Pirates of the Pacific:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends - Sanford B. Dole

                                                                                   Review by Amelia Gora (2021)
The following article was printed in 1915, the year that Queen Liliuokalani was placed on the throne for a day by the usurpers, and the year that Charles Reed Bishop died.
Sanford B. Dole was one of the treasonous conspirators who worked with Charles Reed Bishop and others:

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Charles Reed Bishop & Partners in Crime/Evidence of Treasonous persons 

                                                                Review by Amelia Gora (2021)




The following is the evidence of Treason, Conspiracy by Charles Reed Bishop & Friends/Partners in Crime/Conspirators/Pirates/Pillagers/Terrorists:




1893 -   See Charles Reed Bishop as the Provisional Government's Board of Education President, etc.:

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047084/1893-06-23/ed-1/...

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047084/1893-06-23/ed-1/...

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047084/1893-06-23/ed-1/...

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047084/1893-06-23/ed-1/...

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The above lists all who conspired against Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

The most evil is Charles Reed Bishop who arrived in Hawaii with William Lee.  Both worked for the American Consulate, then as an attorney, plantation owner, banker, etc.

Bishop was a "gold digger" marrying Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was Not the "last of the Kamehameha's".

The article by Sanford B. Dole, second to Charles Reed Bishop - Pirate of the Pacific:

Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-current, June 26, 1915, 3:30 Edition, Page FOURTEEN, Image 30

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1915-06-26/ed-1/seq-30/

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Important Keeper Article: S.B. Dole, Treasonous Person, and Treasonous Ideas - Weak nations Will be Absorbed, "the Right of Interference" and the Monroe Doctrine Applied

Important Keeper Article:  S.B. Dole, Treasonous Person, and Treasonous Ideas - Weak nations Will be Absorbed, "the Right of Interference" and the Monroe Doctrine Applied
                 The Rule of Law Fail Affecting a Neutral, Non-violent nation, the U.S. Constitution, International Law, and the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and the 
                                                            United States

                                                                              Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2020)

On June 13, 1887 during King David Kalakaua's period, Sanford B. Dole addressed the Social Science Association with a paper "The Balance of Power and the Monroe Doctrine".

Sanford B. Dole
Sanford B. Dole holding newspaper.jpg
1st Territorial Governor of Hawaii
In office
14 June 1900 – 23 November 1903
Appointed by William McKinley
Preceded by Position Established
(Himself as President)
Succeeded by George Carter
President of Hawaii
In office
4 July 1894 – 12 August 1898
Preceded by Position Established (Liliuokalani as Queen)
Succeeded by Position Abolished
(Himself as Governor)
Personal details
Sanford Ballard Dole

23 April 1844
Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii
Died 9 June 1926 (aged 82)
Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii
Nationality Kingdom of Hawaii; Republic of Hawaii; United States
Political party Republican
Spouse(s) Anna Prentice Cate Dole
Alma mater Williams College

Dole's paper reveals his well studied points affecting the eventual usurpation of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Dole documented that the Hawaiian Kingdom was a Weak nation and it will be absorbed by another nation.

He pointed out "the Right of Interference" which was untried by the U.S. and supported the Monroe Doctrine.

Monroe Doctrine

United State
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy that opposed European colonialism in the Americas. It began in 1823, however the term "Monroe Doctrine" itself was not coined until 1850. The Doctrine was issued on December 2, at a time when nearly all Latin American colonies of Spain and Portugal had achieved, or were at the point of gaining, independence from the Portuguese and Spanish Empires. It stated that further efforts by various European states to take control of any independent state in North or South America would be viewed as "the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States." At the same time, the doctrine noted that the U.S. would recognize and not interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal affairs of European countries.
Sanford B. Dole was avidly exploring the possibilities of taking down the Hawaiian Kingdom.  This article shows his premeditation, conspiracy, and treason against the Hawaiian Kingdom.

avidly - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com

Doing things avidly means really throwing yourself into the spirit of things. Avidly comes from its related adjective, avid, or "having enthusiasm for something," from the Latin avidus, "longing, desirous, or greedy," from the root avere, "to desire eagerly." Definitions of avidly
The following article is part of the evidence of his contribution to the usurpation of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani.
This was formed during King David Kalakaua's reign in 1887, he took part in the 1887 Bayonnet Constitution - stripped the Sovereign of his rights with a gun to King David Kalakaua's head.
King Kalakaua died in 1891.
Sanford B. Dole promoted his ideas about Weak nations, "the Right of Interference" and the Monroe Doctrine when he and others moved to usurp Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.
The following are excerpts of Sanford B. Dole's paper:






Note:  What Sanford B. Dole failed to point out is that he was not party to the permanent amity and friendship treaty with the United States.

Dole being an attorney failed to follow the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution and moved with his claim to have "the Right of Interference", placed the Queen and her people under stress, duress, usurpation, fraud, conspiracy, piracy, pillaging, racketeering, and treason.

Dole and Friends were documented under the Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States and indulged in piracy, pillaging activities, etc.

The contractual agreement made was outside of his area of expertise and all that he did was a gross failure of justice, and cannot be maintained in civilized societies.

Dole and Friends created an illegal entity and failed in operating on truth and this adds evidence of his barbaric nature and failure to uphold the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution because article 6 states that Treaties are the Supreme Law of the Land and even Judges have to adhere to it, etc.

Sanford B. Dole was a failure, an illegal alien promoting piracy, pillaging, racketeering and helped to take down the United States in the past.

There are ramifications because the alodio lands were locked in place by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Sanford B. Dole was an alien and could only have less than alodio lands and for only 30 years at the most.

Sanford B. Dole based on treason, conspiracy, etc. lost all his rights to lands since 1893.  His heirs own nothing but shame and distrust from those who know the history of the wicked, the pirates of the Hawaiian Kingdom and connections to the Pirates of the World.

Research incomplete.



Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-current, June 26, 1915, 3:30 Edition, Page FOURTEEN, Image 30

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1915-06-26/ed-1/seq-30/



Treasonous person Sanford B. Dole ---a keeper:

Posted 1 week ago by Amelia Gora

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IOLANI - The Royal Hawk

Ka Nupepa Kuauhau, Moolelo, Kanawai o Hawaii
‘Genealogy, History, Laws of Hawaii Newspaper’


Vol VIII No. 801 - Part 3

Amelia Gora

21 hrs ·

https://theiolani.blogspot.com/…/important-keeper-article-g… ...More Pirates when Queen Liliuokalani was alive and under duress...…..

Governor Pinkham's Address to the U.S. President, et. als. Woodrow Wilson Wilson in 1919 28th President of the United States In...


Vol VIII No. 801 - Part 1b

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IOLANI - the Royal Hawk Vol VIII No. 801 Special Public Records April 15, 2020


Amelia Gora

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  • Charles Reed Bishop 

                  - Conspirator, Treasonous person along with the Planners of the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani - such as Sanford B. Dole, William O. Smith, Lorrin Thurston, et. als.

                                                                              Review by Amelia Gora (2021)

    Charles Reed Bishop's  Conspiracy, Treason, Association with the Usurpers of  King David Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani was his downfall.

    He was a treasonous person since 1884 when Bernice Pauahi also conspired against King David Kalakaua and assisted the conspirators, treasonous persons. 

    Bernice Pauahi Bishop died, and was claimed to have been "the last of the Kamehameha's"...Wrong!

    The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees claimed to be the heirs.....Wrong!

    Bernice Pauahi Bishop's next-of-kin on probate was Kalola (female) who was her cousin, who became her step-sister because her father Abner Paki married his brother Kalaniulumoku who died in 1838, and his widow named Kakainalii. became a wife, and his children became his stepchildren.

    Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani was a hanai/adopted sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

    Charles Reed Bishop became Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani's sister-in-law and he was one of the planners of overthrowing the Queen in 1893.

    Note:  The Provisional government was a "Pretend government" which did not have sovereignty as documented by U.S. President Grover Cleveland, Walter Gresham - Secretary of State, and Clinton Furbish - Assistant.

    Charles Reed Bishop was the Provisional government's Board of Education President (see above).

    The Provisional government became the Republic of Hawaii which had no sovereignty.

    1899 - U.S. President William McKinley had the Army, Navy, and other personnel "develop" the territory of United States later known as the Territory of Hawaii under the American Empire which took care of Territories.  The United States interacted with nations that had treaties.

    Reference:  Peacock vs. the Republic of Hawaii case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1898 & 1899, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

    1909 - Charles Reed Bishop's partners in crime set up a Fraud Trust for Liliuokalani.

    Note:  Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani created a Trust in 1872 making her hanai/ adopted daughter Kahakuhaakoi/Kekua/Kekualoa/Kaaumoana and her husband Keo/George Trustees.

    1915 - Charles Reed Bishop died.  He had signed  a Deed transferring his life interest to the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees.

    Charles Reed Bishop and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees did Not own alodio land titles.

    1917 - In Liliuokalani's Will, she denied signing a Trust Deed with the Fraud Trustees who were also part of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees, those who planned the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, and planned the 1909 Fraud Trust.


    The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees perpetuated frauds and conveyed lands that they did not own to the United States, and many others.

    They are documented pirates, pillagers, privateers since 1884, and failed to follow the rule of law, the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States, and international laws.

    The Trustees, conspirators, et. als. are documented on the Judicial Tribunal and documented guilty on the records of the Legitimate government in Hawaii applicable to Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States.

    2020 - The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, the 1909 Fraud Trustees of Liliuokalani's Trust, the entity State of Hawaii Governor David Ige, and U.S. President Donald Trump was served notices of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii's Supreme Court (court of original jurisdiction) of the guilty status of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees, and the Liliuokalani Trustees of the Fraud 1909 Trust.



      • Note:

        The Provisional Government Had No Sovereignty.....they could Not convey lands.

        The Republic of Hawaii Had No Sovereignty....they could Not convey lands.

        The "developed" Territory of the United States relied on the shared sovereignty under the American Empire.....they were Not the land owners and could Not convey lands.

        The Territory of Hawaii was made a State of Hawaii with Opposition documented..... They had a shared sovereignty under the American Empire and due to Presidential Proclamation of Presidential Executive Order, they could not stand alone and shared the sovereignty with the United States.

        The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees, the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani, and the Liliuokalani Fraud Trust of 1909 Trustees were Not the Allodial land owners, which means all that they conveyed, they did not own because they were treasonous persons and not related to the Kamehameha's who existed then and exists today.

        Rents are due for lands illegally transferred to the United States, etc.

        The United States did support the usurpers move to annex Hawaii.

        Annexation did not happen, there is no jurisdiction.

        Documenting Facts:



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