The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Truth About Obama His Documented Piracy, Pillaging on the Royal Family's Monies, Lands, etc.
Review by Amelia Gora (2021)
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- ActiveOH? Are they that bad? Really?
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- · 32m
- ActiveSince the Hawaiian Kingdom /Kingdom of Hawaii never went away, that means a foreign nation is the legitimate government....and the Territory of the United States created by U.S. President William McKinley is really an illegitimate government with Obama claiming he was born in Hawaii...his black grandmother claimed he was born in the land of his doesn't that mean that Obama is questionnable..... and doesn't that mean the leaders of 8+ years have lied to the American people? hmmmmmm............
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- · 27m
- Activedoesn't that mean anyone supporting Obama, Biden in the past are to be questioned? hmmmm............
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- · 26m
- ActiveCan everyone in the Democratic & Republican party prove that Obama was born in Hawaii, can they prove that there was an Annexation? No Annexation means there's No Jurisdiction and Lies have been put out over time .....Evidence? The Supreme Court Me…See More
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- · 22m
- ActiveThank you for your explanation,Amelia Gora. I would think that what you said, has truth. If such be the case how could 300 plus million intelligent Americans let it be that he be elected as a POTUS? How could that happen with our system? I wonder as I am confused?
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- · 22m
- ActiveObama is part of the bankers families who have indoctrinated Americans over time.....
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- · 21m
- ActiveMember of the bankers' families? Like the Rothschilds? How did that happen?
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- · 17m
- ActiveHere's a simple chart showing his families support over time: 1884 - Bernice Pauahi Bishop died ----her husband Charles Reed Bishop was a banker - formed the Bishop Banker affiliated with the J.P. Morgan bankers ----they funded the American Civil War of 1863 - 1865 - the U.S., Great Britain, and France lost lots of money - the Bank of England were also investors....they funded both sides of War... 1871 - the Secret Bankers Constitution was made which usurped Americans according to Vladmir Putin, Karen Hudes of the World Bank, and Alana Fleischmann of the J.P. Morgan bankers know that investors of the Bank of England was George Washington and his wife Martha of their heirs was Robert E. Lee, the ancestor of Barrack fact 25 U.S. Presidents were also descendants/family members of Robert E. Lee who was a Union military then changed to the South's Confederate military and promoted Slavery, the Southern animosities, and the Democrats...... Obama was descended from Charles Reed Bishop's sister ......married into the Dunham family, who had Leland Dunham who had Stanley Ann Dunham mother of Barrack Obama. Charles Reed Bishop provided monies to his white and black relatives.....Bishop was a usurper of his sister-in-law Queen Liliuokalani and assumed finances which was not his...he lost all interest because of his treasonous activities.....Obama rides on ill gotten, pirate activities, pillaging off the assets, monies, lands of the Hawaiian Royal Family.......Obama is also related to the English Royal's all in the genealogies..........since U.S. President McKinley, progressive lies have been made duping Americans about Hawaii, Spain, Puerto Rico, territories belonging to the Hawaiian Kingdom, Japan, etc. .......... Treason charges can be made to those who swore under the U.S. Constitution including the Bush Families, Clintons, Obama, Biden........ excluding Trump who wasn't on the same page.....with the U.S. Presidents since McKinley, Wilson, Eisenhower et. als.
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- · 2m
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Oct 26, 2009 — Greetings Mr. Obama, Mr.Hayes and others at NRC, etc. ... 2009-0317 from Amelia Gora, a Royal person and Acting Liaison of ... 1) New York Times article, "Pearl Harbor Coaling Station - IMPERATIVE NECESSITY THAST ...
Mar 5, 2010 — U.S. President Barack Obama, Linda Lingle, Attorney General, Daniel Inouye. NRA/Nuclear ... from Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Amelia Gora ... Noted by author of the NEW YORK TIMES article, "The Story of a Crime":.
Response from U.S. President Barack a ... › 2011971:Comment:394656
Amelia Gora Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 861781. Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands 96786. References: articles, pamphlets, books, news on the ...
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