The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Reviewing the Nuclear Bombed Micronesians etc. and the Ongoing Pirate Activities
Review by Amelia Gora (2021)
What of the Micronesians, etc. who are all sick resulting from the inept Chiefs who allowed the U.S. to bomb the hell out of their pristine, beautiful islands.
Nuclear Testing happened with the purpose of using the bombs on the Japanese.
The Nuclear Tests
1940 - U. S. contaminated the Bikini Atoll. Bikinians were killed, suffered consequences due to radiation poisoning, etc.
TheRongelap Atollwas coated with up to .8 in (2.0 cm) of snow-like irradiated calcium debris and ash over the entire island. Virtually all the inhabitants experienced severe radiation sickness, including itchiness, sore skin, vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue. Their symptoms also included burning eyes and swelling of the neck, arms, and legs.[25][26]They were forced to abandon the islands three days after the tests, leaving behind all their belongings. The U.S. government relocated them toKwajaleinfor medical treatment.[26][27][28]
Six days after the Castle Bravo test, the government set up a secretprojectto study the medical effects of the weapon on the residents of theMarshall Islands.[29]The United States was subsequently accused of using the inhabitants as medical research subjects without obtaining their consent to study the effects of nuclear exposure.[25]Until that time, the Atomic Energy Commission had given little thought to the potential impact of widespread fallout contamination and health and ecological impacts beyond the formally designated boundary of the test site."
"Uranium, mined from the earth, is converted by a processing facility or a nuclear power plant into plutonium, strontium-90 and many other dangerous radioactive poins. Plutonium is used in making high-yield nuclear bombs. It has a half-life of 24,400 years and is poisonous for at least a half-million years."
The U.S. has been the cause of premeditating the criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani, developing an illegal entity called the Territory of the United States, assumed land and assets belonging the the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii, supported conspirators, treasonous persons, assuming lands and deeding lands that they have no title to, then conveying the lands to the Micronesians to fulfill promises to damaged people.
The U.S. have also allowed the use of our Royal Family's Trusts to cover costs of the Micronesians as well.
Chad Blair: Why Bikini Islanders Bought Land On The Big ...
May 21, 2019 —The Micronesians have been nomads since the U.S. tested nuclear ... In a more recent development, the U.S. Department of the Interior in 2017 gave the ... In fact, even though the state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands ...
Micronesians in Hawaii - U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
Aug 12, 2019 —Hawaii for people migrating from Micronesia to Hawaii. ... See Francis Hezel, Strangers in their own land: A century of Colonial Rule in the ... national security,”25 and gave the United States exclusive authority over 3,000,000 ...
square miles of land territory in the Pacific Ocean, scattered over an ... THE GOVERNING OF MICRONESIA, A REPORT ON THE TRUST TERRITORY OF THE. PACIFIC ... been made only in the case of medical quarantines ... Land ownership and use on minute islands where the inhabitants ... royal families. A ... and costly.
Jan 8, 2018 —Provides an overview of Micronesia, including key events and facts. ... Micronesia, in the western Pacific, consists of some 600 islands grouped into four ... 1947 - Micronesia comes under US administration, in the form of the Trust Territory of the ... Terms of Use · About the BBC · Privacy Policy · Cookies ...
Note: All the above are Pirate activities by the U.S. who owe the Micronesians due to the destruction of their land destruction of their health.
Now the United States are documented pirates and have gained more followers called the Micronesians who long to be named Hawaiians and diregard truth.
There's no aloha for Pirates, including the documented identity thieves called the Territory of the United States turned to Territory of Hawaii then made into a State by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
There was No Annexation which means that the U.S. has No Jurisdiction.
This is rule of law documented by the U.S. Supreme Court.
note: the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States documents Article XIV which is cause for documenting pirates.
Micronesians Continue To Seek Justice On The 60th ...
Feb 27, 2014 —Micronesians Continue To Seek Justice On The 60th Anniversary Of The Castle Bravo Nuclear Test. On March 1, 1954, the U.S. detonated its largest nuclear bomb on Bikini Atoll. Sixty years later, the U.S. continues the militarization of the area, and in exchange, Micronesians are allowed limited access to America.
Jul 31, 2013 —Operation Castle tested these bombs between March and May 1954, using Bikini and Enewetak Atolls. ... The explosion was so powerful it vaporized several small islands and parts of islands in Bikini Atoll and left a hole one-mile deep in diameter in the reef.
A few minutes after the detonation, blast debris began to fall on Eneu/Enyu Island on Bikini Atoll where the crew who fired the device were located. Their Geiger ...
The Marshall Islands have been occupied by humans since the Micronesians arrived in the second millennium BCE. The Marshallese have lived there for thousands of years. In 1914 ... Shot Mike was the first successful hydrogen bomb test.
Micronesian culture - Contemporary Micronesia | Britannica
Each of the contemporary Micronesian entities has its own capital and urban ... Thermonuclear bomb, code-named Mike, detonated in the Marshall Islands in ...
How the U.S. betrayed the Marshall Islands, kindling the next ...
Nov 9, 2019 —“The United States recognizes the effects of its testing and has ... west toward the Micronesian islands of Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, ... The United States had detonated 35 bombs in the Marshall Islands in 112 days in 1958.
The Marshall Islands Are 10 Times More 'Radioactive' Than ...
Jul 15, 2019 —... including the hydrogen bomb, were tested in the Marshall Islands. ... In 1946, the U.S. detonated an atomic bomb at Bikini Atoll in Micronesia, becoming ... The U.S. conducted its largest hydrogen bomb test on Bikini Atoll ...
Micronesians in Hawaii face uncertain future | Human Rights ...
Oct 2, 2013 —... States found a new use for the small islands of Micronesia: open-air nuclear testing. ... The largest test, carried out in March 1954, had a yield of 15 megatons, over 1,000 times the strength of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. ... Sound-Kikku fears Micronesian migrant children are losing their cultural ...
(PDF) “For the good of mankind”: The legacy of nuclear testing ...
“For the good of mankind”: The legacy of nuclear testing in Micronesia ... In all likelihood, fallout from US nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific was deposited on other Micronesian islands. ... Health workers should work to ensure that nuclear-armed states ful-fill their ... ernment created the Atomic Bomb Casualty Com-.
Micronesians in Hawai'i- A Closer Look (Part 1) | Hawaii ...
Nov 10, 2015 —That's the equivalent of more than 7,000 Hiroshima bombs. ... of her children was born brain-damaged, and two of her sons had thyroid cancer. ... the 1980s, and says the nuclear fallout affected more than just the Marshall Islands. ... But Micronesians were dropped from Medicaid as part of the 1996 Welfare ...
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Feb 3, 2010 ...Depleted Uranium, DU, cancer, Hawaii, Kamakahonu, Mayor Billy Kenoi, Girl and Boy Scouts used. - Cached - Similar
Jun 13, 2007 ... Honolulu Weekly. Hawaii's largest independent newspaper....Depleted uranium (DU) is a byproduct of the enriching process that creates fuel ... - Cached - Similar
It's called "depleted" uranium, but it's radioactive and on impact and when burned it releases nano-particles of radioactive uranium into the environment.... - Cached - Similar
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML DU In Hawaii. Questions raised by discovery of spotting rounds containing adepleted Uranium (DU) alloy at two Hawaii US Army firing ranges: ... - Similar
Apr 29, 2007 ... The army insists it does not use depleted uranium in Hawaii. Dr. Lorrin Pang is a public health official in Hawaii, but in this interview ... - Cached - Similar
Jan 31, 2010 ... So would depleted uranium if dislodged during military weapons testing in Hawaii or even during improper cleanup operations. ... Cached
May 14, 2007 ... The Army says its Stryker armored vehicles have never fireddepleted uranium rounds in Hawai'i, and there is no intent for them to ever do... - Cached -Similar
Mar 7, 2011 ... Interesting article on depleted uranium in Hawaii, with a more general overview of DU use by the military. Hawaiians downwind of the ... - Cached
Aug 23, 2010 ... The radioactive, man-made heavy metal is present on at least two bases in Hawaii and the Army is seeking an after-the-fact license from the... - Cached
The U.S. military has contaminated training areas in Hawai'i with depleted uranium a dangerous radioactive waste product from the enrichment of uranium for ...
Lindafaye Kroll The inhabitants and the land of the Marshall Islands and the Bikini Islands were poisoned in the forties due to nuclear testing. Look. - Cached
File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick View Hawaii National Guard Veterans; Depleted Uranium Testing. Description: Requires the Adjutant General and the Director of Veterans Services to assistHawaii...
Aug 4, 2009 ...Depleted uranium opponents at Hawaii's mis-named Malu Aina 'Peace' Center operate a 20 acre organic garden which they call a farm.... - Cached
Lindafaye KrollThe inhabitants and the land of the Marshall Islands and the Bikini Islands were poisoned in the forties due to nuclear testing. Look at Kaho’olawe, still polluted despite over $400 million in cleanup efforts.
“The Strykers and the legacy they would leave are not welcome on Hawai’i.” Krisztine Samu is an outraged Hawai’i resident and tells the Army so during public testimony at the U.S. Army Stryker Brigade Public Hearings in Waimea, on September 26, 2007. She is outraged by the military’s shameless and continued contamination of her home, Hawai’i Island… Please help us Protect Hawai’i. Write the Army before October 30, 2007. Army at: Stryker Brigade build-up in Hawai’i. Clean-up all live-fire artillery ranges. Cc comments to This statement written by Krisztine Samu and is reprinted with permission and submitted by Lindafaye Kroll RN BSN as follows… PLEASE accept my statement of OPPOSITION to the presence of the Stryker Brigade on the island of Hawai’i. Being familiar with the U.S. military’s legacy in the Pacific Islands, there is no reason to expect anything different this time. The inhabitants and the land of the Marshall Islands and the Bikini Islands were poisoned in the forties due to nuclear testing. Look at Kaho’olawe, still polluted despite over $400 million in cleanup efforts. Look at the Vieques Puerto Rico where the bombing practice resulted in a bomb being dropped on a civilian by mistake; the Navy was eventually forced to leave due to public opposition. DEPLETED URANIUM contamination is comfirmed at Schofield Barracks, Oahu and at Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawai’i Island. The Army has admitted the presence of this toxin, and further training/detonations will simply stir more of this dust into the air, blow it downwind into Kona with serious health implications for residents and soldiers alike. Kona already has higher than normal rates of cancer, diabetes and birth defects. We cannot allow the Strykers to aggravate the situation any further. We need cleanup, not buildup. Private citizens on the island of Hawai’i are independently monitoring airborne radioactivity spikes and this will continue in an even greater capacity if the Strykers are stationed here. If the radioactive spikes continue the citizens will surely not stand for it. We can guarantee a grave media backlash and local activism to stop the destruction. The Strykers and the legacy they would leave are not welcome on Hawai’i. Krisztina Samu Hawi, Hawai’i READ WHY the Stryker Brigade must not stay in Hawaii! Ten Reasons to Oppose the Stryker Brigade in Hawaii Army Regulation AR 700-48 “Management of Equipment Contaminated With Depleted Uranium or Radioactive Commodities,” Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C., September 2002, Section 2-4 of United States Army Regulation 700-48 dated Sept. 16, 2002, specifies these requirements. Hawaiian Islands Are Radioactive Depleted Uranium Contamination By Strykers In Hawaii Death By Breath Hawaiian Islands Contaminated With Ballistic Uranium’s Environmental Impact Statement for the Stryker Brigade Invasion of Hawaii: Go to Demilitarize Hawaii website: Go to Protect Hawaii website: ***********
Leuren Moret, conducted test on airborn depleted uranium on the Big Island in... The army insists is does not use depleted uranium in Hawaii. ... - Cached -Similar
Apr 10, 2008 ...Leuren Moret Videos, Articles, Links. Leuren Moret reports that the US military has been using depleted uranium in Hawaii: ... - Cached - Similar
1942 - THE UNITED NATIONS was formed. Fifty nations pledged themselves “to employ full resources gainst the Axis powers, not to make a separate peace, etc.” in Washington. They signed a charter, which was written at the United Nations Conference on International Organization. 1944 - Representatives of the U.S., Great Britain, Russia and China met, planned, proposed and formulated to “deal with world peace and security” through a general international organization. 1944 -
1945 - The first nuclear weapon was detonated as a test by the United States at theTrinity site on July 16, 1945, with a yield approximately equivalent to 20 kilotons.Trinity The Trinity explosion, 0.016 seconds after detonation. The fireball is about 600 feet (200 m) wide. The black specks silhouetted along the horizon are trees. The first hydrogen bomb, codenamed "Mike", was tested at the Enewetak atoll in the Marshall Islandson November 1 (local date) in 1952, also by the United States. The largest nuclear weapon ever tested was the "Tsar Bomba" of the Soviet Union at Novaya Zemlya on October 30, 1961, with an estimated yield of around 50 megatons.
the Japanese attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. After years of war, resulting in the loss of 3 million Japanese lives and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan signed an instrument of surrender on the U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Harbor on September 2, 1945. As a result of World War II, Japan lost all of its overseas possessions and retained only the home islands. Manchukuo was dissolved, and Manchuria was returned to China; Japan renounced all claims to Formosa; Korea was occupied and divided by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.; southern Sakhalin and the Kuriles were occupied by the U.S.S.R.; and the U.S. became the sole administering authority of the Ryukyu, Bonin, and Volcano Islands. The 1972 reversion of Okinawa completed the U.S. return of control of these islands to Japan. After the war, Japan was placed under international control of the Allies through the Supreme Commander, Gen. Douglas MacArthur. U.S. objectives were to ensure that Japan would become a peaceful nation and to establish democratic self-government supported by the freely expressed will of the people. Political, economic, and social reforms were introduced, such as a freely elected Japanese Diet (legislature) and universal adult suffrage. The country's constitution took effect on May 3, 1947. The United States and 45 other Allied nations signed the Treaty of Peace with Japan in September 1951. The U.S. Senate ratified the treaty in March 1952, and under the terms of the treaty, Japan regained full sovereignty on April 28, 1952.
The military's talking points are about the solid form depleted uranium, the military never addresses Hawai'i residents' concerns, which is the ballistic ... - Cached - Similar
This website is sponsored by the U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii as a means of making information that the Army knows about Depleted Uranium on our training ... - Cached - Similar
MORE EVIDENCE ON PEARL HARBOR - ALL NATIONS TAKE A GOOD LOOK THE CLAIMS OF THE U.S. IS A FRAUD, A SHAM, MANY DIED NEEDLESSLY or WHY THE U.S. IS A GENOCIDE TOOL ALONG WITH ENGLAND AND THE BANKERS or PEARL HARBOR CLAIMS - PERPETUATING CRIMES AGAINST A NEUTRAL NATION, AND PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS IN THE WORLD TODAY research by Amelia Gora (2011) PEARL HARBOR was criminally claimed by the U.S., with their helpers, the Provisional government, turned Republic of Hawaii, turned Territory of Hawaii, and entity State of Hawaii with documented oppositions. Promotion of Genocide through PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS, Pollution, Poisons, Atomic bombing affecting the Hawaiian Islands, Micronesians, Nevada, and Japan occurred with the validation of the newly created United Nations, an organization set up by the U.S., England, and the bankers (Morgan, Bank of England, etc.) The following is a Chronological View of the Wrongs, the Evils of PIRATES on the High Seas which led to PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS documented: 1810 - Kamehameha began the Monarchy government. 1810 - Kamehameha gave land to his counselors, including Englishmen John Young, and Isaac Davis. 1812 - (approximately) Kamehameha with Aetearoa, and the Samoan Islands formed the Pacific Empire, a democratic group recognized by the Law of Nations. 1819 - Kamehameha died. 1820 - Uninvited Mercenaries/missionaries arrived. 1848 - The Great Mahele project documented the gifted lands of John Young. Halawa Ahupuaa was officially on record as belonging to Grace Kamaikui, daughter of John Young.
1875 - a Reciprocity Treaty was signed with the U.S. see for details. 1876 - King David Kalakaua along with treasonous persons, created a fraud deed conveying the already conveyed Halawa Ahupuaa, which included Pearl Harbor to two deceased ancestors named Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. Grace Kamaikui mother of Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, Peke Davis (my ancestor) and an adopted daughter named Emma/Queen Emma was the owner of the Halawa Ahupuaa. Grace Kamaikui died in 1866. Grace Kamaikui's father John Young was given the Halawa Ahupuaa by Kamehameha. Mataio Kekuanaoa had been conveyed an area (a strip of land) which not half of the Ahupuaa in the Great Mahele. The fraud deed purported to convey the half the Halawa Ahupuaa to Mataio Kekuanaoa. Mataio Kekuanaoa was the father of Paalua, Ruth Keelikolani, Moses Kaikioewa, Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV, Victoria Kamamalu and others (including my own ancestors). Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868 or eight (8) years earlier. How can someone, even a King, deed already deeded land to deceased people? King David Kalakaua was not a descendant of either Alii, Grace Kamaikui or Mataio Kekuanaoa, and unable to convey private properties of the Royal Families. Their descendants existed then and their descendants exists now. 1878 - The U.S. were fearful of the Japanese entering San Francisco Bay and that it would take more than 10 years to get them out. In 1878, the Pacific Cable Company was formed by treasonous persons PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS. See the list at for names and more information Some of the pirates listed funded the project of laying the cable so that the U.S. could be informed that the "Japanese were coming" or passing the Hawaiian Islands on their way to the U.S. read THE VALOR OF IGNORANCE by Homer Lea for more information at for a free download. 1887 - King David Kalakaua was forced to sign a Constitution which was dubbed the BAYONNET CONSTITUTION by his sister Princess Liliuoukalani (who later became Queen). see for more information. King Kalakaua befriended Celso Moreno who worked for the Atlantic Cable Company. Moreno apparently came to the Hawaiian Islands to support the treasonous group in setting up the Pacific Cable Company.
Also, Frauds, Deceit, Criminal issues are documented in King Kalakaua's Hawaii film at the Hawaiian Room, Main Library, Honolulu, Hawaii and the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1891 - King Kalakaua died.
Queen Liliuokalani was designated King Kalakaua's successor.
1893 - January 8. U.S. Congress and the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison gave a standing order to take over the Hawaii Islands........see the headlines the last paragraph where it says "not to mention troops".....
[ DISPLAYING ABSTRACT ] WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -- The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department and the indifference of the State Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it stands in real need. Nothing has been done since 1884, when the Pearl Harbor site in the Hawaiian Islands became available, beyond a number of surveys which have abundantly demonstrated the excellence of this harbor as a site for a naval station.
PREMEDITATION IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: ****************************** ********* 1893 - January 15. American Minister Stevens and men left the steamship -of-war BOSTON "to protect American lives and property," with their "three companies of bluejackets, one of artillery, one of marines, 154 mean and 10 officers; with 14,000 cartridges for rifles and the Gatling gun, 1,300 revolver cartridges, and 174 explosive shells for the revolving cannon.
The USS Boston's landing force on duty at the Arlington Hotel, Honolulu, at the time of the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, January 1893. Lieutenant Lucien Young, USN, commanded the detachment, and is presumably the officer at right.[1] picture from :
These forces were landed, on foreign soil, not at the request of the lawful Government - the Governor of Oahu promptly sent a formal note of protest to Minister Stevens - representing 88,000 of the population, but at the request of a committee of rebels representing 2,000 American residents."
"One company was left at the legation where the "American life and property" were to be found, while the rest of the force was marched to Arlon Hall, a structure close to the palace and just across the street from the Government Building, where, of course, the rebels would necessarily make their attack."
1893. January 16. The Rear Admiral reported that "Arlon Hall was ill=chosen for the professed purpose for which the troops were landed. "Naturally," he adds, "if they were landed with a view to supporting the Provisional Government troops than occupying the Government Building, it was a wise choice."
1893 - January 17. The American "conspirators signed their proclamation announcing that the Hawaiian monarchy had been "abrogated" and a Provisional Government established, with Sanford B. Dole as Chairman of the Executive Council."
"They took this to the Government Building and there read it, within seventy-five yards of the point where the United States forces were stationed with their Gatling gun and small cannon."
"With only the Government Building in their hands, the Queen being at the palace and her troops in possession of the police station, and but for the overawing force of United States troops in possession also of the city, the rebels posted off to the American Legation with a request for recognition. They got it with extraordinary promptness. The Provisional Government was proclaimed between 2 and 3 o'clock. Two hours later the new Government had received the following document, which, to our shame, will live in history:
United States Legation. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Jan. 17, 1893.
A Provisional Government having been duly constituted in place of the recent Government of Queen Liliuokalani, and said Provisional Government being in full possession of the Government buildings, the archives, and the Treasury, and in control of the capital of the Hawaiian Islands. I hereby recognize said Provisional Government as the de facto Government of the Hawaiian Islands.
JOHN L. STEVENS Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States.
Noted by author of the NEW YORK TIMES article, "The Story of a Crime":
"The Dole conspirators were not "in full possession of the Government buildings." but of only one of them, which was occupied only by clerks and porters at the time of their was still too early to apply the word "recent" to the Government of the Queen, for the rebels did not wait on the Queen with their treasonable proclamation until after Minister Stevens had recognized their Government."
"The Queen yielded, of course,. She could do nothing else against a rebellion that was so manifestly backed up by the superior armed forces and by the Minister of the United States. She signed, under protest, a paper renouncing her rights."
Queen Liliuokalani in 1895 was forced to sign an abdication by conspirators, treasonous persons, pirates, Sanford B. Dole, et. als.
Queen Liliuokalani returned the government to a Monarchy government when she destroyed the Constitution affecting King Kalakaua's Bayonnet Constitution which was signed at gun point, and a Constitution that she had put together which did not appeal to the Americans in the Hawaiian Islands.
Queen Liliuokalani utilized her Sovereign authority based on the following:
1. Hanai/adopted relationship to the Kamehameha line, a leader who formed themonarchy government. 2. Attending the Royal School - a School for Hawaiian leaders - based on genealogies for a monarchy government. 3. Hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant, part of a monarchygovernment.
and another reason taken as an excerpt from above:
he American "conspirators signed their proclamation announcing that the Hawaiian monarchy had been "abrogated" and a Provisional Government established, with Sanford B. Dole as Chairman of the Executive Council."
4. The American's at the time of the wrongful dethronement did proclaim and announce that the Hawaiian monarchy was "abrogated".
In other words, the recognition of a monarchy form of government, not a Constitutional monarchy government was documented in 1893, and the fact that our Hawaiian Monarchy did go "underground", which means that our Hawaiian monarchy did not cease to exist!
Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, and it was a documented fact found that the U.S. aided, planned the criminal assumption of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, and did cause the duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, planned the criminal assumption of private properties with their helpers, the Americans, the treasonous persons known as the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS and did breach the Laws of Nations, killed, caused genocide and PLUNDERED UPON INNOCENTS since their presence from the time of the arrival of their mercenaries, the missionaries in 1820.
reference: NEW YORK TIMES articles (1) The Story of a Crime; and (2) Pearl Harbor Coaling Station - Imperative Necessity that the United States Take Possession; AFFAIRS IN ASIA, 1st Qtr 1897 - The Republic of Hawaii, an aged article purchased off the internet which came from GREECE! THE LIBERAL newspaper, January 28, 1893, genealogy, history researches, etc.
1901 - December 6. The Oahu Railway and Land Company deeded Halawa lands "for the purpose of condemning for naval purposes a certain tract of land situated in the District of Ewa, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii.....Registered map #1739....635 acres, more or less." All of this "in pursuant of said agreement and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10) in lawful money of the United States of America...." "Oahu Railway & Land Co. By S.C. Allen, President; by M.P. Robinson, Treasurer" signed. Note: This is the first deed recorded to the U.S. while the true land owners existed, while Queen Liliuokalani was still alive. This shows in part the criminal transactions of criminal deviants transferring lands that did not belong to them, and making it appear that it was a legal transaction.1901 - December 6. The Oahu Sugar Company Limited also a Corporation deeded to the United States of America "the sum of Ten (10) Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America............portion of that certain Island shown upon that certain Chart numbered 1800 published by the Hydrographic Office of the United States Navy Department, said Island being known and designated Mokuumeume or Ford Island and said portions ..........containing and including 23 acres, more or less.....". "Oahu Sugar Co. Limited by its 2nd Vice President M.P. Robinson, by its Treasurer H.A. Isenberg" signed the deed. Note: This is the second deed recorded to the U.S. while the true land owners existed, while Queen Liliuokalani was still alive. This shows in part the criminal transactions of criminal deviants transferring lands that did not belong to them, and making it appear that it was a legal transaction.1901 - U.S. - G. White, Civil Engineer, U.S. mapped Halawa lands , Mokuumeume (Ford Island) showing "Portion of H.O. Chart #1800 Showing Parcwels of Land to be required by the U.S. Government through the Secretary of the Navy by Condemnation Proceedings for Naval Purposes at Pearl Harbor Hawaii Territory Naval Appropriation Act March 3, 1901. Tracing by Ld. E. Newton." 1902 - Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees deeded lands of Halawa to the U.S.! The transaction amount was for $52,737.50 dollars "in lawful money of the United States of America" - the transaction was made "between Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop deceased and Joseph O. Carter, William F. Allen, William O. Smith, Samuel M. Damon, and Alfred W. Carter Trustees under the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop deceased and of the Estate of said Bernice Pauahi Bishop, parties of the first part and The United States of America, party of the second part".Attached to the deed:The map - The date on the map in entry 17) shows at the bottom "Recorded and Compared this 16th day of July A.D. 1902 at 3:40 o'clock P. 71_ " signed/stamped Thos. G. Thrum, Registrar of Conveyances. Note: The Territory of Hawaii entity made a condemnation case. The U.S. assumed lands of the Royal families, Grace Kamaikui's ahupuaa. The Trustees of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop were treasonous persons who did not have the rights to convey lands of the Royal families, etc. The claim that they appeared to be moving with was the King David Kalakaua deed which conveyed the Halawa Ahupuaa to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. Grace Kamaikui was the owner of the Halawa Ahupuaa which was already conveyed to her by Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli in 1848. The Ahupuaa belonged to John Young, who left it to his heirs/descendants. John Young was a British counselor of Kamehameha. In other words, the claims by the Treasonous Bernice Pauahi Bishop/ Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees were and are without right, they had no claims to the Halawa Ahupuaa because John Young's, Grace Kamaikui's descendants existed then, and their descendants exist today (including myself, Amelia Gora). These illegal transactions made by treasonous persons are null and void, the U.S. supported their conspiracy activities, treasonous activities...............see the Premeditation article showing that the U.S. President, and the U.S. Congress did make a standing order to assume the Hawaiian Islands, Pearl Harbor, which is part of the Halawa Ahupuaa, and dethroning Queen Liliuokalani from a neutral, friendly, non violent nation. The Roads to WAR with the criminal claims to Pearl Harbor, Halawa lands, Mokuumeume Island (Ford Island) is based on fraud, criminal deviance, piracy(ies), etc. Research incomplete. 1916 - U.S. Congress perpetuates crimes against Monarchy governments through the Secret Treaty of Verona - 1822 and supports the One World Order/New World Order:
5 min - Jan 16, 2009 - Uploaded by ForgottenHistoryUSA Because I can find no official online primary source for the 1916 Congressional Record, I have linked to a copy of "Where is ...
1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died. Background: Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, which makes the claims of the violators null and void. Queen Liliuokalani maintained that the U.S. breached the treaties, and breached the Law of Nations. The U.S., England, departed from the Law of Nations and with the bankers formed organizations which differed from the Law of Nations and move towards One World Order/New World Order. Oppositions to Annexation was documented by Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects (21,000+) - see vs. 5,000 Americans and their paid off supporters - see PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS at http://myweb.ecomplanet/GORA8037 Opposition to the deed of lands/trust of Queen Kapiolani was documented against Princes Kuhio and Kawananakoa who failed to follow the instructions of Queen Kapiolani. Opposition to the claimed Trust Deed by Queen Liliuokalani defended by treasonous person Samuel Damon, Curtis Iaukea, and William Smith was documented in the Will of Queen Liliuokalani. Colburn, administrator, failed to make corrections and did support the treasonous Prince Kuhio. Queen Liliuokalani's true trustee's descendants existed then and exist today. Issues remain unresolved. Families of Queen Liliuokalani existed then, and their descendants exists today. Kamehameha's descendants existed then, and their descendants exists today. Bernice Pauahi Bishop was NOT the last of the Kamehameha's. Her first cousins descendants existed then, and their descendants exists today. 1921 - The COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS formed with U.S. and Great Britain’s members. A meeting was held at the “HAROLD PRATT HOUSE at 58 East 68th Street in New York, the former mansion of the PRATT family, close friends of the Rockefellers. Soon afterwards, the day-to-day administration was taken over by Colonel House and his associates, including the Rockefellers and, particularly, J>P> MORGAN. The CFR’s founding president was John W. Davis, J>P> MORGAN’s personal attorney; the founding vice-president was Paul Gravath, from a law firm representing MORGAN; and the council’s first chairman was the MORGAN partner, Russell Leffingwell….The Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs are the same organisation, working on different sides of the Atlantic to carry out the same goals and agenda. Their members are in leading positions in government, including the Presidency, banking, business, education, military and the media.” One of the goals of the CFR according to former Admiral Chester Ward, a former US Judge Advocate General of the Navy “…submergence of US sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government”. 1941 - Wars Created by Bankrupt Nations:
Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?
America's Turning Point
On an otherwise calm Sunday morning on December 7, 1941, the Japanese shocked the world by bombing the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This 'dastardly attack' was the turning point for America and for the War. On December 8, the nation was gathered around its radios to hear President Roosevelt deliver his Day of Infamy speech. That same day, Congress declared war on Japan. On December 11, Congress declared war on Germany. The slogan 'Remember Pearl Harbor' mobilized a nation and helped awaken the mighty war machine and economic engine that is America.
Not Just a Movie
Over 3,500 Americans were killed or wounded in 2 waves of terror lasting 2 long hours.
350 aircraft were destroyed or damaged. All 8 battleships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were sunk or badly damaged - including the U.S.S. Arizona. And yet all of America's aircraft carriers remained unscathed. The sinking of the USS Arizona ended the story of the invincible battleship and began a new story about the superiority of the mighty aircraft carrier.
Depleted Uranium In Hawaii / Cancer Rates / Kamakahonu | Truth ... - Cached - Similar
Airborne - Cached - Similar
Depleted Uranium in Hawaii - Cached - Similar
Lecture 43 Depleted Uranium (DU) contamination in the environment
DU In Hawaii. Questions raised by discovery of spotting rounds containing adepleted Uranium (DU) alloy at two Hawaii US Army firing ranges: ... - Similar
Sierra Club, Maui Chapter - Cached - Similar
Depleted uranium to remain in Hawaii - Cached - Similar
Army Downplays Depleted Uranium Risk on Hawaiian Island | Common ... - Cached - Similar
Disappeared News: Why any depleted uranium in Hawaii is too much Cached
Doubts remain about depleted uranium - Honolulu Advertiser - Cached -Similar
Depleted Uranium in Hawaii and elsewhere - Cached
Army Wants License for Depleted Uranium in Hawaii - Honolulu Civil ... - Cached
Depleted Uranium Contamination in Hawai'i : DMZ Hawai'i / Aloha 'Aina
Show map of 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852
DEPLETED URANIUM Outrage is Sweeping Hawai'i - Cached
Hawaii National Guard Veterans; Depleted Uranium Testing
Hawaii National Guard Veterans; Depleted Uranium Testing. Description: Requires the Adjutant General and the Director of Veterans Services to assistHawaii ...
Depleted Uranium On Hawaii's Big Island? - Care2 News Network - Cached
Depleted Uranium: Radioactive Propaganda > Hawaii Free Press ... - Cached
DEPLETED URANIUM Outrage is Sweeping Hawai’i
Leuren Moret, Depleted Uranium, and Strykers In Hawaii | Critical ... - Cached
Interview with Leuren Moret (May 5, 2011) - Tazz and Paula Radio Show - Cached
Island Breath: Depleted Uranium hazards to Hawaii - Cached -Similar
DIABETES and Depleted Uranium DU: Global impacts of Radiation - Cached
Leuren Moret | - Cached - Similar
Beyond Treason UPDATE: Leuren Moret Exposes the Military DU
Beyond Treason UPDATE: Leuren Moret Exposes the Military DU in UNMASKING SECRET MILITARY ...
Portland911Truth : Message: Re: A talk on the Nuclear Crisis in ... - Cached
Pearl Harbor News Report
Frankin Delano Roosevelt - Address 12/8/2008
Truman Warns Japan of Annihilation
1942 - THE UNITED NATIONS was formed. Fifty nations pledged themselves “to employ full resources gainst the Axis powers, not to make a separate peace, etc.” in Washington. They signed a charter, which was written at the United Nations Conference on International Organization. 1944 - Representatives of the U.S., Great Britain, Russia and China met, planned, proposed and formulated to “deal with world peace and security” through a general international organization. 1944 - Islands Contaminated With Ballistic Uranium - Cached - Similar
Information about Depleted Uranium - Depleted Uranium in Hawaii - Cached - Similar
Army Reaffirms Commitment to Hawaii on Depleted Uranium - Cached - Similar
Also, Frauds, Deceit, Criminal issues are documented in King Kalakaua's Hawaii film at the Hawaiian Room, Main Library, Honolulu, Hawaii and the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1891 - King Kalakaua died.
Queen Liliuokalani was designated King Kalakaua's successor.
1893 - January 8. U.S. Congress and the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison gave a standing order to take over the Hawaii Islands........see the headlines the last paragraph where it says "not to mention troops"..... abstract.html?res= F00617FD345B1A738D...
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -- The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department and the indifference of the State Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it stands in real need. Nothing has been done since 1884, when the Pearl Harbor site in the Hawaiian Islands became available, beyond a number of surveys which have abundantly demonstrated the excellence of this harbor as a site for a naval station.
1893 - January 15. American Minister Stevens and men left the steamship -of-war BOSTON "to protect American lives and property," with their "three companies of bluejackets, one of artillery, one of marines, 154 mean and 10 officers; with 14,000 cartridges for rifles and the Gatling gun, 1,300 revolver cartridges, and 174 explosive shells for the revolving cannon.
The USS Boston's landing force on duty at the Arlington Hotel, Honolulu, at the time of the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, January 1893. Lieutenant Lucien Young, USN, commanded the detachment, and is presumably the officer at right.[1] picture from :
These forces were landed, on foreign soil, not at the request of the lawful Government - the Governor of Oahu promptly sent a formal note of protest to Minister Stevens - representing 88,000 of the population, but at the request of a committee of rebels representing 2,000 American residents."
"One company was left at the legation where the "American life and property" were to be found, while the rest of the force was marched to
Arlon Hall, a structure close to the palace and just across the street from the Government Building, where, of course, the rebels would necessarily make their attack."
1893. January 16. The Rear Admiral reported that "Arlon Hall was ill=chosen for the professed purpose for which the troops were landed. "Naturally," he adds, "if they were landed with a view to supporting the Provisional Government troops than occupying the Government Building, it was a wise choice."
1893 - January 17. The American "conspirators signed their proclamation announcing that the Hawaiian monarchy had been "abrogated" and a Provisional Government established, with Sanford B. Dole as Chairman of the Executive Council."
"They took this to the Government Building and there read it, within seventy-five yards of the point where the United States forces were stationed with their Gatling gun and small cannon."
"With only the Government Building in their hands, the Queen being at the palace and her troops in possession of the police station, and but for the overawing force of United States troops in possession also of the city, the rebels posted off to the American Legation with a request for recognition. They got it with extraordinary promptness. The Provisional Government was proclaimed between 2 and 3 o'clock. Two hours later the new Government had received the following document, which, to our shame, will live in history:
United States Legation.
Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Jan. 17, 1893.
A Provisional Government having been duly constituted in place of the recent Government of Queen Liliuokalani, and said Provisional Government being in full possession of the Government buildings, the archives, and the Treasury, and in control of the capital of the Hawaiian Islands. I hereby recognize said Provisional Government as the de facto Government of the Hawaiian Islands.
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States.
Noted by author of the NEW YORK TIMES article, "The Story of a Crime":
"The Dole conspirators were not "in full possession of the Government buildings." but of only one of them, which was occupied only by clerks and porters at the time of their was still too early to apply the word "recent" to the Government of the Queen, for the rebels did not wait on the Queen with their treasonable proclamation until after Minister Stevens had recognized their Government."
"The Queen yielded, of course,. She could do nothing else against a rebellion that was so manifestly backed up by the superior armed forces and by the Minister of the United States. She signed, under protest, a paper renouncing her rights."
Queen Liliuokalani in 1895 was forced to sign an abdication by conspirators, treasonous persons, pirates, Sanford B. Dole, et. als.
Queen Liliuokalani returned the government to a Monarchy government when she destroyed the Constitution affecting King Kalakaua's Bayonnet Constitution which was signed at gun point, and a Constitution that she had put together which did not appeal to the Americans in the Hawaiian Islands.
Queen Liliuokalani utilized her Sovereign authority based on the following:
1. Hanai/adopted relationship to the Kamehameha line, a leader who formed themonarchy government.
2. Attending the Royal School - a School for Hawaiian leaders - based on genealogies for a monarchy government.
3. Hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant, part of a monarchygovernment.
and another reason taken as an excerpt from above:
he American "conspirators signed their proclamation announcing that the Hawaiian monarchy had been "abrogated" and a Provisional Government established, with Sanford B. Dole as Chairman of the Executive Council."
4. The American's at the time of the wrongful dethronement did proclaim and announce that the Hawaiian monarchy was "abrogated".
In other words, the recognition of a monarchy form of government, not a Constitutional monarchy government was documented in 1893, and the fact that our Hawaiian Monarchy did go "underground", which means that our Hawaiian monarchy did not cease to exist!
Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, and it was a documented fact found that the U.S. aided, planned the criminal assumption of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, and did cause the duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, planned the criminal assumption of private properties with their helpers, the Americans, the treasonous persons known as the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS and did breach the Laws of Nations, killed, caused genocide and PLUNDERED UPON INNOCENTS since their presence from the time of the arrival of their mercenaries, the missionaries in 1820.
reference: NEW YORK TIMES articles (1) The Story of a Crime; and (2) Pearl Harbor Coaling Station - Imperative Necessity that the United States Take Possession; AFFAIRS IN ASIA, 1st Qtr 1897 - The Republic of Hawaii, an aged article purchased off the internet which came from GREECE! THE LIBERAL newspaper, January 28, 1893, genealogy, history researches, etc.
1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona Because I can find no official online primary source for the 1916 Congressional Record, I have linked to a copy of "Where is ...
Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?
America's Turning Point
On an otherwise calm Sunday morning on December 7, 1941, the Japanese shocked the world by bombing the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This 'dastardly attack' was the turning point for America and for the War. On December 8, the nation was gathered around its radios to hear President Roosevelt deliver his Day of Infamy speech. That same day, Congress declared war on Japan. On December 11, Congress declared war on Germany. The slogan 'Remember Pearl Harbor' mobilized a nation and helped awaken the mighty war machine and economic engine that is America.Not Just a Movie
Over 3,500 Americans were killed or wounded in 2 waves of terror lasting 2 long hours.
350 aircraft were destroyed or damaged. All 8 battleships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were sunk or badly damaged - including the U.S.S. Arizona. And yet all of America's aircraft carriers remained unscathed. The sinking of the USS Arizona ended the story of the invincible battleship and began a new story about the superiority of the mighty aircraft carrier.Why did Japan attack?
Why was America so unprepared for this battle? See History of Pearl Harbor Read Eyewitness Accounts Pearl Harbor - Casualty List - by Ship/Location Pearl Harbor Images Pearl Harbor Speeches, Songs, News Bulletins, and Movie Clips List of Medal Winners Pearl Harbor Travel (Cruises, Air, Car Rental, Hotels), and Guide B...