
  • The above Flag is the Kalakaua Dynasty Flag that represents King Kalakaua, Queen Liliuokalani, Princess Lilkelike and Prince Leilehoku.
  • So the lime green, red and gold flag represents? Can you tell me?
    • In reference to your question, it is an uncomissioned flag, claim of Kanaka Maoli.

      The flag I have posted symbolizes Kalakaua's personal flag centered within the stripes representing the stripes within his personal flag. This is symbolic of a Nation with a Nation which is a political propaganda phrase with no agreed universal meaning.

      In referrenced separatism, ie: the Kurds in Iraq, the Cree (a Native American people), the "Nation of Islam" movement among black Americans, and the Moravians in the Czech republic.

      One common thread is referencing "to a group of people who consider themselves simultaneously united with each other by and separated from the rest of the country they live in by something". Except for the self-styled "nation of Islam", the above examples are all peoples who have attributes which were typically found in a nation state as these emerged out of kingdoms and colonies during the past 200 years: a distinct culture and/or language in a geographically contiguous homeland, one that has evolved over centuries or millennia....a long time...
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