The REAL PLAN for the Honolulu Rail isn't about LOCAL COMMUTERS!



show details Jun 7 (4 days ago)  

Aloha  he Hawaii au,

If you you feel you are overwhelmed with the cost of existing now and if you
are unfortunate to be around in the next 5 years you haven't seen anything

Hoa'pili, the Shangrila of the Pacific !

Disneyland on the left and hotel/casino's on the right with DHHL "Qualified
Native Hawaiian Entity Ahupua'a in the center stage of entertainment. What a
balanced environment? But what about protecting the aina for
self-sustainment food resources? No worry, all food supplements are being
chemically derived" from hydrocarbons. Besides fresh organic foods make you
obese  have no nutrition value and while "chemically derived make you slim,
trim and sick. Whatsa matter you, you no know what good for you:?

I just love Mayor "Carliar"! Great Campaign slogan! The only way to convince
Mayor CarLiar is to vote him out of office as well as his choir members
Anderson, Harimoto and Martin on the City Council know the words to  Mufi's Music by
heart. We must start now by pledging our physical, spiritual and financial support for Panos for Progress at

Then, there is Hoa'pili, the Shangri-La of the Pacific beginning with 12,000
residents to be approved on June 30, 2011 by the Land Use Commission meeting
at 9:30 AM, if we stay home and don't say nothing. This phase is just part
of the planned 65,000 residential units in the Ewa Plain in addition to what
is already there. Sixty-five thousand residents equates to at least 190,000
okoles using at least 2 gallons per flush (380,000 gallons) a day, at least
three times per day (1,140,000 gallons)

On June 30, 2011 at 9:30 Am the Land Use Commission (LUC) will be meeting.
They normally meet at Kalanimoku Bldg, mauka of City Hall in Room 132 Ground
floor. Room 132 is an oversized janitor closet designed to make the public
in attendance uncomfortable and disgusted, and is the most successful
function in the Fake State, second only to the Capitol Bldg. of Fake State.
We need to show in mass and give your three minute complaint.

Update to follow ion June 30, 2011 LUC meeting. We must be ready! Our enemy
is well fortified! Leave pohaku (stones) home, bring brain and pu'uwai!

malama ke kino,

Hawaiian Natrional (1936)

From: <>
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 11:14 PM
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: The REAL PLAN for the Honolulu Rail isn't about LOCAL COMMUTERS!


Now, more than ever, the STEALTH PLAN for the Honolulu Railway is
it has always been about making a few land developers RICH.

Also- expect CarLiar to return from his confidential two week trip from
China to announce the Chinese will be future TOD Rail investors. He will
inviting them to his newly decorated Mayor's office to make these
announcements...and the money will flow into CarLiar Pockets $$$

The Railway stations, like Waipahu, have next to ZERO parking- Because the
people behind the scenes KNOW that few local residents will be riding the
Italian Cattle Cars. These CRAPPY CARS guarantee that the local public
return quickly to taking faster and more comfortable private cars and City
Busses with SEATS.

Oh- what to do with the PUBLICALLY FINANCED RAIL??? Let's see- add on some
ASIAN STYLE Japanese made Luxury rail cars (Mitsubishi) that take people
from the HNL airport to the new DeBartolo DHHL Casinos and Haseko
hotel-Casino-Golf Resort.

HORTON, DeBARTOLO, HUNT and HASEKO, plus Parsons Brinkerhoff, make out
BANDITS- and Oahu tax-Payers have PAID FOR IT!

I realize now why HCDA so desperately wants a right of way directly down
Haseko- If you draw a line from the LAST railway station "in the middle of
nowhere"- the next stop is DeBartolo's DHHL Hotel-Casino.

Then the Rail line makes a sudden turn right- directly next to Ewa Field
goes down the CREATED new Saratoga road. HOWEVER- if the rail line went on
straight ahead- it goes directly down the PLANNED HCDA right-of-way to

William Cole did a story about the BP Stables in which the head of DHHL
mentioned the rail line going through there. I thought WHAT!
That guy is NUTS!- ...then began thinking and realized that this is what
being PLANNED by the big developers- and Haseko is one of the BIG
behind this HIDDEN PLAN. They are putting MAJOR $$$ into that place. It is
designed for upscale ASIANS And JAPANESE- the people who RIDE LUXURY
and expect these types of trains from the airport DIRECT to their luxury
Hotel Resorts.

They don't want to mingle with the LOWER CLASS on AMERICAN STYLE HIGHWAYS.
Its in their culture to expect a LUXURY TRAIN RIDE from airport to resort-
and WHY the Honolulu Rail is designed the way it is... It's NOT FOR
The Luxury EXPRESS TRAINS won't be stopping in WAIPAHU!!! (where there is
parking ANYWAY!)

If the Oahu Public REALIZED that the entire Honolulu Rail is about linking
up expensive upscale ASIAN projects- designed for WEALTHY ASIANS to JET IN
and go directly to their Mega Rail Resort Casino hotel, etc they would be
PISSED OFF- so it has all been SOLD as "Taking traffic of H-1, for helping
West Oahu Commuters, etc..." (But it will NEVER DO THAT.)

Now that RAIL is closer than EVER to being LOCKED IN- the Rail Gang-
CarLiar, Mufi, etc can start to REVEAL the REAL SCHEME- Under the guise of
"Transit oriented development"- really just a PUBLIC PAID LUXURY RAILWAY
the RICH. And Oahu residents will be PAYING for this RIP-OFF for DECADES
the future!

The DeBartolo and Haseko stations would be train stations like you see in
Tokyo- there is a Mega Japanese developer who has led the way on this.
are also doing it in China. Trains go to CASINOS and MEGA Hotel-Condos for
the wealthy in Asia. Honolulu Rail is totally designed for THIS ASIAN

The Honolulu railway was NEVER INTENDED for OAHU COMMUTERS! If it was- it
would be LIGHT RAIL and connect to the logical LOCAL commuter places
like the UH or Waikiki- but it DOESN'T and likely NEVER WILL after BLOWING
$7-10 BILLION in public funds. This is ROBBERY and DECEIT on a MASSIVE


In the plans there is no park & ride at this station.  None at all.
Leeward residents will ride the train.  28,000 of those will be picked up
busses and taken to the stations.  Everyone, of course, fully understands
that the same 28,000 who now refuse to get out of their cars to ride the
will suddenly decide to do just that. Not just ride a bus to work, but
a bus to a train, and another bus in order to get to work.  Right.


then again...................the following should do................................aloha.

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  • There is a meeting sponsored by Tom Berg, I believe on the June 18 at Makai Middle School to discuss the rail.  Check the dates time and place .  I will be attending the meeting in Waianae instead!
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