The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Exposing Tane Inciong, Keanu Sai et. als.

                                                                              Review by Amelia Gora (2021)

The following was posted  on Facebook in 2019, an update was made today::

Lets talk about Dr. Keanu Sai Ph.D- the man, the myth, the legend- but also the heavily attacked and criticized representative of the Hawaiian Kingdom who has sacrificed much and devoted his life to a just and noble cause- with no financial gain.
I have had the privilege to come to know this man, his family, friends, academic and professional colleagues, and his inner circle. Many of which are kind, helpful, hardworking, thoughtful, intelligent, and profoundly well researched.
Now that Keanu has once again made some big moves, and publicly informed the Maui County Council about the lawful political status of the Hawaiian Islands, I have seen people making nasty claims and comments about him on Facebook and in the media. Of course, this is not the first time this has happened.
I feel there are a few reasons for such claims:
1. They cannot refute the information that Keanu shares, so they attack the person. The information contradicts their long held beliefs, or their own personal agenda, so they attack Keanu- because the information cannot be challenged.
2. People are jealous. They want some sort of status- they want to be the hero. They see Keanu achieving something and they try to shut him down to prop themselves up- which only results in many of us asking- Who are you and what have you done for Hawaii? What makes you qualified to attack Keanu? Can you refute the information- if not than why you attacking the person?
All of you out there who think you know- go study, and then study more. Look at the documentation that Keanu provides and cross reference it. All of the relevant documents are publicly available- The Hague and Geneva conventions, the U.S. constitution, Hawaiian Kingdom constitution of 1854, the laws and penal code of the Hawaiian Kingdom, The Newlands Resolution, Grover Clevelands address to congress, the Blount report, Cleveland's correspondence with Queen Liliuokalani, the Permanent Court of Arbitration award, the deZayas memorandum, etc etc... You can read all of these documents yourself and discover for yourself that what Keanu is saying is true, and that its not about him- The Hawaiian Kingdom still exists and its under military occupation- "it's a KAKOU thing" - its not about him.
Written by Ben Cohn on 5/25/2019
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2Calvin Hulihee and Frederick Torres-Pestana
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