The Legitimate Government of Hawaii Series:  Why the U.S. Department of Interior Does Not Own our Royal Family's Private Properties


                                                    Review by Amelia Gora (2021)


The U.S. Department of Interior has on their records the Private Properties of our Royal Family which was conveyed by non-owners, treasonous persons who fraudulently claim title.

Charles Reed Bishop the gold digger husband of one of Kamehameha's descendants named Bernice Pauahi Bishop who died in 1884, was a treasonous person and lost all claims to lands, etc. when Queen Liliuokalani was dethroned in 1893.

Charles Reed Bishop was a conspirator, and in 1884 he and his wife were supporting those who planned to annex Hawaii to the United States with others such as Sanford B. Dole, Lorrin Thurston, William O. Smith, Curtis Iaukea, Dr. Mott-Smith, Thomas Akaka, Archibald Cleghorn, Princess Kaiulani, Sereno Bishop, et. als.

Charles Reed Bishop became the Superintendent of the Schools under the Provisional government of 1893.

More than 153 kanaka maoli/Kanaka Hawaii Maoli were lynched or guillotined shortly after the dethronement of Queen Liliiuokalani.

Opposition to Annexation was made by Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects in 1897.

U.S. President William McKinley ignored the facts that U.S. President Grover Cleveland had given Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897.

Charles Reed Bishop an Alien who could never own Allodial land titles conveyed his life interest of his wife's Bernice Pauahi Bishop's lands to her Trustees, all Aliens, who were also conspirators, treasonous persons.

In 1896, the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trust was reformed to accommodate the Trust set up for the Bishop Museum, etc.

Charles Reed Bishop died in 1915.

Queen Liliuokalani was a hanai/adopted sister of Charles Reed Bishop's wife Bernice Pauahi.

Queen Liliuokalani was made Queen for a Day celebrating Balboa Day, the Alien's concoction of their idea of who "discovered" the Hawaiian Islands, disregarding the fact that Kamehameha was recognized as the King of a Monarchy government since 1810, and the Hawaiian archipelago was inhabited for more than 1,650+ years.  

The Aliens also disregarded the fact that Kamehameha III had changed the Monarchy government to a Constitutional Monarchy government in 1840, had Treaties recognizing the independence and part of the family of nations by Belgium, Russia, United States, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, etc.

Although Bishop transferred lands before he died, all transactions, titles ceased because his transfers were not allodial land titles.

Queen Liliuokalani died in 1917, and her Fraud Trustees assumed her lands as theirs.

She actually created a Trust in 1872, and the Fraud Trust utilized land deeds which were already in her Trustees hands.  The Fraud Trust of 1909 claimed those properties as well.

The Fraud Trustees of the 1909 Trust gave Queen Liliuokalani's body to the Territory of Hawaii which was developed by U.S. President William McKinley.  

Note:  the Provisional government had time limitations and had to be turned into a Republic, then U.S. President William McKinley had the army, navy, and Federal personnel "develop" a Territory government which had no sovereignty because it relied on the United States to be part of their sovereignty.

U.S. President William McKinley failed to follow the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S., and violated international laws.

The same went for the Trustees of the Fraud Trust of Liliuokalani created in 1909.  The Fraud Trustees included William O. Smith, et. als. who had created the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop in 1884 and the Provisional government entity who took part in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

1939 - The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates claimed themselves to be heirs of the Trust because the others named in the Will all died. For the Records: Fraud documented. Aliens who were Not part of the Royal Family and documented Pirates, pillagers, usurpers, conspirators, etc. who were Not the Allodial land title owners. 

Note:  Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States applies to the Trustees, Conspirators, et. als. 

Reference:  Land Court Case No. 1228, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

The claim that Hawaii was annexed by the U.S. was a lie that was not revealed until 1969 in the article "Seizure of Hawaii....." and the U.S. Supreme Court Memorandum in the year 2000:

Although Charles Reed Bishop married into the Royal Family, he did not have the privilege of owning Allodial lands belonging to the Royal Family.  His partners in crime, other pirates, pillagers were not entitled and could never own Allodial lands.
There was No Annexation, which means that the usurpers/conspirators/pirates/pillagers/criminal deviants supported by the United States could never own the Private Properties of our Royal Family.
Conveyances, fraud conveyances by the usurpers are not legal and could never be legal because fraud vitiates all claims and all contracts.  
Our Royal Family owns the allodial land titles of our Private Properties which was criminally conveyed by those who do not own the allodial land titles. 
Kamehameha III documented that there are disabilities and that the United States, and Great Britain can never own lands in the Hawaiian Islands.
The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii's Judicial Tribunal, and the Supreme Court has the original jurisdiction and has documented Charles Reed Bishop, et. als. as pirates, pillagers, conspirators, etc. and found to be guilty of those crimes.  
Deeds wrongfully conveying lands of our Royal Family is null and void, Rents are due from those Aliens who have aided the fraudulent treasonous persons are due at the rate of $50,000 per acre in gold coins per month retroactive to 1884, the year that Bernice Pauahi died.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop's next of kin on record is Kalola (w) one of Kamehameha's descendants who was the stepdaughter of Abner Paki, and hanai/adopted sister of Queen Liliuokalani.
Pedigree of Kalola (w)
son:  Kalanihelemaiiluna
/                  /
                                                  Kalaniulumoku bro:    Abner Paki married Konia and his brother's                                                                        /                      /                                 widow Kaikainalii
/                      /   

                                                               Kalola(w)          Bernice Pauahi

                                                                /  et. als.              hanai/adopted: Liliuokalani
                                                               /                           stepdaughter:  Kalola (w)
                                                              /                                                      /  et. als.
                                                           Kahekili                                    Kahekili
                                                            /    hanai: Poomaikelani                 /  hanai: Poomaikelani
                                                       Ioela                  /                          Ioela                   /
                                                           /                    /                              /                      /
                                                      Haili (w)       Haili (w)                 Haili (w)       Haili (w)
                                                          /  et. als        /   et. als.                 / et. als.           / et/ als.
                                                         /                   /                               /                      /
                                                Elikapeka           Elikapeka              Elikapeka       Elikapeka
                                                       / et.als.          / et. als.                   / et.als.            / et. als.
                                                 John Gora        John Gora               John Gora      John Gora
                                                      /   et. als.       /  et. als.                  / et. als.            / et. als.
                                            Amelia Gora      Amelia Gora           Amelia Gora     Amelia Gora
                                                       et. als.              et. als.                    et. als.              et. als.
This means that the Trustees are corrupt agents who have been criminally deeding lands, obtaining monies, etc. which does not belong to them.
The Trusts have been stripped from all lands based on the outcome of the Judicial Tribunal cases and the Supreme Court of original jurisdiction - the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii courts.  See references:




16 U.S. Code § 397.Establishment; boundaries

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When title to such lands located on the island of Hawaii, within the following-described area, as shall be designated by the Secretary of the Interior, in the exercise of his judgment and discretion as necessary and suitable for the purpose, shall have been vested in the United States, said lands shall be set apart as the Puʻuhonua o Ho̅naunau National Historical Park, in the Territory of Hawaii, for the benefit and inspiration of the people:

parcel 1
Being all of R. P. 3306, L. C. Aw. 7219, Apana 2 to Kaliae, all of L. C. Aw. 9470 to Muki, and portions of R. P. 7874, L. C. Aw. 11216 Apana 34 to M. Kekauonohi (Ahupuaa of Honaunau), and R. P. 6852, L. C. Aw. 7712 Apana 1 to M. Kekuanaoa (Ahupuaa of Keokea).
Beginning at a one and one-half-inch pipe in concrete monument called “Kalani”, at the southeast corner of this parcel, the northeast corner of parcel 3, and on the common boundary of the lands of Keokea and Kiilae, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government Survey Triangulation Station “Lae-O-Kanoni” being seven thousand four hundred forty-four and eight-tenths feet south and five thousand three and two-tenths feet east, and running by azimuths measured clockwise from true south:
1. Seventy-nine degrees thirty-three minutes fifteen seconds six hundred and eighty feet along the land of Kiilae, L. C. Aw. 8521–B to G. D. Hueu and passing over a rock called “Kuwaia”, marked K+K at six hundred seventy-three and two-tenths feet to high-water mark; thence along high-water mark, along seacoast for the next three courses, the direct azimuths and distances between points at seacoast being:
2. One hundred and thirty-five degrees fifty-one minutes three thousand nine hundred seventy-six and one-tenth feet;
3. One hundred and fifty-two degrees twenty-five minutes one thousand and seventy-eight feet;
4. Two hundred and forty degrees fifty-five minutes one thousand two hundred four and four-tenths feet;
5. Three hundred and fifty-four degrees nine minutes two hundred twenty-four and one-tenth feet along the remainder of L. C. Aw. 11216:34 to M. Kekauonohi, along stone wall and old trail;
6. Two hundred and sixty degrees fifty-four minutes one hundred seventy-five and nine-tenths feet across old trail along stone wall to a “+” on rock;
7. One hundred and fifty-eight degrees six minutes seventy-two feet along L. C. Aw. 7296 to Puhi, along stone wall;
8. Two hundred and sixty degrees thirty-six minutes ninety and seven-tenths feet along stone wall;
9. One hundred and ninety-four degrees ten minutes sixty-two and nine-tenths feet along stone wall along L. C. Aw. 7295 and 6979–B:2 to Keolewa;
10. One hundred and seventy-five degrees fifty-four minutes twenty-six and nine-tenths feet along stone wall;
11. Two hundred and fifteen degrees thirty-seven minutes forty-seven and four-tenths feet along stone wall along remainder of L. C. Aw. 11216:34 to M. Kekauonohi;
12. One hundred and seventy-two degrees twenty-eight minutes forty-eight and one-tenth feet along same;
13. Two hundred and twenty-six degrees twenty-three minutes two hundred twenty-eight and eight-tenths feet along remainder of L. C. Aw. 11216:34 to M. Kekauonohi to the south side of fifty-foot road;
14. Two hundred and sixty-four degrees fifty-one minutes one hundred fifteen and two-tenths feet along the south side of fifty-foot road;
15. Two hundred and fifty-two degrees thirteen minutes two hundred and two-tenths feet along same;
16. Two hundred and eighty-six degrees thirty minutes one hundred seventy and nine-tenths feet along same;
17. Two hundred and thirty-eight degrees twenty-five minutes ninety-two and eight-tenths feet along same;
18. Two hundred and twenty-three degrees one minute one hundred fourteen and four-tenths feet along same;
19. Three hundred and thirty-eight degrees forty-nine minutes thirty seconds four thousand nine hundred eighty and three-tenths feet along the remainder of L. C. Aw. 11216:34 to M. Kekauonohi and L. C. Aw. 7712:1 to M. Kekuanaoa and passing over a one and one-fourth-inch pipe in concrete monument at one thousand four hundred eighty-one and six-tenths feet to the point of beginning.
Area, one hundred sixty-six and ninety one-hundredths acres.
parcel 2
Being portions of L. C. Aw. 11216 Apana 34 to M. Kekauonohi, R. P. 7874 (Ahupuaa of Honaunau).
Beginning at a pipe in concrete at the northeast corner of this parcel, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government Survey Triangulation Station “Lae-O-Kanoni” being two thousand one hundred thirty-nine feet south and eleven thousand six hundred seventeen and nine-tenths feet east and running by azimuths measured clockwise from true south:
1. Three hundred fifty-eight degrees twenty-three minutes two hundred sixty and four-tenths feet along the remainder of L. C. Aw. 11216:34 to M. Kekauonohi;
2. Ninety-three degrees thirty minutes two hundred and sixty-nine feet along the same, along stone wall, along lot 2 of the subdivision by B. P. Bishop estate;
3. Eighty-two degrees no minutes three hundred and eighteen feet along same to the east side of fifty-foot road;
4. Thence along the east side of fifty-foot road, the direct azimuth and distance being: one hundred seventy-one degrees twenty minutes two hundred ninety-one and five-tenths feet;
5. Two hundred and seventy degrees no minutes six hundred and twenty feet along the remainder of L. C. Aw. 11216:34 to M. Kekauonohi to the point of beginning.
Area, three and seventy one-hundredths acres.
Together with an easement six feet wide for a pipeline right-of-way extending from the Government road to parcel 1, the south side of said right-of-way being described as follows:
Beginning at the east end of this right-of-way on the common boundary of the lands of Honaunau and Keokea, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government Survey Triangulation Station “Lae-O-Kanoni” being three thousand one hundred ninety and eight-tenths feet south and eleven thousand seventy-eight and eight-tenths feet east, and running by azimuths measured clockwise from true south:
1. Eighty degrees thirty-six minutes five seconds one hundred and seventeen feet along L. C. Aw. 7712:1 to M. Kekuanaoa, to the Triangulation Station “Ahupuaa” of the B. P. Bishop estate;
2. Eighty-two degrees twenty minutes seven thousand two hundred eighty-nine and one-tenth feet along same to a one and one-fourth-inch pipe in concrete monument on the east boundary of parcel 1 the coordinates of said point of the end of this six-foot right-of-way referred to Government Triangulation Station “Lae-O-Kanoni” being four thousand one hundred eighty-two and four-tenths feet south and three thousand seven hundred thirty-nine and four-tenths feet east.
Area, one and two one-hundredths acres.
parcel 3
Being portion of L. C. Aw. 8521–B to G. D. Hueu, being portion of the Ahupuaa of Kiilae.
Beginning at a one and one-half-inch pipe in concrete monument called “Kalani” at the northeast corner of this parcel, the southeast corner of parcel 1, on the common boundary of the land of Keokea and Kiilae, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government Survey Triangulation Station “Lae-O-Kanoni” being seven thousand four hundred forty-four and eight-tenths feet south and five thousand three and two-tenths feet east and running by azimuths measured clockwise from true south:
1. Three hundred thirty-eight degrees forty-nine minutes thirty seconds five hundred ninety-five and four-tenths feet along the remainder of L. C. Aw. 8521–B to G. D. Hueu to the eight thousand foot south coordinates line referred to Government Survey Triangulation Station “Lae-O-Kanoni”;
2. Ninety degree no minutes one thousand ninety-nine and seven-tenths feet along same and along said eight thousand foot south coordinates line and across school grant 7 Apana 6 to high-water mark;
3. Thence along high-water mark, along sea, the direct azimuth and distance being: two hundred six degrees thirty-three minutes thirty seconds four hundred eighty-two and nine-tenths feet;
4. Two hundred fifty-nine degrees thirty-three minutes fifteen seconds six hundred eighty feet along L. C. Aw. 7712:1 to M. Kekuanaoa and passing over a rock called Kuwaia, marked K+K at six and eight-tenths feet to the point of beginning.
Area, ten and twenty-five one-hundredths acres.
(b)Boundary modification

The boundaries of Puʻuhonua o Ho̅naunau National Historical Park are hereby modified to include approximately 238 acres of lands and interests therein within the area identified as “Parcel A” on the map entitled “Puʻuhonua o Ho̅naunau National Historical Park Proposed Boundary Additions, Kiʻilae Village”, numbered PUHO–P 415/82,013 and dated May, 2001.


The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire approximately 159 acres of lands and interests therein within the area identified as “Parcel B” on the map referenced in subsection (b). Upon the acquisition of such lands or interests therein, the Secretary shall modify the boundaries of Puʻuhonua o Ho̅naunau National Historical Park to include such lands or interests therein.

(July 26, 1955, ch. 385, § 1, 69 Stat. 376Pub. L. 95–625, title III, § 305Nov. 10, 197892 Stat. 3477Pub. L. 106–510, § 3(d)(1)Nov. 13, 2000114 Stat. 2364Pub. L. 107–340, § 2Dec. 16, 2002116 Stat. 2889.)


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    Gold Digger Charles Reed Bishop was a treasonous person and his trustees claimed to be the heirs of Bernice Pauahi ...all Frauds! keep for your records, share far and wide.................. 😉
    The Legitimate Government of Hawaii Series:  Why the U.S. Department of Interior Does Not Own our Royal Family's Private Properties
    The Legitimate Government of Hawaii Series:  Why the U.S. Department of Interior Does Not Own our Royal Family's Private Properties
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