ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
The Statehood Act for Hawaii is another "Haole Law" that is Illegal. Many people who were not residents of the Territory of Hawaii were encouraged and allowed to vote in Statehood Bill after it passed by Congress. This was done to sercure a high vote for the Statehood Bill.
It is a known fact that many Hawaiians did not vote in the Statehood Bill. Everyone else may have voted for the Statehood Bill, but not the Native Indigenous people of the Hawaiian Islands.
Like their ancestors who signed the "Anti-Annexation Petitions of 1897-1898" most Hawaiians remained loyal to their to Hawaiian Kingdom nation of Queen Liliuokalani.
Long Live The Hawaiian, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993
The Statehood Act for Hawaii is another "Haole Law" that is Illegal. Many people who were not residents of the Territory of Hawaii were encouraged and allowed to vote in Statehood Bill after it passed by Congress. This was done to sercure a high vote for the Statehood Bill.
It is a known fact that many Hawaiians did not vote in the Statehood Bill. Everyone else may have voted for the Statehood Bill, but not the Native Indigenous people of the Hawaiian Islands.
Like their ancestors who signed the "Anti-Annexation Petitions of 1897-1898" most Hawaiians remained loyal to their to Hawaiian Kingdom nation of Queen Liliuokalani.
Long Live The Hawaiian, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993