The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Updated Research Links and Reminders from some of the House of Nobles Members - Mike Lee, Kilikina Kekumano, and Myself
Review by Amelia Gora (2021)
Our 1850 Treaty of Amity and Friendship - a Permanent contract ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaoul and U.S. President Zachary Taylor
Who Owns the Aina?
No Treaty No Law No Land
U.H. Professor Williamson Chang, Routhe Bolomet supported by United Nations Professor Alfred deZayas
Waihona Aina - Search for hawaiian history and land use ...
Waihona Indexes - Exposing the Waihona database to crawlers, search engines and the public.
OHA - KIPUKA DatabaseKipuka represents a one-time capture of data as it exists at the ...
KoʻolaupokoPRINT DISCLAIMER. The map applications and map data are ...
Print disclaimerAs it relates to these maps and map data and to the greatest ...
NiuAs it relates to these maps and map data and to the greatest ...
Web results
Kipuka Database [Workbench] | The Sustainable Heritage ...
Legal Archives Collection... with the State archives to digitize significant historical legal ...
(1844), English, 5/80We see that you're using Safari. Please use a different browser ...
AboutThe hope is to maximize public access to these important, yet ...
Web results
Project Genealogies and Reclaiming Your Tutu's Aina by ...
The Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands by Amelia Gora ...
Reclaiming Alodio Lands in Hawaii eBook ... -
Hawaiian news - PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK - for ...
Author, Writer, Researcher, Publisher - Amelia Gora | LinkedIn
OPED Articles Posted by Amelia Gora - IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
Hawaiian Genealogies References: Genealogies of the Royal ...
Project Genealogies and Reclaiming Your Tutu's Aina by Amelia Gora (2012)
Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
The following pamphlet/book is yet another research/writing of Amelia Gora.
Many projects are ongoing and you may use this as your checklist in claiming your ancestors/reclaiming your tutu's lands, burials, resources, water, etc.
Print this material for your own self-directed tour. aloha.
*Amelia Gora is one of the Representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society which was started by her tutu Princess Poomaikelani in the 1880's, she is also a descendant/heir of the Sovereign, Kamehameha and members of the House of Nobles, Permanent branches of the Hawaiian Kingdom. She is also one of the present members of the House of Nobles.
[TRANSLATED] Princess Poomaikelani: Hawaii's Hidden Princess
Presentation of Hawaii's Princess Virginia Kapooloku Poomaikelani ...the hidden Princess, daughter of Queen Liliuokalani ... Presentation of Hawaii's Princess Virginia Kapooloku Poomaikelani ...the hidden Princess, daughter of Queen Liliuokalani, heir to The Hawaiian Kingdom, and next in line to the throne after Princess Kaiulani.
Sudden Rush Music Video. EA by: Jason Lau of Lau Vision & Lau Lau TV ...
by Amelia Gora (2011)
The following genealogies were arranged by Queen Liliuokalani. Updates were made based on information gathered as evidence over the years due to false claims that Bernice Pauahi was the "last of the Kamehameha's".All of the updates has credible sources taken from information found in research over time.
Please keep for your records and keep with your land documents, evidence, etc.



- hanai/adopted: Kaeha/Makaeha/Kamakaeha/ Liliuokalani (w)
Abner Paki's brother: Kalaniulumoku (k) children: Kalola (w);
Kaluaikau (w); Alapai (k); Namahana (w)
John Young (k) Kaonaeha/Kuamoo (w) children: John Young Jr; Fanny/Pane(w); Grace/Kamaikui (w); Gini/Lahilahi (w); James Kanehoa Young (k); adopted children: Hueu Davis (k); Kale Davis (k); and Peke Davis; hanai/adopted children of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.
Fanny/Pane (w) and Naea (k) had children: Emma adopted by TCB Rooke, second husband of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui (w).
- Updated by Amelia Gora (2011)
Keaupuni married Pauahi
Kahalaia married Pauahi
Kekuanaoa married Pauahi who had Ruth Keelikolani;
Mataio Kekuanaoa's children: Paalua (k); Ruth Keelikolani (w); Moses Kaikioewa (k); Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu (w); David Kamehameha (k); Alenoho (k); Kapau (k); Kapehe (w); John Kapena (k); Umiokalani (w); Kalima (w); Kaiopahia (k); hanai/adopted child: Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi.
We are a genealogy based society. It would be worth your while to set aside this important information with your land, genealogy records because it is now proven that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was NOT the "last of the Kamehameha's" and the lies are but criminal propaganda set in place by the non-kanaka maoli, the treasonous persons who moved to assume all that does not belong to them.
aloha and malama pono.....
a gift of the ages in behalf of our Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Kahekili, Kaumualii, John Young, Isaac Davis et. als. descendants; the Hawaiian Genealogical Society/Hawaiian Genealogy Society; and the Royal Families House of Nobles/"Hulu Manu" - Secret/Special Advisors of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III's families/descendants
Kanawai i kauia e ka moi e Kamehameha III, ke alii o ko Hawaii pae ...
1848 Mahele Book
1850 Treaty United States of America and His Majesty the King of th...
Penal Code of the Hawaiian Islands, Passed by the House of Nobles a...
Court Cases in the Hawaiian Kingdom
Hawaii Reports: Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State ...
Hawaiian reports, Volume 2
Hawaii Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territory...
Hawaii Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territory...
Hawaii Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territory...
Hawaii Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territory...
Reports of Decisions Rendered by the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian ...
Reports of Decisions Rendered by the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian ...
Reports of Decisions Rendered by the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands, Volume 9
Reports of Decisions Rendered by the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian ...
Reports of Decisions Rendered by the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian ...
Reports of Decisions Rendered by the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian ...
Hawaii reports : cases determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Hawaii, Volume 13
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Hawaii, Volume 14
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
Hawaiian Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Territo...
A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Hawaii: Volumes 1 to 22 Inclusive, January 6, 1847, to October 7, 1915
Links for Crown Lands and Hawaiian Govt. Lands...Annexation/Joint Resolution
Link to Willy Kauai's dissertation "The Color of Nationality: Continuities and Discontinuities of Citizenship in Hawaii"
Revised Laws of Hawaii: Comprising the Statutes of the Territory, Consolidated, Revised and Annotated : Published by Authority
Inspiration by Native Tenants
Video Modern Konohiki -- A Visit With Ke`eaumoku Kapu
Video Laie Kuleana Occupation pt1.m4v
Video Dawn K Wasson 10-21-15
Video Where Has The Water Gone? - A Visit With Johanna Kamaunu
Video Lo'i of Honokohau Valley; Kimokeo Kapalehua
Video The Natural Things - A Visit With Oliver Dukelow
Video Kaloman - A Visit With Keoki Fukumitsu
Video Hawai`iʻs Hidden Past - A Visit With Lanakila Willard
Video Maui no ka 'oi Kuleana
Video ʻAha Kāne 2012- Eric Enos Keynote
Video Working collectively to restore ancestral abundance: Kamuela Enos at TEDxManoa
Video A Lucky Guy - A Visit With Danny Bishop
Video DLNR 7-17-2013
Video Kui Palama BLNR 9 13 13
Video Hanapepe Stream Meeting with Chair Aila on 6-25-14
Video Nā Loea: The Masters | Ed Wendt: The Great Heart of Waiokāne
Professor Malia Akutagawa (Konohiki Fisheries – Past & Present Part 1-4)
Video Ola I Ka Wai: Water is Life at
Video Kalo Ola- Taro is Life
Video Living The Sacred Teachings of Aloha
Video Kilikina Teaches Hidden Hawaiian History 2/2/16
Video Mark Zuckerberg Sued Native Hawaiians For Their Own Land | Di...
Video Meet The Native Hawaiians Fighting U.S. Occupation | Direct F...
Video Ku`e Wainiha: Wedneday Intro
Video Ku`e Wainiha
Video Mauna Kea Trask
Video Ku`e Wainiha: Keola Worthington
Wailua Nui Ahoanu walk w/ Kim Souza about reclaiming Royal Patent l...
36 Attachments
Preview YouTube video Kualoa with Michael Lee #PONOSIZE
Kualoa with Michael Lee #PONOSIZE
KUMU MIKE LEE ~ Allodial Titles Class Leeward Comm. College 1. 11-7-14
"KUMU MIKE LEE" Allodial Titles 12/12/14
Kumu Mike Lee ALLODIAIL TITTLES by GEORGIE on the go.
also posted at:
http://digital.library.upenn. edu/women/liliuokalani/hawaii/ hawaii...
Compiled by Researchers including Amelia Gora (2012)
Sovereign Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III in 1848 helped to set up the Mahele also called the Great Mahele.
The lands had belonged to the Sovereign, Kamehameha, his father; then Liholiho, his brother.
Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III didn't need to share the lands to others but did.
He shared lands to the people and the project was called the Mahele which was divided into three parts: 1) konohiki and hoaina, 2) government, aside from reserving a portion to himself called the 3) Crown Lands.
See: for more information
The lands were Ano Alodio lands which remains forever to the assigned owner, his descendants/heirs....Kanaka Maoli are and remain the true, legal title holders.
Their descendants/heirs should maintain the following important documents in their possession:
1) Royal Patents - xerox, certified copy
2) Land Commission awards - xerox, certified copy
3) Survey Notes - xerox, certified copy
The top three are prima facie evidence of specific land ownership. Also needed as evidence are:
4) Genealogies - direct connect to ancestor
5) Affidavit/Lien of Genealogies - file at the Bureau of Conveyances
Additional Documents:
Court Cases showing case precedence;
Add the HRS/Hawaii Revised Statutes 172.11 in which the property "inures" to the descendants;
Protective Orders from the House of Nobles ---- many kanaka maoli have this with their documents.
The following article was posted in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk.
This message is being sent again because the EXHIBIT section was not covered.
The legal documents should contain the following in the following order:
1) Cover page (covers ancestors name, RP/Royal Patent Number, LCA/ Land Commission Award number
2) Affidavit/Certification (family genealogies)
3) Heirs and Assigns page
4) EXHIBITS (Write EXHIBITS in top right hand corner):
a. RP/Royal Patent LCA/Land Commission Award brief history (shows names of deceased owners and successors)
b. Survey Notes (obtain from the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii) which shows the map, dimensions of the land(s). (ask the Archivist how to obtain your survey notes..... also ask how to look at the books available documenting awards from the Great Mahele/ Kamehameha III period, an extra step to take is to find out the testimonies in regards to the parcel(s)/lands belonging to your families.
6) Xerox two (2) or more sets. The notary usually wants to do only two (2) for a set. If more copies are needed for family members, you could make copies after the notary signs the documents, and even after the filing is completed.
7) obtain a notary signature from your Credit Union, bank --- First Hawaiian Bank has a preferred customer account that you may be able to qualify for......worth it because the cost of a Notary will be nothing/ the Credit Unions and some banks also give free notary signature......cousin paid about $50 a couple of weeks ago ---$5 per notary signature.
8) take the two (2) sets of documents to the Bureau of Conveyances, Regular System section and pay $25 for a set which covers up to 20 pages. Any amount of pages over 20 will cost $1 per page.
9) The Bureau of Conveyances located on Punchbowl Street is open in the mornings till 3:30 p.m. They do not accept documents later than that time. (Mondays-Fridays (Holidays closed)).
aloha and malama pono.
p.s. Kindly disperse info/e-mail(s) to all your families/friends/other Hawaiian aboriginal /kanaka maoli.
IMPORTANT... ......... ..I M P O R T A N T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IMPORTANT!
Prepare your legal documents through Affidavits/Certific ations utilizing the following format after documenting your genealogies, notarizing your signature and file by paying $25 for 20 pages at the Bureau of Conveyances, Miller Street, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
The format, including updated JURAT page:
********* **
Aboriginal Hawaiians/kanaka maoli land claims. Use the following as an example only... insert your own names, genealogies, etc in your documentation:
The following pages are formats to be used in filing documents at the Bureau of Conveyances. The cost is $25 for 20 pages. The hours of filing is Monday thru Fridays until 3:30 P.M.
page 1
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___
He Mokupuni Pae Aina O Hawaii
c/o Francis Keoua Gora, Amelia Kuulei Gora
P.O Box 861066
Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii 96786 Total Pages: ____________
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___
Declaration/ Affidavit/ Notice of Francis Keoua Gora,
Declaration/ Affidavit/ Notice of Amelia Kuulei Gora,
Kamehameha III to (your ancestors name)
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Affecting the right, title and interest of the lands under the name Leileiohoku, etals., the Public Land Trust, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, STATE OF HAWAII & ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING INTEREST IN THESE LANDS, in and to the property filed in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court as follows:
(on to page 2)
Declaration/ Affidavit
of Heirs & Assigns
(your ancestors name)
Notice is hereby given in the presence of the almighty
Iesu Kristo and beffore, during and after the expressed truth is
submitted in this undertaking, that in the _______day of _September_in the
year of our lord two thousand and seven, that the following declaration
in the form of an affidavit is made first hand knowledge in truth, with
clean hands and in good faith. However, if for any reason this
document should raise any questions as to form, as a declaration or an
affidavit then the requirement is made for the benefit of the contents within
this file to support the latter and their heirs and or assigns,
Kamehameha III to (your ancestors name/name land is under)
Heirs and Assigns of (your ancestors name/name land under)
1. WHEREAS; ______, aka's, kane is the son of _________, kane and __________, wahine.
2. WHEREAS;____ _______, aka's, kane is the husband of _____, wahine.
3. WHEREAS; ________, kane is the son of __________, kane and _____, wahine, and is by and through his birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest and rights to(your ancestors names) ________, kane and _________, wahine.
4. WHEREAS; _____, kane is the husband of ____________ , wahine.
5. WHEREAS; ______, kane is the paternal father of __________, kane
and is by and through his birth, direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect
interest and rights to __________, kane and _________, wahine.
6. WHEREAS; _______, Kane is the paternal father of ____________ _, wahine and is by and through her birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest
and rights to _________, kane and _________, wahine.
7. WHEREAS; ____________ _____, wahine is the maternal mother of ______,kane, and is by and through his birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest and rights to _______, kane and ___________, wahine.
8. WHEREAS; ____________ ___, wahine is the maternal mother of ________, kane and is by and through his birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest and rights to (your ancestors names/ancestors whose name is on the lands, kane and __________, wahine.
9. WHEREAS; __________, kane is the
paternal father of ____________ __, wahine and is by and through his birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest and rights to (ancestors names/ancestors whose name is on the lands) kane and ____________ _, wahine.
10. WHEREAS; ____________ ____, kane is the paternal father of ____________ _, kane and is by and through his birth, a direct heir and assign having and holding a perfect interest and rights to (your ancestors names/ancestors whos name is on the lands), kane and _________, wahine.
(end of 2nd or 3rd page)
page 3 or 4:
(your name)
(your name/spouse name) (Wahine) (H1) ________(Kane)
1A. ____________ ___ (Wahine or kane)
2A. ____________ ____(Wahine or Kane)
2a1. __________ (Wahine or Kane)
2a2. __________ (Wahine or Kane)
2a3. ___________( Wahine or Kane)
2a4. ____________ (Wahine or Kane)
3A. ____________ _________ _(Wahine or Kane)
4A. ____________ _________ __(Wahine or Kane)
5A. ____________ _________ __(Wahine or Kane)
(end of page)
page 5 /6 +
ROYAL PATENT / RP and LCA/Land Commission Awards Brief History
RP 356 LCA 2113
Kamehameha III to Keawe
Keawe (dec.)
son: David Keawe (dec.)
grandaughter: Mele Keawe (dec.)
great grandaughter: Mary Kauweloa (dec.)
Successors/Surviving descendants:
great great grandaughter: Mary XXXX
great great great grandaughter: Amelia XXXX
great great great great grandaughter(s)/grandson(s): names
---end of page---
page 5 or 6
/Acknowledgement of Notary for identification purposes only
He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii )
(132+ islands since 1810)
State of Hawaii )
: SS.
City and County of Honolulu )
I, Me, We, Amelia Kuulei Gora, Francis Keoua Gora, heir(s) and assign(s) on our own
unlimited free will and act found to be in good and due form, hereby certify attest assert and
declare, as witness by all our hands and seals, that I, me, we have read the above
Declaration/ Affidavit and all know the contents to be correct and complete and not
misleading, to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the presence of God.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the heirs have executed these documents in accordance with the
above paragraph on this ___5th___ day of ____September_ __, 2007.
____________ _________ _________ ________
Amelia Kuulei Gora, Heir
____________ _________ _________ _________
Francis Keoua Gora, Heir
: SS.
On this ___5th____ day of ____September_ __, 2007, before me personally
appeared Amelia Kuulei Gora, and Francis Keoua Gora, to me known to be the persons
described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledges that the State
Notary Public is for identification purposes only. Use of Notary Public does not authorize
the jurisdiction of any entity over the heirs. The heirs are the sovereign bodies of the Royal
Families of the Crown of He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii, as established by H.R.M. King
Kamehameha III son of H.R.M. King Kamehameha I, who entered into International Treaty
with the United States signed at Washington December 20, 1849, ratified by the President
of the United States on February 4, 1850 and entered into force August 24, 1850.
____________ _________ _________ _________ _____
Notary Public, State of Hawaii
My Commission expires:____ _________ _________ _
Print name of Notary: ____________ _________ _____
end of page________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
p.s. e-mail: for other information v=ckH3V_xOCnQ
Documenting Truth
Weldon Kekauoha " Queen's Jubilee " Kanaka Maoli
Weldon Kekauoha & Tapa Groove " Queen's Jubilee " Kanaka Maoli (2003) (No Copyright Infringement Intended)
by funimuni808 | 11 months ago | 15,541 views
Hawaiian Genealogy Research For Those in Hawaii, the United States and Abroad..........compiled by Amelia Gora (2013)
Thanks to the internet, much genealogies can be researched on the web.....
Awaiaulu is dedicated to fostering Hawaiian knowledge today through the training of translators and publication of legacy texts. Fluent students of Hawaiian mentor with experienced translators, bringing historical literature to modern readers in a bilingual format. This develops new resource people, introduces information from these narratives to new audiences, and gives new access to Hawaiian-language texts.
Awaiaulu provides access to Hawaiian language texts, empowers the publication process, and provides a setting where the skills and insights necessary for such efforts can be mastered. The goal is to foster Hawaiian mores, values and stories by moving the narratives that illustrate them out of the archives and into the hands of resource people and readers today. A great body of important Hawaiian literature lies beyond the reach of most people, archived for more than a century. The language and the knowledge contained in these works are wonderful resources for the 21st century.
P.O. Box 235896
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96823-3516
Bishop Museum
The Bishop Museum was founded in 1889 by Charles Reed Bishop in memory of his wife Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the last direct descendant of King Kamehameha I. Today, the Museum is recognized as the principal museum of the Pacific, housing the world’s largest collection of Hawaiian and Pacific artifacts and natural history specimens. More than 340,000 people visit the Museum each year, including over 40,000 schoolchildren.
Archaeology Collections Manager / Department of Anthropology
Bernice P. Bishop Museum
1525 Bernice Street / Honolulu, HI 96818
Phone: (808) 843-7608 / Fax: (808) 843-4114
DL Consulting, Ltd.
Digital Library Consulting, Ltd. (DLC) is the world’s leading supplier of commercial consulting, customization, support, maintenance, and hosting services for the Greenstone digital library software, which is a suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections. It provides a new way of organizing information and publishing it on the Internet as a fully-searchable, metadata-driven digital library. It is open-source, multilingual software, issued under the terms of the GNU General Public License. DLC has been the primary contractor for OHA’s Papakilo Database since October, 2007. They have worked consistently and patiently with OHA staff in the design, implementation, and customization of features within the database to specifically address OHA’s needs.
P.O. Box 12669
New Zealand
Phone +64 7 857 0830
Hawai'i State Archives
The mission of the Hawai'i State Archives is to ensure open government by preserving and making accessible the historic records of state government and to partner with state agencies to manage their records.
Hawaii State Archives
364 S. King Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Ho'olaupa'i is a cooperative project within the Bishop Museum that maintains hundreds of pages of scanned newspapers including articles, headlines and even advertisements. This ambitious attempt to bring these newspapers accessible to the public through the use of modern technology.
PO Box 235896
Honolulu, HI 96823-3516
Phone: 808.847.8282
Ka‘iwakiloumoku means “the ‘iwa bird that hooks the islands together,” a traditional reference to our great and revered warrior-king, Kamehameha ‘Ekahi. It is a name that recalls Kamehameha’s efforts to unite the Hawaiian Islands some 200 years ago. It is also a reflection of Na Kanaka Maoli – Native Hawaiians – coming together to revitalize Hawaiian language and culture to ensure a vibrant Hawaiian society in the 21st century.
The Ka‘iwakiloumoku Hawaiian Cultural Center consists of two major components: 1) the Hawaiian Cultural Center facility, and 2) the Hawaiian Cultural Center programs. While efforts have been underway to garner support for the construction of the Center, there have also been concurrent efforts to help develop the cultural character of our people and the campus environment via program offerings.
Ka‘iwakiloumoku is dedicated to providing opportunities to learn Hawaiian knowledge – ‘ike Hawai‘i – and to live and practice Hawaiian culture as a vibrant way of life –nohona Hawai‘i. These efforts are guided by statements that articulate a vision for the Native Hawaiian people, a “Lahui Vision” – He Nu‘ukia Lahui Hawai‘i. In this light, we continually strive to affirm our mission to ensure a vibrant Hawaiian society – e ku ke ola i ka moku – in the 21st century and beyond.
Kamehameha Schools
Attn: Kaiwakiloumoku
1887 Makuakane St
Honolulu, HI 96817