Drugs is the staple for many people that ran for Office Of Hawaiian Affairs having said that the former candidates are not pure minded.  The fakery of both the State and the Hawaiian Kingdom Nationals should take a hike!  Stop frollicking in the hills looking for cow dung mushrooms. 


The First people and their Hawaiian Kingdom exist because the very nature of boundaries kept the white Na Kanaka away!  Those that ran for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs knowingly stole from children and left poverty in its path.  The criminals that stole revenues from the 'aina' of the First People of Hawaii and their Hawaiian Kingdom.


The descendants of the First People will be the only geneology entity to live in the Hawaii and their Pacific Ocean. 


How ironic that childless former candidates for the Office Of Hawaiian Affairs will leave nothing behind.  No legacy, no substance and no sustainable bio on earth. 

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  • Desperation in numbers makes a weak mind go foul into the wind that caste darkness over child bearing women and their children.  Just a non entity that have persisted since the Office of Hawaiian Affairs US election--looser!

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