My comments to this is in parenthesis: The National Caucus of Native American State Legislators (NCNASL) is made up of American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian State Legislators from 18 states and is organized to provide a forum for discussion, education and increased communication. Additionally, the NCNASL identifies and proposes legislation and administrative actions to eliminate barriers to achievement of a better quality of life for Native people. (This means compliance to the WASP society and values of the U.S.A. as perceived by them.) ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** WHEREAS to this day, Native Hawaiians remain subject to the final authority of the federal government; and (It goes further than that; it's about nation TO nation which the U.S. should enter into a treaty situation and of honoring the one it already ratified recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom as a peer to it and thus, relations are dealt by the Secretary of State. This subjugation is the continuance of the Manifest Destiny Doctrines as wards of the U.S., which includes the Papal Bulls of Terra Nullius, Dum Diversas, Romanus Pontifex, and Inter Caetera.) ******* ******* WHEREAS on May 7, 2009, Hawaii’s congressional delegation introduced legislation that would clarify the legal and political relationship between Native Hawaiians and the United States; and (This has already been determined in its treaties of friendship and comity and its recognition of the Kingdom of Hawai'i as its peer; subject to its Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land. The Akaka Bill doesn't address this but dictates how it will deal with Hawaii nationals that are native Hawaiians and dismissing those that don't have the blood.) ****** WHEREAS the measure, otherwise known as the “Akaka Bill,” aims to extend the federal policy of self-determination and self-governance to Hawaii’s indigenous, native people – Native Hawaiians, thereby establishing parity in federal policies towards Native Hawaiians, Alaska Natives and American Indians; and (Here again they promote the myth and deception. The Federal Policy is expressed in the so-called Peace Treaty of 1871 whereby the U.S Senate declares that Indian nations will no longer be recognized as independent powers with whom treaties can be contracted and assigned Christian missionaries the task of working with the tribes. This reduces the status of the Hawaii nationals to the ranks of a U.S. tribal people subject to the plenary authority of the U.S. Congress and under the Secretary of the Interior and not relations with the Secretary of State. The notion of a nation within a nation is actually defined as a belligerent occupation. Hawaiians are NOT indigenous tribal people but aboriginal nationals/subjects of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. The Doctrines of Manifest Destiny prevail in this case.) WHEREAS the Akaka Bill would: (1) Authorize the Office of Native Hawaiian Relations in the Department of the Interior to serve as a liaison between Native Hawaiians and the federal government; (It's like dealing with the British subjects but not its government; people of other countries and ignoring their government or national status.) (2) Establish the Native Hawaiian Interagency Coordinating Group – an interagency group to be composed of federal officials from agencies that administer Native Hawaiian programs and services; and (This doesn't fulfill the definition of self-determination and self-governance.) (3) Establish a process for the reorganization of the Native Hawaiian governing entity; and (This is a usurpation of the still existing, legitimate Kingdom of Hawai'i.) WHEREAS while the United States Congress has traditionally treated Native Hawaiians in a manner parallel to American Indians and Alaska Natives, the federal policy of self-governance and self-determination has not been formally extended to Native Hawaiians; and (While this is true; it's a charade of hiding the facts of belligerent occupation, the violations of Hawai'i's neutrality, the act of ethnocide and genocide of the native aboriginal Hawaiians, and prevention of our human rights.) WHEREAS the Akaka Bill would remedy this discrepancy and extend to Native Hawaiians the policy of self-governance and self-determination currently practiced by American Indians and Alaska Natives; and (The only remedy would be for the U.S. to de-occupy the Kingdom of Hawai'i, make restitution and reparations to restore it to its lawful status and its people.) WHEREAS the Akaka Bill establishes a process for the reorganization of the Native Hawaiian governing entity for the purposes of federal recognition; and (We already have ratified treaties that recognize our sovereign independence and perpetual friendship by the U.S.A. which is another term for federal recognition.) WHEREAS the Akaka Bill itself does not extend federal recognition; rather, it simply authorizes the process for federal recognition; and ( More double-talk! Which is it if it doesn't extend federal recognition but only authorizes a process for it? It would take another bill for federal recognition? Why have the Akaka Bill at all? This is more myths; disinformation and being disingenuous to obfuscate facts.) WHEREAS the federal government already treats Native Hawaiians as an indigenous population in many respects; and (If this is true; then why have the Akaka Bill?) WHEREAS the United States Congress has enacted over one hundred sixty laws designed to address the conditions of native populations including Native Hawaiians; and WHEREAS these federal laws mandate the provision of health care, education, job training, the preservation of native languages, the protection of Native American graves and the repatriation of Native American human remains; and (We already see how effective these laws are as it is. Maybe we should advise DLNR of these facts; evidently, they are ignorant and inept in their ability or desire to carry these things out; of course, we can't expect much from them as it is.) ****** WHEREAS the National Caucus of Native American State Legislators believe that the United States Congress and the President of the United States should favorably consider the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009 to facilitate Native Hawaiians formal federal recognition as indigenous people, self-governance, and redress; now (This has nothing to do with proper and legal redress. It's a farcical actions to do unlawfully what it cannot do lawfully; even by redefining who we are.) THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NATIONAL CAUCUS OF NATIVE AMERICAN STATE LEGISLATORS that the inherent sovereignty of Tribes as recognized through historical treaties and legal relationships that exist between Tribal Nations and the United States of America is undeniable; and (Everything that they present is false and contrary to our status; it's deniable that we fit under these definitions.) ********** BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, upon passage of the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009, the United States Congress and the President of the United States are urged to expeditiously facilitate Native Hawaiians formal federal recognition as indigenous people, self-governance, and redress. (This defies sanity, intelligence, rational and reasoning powers. It is comical if only that they are taking this seriously and morally correct as ultracrepidarian critics.) Sponsored by: Sen. Brickwood Galuteria (HI), Rep. Pono Chong (HI), Rep. Mele Carroll (HI), Rep. Karen Awana (HI), Rep. Faye Hanohano (HI) Approved date is: September 25, 2009 Certified by Caucus Chair: Rep. John McCoy (WA) Ratified certified by: The NCNASL, September 25, 2009 (By signing this, they have joined the snollygoster club of unscrupulous,unprincipled persons suffering from synesthesia and the fatal oneirataxia.) Tane

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  • Ululani,

    You are right and I thank you for the acknowledgment for unity. When it comes to family we don't have time for distractions, not even in a classroom. I have a difficult time with Lokahi and feel like a hyprocrite in a classroom when we teach core values. I do work hard to transition from an individual and have to tell myself eventhough the long and hurtful mantras of 30 plus years cannot be real anymore, therefore group work is important. I always say daily that children learn better in a group especially in a native Hawaiian community and Waianae is dense with our native population. Eventhough it is a struggle to for within a group I believe in unitfying our nation before my personal needs.

    This past weekend on Kauai at Waialua-- Kumu Kehau a beautiful person chanted for 24 hours and everyone connected to her leadership, in the storm. We had lightning cracking over our heads and little infants stood guard for their Na Kupunas-- even in the windy rain. During these moments-- I missed everyone on Maoli World and was sad that documentation could not be done although it was necessary--it was forbidden. I did miss Pono's expertise on sight, but we needed to respect those that did the Kupmulipo dances for they were god like in their gift giving souls. The National Geographic December 2002 publication and the Unwritten Literature of Hawaii, although was a media source, I assuure you Kumu Kehau did not come from their for she was genuine and a beautiful person within. We are fortunate to have her as a Kumu for our Iwi that are still left undisturbed and those that have yet to come home. Mahalo Kaohi
  • Aloha kaua e Tane.

    Mahalo for posting that. They have a list of their policies

    but the one that you posted wow.

    "WHEREAS to this day, Native Hawaiians remain subject to the final authority of the federal government;"


    It was recorded as of October 18, 2009 but no I am not subject to the "final authority" of the federal government. They can speak for themselves but they should not presume to speak for me and most Hawaiians whom I know.

    They also have one about ceded lands called "PROTECTING SOVEREIGNTY THROUGH THE PROTECTION OF CEDED LANDS IN NATIVE AMERICAN, NATIVE HAWAIIAN, AND ALASKA NATIVE POPULATIONS" signed by Sen. J. Kalani English, Rep. Mele Carroll, and Rep. Faye Hanohano where they signed in agreement on June 11, 2008:

    "WHEREAS, Hawaiian ceded lands are all of the lands that had been designated as Crown lands and government lands by the Kingdom of Hawaii and ceded to the United States after the overthrow of the Kingdom via the Newlands Resolution (the 1898 resolution of annexation); and"

    These lands were never ceded. Hawaiians and their legal heirs still retain their property rights and have not agreed or signed to transfer their title to anyone or to any entity.

    "WHEREAS, upon statehood, the United States government granted title to the ceded lands to the state of Hawaii; and"

    Except title is still held by Hawaiians and their legal heirs who did not agree and sign to transfer their title to the "state" of Hawai'i.

    That is why IMHO it's important to have Hawaiians who are involved in land and/or in politics. Yes some are traitors but some are not. The 80-20 rules. While 80% of the politicians who are Hawaiian are snakes there are 20% who are not. IMHO we may not need them in politics but the 20% helps or can help.

    ~ Lana
    • P.S. Then we have people like you, Foster, Guy Aina, Pono, Terry Kekoolani, Lynette Cruz, Keanu Sai, Kaohi, Andre Perez, Ehu, Pomai, Braddah Kai, Laulani, Noelani, Ohu, Kehaulani, Ao Pohaku, Amelia, Stephanie, just to name a few who are the 20% who are affecting (to act on; produce an effect or change in) our future in a positive way.

      It's you 20% who are more effective and frankly to me more important than any member of the "National Caucus of Native American State Legislators."
      • Mahalo nui, e Ululani for thinking of me. But please do not put me in the same Closet as Kaohi. o Pomai
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