The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Unfriending a Questionable Family Member
Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2021)
The following message was posted on Facebook for a Questionable Family Member who hold allegiance to a Miltary government, a conspirator network not aligned to the Hawaiian Kingdom:
Just now ·
Shared with Public

Reposted for everyone's information:
TreenaJake Ka'iulani Apostadiro
3h ·
Being kupuna guided is how I hear those who have passed on talk to me and who guides me ....
And it isn’t an easy journey when many think you’re crazy because of what you say
But at the end of the day I have to listen to those who are guiding me or they will bother me and bother me making sure I get the message out ...
Sooooo.....Its funny how saying we’re under martial law (which WE ARE BY FACT)
and you watch Kanaka come crawling out from under the rocks
the whole dialogue gets twisted 

why kanaka gotta be like that 

this is why kanaka cannot get ahead !!! #crabs in a barrel?
Every faction thinks their faction is the right and only way to get work done
Not being United and too many egos is what will be the Downfall #NoUnity
Sad smh 

For 128 years kanaka have tried ...AND all failed to do what is necessary
And only attack attack attack smh
Instead people learn from the failed attempts of separation ...& Division
Nope we still at the drawing board it’s like failing the same test 128 M ...x
While kanaka get educated and become inform some have a degree some have multiple degrees and some have none but at the end of the day some have expanded  farther then their kupuna have ever gone
each year kanaka graduate from universities with degrees in political science, history, philosophy, economics and become the power we stand in today
but even with that ...there’s always one po’o who feels their wisdom is IT.
That They got the missing key and does not bother to bring their piece ideas, pieces of educations, pieces of skill and expertise together for the sake of the whole
is it that hard to see no one faction will be able to do it all or alone ?

In order for us to rise up we MUST BRING THOSE SKILLS TOGETHER
Every SINGLE faction thought they were the superior one and all the while foreigners watch on the sidelines AND ALL they see and hear is attack attack attack while kanaka pit themselves against one another with judgement
Only with the love of God will anything get done <<<.PERIOD.>>> 

I love to reshare and I will continue to RESHARE to unify the minds of powerful kanaka .
We cannot continue in division it’s like mathematics ...the more you divide the less there are .
Gladys Brede
I feel you on that one cuz
· Reply · 1h
Amelia Gora
we will not go to the aid of those who fail to follow the Hawaiian Kingdom's rules of law and move to create their own military government.......too bad you're not on the same page as your grandad Wilfred....sad...bye.... won't be expecting or asking for your help any time'll have to talk to your Gramma Lei hereafter...assisting only your Gramma and friendly others.......unfriending you today...bye....we do not align with problematic kanaka. some people forget that our family continues to correct the wrongs against the Queen.......auwe!....oh well, there are other family members.... 

Liliuo Free - BigEveryTime (BET)
Artist: BigEveryTimeSong: Liliuo FreeAlbum: Universitile
Amelia Gora
Amelia Gora