The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Crown Land & Government Deeds vs. the Illegitimate "Pretend" government and their "Ceded Lands" Claims

                                                                              Review by Amelia Gora (2020)

The Legitimate Government is the Royal government, the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii.

The following are the Crown Lands & Government Lands Deeds found at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii by my brother John and myself.  

The Deeds are what does the entity "Pretend" government see?  or perhaps they are maka-po? ;)



What part of the Deeds for the Crown Lands shows that Aliens can own or call these lands "ceded".....


What part of the Deed for the Government Lands shows that the Aliens can own or call these lands "ceded".....

Know that U.S. President Cleveland and his Secretary of State Walter Gresham recognized that Sanford B. Dole was from a "Pretend government", not a legitimate government.

A "Pretend government" made up of Aliens does not own Allodial lands, superior,  paramount titles of a recognized, peaceful, friendly nation.

The "Pretend government" had no standing in the international arena.

The "Pretend government" had No Annexation.

The "Pretend government" has No Jurisdiction.

The "Pretend government" has No Sovereignty.

Because it was "developed" into a Territory of the United States under President McKinley, it was categorized under the American Empire.

The Legitimate government, the Royal government remains a separate nation under the United States because of the permanent treaty of amity and friendship since 1850.

Maneuvers to discount the Royal Family's existence was promoted by Pirates of the Pacific:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.

They dishonestly claimed that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was "the last of the Kamehameha's".  

Like U.S. President Trump who identifies the 'Fake Media' etc., Historical facts reveals that the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii - the Legitimate government also had 'Fake Media' in place.

A "Pretend government" with the help of the 'Fake Media' led to fraud, corruption, piracy, pilla ging,  racketeering, genocide, etc. which enabled pirates, criminals to deceive, conspire, defraud the true land owners including the Crown Lands which the "Pretend government" called the "Ceded Lands" disregarding the content of the actual deeds shown above.

Legally, the Crown Lands belongs to Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli for 'himself, his heirs, and successors, forever' and Not to Aliens unrelated to the Kamehameha's.

Legally, the Government Lands are to be taken cared of by the Kamehameha's who make up the House of Nobles.  Note:  The Hawaiian government, the Legitimate Royal government is made up of three (3) parts - 2 permanent parts and 1 temporary voted in part.  The Sovereign - his heirs and successors is a permanent part, and the House of Nobles - their heirs and successors is the other permanent part of the Legitimate Royal government.  The third part is the House of Representatives, a temporary, voted in part of the Hawaiian government, the Legitimate Royal government.

The "Pretend government" is an illegitimate, fictitious set up that cannot exist and is not meant to exist legally, in a rule of law, U.S. Constitution, international law set up.  It has no Annexation, No Jurisdiction, has no standing in international law, and has no Sovereignty but reliant on its developer - U.S. President McKinley under the United States - American Empire.  In 1898, the United States became two (2) nations:  1.  American Empire - deals with territories, and 2. United States - deals with nations that has Treaties.

Kamehameha III's Crown Lands Deed applies to only 'himself, his heirs, and successors, forever'.  Kamehameha's descendants and heirs exists.  Bernice Pauahi was Not the "last of the Kamehameha's, and the entity Territory turned State of Hawaii is Not the "successor" of the Kingdom of Hawaii as claimed by the Attorney General of the Territory of Hawaii in 1912.  See:  PA PELEKANE case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Also see the Cases:  Peacock vs. Republic of Hawaii (1899) which shows that the United States became two (2) nations - 1) American Empire - deals with territories; and 2) United States - deals with nations that has Treaties, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Also note other case precedence which also supports kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli allodial lands such as Kekiekie vs. Dennis, Volume 1, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library/ Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.  'No one can take your land away...not even the Royal Family' - Kamehameha III gave "forever lands" to his people.  See Kamehameha III speech of 1851 maintaining that he gave allodial titles and for Aliens he gave Fee Simple, less than allodial lands, lease, freehold which was for only 30 years.

Questions?  or write:  P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786.


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