at one time the tail and the head of a snake
quarreled as to which should be the front
the tail said to the head
you always taking the lead, it is not fair
you ought to let me lead sometimes
the head answered in return
it is the Law of our Nature.
that i should be the head
i can not change places with you
the quarrel went on and one day the tail
fastened itself to a tree
prevented the head from proceeding
when the head became tired with the struggle
the tail had its own way,
only with the results that the entire snake
fell into a pit of fire and PERISHED!
in the World of Nature there always exists an appropriate order
everything has its own function
if this order is disturbed,
the functioning is interrupted
and the whole order will go to RUIN...........Amene
Objective: dealing with the observable FACTS...rather than opinion or interpretation~~~
leaders in our generation need to be Corrected Leaders....
leaders in my generation is of the deaf, the subborn, the greedy and the LOST.....
our next educated and eager aggressive Leaders....need proper directions to the PROTOCOLS
of our SACREDNESS......RESPECT of our Royal Sacred Ancestors of our Ahupua'a....of our Maui Nui~~~~mauruuru
kupuna tutu man said.....this in Nature is Called......"Common Sense"
however the deaf, the dumb, the blind, the lost and the greedy
have lost the sence of Common for we are now in a state of Confusion
and the head leaders of this illegal fake state of oahu
is in the pit of fire and is PERISHING......quickly~
WARNING: this is the TIME for our Recognized Native Hawaiians from each Ahupua'a (Sacred Lands)
to Rise to the occasion and Remove this illegal OCCUPIERS, these STRANGERS (lurkers),
these INTRUDERS (lingering), TRESSPASSERS of Military (guns-war), Missionary (pagan workship),
Plantationers (japanese-filipino-chinese), Migrants (mexican/latino-micronisian), and dont forget these
tourist of the 4th generation (that never went back home) and called themselves.....american cititzen residents!
I pray and ask for the Head Leaders of our Hawaiian Nationals to step forward and Participate in the Cleansing~~~
i am proud to be a corrected Leader....for we learn something everyday
what have happened in the past needs to be corrected for our next future generation.
over 1oo yrs. of the Overthrow and 18 yrs of the APOLOGY more sorry's from Usa
one step at a time.....for it is always Ke Akua's TIME TABLE never ours to LEAD......mauruuru.....da princess