What brought Na Kanaka together for two hundred years the list is endless.  Our people will prevail pass the Akaka Bill, it's a matter of hard work.  I may not be able to solve the over all problem, but I can take care of things that pertain to immediate concerns.


I would like it to be different and Independent from the US, however, that's not just a pipe dream, but a reality that will occur sometime in the future.  I believe it will take the world to agree to the US domination to cease in the Pacific should the world choose to do so.  Until that world agreement happens we need to survive and do the best with what's infront of us. 


I want the Akaka Bill to fail more than anything right now.  I have lived it's polititical cruelty for most of my life and it's not solveable at this time.  At least not on Maoliworld the 'pig sty' drama are far more important than Na Kanaka and their friends and their ancestral lands.  


Free Hawaii needs to free up thinking space, it's not all that cut and dry.  It's beyond a quilting needle point art form.  The patch quilt of hodge podge of a diverse thinker' cannot but try if you will Stop the Akaka Bill. 


Mahalo for all your hard work



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  • Dont' have time for Kuhio that worked for his buddies in Washington and their plantation business men. And set aside, 200,000 acres aside and dangled it infront of his peoples faces like a carrot.

    Not until 1974 did the truth come out about the 'rehabilitation' program, when women begin to speak up.

    The Hawaiian Civic clubbers banned together and made sure that their voices were never heard.

    I don't see anything different, the same ole same ole....how creepy...ugh!

    The newborns.....where is Edward!!!!

    Who will gain should the Akaka Bill pass, number 11 question?
  • I understand, I need to get this information out on the DU.. time is of the essence.

    Prince Kuhio and his supporters created a dehumanizing penal colony. Richard Kinney (Pomai) participated in maintaing that horror and prevented our Na Kupuna voices from speaking up and in opposition to abuse during their time. I was there and I watched this behavior without so much as a word of opposing Richard Kinney. Whenever a Hawaiian women spoke up she was considered a whore by Richard Kinney.

    The irony is that was the gist of my conversation at Iolani Palace as we were gathering palm logs. One of the famous Ghost stories are about women being abused, and pulled by there hair and bent to apologize before the Kamehameha because she did not want to do what he wanted.

    I don't look for help from anyone when I'm confronting a filty pervert such as Richard Kinney. I am not a whore, neither are any child growing up on DHHL at fault for Na Kanaka loosers outside of the boundaries of DHHL. And they are many.

    The Akaka Bill should be stopped, sadly, it will be an opportunity for Hawaiian Civic Club members to receive a paycheck, social buddies, and maybe a new party dress.

    It's old money, old times, and the blood red game repeats itself over and over.
    • When and Where did you ever Speak Up on the Rights of native Hawaiians. Luwella(Kaohi)? Tell us all here. Show us your testimonies, Luwella Leonaardi. It's you Luwella who translated LuLu Bell being a Whore, not me. Ask your Old Man why I called you LuLu Bell. Get to the True Facts and Get Real, Luwella.
      As I have said in the past and once more I say to all, I would put my record of defending the rights of native Hawaiians against yours, Luwella, any time and place. As you Luwella have always remained in your Closet protecting your Blood Quantum. Saying that the Only Real Hawaiians are those living on Hawaiian Homestead Lands. You have Talked Down on the Office of Hawaiians Affairs. Never once did I see you go there and share with the OHA Trustees your position of native Hawaiian Rights.
      When ever you have spoken in public Luwella many come up to me and asked me, where are YOU come Form, Luwella. Just as many send me emails and call me and tell me that they are happy that I am Stand Up against YOUR LIES and HATE. Keep on talking Luwella and let everyone here hear you speak and know of the Real Person that you are. o Pomai
      • If you Luwella(Kaohi) don't like Living in a "Dehumanizing Penal Colony" of Prince Kuhio, you have the FREEDOM to leave that Dehumanizing Penal Colony any time. It's native Hawaiians like you Luwella who has supported the violation like the selling of Hawaiian Homestead Lands in Fee Simple. It's is the few native Hawaiians like you Luwella who makes it hard for the rest of the native Hawaiian beneficiaries of the Hawaiian Homestead Act. You Luwella who continously to TALK DOWN on every thing that that belongs to our people in Trust. It is that You, Luwella want to do away with the Hawaiian Trust Lands of our people? That you Luwella want to own your Hawaiian Homestead Lands in Fee Simple? Get Real, Luwella. Everyone is listening and watching you. o Pomai
        • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
          In Old Hawaii our people never spoke badly publicly against the Alii. Especailly when the Alii had passed on. I find it shameful that Luwella (Kaohi) has on Maoliworld TALKED DOWN publicly on Prince Kuhio. Especailly when Luwella enjoys the benefits of living on Hawaiian Homestead Lands.
          If Prince Kuhio was not able to have Congress pass the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, where would native Hawaiians like Luwella be living? Better, where would all the Hawaiian Homes Comssion Trust Lands be and who would be living on those lands?
          Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
          • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
            I have never supported the selling In Fee Simple the Trust Lands of Hawaii. For the simple reasons, where would Kamehameha Schools be today if Princess Pauahi directed her trustess in her will to sell all of her Trust Lands In Fee Simple? Kamehameha Schools would be like the Lunalilo Home Trust.
            The Lunalilo Trust was larger then the Kamehameha Schools Trust. But the Lunalilo Trustees were forced to sell their Trust Lands in Fee Simple. In Hawaii, you don't sell land, you buy Lands. After all, Pele can only create so much lands.
            Kamehameha Schools and the Department of Hawaiian Homes Lands should open up their lands for the resident people of Hawaii who are without a home to live in. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs should join with Kamehameha Schools and Hawaiian Homes on this issue.
            Together Kamehameha Schools, the Department of Hawaiian Homes and OHA are the lead Hawaiian entities that should be working together in the best interest of their beneficiaries of their Trust.
            But when you have native Hawaiians like Luwella that don't want these Hawaiian entities for what ever her reasons are to work for our people, our people will continue to be Strangers in our Own Lands of Hawaii.
            Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
  • Hi Kaohi.

    I just recently had an argument with another Hawaiian who is younger and one who is older. Neither respect Hawaiian women the way that Hawaiian women SHOULD be respected but like in anything it's the 20% that will give you what you want... not the 80% of waste.

    Don't be discouraged though... even though it IS discouraging. Even though we cannot all just get along. We cannot be everything to everyone.

    Even though violence is coming out. Even though you and Pomai do not get along... we HAVE to onipa'a.
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