Amelia Gora

P.O. Box 861781

Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786

In Propria Persona and Royal Person


In the Matter of the Application of          )  Ld. Ct. App. No. 439 (amended)

                                                                             )  Ld. Ct. Case No. 09-0300


                                                                             ) Opposition to State of Hawaii’s

To register title and confirm its title to  ) Statement of No Position; Motion

Situate at Lahaina, Island and County of )  to Rescind Summary Judgment

Maui, State of Hawaii,                                   ) Due to Cause; - 1) Plaintiff’s Fraud

                                                                             ) /False Claim that An

                                                                             ) Answer to the Complaint Was Not

                                          And                           ) Made in a Timely Manner;

                                                                             )  2) Plaintiff’s

     KAHOMA LAND LLC,                                ) Failed to Inform the Court that these

                                                                              ) Lands Belongs to the Kamehameha

Substituted Applicant as to Lots 1,2,3A.) Families –see Additional Claim(s),        

                                                                              )   Royal      

                                                                              )Persons and Hanai

                                                                              ) Hookama/Adopted Families of

                                                                              ) Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III; 3) The

                                                                        ) Treaties Supersedes State Laws,

                                                                        ) Which the State of Hawaii Attorney

                                                                        ) General’s Office and the U.S. President

                                                                        )  Were Notified Through Certified Mail/

                                                                        ) Served in Person and Reminders that

                                                                        ) the Judges Are to

                                                                        ) Also Adhere to the U.S. Constitution


                                                                        )  HEARING:

                                                                        )  Date:  March 31, 2014

                                                                        )  Time:  9:00 a.m.

                                                                        )  Judge:  Hon. Gary W.B. Chang



Opposition to State of Hawaii’s Statement of No Position; Motion to Rescind Summary Judgment Due to Cause – 1)  Plaintiff’s Fraud/False Claim that an Answer to the Complaint was not made In a Timely Manner; 2)  Plaintiff’s Failed to Inform the Court that these Lands Belong to the Kamehameha Families see Additional Claim(s), Royal Persons and Hanai Hookama/Adopted Families of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III ; 3) the Treaties Supersedes State Laws, Which the State of Hawaii Attorney General’s Office and the U.S. President Were Notified Through Certified Mail/Served in Person and Reminders that the Judges Are to Also Adhere to the U.S. Constitution ____________________________________________________

Comes Now, Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and Hanai Hookama/Adopted descendant’s descendant with “inherited sovereignty” hereby opposes, State of Hawaii’s Attorney General/Attorney General of Hawaii who filed a Statement of No Position, etc.

Motion to Rescind Summary Judgement Due to Cause

In reviewing my records, I have also discovered that the Plaintiff’s Attorneys denied my claim to being on this case which ultimately means that they deny my being an heir, holding interest(s) in the lands of Joshua Kaeo, et. Als.  

They have in essence excluded my rightful documents entered, and removed it inappropriately, criminally moved to assume lands of our Royal Families while intentionally excluding me, Amelia Gora, one of the direct descendants of Peke Davis who was married to George Humehume, Keawe, and lastly to Antone Sylva/Akoni/Antonio Sylva/Antonio Silva.

See EXHIBIT B which shows the aged documents hastily filed by the attorneys and the approval by Hon Gary W. B. Chang’s signature approving their Fraud entry(ies).

See EXHIBIT C which shows that I, Amelia Gora did indeed file in this case by the appropriate date – November 1, 2010.

As documented in the earlier filings, I did enter the fact that I am one of Peke

Davis descendants.  Plaintiffs are Not related to me/our families.

Peke Davis was an adopted daughter of John Young, which made her the sister of Gina Lahilahi who did have a son with Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III named Albert Kunuiakea.  Albert Kunuiakea and his step brother Peter Kaeo were the sons of Gina Lahilahi last wife of Joshua Kaeo.

Legally this matter must be rescinded/ removed from the Court because the Treaty(ies) are in place and is exempt from the rules of the Judges because it is a matter that cannot be adjudicated because the Treaty(ies) are in place and I, Amelia Gora am one of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III’s descendants, heirs, own an interest, etc.

                                                      D I S C U S S I O N

Claims of Interest Entered Previously:

David Keawe, one of the three children of Peke Davis was my ancestor as entered in the previous filings.

The three marriages and children of Peke Davis follows:

  1. Married to Humehume/George Humehume and had daughter Wahinekipi

  2. Married to Keawe and had son David Keawe/Davis Keawe aka’s

  3. Married to Akoni/Antone Sylva/Antone Mason/Antone Silva and had George Sylva

Additional Claims - to Interest of Joshua Kaeo’s Lands

David Keawe was the first cousin of Albert Kunuiakea and Joshua Kaeo, sons of Gina Lahilahi who was heir of her husband Joshua Kaeo/Kaeo.

I, Amelia Gora also claim the lands of Joshua Kaeo through his stepson Opunui.  Opunui became a brother of Albert Kunuiakea because they shared the same father Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.

Kunuiakea – Some of the Heirs of Joshua Kaeo, Alodio/Ano Alodio Lands:

Father                                                         Mother                               Son/Daughter

Kamehameha                                         Keopuolani                          Liholiho/

                                                                                                                Kamehameha II


                                                                                                                 Kamehameha III

                                                                                                                 Nahienaena (w)

Kauikeaouli /Kamehameha III             Nahienaena                        u.i.

Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III              Gina Lahilahi                       Albert Kunuiakea

Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III              Kekualoa                              Opunui







Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III            Kalama                                   child dec.

       Maulili                                             Kalama                                  Kahue (w)

                                                                                                                 Pohihi (w)

Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III                        hanai hookama:    Alexander LihAs a descendant of David Keawe, I’ve discovered that he had a hanai brother/adopted brother named Opunui who was also an ancestor.  Opunui was a brother of Albert Kunuiakea because their father was Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III.

Albert Kunuiakea’s Mother was Gina Lahilahi who was the daughter of John Young/Olohana.

John Young/Olohana was a counselor of Kamehameha.

John Young/Olohana adopted Isaac Davis three (3) children:  Hueu Davis; Kale

Davis and Peke Davis.

Kamehameha did hanai/adopt the three (3) children. (His fourth hanai/adopt/adoption was Alexander Liholiho who became Kamehameha IV.)

Kamehameha’s son Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III did hanai/adopt Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV and the three (3)of Isaac Davis children who were adopted by John Young/Olohana as well under the hanai hookama according to Samuel Kamakau, Historian, Genealogist, Author of articles in the KUOKOA Newspaper of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the book the RULING CHIEFS.

Hanai hookama “inherited sovereignty” which means that my ancestor Peke Davis and her descendants, including myself, “inherited sovereignty”.

Albert Kunuiakea’s Guardian was Kalama/Queen Kalama, the last wife of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III.  Kalama/Queen Kalama had two (2) daughters from a previous marriage and their names were:  Kahue (w) and Pohihi(w).

Opunui’s Guardian was Kapaalua/Palua/Kapaalua the oldest son of Mataio Kekuanaoa.

Opunui’s hanai father was Keawe husband of Peke Davis, and husband of Pauahi, who appears to have been Bernice Pauahi who was also married Charles Reed Bishop.

Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III’s Families / Families of Gina Lahilahi, Albert oliho/

                                                                                                                 Kamehameha IV

                                                                                                                 Hueu Davis

                                                                                                                 Kale Davis

                                                                                                                 Peke Davis

Keawe  (bro. of Kekualoa)                   Peke Davis                            David Keawe

Keawe (bro. of Kekualoa)                   Pauahi /Bernice Pauahi     hanai:      Opunui

Opunui                                                     Kapehe                                   Kapehe/Kapopo


Opunui                                                    Kamahine/Kalima   step:    Alenoho aka’s

Alenoho aka’s                                        Poohina                hanai:     Kapehe/Kapopo

David Keawe                                           Kapehe/Kapopo                  Mele Keawe


Father                                                         Mother                               Son/Daughter

Opunui                                                      Kalaikini                               William Linekona

                                                                                                                  Hokuloa aka’s

    Charles Kawelo                                  Kahananui     adopted:      William Linekona

                                                                                                                  Hokuloa aka’s

William Linekona Hokuloa/

Charles William/Charles Kawelo/

Charles Kauweloa/Charles Kauwela   Mele Keawe                        Mary Kauweloa


Albert Castro                                            Mary Kauweloa                  Mary Castro


John Gora                                                 Mary Castro                          Amelia Gora



Note:     William Lunalilo who later became King Lunalilo was a brother of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III because his mother Kekauluohi/Auhea was married to Kamehameha and also married Liholiho/Kamehameha II who was the sibling of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha II.  In other words, Kekauluohi/Auhea married her own stepson.

All of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III’s siblings are not shown.  As a first cousin of Gina Lahilahi, Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III was also an heir.

Plaintiff’s are Not related to our families and are engaged in genocide activities, fraud makers, swindlers, conniving criminals, Pirates, Privateers, Privatization People, Parasites engaged in criminal activities documented and recorded on the Genocide Activities List.  See EXHIBIT D.

The Treaties Supersedes State Laws, Which the State of Hawaii Attorney

General’s Office and the U.S. President Were Notified Through Certified Mail/Served in Person and Reminders that the Judges Are to Also Adhere to the U.S. Constitution

The State of Hawaii Attorney General’s Office was served with Notices that were also sent to U.S. President Obama in regards to the existence of the Royal Families and who also descends/heirs of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.

I had been informed that communications to the Judges, Governor Abercrombie, et. Als. Are to be delivered to the AG/Attorney General who acts as the receiver of information and relays to the proper parties.

Tha AG/Attorney General’s Office were left with instructions to send copies to all of the Judges in the Hawaiian Islands that the Kamehameha III’s descendants/heirs exists and it appears that this “legal” office acting as an intermediate, informational branch has failed to inform anyone of the important issues.  See EXHIBIT A for part of the filings served to the AG/Attorney General’s Office and which the AG appears to have left out for proper considerations and Special Handling issues because of the Treaties affecting the U.S. Constitution are legal issues which should not and cannot be allowed to continue.


As one of the Royal Family members with claims/with interest, am one of the landowners, being part of the Hawaiian Government through the two (2) permanent parts:  (1)  Sovereign – his descendants, heirs and (2) House of Nobles – descendants and heirs of the original members and being part of the Royal Families, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, I hereby declare that the claims to our Families lands are not o.k., is illegal and is does not bind our families to the illegal activities by the perjuring attorneys who have been deceptive in their criminal claims to our families lands, properties, mineral rights, etc.

The evidence of their frauds is submitted for evidence.

The evidence of submitting letters to the U.S. President Obama is documented.

The Treaty(ies) are in effect recognizing the Permanent Friendship relationship and Legally this matter must be rescinded/ removed from the Court.

The Treaty of 1849 was signed by my great great great grandfather Kauikeaouli/ Kamehameha III and remains in place today because it was approved by the U.S. Congress which means the U.S. Constitution, Article  6 applies which also includes the clause which Judges must adhere to.  See EXHIBIT A and request for the Full Set of Documents from the Attorney General – State of Hawaii.

Rightfully, legally, Rents and Leases are due.

I, Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and those who are related to me are and remain the true land owners in the Hawaiian Islands and I, Amelia Gora am also one of the konohiki of all of Kamehameha III’s properties, interest, mineral rights, etc., and remain one of the Representatives for the Hawaiian Genealogy/Genealogical Society, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs with three (3) forms of immunities:  1) Sovereign descendant/heir 2) Hanai Hookumu – adopted Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III’s daughter’s descendant, and 3) Immunities under International Laws as the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, elected by members of the House of Nobles,etc.

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  • Genealogies entered in court:



    Messenjah - Sudden Rush and Amy Gilliom

  • *****************************
  • EXHIBIT A -Order Denying Amelia Gora's Motion For Reconsideration (Opposition to Order Granting in Part Substituted Applicant's Motion For Entry of Default of All Persons Who Failed to File a Claim of Interest by 11/1/10, Filed on 4/19/11, Filed on 11/28/11

    Note that the Honorable Gary W.B. Chang signed the order on February 8, 2013 or a year and a half later.

    EXHIBIT B -  Land Court State of Hawaii Filed document by my self  dated 2010 NOV -1 PM 3:56 Kathleen Hanawahine Registrar stamped

    KAEO/IOSUA KAEO'S FAMILY(IES) Compiled by Amelia Gora (2014) stating that the following 8 pages is true and correct as documented in research:  Dated:  3/21/2014 by (signed) Amelia Gora


    EXHIBIT C - Genealogies - Contents/Evidence of Why the Treaties Apply:

    compiled by Amelia Gora (2014)  Genealogy Chart of Kamehameha III's Descendants/Heirs

    with all the references

    GENEALOGY CHARTOF Kamehameha III's Descendants/Heirs

           Prepared by Amelia Gora (2014)

           Hawaiian Genealogy Society/Hawaiian Genealogical Society

    Kamehameha - married - Keopuolani (w) - married - Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku - married - Akahi (w) et. als.


               Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III - married - Kekualoa


                  Opunui (k)


    William Linekona Hokuloa aka's


              Mary Kauweloa




    Amelia Gora

    Note:  the hard copy files are available at the Land Court for viewing...

    EXHIBIT D - Other Pertinent Information -


    2014, February 4 - Bishop Museum Letter - "recognized claimant pursuant to NAGPRA" concerning the Kawaihae Caves Complex items

    2006. Dec. 18 - Bishop Museum Letter - Viewing of Items

    2003. April 30 - Bishop Museum letter - NAGPRA Review Committee

    2003.  April 30 - Bishop Museum letter - Controversy

    1998. July 23 -  City and County of Honolulu - Police Department letter

                                     Received assignment of the official police report

                                     Number 98-273435 for "genocide activities in Hawaii".

                                    (Note:  Many names have been recorded since this time.)

    1998. May 5  - Supreme Court - The Judiciary - State of Hawaii letter

                                  From James L. Branham saying "Complaints about criminal Activity should be made to the

                                  police and prosecutors."

                                 (Note:  Assigned an official police report number - see Above entry.)

    1998. April 27  - Letter from Amelia K. Gora, direct descendant of Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Kaumualii, Inaina (w), Kekuanaoa/Mataio Kekuanaoa ....complaint about Fraud, defraudation charges along with Genocide Activities in Court etc.

    Genealogy References for the Akahi (w), genealogy

    Note:  Akahi (w) was the last wife of Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku

    See:  EXHIBIT A

    1856.  July 31 - Newspaper article " The Maritime Law of Nations" - "Privateering is legalized piracy".

    EXHIBIT E - Legal Notice dated January  13, 2014 ; Mary 28, 2014 Note with service to the State of Hawaii Attorney General with  January 28, 2014 Letter to U.S. President Obama:  Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2013-0007  The Crown Lands Owners, Alii Families Title Owners/Land Owners/Private Property Owners are Kamehameha's Descendants/grandchildren documented; The 1849 Treaty(ies) are maintained by Kamehameha's Families, which locks in the 1849 U.S. Constitution Researched by Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles; One of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representatives, Researcher, Kamehameha descendant/heir in Multiple Genealogy Lines and Documenting that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was Not the last of the Kamehameha's

    Note:  A hard copy is available at the Land Court for viewing purposes

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