The 'lie' about Military Ordnance Clean-up

Military and their Ordnance in Hawaii, Oahu
The act of military clean up warrant's an audit.  Even though, they are multi reasons why clean up ordnance in Hawaii, Oahu is explosive, but one reason stands above the muck and that is to declare Martial Law in Hawaii.  Their purpose is to gain power of our Ka Pae Aina and their people and this is true since 1825.  American Expansionism are a brain child idea that originated from James Polk a once President of the United States.  That is history and this now and the UXO Native Hawaiian Veterans, LLC a Native Hawaiian Company SDVOSB/SBA 8(a)/ SDB/Indian Incentive Program and an Ordnance Reef Project disposal Alternatives and Outreach Program is an military operation to gain absolute jurisdiction over all of Hawaii and it's citizens.  Here is the problem the Military Branches stationed in Hawaii wants a training ground location away from their US continental citizens 23,000 miles away for their transit soldiers and their families.  What is so sad that the 'transit' soldiers take home their spoiled DNA and pass it on to their children and to the future US continental citizenry. To date, there is no stopping of this new outlook of the Pentagon's Sustainable Plus-Plus plans for the year 2050.  The second problem is the lie that their plan is based on Pentagon's Sustainable Plus-Plus 2050 'go green' efforts.  Although, there is many more reasons why the military should be decommissioned in Hawaii, the third is their hardware-toxic waste which puts limits for Hawaii's population to a time spent in the islands.  In other words, like the Micronesians we the people of Hawaii's, also too, need an exit plan out of Hawaii-- to another place and that is the basis of my argument. 
The clean-up of explosives is a Mark 45 operation.  What is a Mark 45 nuclear war head bomb?  Take a tour of Pearl Harbor Memorial and remind your tour conductor that you want to see the military war Mark 45 bomb.  Most likely they wouldn't know what you are talking about, but it's there and the captions read's Mark 45 and the written in contents tells you the failed reasoning behind such an invention. Sending a Mark 45 nuclear bomb to a near by target returns ten fold with nuclear fall out.  But that is the case for all nuclear particles, it actually circles the globe and has the high probability of causing a nuclear winter.  Oh but wait, the Pentagon has 'it' all figured out in their 2050 Sustainable Plus-Plus 'go green' bunker plans.  The whole military in Hawaii stewardship line are explosive in nature and beyond creative thinkers (jokes, slam poetry, artist, video 3-D's, YouTube, Maoliworld). Speaking for myself--it's beyond me in this galaxy!
I want to talk about lolo head in Waianae from far far away.  I usually rag on lolo head truckers Na Kanaka Maoli kine, but I want to talk about lolo head Mike the geologist.  One needs to understand precipitation in Hawaii from Mauka to Makai.  The military blankets Oahu with ordnance and comes back to clean up when children discover these hardware in their sandbox, called the 3 R's program for elementary children in a Department of Education program.  Thus, Native Hawaiian Veterans, LLC a Native Hawaiian Company our ego-centric 'Toy Story' action.  So Mike the Buzz Light, designs fire lanes in Makua Valley, from over there-- wherever over there is and everybody agrees.  Getting back to the rain clouds that falls on the top of our mountain range that flows and cleans over the military toxic surface firing ranges that forms into highly concentrated and saturated areas near Makai areas  Almost all shoreline (sandbox, children's play grounds) are saturated catchments for military toxic contaminates areas because of precipitation and it's natural flow from mountain to sea.
I'm not much on jokes, but I need to compete with Big Island Issac Harp, Jim Albertini (my friend), and Cory Hayden and their 'lushes lip' commode, I'm actually depressing to be around.  I kick ass, call it the 'niaupio in me.
Buzz Light Year to the rescue! U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have the same irresponsible retiree mentality and that they are programed mentally to fight past World Wars. Read "Military justified in use of Makua" by Bill Punini Prescott Nanakuli 6/27/10 Sunday Star/Adv. A2.  The editorial [letters] sits right next to [Talk Story] "DNA database can link dogs to their abusers" by Malcom Gay article.  Nothing against the animal kingdom, but the imaginations do run wild, no can help. 
Excerp's taken from Pono's Blog for the sake of discussion:

"Millions have been spent by the federal government on cleanup. Hundreds of millions more are needed as new neighborhoods and more people encroach on formerly remote training ranges."


right below that....


"The reality, though, is that federal funding for that cleanup falls far short of the mark"


We don't need federal government on cleanup, why? We don't need new neighborhoods, why? We need to demilitarized Hawaii!  We have so little fresh water for the present population and abortion can't solve this problem, although people seem to think 'no native born is a good native'. I couldn't resist the personal attack on politics and law.  Besides, any person involved in clean-up knows there is no such thing as clean up, just sustainable pay checks and early deaths.  What's available in the realm of clean up is to transfer.  People who do research knows that clean up by tucking and transfering nuclear toxic gets to be very dangerous.  Actually, it's against the NRC rules to transport nuclear waste from a military base to a civilian community, however, the Pentagon just recently did that in all of Waianae.  All of Waianae are now the 'Downwinders' of the 21st century, but here's another joke instore as in 'Toy Story' we don't qualify only Micronesians for injury cases. The military admitted to contaminating all of Waianae with poison dust in our arguments before Judge Baretta and Judge Kennedy on Jan 13, 2010 telecasts live from Hilo University. 




"There's no question about it — there is a UXO problem in Hawai'i, and it is becoming more acute with development and encroachment," said U.S. Rep. Ed Case, D-Hawai'i. "The fact is, we have
1.3 million people here running around plus a bunch of tourists."


Keep in mind several things, now that Judge Richardson has past--only in death could Ed Case (Sheriff woody Pride) win his argument against Judge Richardson's abolishment of his 'natural court'.  We have no preamble, we have no Article 12, we have no PASH, it's over!  We only have ourselves to blame and the strength within to get past this dark period.  An exit plan from Ka Pae Aina and our ancestors just like with what's happening to the Micronesians are my only thoughts at the moment to save our culture from extinction.


to be continued... 

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  • Comment by kukuna_o_ka_la says, You see. You have to give Our Queen Lili’uokalani credit. In one year, 1893, she played a mean hand of cards or a mean game of chess. In just one year she “totaled” the U.S.A. It would take over 100 years for the U.S.A. to be renamed appropriately “The Great Satan”.
    But in January of 1893 she side- stepped the U.S. Marines. By Monday morning November 13th of 1893 she could inform Albert Shelby Willis that pirates of the U.S.A. had gone right ahead and played themselves into situation where the ONLY just solution was their immediate beheading ! Now that’s creditable play. President Grover Cleveland, openly acknowledging JUSTICE, turned right around and let his pirates take the whole United States of America plunging down the maelstrom with them (the pirates).
    Praise Our Queen Lili’uokalani ! She ranks right up there with Mother Teresa or even The Blessed Virgin Mary. Until November 11, 1917, the day of Our Queen’s passing, the United States of America still had the option of pursuing JUSTICE. By the way, please do not try to qualify this Hawaiian event as “ancient history”. Our Queen Lili’uokalani passed with the satisfaction of knowing that the whole world could see the Luciferian horns protruding from the forehead of the U.S.A. When JUSTICE does come to the Pacific Ocean, there will be beheadings as Our Queen boldly justified.
    She would not accept the belief that the brown people and their governments were put here as toys for the imperial navies like RIMPAC. The Hawaiian Kingdom is NOT a toy ! What's so hard to understand about that ??
  • ALOHA Kakou, The Truth about " The 'lie' about Military Ordnance Clean-up" is that many native Hawaiians Live The Lie. KUE RIMPAC 2010 KAKOU, o Pomai
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