources and our people.
As previously mentioned, we desire to continue our ongoing substantive consultation process,
essential to truthful and accurate communication in a peaceful and diplomatic manner that will
be ultimately complimentary to both parties concerned.
‘owau no me ka ha’aha’a
oia ua ‘ike a ‘aia la
Thomas Joseph Lenchanko, Hawaiian National
kahuaka’i ola ko laila waha olelo ‘Aha Kukaniloko/Koa Mana mea ola kanaka mauli
Re: Disappeared News, Sovereignty
Alex M Luka
to nunyabus, alika, alikapoesilva, carloso, carloslawrence., charles, drake, drake, Eric, Georgette, Gerald, Henry, john, Keapoi, kekane, Kevin, nakahiliprdctns, Nelson, Pono, RM, shad, Tom
show details 11:05 AM (10 hours ago)
Thank you, Elaine. Heads up, everybody. Maybe this kind of information
would help our people realize why we need our own National Government
of our own Country, Kingdom of Hawai'i, so that we would be less
dependent upon the normal "rape and pilage" policies of the occupying
country, USA.
Long live the Kingdom of Hawai'i. Our kanaka people flourished in
these islands for over 6,000 years, before being "discovered" by
"civilized" people from Europe and the like. In less than 200 years,
our Country has been decimated by the "company store mentality" of the
USA and the like "so called civilized" nations of the world.
Which makes "Reinstatement of the Hawaiian Nation, Kingdom of Hawai'i,
so imperative to our peoples' proper health and welfare. Our process
of reinstatement is gaining a healthier stance in the local community,
making good dialog with the local County governments.
I just returned from Maui last night after testifying at the Committee
of the Whole, Council of the County of Maui, in strong support of
submitted to the Council by council member Gladys C. Baisa, entitled
U.S. PUBLIC LAW 103-150, [S.J. RES. 19], NOVEMBER 23, 1993; "TO
The purposes of the draft bill is to initiate transition of government
powers, share jurisdiction and revenues of Hawaiian government lands
and Crown lands within the Couny of Maui, and prevent County officials
and employees from receiving human rights violations.
A lot of people attending were disappointed that the draft bill never
went to the floor to be voted on, knowing that half of the council
members would not be returning to chambers, since being voted out of
office in the recent elections. I, on the other hand, am very
encouraged to witness the change of stance by these outgoing
councilmembers, who now strongly support this draft ordinance bill.
This draft may still be voted on at the next Council monthly meeting,
before these councilmembers leave office.
Keep an eye on Akaku Station PBS, Maui television station, to observe
the proceedings of yesterday, Nov 18, 2010, County Council meeting.
PS: I will be requesting a personal copy from the television station.
E malama e --- Luka
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 8:38 AM, nunyabus wrote:
> FYI.
I too want to know what is this?
Luwella Leonardi
Latest file in Sai v Obama 10899 Somebody anybody explain to me??? What happe...
Oct 16
Luwella LeonardiLoading...
Oct 16
Luwella Leonardi
to me
show details Oct 16
Latest file in Sai v Obama 10899
Somebody anybody explain to me??? What happened? why didn't Spinney just write and amicus brief of his contentions, instead of this!!!
We need a confront with Obama.
Luwella is not available to chat
Amelia Gora
hi Kaohi, this is good...........Leon /Kai did send me a link but their links...
Oct 16
Amelia GoraLoading...
Oct 16
Amelia Gora
hi Kaohi,
this is good...........Leon /Kai did send me a link but their links didn't work.
wasn't satisfied with Spinney not responding to several families messages but have been informed that he's working on the other issues too............but glad to see this.........because I am cautious about Keanu Sai's filings........because he is a former military officer and there are issues stemming from his former company operating with Don Lewis, et. als..............don't think the Police/F.B.I. et. als. ever returned their computers.
Talked with Keanu Sai last week and showed him the article about Queen Liliuokalani being given back Hawaii by Cleveland........and he said somebody e-mailed him........ also, there are laws pertaining to continued land ownership for our people.........have to scan/ take picture of the laws and zap it to you........
reminder about the article:
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. — That the Federal Government, which is supposed to be after the trusts, is making large contracts with them and paying them the people’s money, was charged by Representative Hitchcock (Dem., Neb.) in the course of a vigorous criticism of the army and navy expenditures in the House to-day.
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Note: In Queen Liliuokalani’s book HAWAII’S STORY BY HAWAII’S QUEEN she stated that she was not able to send dispatches out….which means, she was not able to receive anything either.
aloha nui.
p.s. I did give him and many others Protective Orders to malama our families aina. think i'll consult with some others first then file something maybe.)
[Ka Nai Aupuni by Israel Kamakawiwi'ole] 3:09 Add to Added to queue
video lang: en
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(Translation disabled)
Ka Na`i Aupuni by Israel Kamakawiwi'ole
ea o ka `āina i ka pono" not to be confused with "Ua mau ke ea o ka `āina i ka pono". "E mau" means "It should continue to be" or "Let it be now ...
by hokulani78
| 1 year ago | 3,076 views
- Show quoted text -
On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 6:25 PM, Luwella Leonardi wrote:
Latest file in Sai v Obama 10899
Somebody anybody explain to me??? What happened? why didn't Spinney just write and amicus brief of his contentions, instead of this!!!
We need a confront with Obama.
YouTube - Videos from this email
Luwella is not available to chat
Luwella Leonardi
I'm disappointed a bit.
Oct 16
Luwella LeonardiLoading...
Oct 16
Luwella Leonardi
to me
show details Oct 16
I'm disappointed a bit.
- Show quoted text -
On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 9:30 PM, Amelia Gora wrote:
hi Kaohi,
this is good...........Leon /Kai did send me a link but their links didn't work.
wasn't satisfied with Spinney not responding to several families messages but have been informed that he's working on the other issues too............but glad to see this.........because I am cautious about Keanu Sai's filings........because he is a former military officer and there are issues stemming from his former company operating with Don Lewis, et. als..............don't think the Police/F.B.I. et. als. ever returned their computers.
Talked with Keanu Sai last week and showed him the article about Queen Liliuokalani being given back Hawaii by Cleveland........and he said somebody e-mailed him........ also, there are laws pertaining to continued land ownership for our people.........have to scan/ take picture of the laws and zap it to you........
reminder about the article:
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. — That the Federal Government, which is supposed to be after the trusts, is making large contracts with them and paying them the people’s money, was charged by Representative Hitchcock (Dem., Neb.) in the course of a vigorous criticism of the army and navy expenditures in the House to-day.
view full article button
pdf icon Note: This article will open in PDF format. Get Adobe Acrobat Reader
or Learn More »
Note: In Queen Liliuokalani’s book HAWAII’S STORY BY HAWAII’S QUEEN she stated that she was not able to send dispatches out….which means, she was not able to receive anything either.
aloha nui.
p.s. I did give him and many others Protective Orders to malama our families aina. think i'll consult with some others first then file something maybe.)
[Ka Nai Aupuni by Israel Kamakawiwi'ole] 3:09 Add to Added to queue
video lang: en
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(Translation disabled)
Ka Na`i Aupuni by Israel Kamakawiwi'ole
ea o ka `āina i ka pono" not to be confused with "Ua mau ke ea o ka `āina i ka pono". "E mau" means "It should continue to be" or "Let it be now ...
by hokulani78
| 1 year ago | 3,076 views
On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 6:25 PM, Luwella Leonardi wrote:
Latest file in Sai v Obama 10899
Somebody anybody explain to me??? What happened? why didn't Spinney just write and amicus brief of his contentions, instead of this!!!
We need a confront with Obama.
Luwella is not available to chat
Alex M Luka
to alika, alikapoesilva, carloso, carloslawrence., charles, drake, drake, elaine, Eric, Georgette, Gerald, Henry, john, Keapoi, kekane, Kevin, nakahiliprdctns, Nelson, Pono, RM, shad, Tom, me
show details 11:38 AM (10 hours ago)
Mahalo, Amelia. You know real news is good to view and digest. All the more reason for us to organize ourselves in pursuit of reinstating our Nation Kingdom of Hawai'i. Long Live the Kingdom of Hawai'i. Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono. E malama e --- Luka
Note: Eric Poohina is part of the Royal families; Tom Lenchanko is part of the kahu of Kukaniloko/cultural sites; Kaohi/Luwella is part of the family of Queen Liliuokalani; and Luka is part of the Royal families and with Henry Noa, his cousin..............aloha nui.
Alex M Luka
to nunyabus, alika, alikapoesilva, carloso, carloslawrence., charles, drake, drake, Eric, Georgette, Gerald, Henry, john, Keapoi, kekane, Kevin, nakahiliprdctns, Nelson, Pono, RM, shad, Tom
show details 9:17 AM (13 hours ago)
Hi, Elaine. Thanks for the reality check. I saw a bumper sticker
recently, "Help World hunger, Eat a Politician". What a lousy taste
that could be !
E maka 'ala e --- Luka
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 10:54 AM, nunyabus wrote:
> Just a little something to think about when your vote in November
> How many zeros in a billion?
> This is too true to be funny.
> The next time you hear a politician use the
> Word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about
> Whether you want the 'politicians' spending
> YOUR tax money.
> A billion is a difficult number to comprehend,
> But one advertising agency did a good job of
> Putting that figure into some perspective in
> One of it's releases.
> A.
> A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
> B.
> A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
> C.
> A billion hours ago our ancestors were
> Living in the Stone Age.
> D.
> A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
> E.
> A billion dollars ago was only
> 8 hours and 20 minutes,
> At the rate our government
> Is spending it.
> While this thought is still fresh in our brain...
> let's take a look at New Orleans ...
> It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.
> Louisiana Senator,
> Mary Landrieu (D)
> Is presently askingCongressfor
> To rebuild New Orleans . Interesting number....
> What does it mean?
> A.
> Well .. If you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans
> (every man, woman, and child)
> You each get $516,528.
> B.
> Or... If you have one of the 188,251 homes in
> New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.
> C.
> Or... If you are a family of four...
> Your family gets $2,066,012.
> Washington , D.C
> Are all your calculators broken??
> Building Permit Tax
> CDL License Tax
> Cigarette Tax
> Corporate Income Tax
> Dog License Tax
> Federal Income Tax (Fed)
> Federal Unemployment Tax (FU TA)
> Fishing License Tax
> Food License Tax
> Fuel Permit Tax
> Gasoline Tax
> Hunting License Tax
> Inheritance Tax
> Inventory Tax
> IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
> IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
> Liquor Tax
> Luxury Tax
> Marriage License Tax
> Medicare Tax
> Property Tax
> Real Estate Tax
> Service charge taxes
> Social Security Tax
> Road Usage Tax (Truckers)
> Sales Taxes
> Recreational Vehicle Tax
> School Tax
> State Income Tax
> State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
> Telephone Federal Excise Tax
> Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
> Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax
> Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
> Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
> Telephone State and Local Tax
> Telephone Usage ChargeTax
> Utility Tax
> Vehicle License Registration Tax
> Vehicle Sales Tax
> Watercraft Registration Tax
> Well Permit Tax
> Workers Compensation Tax
> (And to think, we left British Rule to avoid so many taxes)
> Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago.....
> And our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
> We had absolutely no national debt...
> We had the largest middle class in the world.....
> And Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
> What happened?
> Can you spell:
> And I still have to
> Press '1'
> For English.
> I hope this goes around the
> At least 100 times
> What the hell happened?????
> =
> (politicians taste like worms? lol........truly disgusting...)
Alex M Luka
to nunyabus, alika, alikapoesilva, charles, darlene, drake, drake, Eric, Georgette, Gerald, Henry, john, Keapoi, kekane, Kevin, nakahiliprdctns, Nelson, Pono, RM, shad, Tom
show details Nov 10 (9 days ago)
Thank you, Elaine, for the heads up. E maka 'ala e --- Luka
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 10:15 PM, nunyabus wrote:
Dear dear Eric Ryan,
Itʻs really a shame you didnʻt speak up at the time of the thefts, especially
when children were having their education stolen.
Iʻve got NO doubt the Hawaiians would prosper if you freeloaders werenʻt here...
that includes Abercrombie.
I ʻve got a great idea: Why donʻt you, the republicans and the democrats
get your crooking, stinking, carcasses out of the Hawaiian islands and go vulture
somewhere else.
I guess weʻd have to say it is getting pretty bad when the crooks are sniffing the
stink of the other crooks.
You All Smell. Really bad.
Get out. Aloha.
Donʻt send me your whining sore loser crap. Iʻve got enough problems of my own
trying to scrape yours and democrats shit off my life.
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Eric Ryan wrote:
November 4, 2010
Eric Ryan // (808) 457-1950 //
HONOLULU, HAWAII -- Today, Eric Ryan, a longtime political activist who assisted seven GOP legislative campaigns during 2010 has sent a letter to all officers of the Hawaii Republican Party demanding that they immediately resign, that an interim team be appointed to serve our their terms (through May 2011), that a complete independent audit of party finances be conducted, and that hundreds of thousands of dollars in improperly diverted party funds be repaid to the party by the campaigns of Duke Aiona, Lynn Finnegan, Charles Djou and others.
In a letter to party officers delivered today, Ryan asserted that: “It is only appropriate that given all the circumstances of the past year and a half, as well as the results two days ago, you need to all tender your resignations effective immediately.”
Commenting on his demand letter, Ryan is quoted as saying: “These failed leaders must all step down for the good of the party in the wake of this demoralizing and decisive statewide defeat. It’s the only appropriate thing for them to do. They cannot stay on. While the rest of the country turned red, Hawaii turned bluer than ever in 2010. This is a direct result of the incompetence party leaders have shown over the past two years in preparing for yesterday, as well as the result of multiple conflicts of interest by party leaders who diverted money and other resources to favored candidates at the expense of all Republicans and our increasingly meaningless brand.”
# # # #
91-1148 Kaimalie Street | Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706 | (808) 457-1950 |
November 4, 2010
Jonah Kaauwai, State Chair
Lynn Finnegan, State Vice Chair
Marcia Klompus, State Vice Chair
Jim Bryan, State Vice Chair
Keoki Leong, State Vice Chair
Ted Hong, State Vice Chair
Lisa Coluccio, Secretary
Kathi Thomason, Treasurer
Kari Hofer, Finance Director
Erin Kealoha, Communications Director
Miriam Hellreich, Committeewoman
Brennon Morioka, Committeeman
Dylan Nonaka, Executive Director
Malia Gray, Honolulu County Chair
Peter Kay, ‘Chief Strategist’
Linda Lingle, Titular Party Head
Demand for Mass Resignations of all Hawaii GOP Leaders and Staff
Demand for Installation of Interim Leadership Team Until Convention
Demand for Full Independent Audit of State Party Finances
Demand for Repayment of Funds Looted from State Party Treasury
Two days ago, the rest of the country turned red while Hawaii became even more blue. To all of you listed above, in light of these massive losses, missed opportunities and misspent resources, you should be ashamed of yourselves. The Republican brand in Hawaii is weaker than ever and the Democrat brand is stronger than ever, thanks to your demonstrable incompetence, your miserable leadership, your horrible strategies, and your criminally corrupt conflicts of interest which give certain favored candidates an endless supply of resources while remaining candidates and ESPECIALLY the party and its brand get flushed down the political toilet again and again. For the sake of the party and its future, I hereby demand that each and every one of you should do the right thing and immediately resign your posts. The party would be better off with nobody doing your jobs, the doors locked and the lights turned off than with you people still occupying these positions with the party any longer.
Other than what’s obvious from the returns, just how badly did Republicans do statewide last night thanks to your failed leadership? Just look at the voting percentages received by Republicans. If you remove the general election results for incumbents Ching, Pine and Slom, the average Republican candidate in Hawaii received 27.57% of the vote if running for State Senate or 30.42% if they were running for State House. Clearly the party did not do anything at all over the past two years to improve the public's perception of Republicans, nor to diminish their perception of Democrats. Our voter base is abysmally puny. The proof is in the numbers. Another election year has been wasted, and any hope of reforming Hawaii (let alone preventing more damage being done by Democrats) has been frittered away; postponed for at least another two years and probably longer. Education will remain unreformed. The business climate will remain awful. Families will still live paycheck to paycheck. Taxes will get higher. Bill 444 will become the law of the land in the State of Hawaii. Special interest groups still control our Hawaii. This is not righteous, not at all.
All the arguments and all the statistics were on our side in 2010, yet were deliberately obscured and kept under wraps by design with a purposefully obliterated platform with a stupid, meaningless slogan in support of that brain-dead, issue-free approach: “The L.L.I.F.E. of the Party.” WTF does that mean, Peter “Chief Party Strategist” Kay?????????? Yet with more evidence than ever before that the Democrat majority at the legislature has bankrupted Hawaii and given us the worst results in our state’s history (economy, education, jobs, poverty, anti-business, etc.), your collectively twisted concept of leadership led you to intentionally jettison each and every Republican position on the issues facing Hawaii and deliberately eschew promoting Republican solutions in favor of making the 2010 election a referendum on one single issue: Same Sex Weddings / Bill 444. Not very savvy and not very righteous. By focusing so single-mindedly on a single social issue during the worst economy and the worst suffering in generations, you’ve absolutely guaranteed the passage of gay weddings and a whole lot more crappy Democrat policies through your off-the-charts level of ineptitude.
Let me explain this slowly and simply so you’ll be sure to understand: If you don’t persuade the public, our candidates won’t be able to persuade voters. And the truth is that you absolutely didn’t even try. You did nothing to persuade voters that Democrats are responsible for Hawaii's problems. You did nothing to lessen stigma of voting Republican. You did nothing to increase the stigma of voting Democrat. You did nothing to advance a Republican reform agenda. Nothing could be less righteous than those deliberate failures. Your “Ohana” was all hype and a complete failure. Aiona lost. Finnegan lost. Djou lost. Prevedouros lost. All Senate challengers lost. All but three House challengers lost . . . with two of these rare winners being veteran campaigners (Fontaine and Riviere) from previous years, and one of them simply taking Finnegan’s already Republican spot in the State House after she (like her protégé and office manager Malia Gray) abandoned her job(s) for a longshot selfish grab at glory. No credit to the party in these three cases.
By the way, Chair Kaauwai and Vice Chair Finnegan and others in your cabal behaved most UNRIGHTEOUSLY when they used their positions and party resources in violation of party rules to affect the outcome of the Republican Primary for LG by engaging in a persistent and reprehensible campaign of lies and whispered innuendo about Finnegan’s LG opponent Adrienne King; routinely questioning Ms. King’s Christianity, belittling her accomplishments, while trying to sell Finnegan as the party-anointed candidate. No, that was not very righteous at all. And I should have called for your resignations the moment I heard eyewitness accounts of this bullshit months ago. How will God judge you and your associates for engaging in such malicious and sinful behavior? How can Jonah and Lynn sleep at night knowing that they led so many candidates to their doom; forbidding them from running on any party-sanctioned solutions except opposition to Bill 444. These two individuals, along with Dylan Nonaka and too many others to name, led the cabal which took over the party in Spring 2009, self-dealed over and over to their buddies, ignored all the rules of marketing, studiously avoided any strategy which would actually convince a majority of voters that Democrats have held the majority long enough, and set in motion the chain of events culminating in the spectacular implosion of Hawaii Republicans on Election Night.
As usual, you guys treated the party organization like a joke. Quorums couldn’t even be reached for Executive Committee and State Committee meetings during the past year and a half. I can’t speak for people who live in other counties. But as a lifelong Oahu resident, I can tell you that the Honolulu County chair who you all worked so hard to elect (with each of you promising all of us that she’d organize and deliver a “Republican Army”) abandoned her job from Day One back in March 2009; never holding a single meeting, never raising a single dollar, and never organizing a single precinct. Ms. Gray, who never resigned from her post, suddenly shows up in the newspaper last week as a staffer for the Aiona campaign in charge of righteous outreach to churches. It was dishonest her and for so many of you to take these positions with no intention to either attend meetings or do the work. And if a party’s leaders treat the party organization with such disdain and find it so easy to break promises to fellow Republicans rather than appreciating how a well-run political machine with the potential for a growing membership and the productivity which could be attained through well-defined tasks year round can lead to victory, then it’s no wonder we keep getting lousy results from all of you. Candidates statewide had to mount organizations from scratch and communicate with voters who’d never even heard from Republicans before, yet had heard plenty from Democrats in their neighborhoods during the past two years. Why? Because districts and precincts and obviously counties and the state party itself were extremely poorly organized, if organized at all; during both the off-season and during the campaign. This is not very righteous either. The party’s job is to set the stage in advance of the campaign so that our candidates look like heroes coming over the hill. They are not supposed to be set up to fail year after year after year while all resources get diverted to Miriam Hellreich’s clients and Jonah Kaauwai’s former boss and Dylan Nonaka’s client and Lynn Finnegan’s running mate and so on and so forth.
2010 was the best chance in a lifetime for the Hawaii GOP to make real inroads, but the opposite happened. And the ultimate failure is yours and yours alone. You people, the leaders of the Hawaii (and Oahu) GOP failed to reposition the party for success, failed to reduce the stigma of running as a Republican, failed to tell voters the story about how they’ve been ripped off and betrayed by Democrats, and you failed to position our party in the minds of voters to anything of substance. The bottom line is that a new management team is needed IMMEDIATELY. Amateur Hour is OVER. The Era of Conflict of Interest is PAU. We can’t wait until May of next year to get things on the right track. Each of you must resign today and pledge to stay as far from party headquarters for eternity if not longer. It is only appropriate that given all the circumstances of the past year and a half, as well as the results two days ago, you need to all tender your resignations effective immediately. If 50 of 51 House district went for Democrats in the governor’s race, then it should be clear that you don’t have what it takes to move the Republican football down the field.
Despite my past differences with immediate past chair Willes Lee, I believe that he should be appointed as Interim Chair of the State Party for the duration of your terms with a mandate to ensure that an independent audit is carried out, that a top-to-bottom review of the party’s dysfunction be performed, that other interim party leaders be appointed, and that a fair process is set in motion for the upcoming conventions.
You guys completely lost sight of the point of running the party. The point is to change public policy for the better. This requires a steady dose of education and especially persuasion. Otherwise, a majority of voters will continue to vote for Democrats and their bullshit emotional appeals to prop up the status quo ‘for the keiki, the ohana, and the kupuna’ and all that crap. Yet education and persuasion NEVER took place since the last election. There was not one commercial on TV explaining to Hawaii voters how they’ve been screwed by the Democrats. It was left entirely up to the candidates to do the sales job explaining the need to elect challengers; because voters had no idea that the Democrat majorities in the State House and State Senate were to BLAME for Hawaii’s many problems. It is, and always has been, too much to expect Republican challenger candidates to bear the exclusive burden and massive responsibility for explaining from scratch by themselves in their districts during the campaign season why to vote R and not D. And yet party marketing (Dems bad, Reps good), which we obviously could have afforded over the past two years, would have made an enormous difference.
It's sad to see yet another election cycle in which local GOP leadership diverts every penny of donations to the party to just two 'top of ticket' races (Aiona and Djou), while leaving Hawaii voters scratching their heads about what a Republican majority would do in place of the long-standing Democrat majority since Statehood. All other GOP candidates suffer when the party continually throws them under the bus, providing voters with no education, no persuasion, no moral imperative to change direction. Instead of making a compelling case for change, all the party’s resources are diverted to selfish branding of one or two candidates: “Aiona” “Aiona” “Aiona” “Djou” “Djou” “Djou” “Finnegan” “Finnegan” “Finnegan” “Lingle” “Lingle” “Lingle” does not constitute a message of change which will get a majority of Republicans elected to the State House and State Senate or light the fires of a political revolution that puts the GOP in the majority. Despite the irrational exuberance displayed by many party members and campaign workers and even some candidates, 2010 will be remembered as the biggest missed opportunity in Hawaii GOP history.
Also, I hereby demand a full independent audit of the party’s finances and that the millions of dollars that were looted from the party and diverted to races for Djou and Aiona/Finnegan without any legal authority should be immediately repaid. In particular, tens and tens of thousands of households in CD1 received at least FIFTEEN different expensive glossy color mailers in recent months for Djou alone which were clearly marked “Paid for by the Hawaii Republican Party.” Likewise, online advertising and television commercials were paid for by the HRP in support of Djou, not to mention those useless newspaper attack ads with the ancient hippie photo of Abercrombie, paid for by the HRP for the benefit of Aiona. I’m sure this spending is just the tip of the iceberg. No such budget was ever approved nor would it ever have been approved by a State Committee which would not want to see so many candidates and especially the Republican brand thrown to the wolves in 2010 for the sake of one or two longshot campaigns, whose loyalists were signing party checks and diverting party resources for the nearly exclusive benefit of their patrons.
Sure, I realize that most of you are primarily interested in patronage jobs for yourselves and/or future political positions for yourselves, but as party leaders your only commitment should have been to the advancement of our reform-minded policies and to enhancing the prospects for success for ALL of our candidates while systematically degrading the Democrat brand and the market share held by Democrats. In other words, blowing 99% of our party’s resources on Aiona’s and Djou’s quests for glory (both of whom also used GOP HQ as their own HQ for the longest time along with virtually all other party resources), we could have made advances in many state house and state senate races. Instead, we lose spectacularly in the “top of the ticket” races even and cede the vast majority of power to the Democrats yet again by treating the legislative races as an afterthought with perhaps 1% of party monies, with not a dime going toward marketing which changes people’s minds about Democrats vs. Republicans. Look at the results closely. Rather than just receiving crumbs of guilt money from the party and party donors, there were THIRTEEN races which were close enough that $10,000 each could have made a huge difference, rather than blowing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, exclusively on Djou and Aiona. THREE Senate: Bean, Enos, Montes. TEN House: Leau, Hapai, Baron, Chang, Kong, Kawakami, Fukumoto, Berg, Meyers, Fale.
While the diversion of monies and other resources to Djou and Aiona was underway, most "down ticket" candidates and their teams were reduced to being volunteers and cheerleaders for those same "top of ticket" races. This is sickeningly unrighteous. The looting of the party on the order of hundreds of thousands of dollars -- which the independent audit could expose to be millions of dollars -- could have been spent to help advance the GOP cause of reform statewide, benefiting all GOP candidates by amplifying their calls for change. But even before one looks at how little party money was spent “down ticket”, and how donors were encouraged by you party leaders to donate and to which favored candidates, and how resources were ultimately allocated, it was clear LONG before yesterday’s election exactly who the FAVORED candidates in 2010 would be. That is a really stupid and an extremely shitty way to operate a party which has been in a distant second place in Hawaii politics since Statehood. An audit will reveal that what you guys were doing was both in violation of party rules and in opposition to common sense among experienced political campaigners. Some of you might want to retain lawyers. By the way, don’t you dare engage in shredding or discarding documents or deleting files or cooking the books. Anybody who got a C or higher in high school math can surmise that something is fishy, just from the party’s disclosure reports with the State Campaign Spending Commission and the Federal Election Commission. Party members deserve to know exactly what happened in 2010 and why. And party members deserve for every penny that was looted from the party treasury to be repaid in full.
Gov. Lingle, whose endless political aspirations are never a secret, would probably love to have complete control of the party again, either personally or through her willing minions, to further her next run for office (U.S. Senate). But the last thing we need is for the unpopular politician to once again manipulate the party for her own personal advancement and aggrandizement. Clearly, Lingle’s record of needlessly spending millions in donor money to get herself re-elected against an unknown Democrat challenger four years ago (Randy Iwase) while the party and its candidates went down in flames shows where her priorities TRULY lie. We don’t need to glorify political narcissism with a reinstatement of Lingle’s so-called party leadership and we can’t afford for the party to continue being run for the benefit of a few individuals and their hangers-on. That would be highly unrighteous indeed. In many ways, the election was largely a referendum on Lingle’s failed eight years in office (tax hikes, explosion in growth of state government, lousy economy, horrible business climate, unreformed education, unemployment, etc.). The last thing our party needs is her face and name stamped all over our brand again. Moreover, since Lingle's entire campaign and communications team was instrumental in this fiasco, they should go too, and Lingle should butt out of the party for the foreseeable future.
There's a reason why it's still hard to win as a Republican in Hawaii. Your misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance during the past two years is why. Our party gets exploited every two years by 1 or 2 political campaigns for their own benefit. Every one else is thrown to the wolves. The results speak for themselves. Hawaii’s political pendulum hasn't moved from left to right even a tiny bit thanks to your blundering. So while the rest of the country goes Red, we turn more Blue. Thanks for nothing, party leaders.
Please do the right thing and tender your resignations, place the past party chairman in charge as an interim leader, support a full, independent audit of the party and its finances, and help to ensure repayment of improperly diverted funds. This WOULD be righteous.
Thanks for your attention to these matters. I and all party members await your decision.