The following persons/entities purchased the United States government bank in 1913:

1913 - "The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 provided that the names of the owner banks be kept secret.

 However, RE McMaster, publisher of "THE REAPER" discovered through confidential Swiss banking connections the names of the controlling stockholders in the Federal Reserve. 

They are: 

1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin 

2. Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris 

3. Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy 

4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam 

5. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York 

6. Lehman Brothers Bank of New York 

7. Goldman Sachs Bank of New York 

8. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York 

(Rockefellers - the same owners of EXXON formerly known as STANDARD OIL, the corporation that President George W. Bush had commented that "...WAR FOR EXXON..." was documented in Greg Palast article THE BROWN STUFF at HYPERLINK " ) 

"Eustace Mullins in his impeccably researched book SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE says; "Because the Federal Reserve Bank of New York sets the daily supply and price of currency throughout America, the owners of that bank are the real directors of the entire system. 

These shareholders have controlled our political and economic destiny since 1913." 

"The shareholders of the Mullins lists are similar to the Swiss bank source: 

1. The Rothchilds 

2. Lazard Freres (Eugene Mayer) 

3. Israel Sieff 

4. Kuhn Loeb Company 

5. Warburg Company 

6. Lehman Brothers 

7. Goldman Sachs 

8. The Rockefeller family and J.P. Morgan interests. 

Note:  The Trustees of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop and Charles Reed Bishop invested in both Goldman Sachs; and J.P. Morgan banks...and it's Not their lands, monies invested! ---- They are documented Pirates, Pillagers, Criminal deviants, frauds, racketeers, privateers, genocide activists, identity thieves documented.

1914 – “In the early days of the war England had practically abdicated, for the time being, the position of international banker which she had held for a hundred years.” England “had invested over a billion dollars in New securities, domestic and foreign. Lombard Street had largely financed the building of American railroads, had contributed greatly To the financing of American enterprises of all Kinds, had been a large purchaser of government And municipal bonds, not only in the United States, But in South American countries.” (pages 161-162) “Wall Street had played little part in financing foreign governments, its activities in this direction being limited almost to lending Great Britain $200,000,000 at the time of the South African War and Japan $50,000,000 at the time of the Russian War.” (page 163) The British purchased the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.” (Of Many Times and Cultures –page 169) 1915 – The “British Government vetoed all operations of this kind and informed the bankers that their resources must be used exclusively for war purposes.” (page 162) “Wall Street bought the bond issues of Paris, Bordeaux, and Lyons, and even provided funds for International trade.” (page 162) “A distinguished Anglo-French mission arrived in New York for the purpose of floating an American Loan….” The amount approved was for half the Request or $500,000,000. (page 164) “the House of Morgan has always maintained close and confidential relations with the British Government and the British public.” (pages 164-165) “Wall Street began to deal in shells, cannon, submarines, blankets, clothing, shoes, canned meats, wheat, and thousands of other articles needed for the prosecution of a great war.” (page 165) 1916 - “ The United States produced 43,000,000 tons of steel, while Great Britain, which normally ranks next to this country in steel manufacturer, produced 9,000,000 tons….” (page 156) “The gold supply of Europe began to find its way into coffers of Wall Street, a movement that was coninuous until 1917, when of the approximately $8,500,000,000 outstanding, nearly $3,000,000,000 was ultimately deposited in American safety vaults.” (page 161) “we had ceased to be a debtor nation and now had Europe deeply in our debt. We had lent foreign Governments, bankers, and merchants not far from $2,000,000,000; yet so plentiful was money in New York that the investment bankers complained because they could not find enough securities to supply their customers. (page 170) 1917- “Congress declared war on April 6, 1917.” (page 168) “The mere fact that the United States, besides spending enormous sums on its own military preparations, was able to lend nearly $10,000,000,000 to European Governments in little less than two years, gives some idea of the resources which this country brought to bear in the European conflict. (page 175) Some people charged that it was “Wall Street’s War”. 


1913 - Federal Reserve Status:

Carroll County democrat. (Huntingdon, Tenn.) 188?-1971, July 04, 1913, Image 6

Image provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link:

Aaron Russo (dec.)- Whistleblower on the Federal Reserve, Taxes, etc. 

He suggests to shut down the Federal Reserve System.




IMPORTANT: Keep for Your Records - Updated Hawaiian History (Part 1)

Important: KEEP FOR YOUR RECORDS - Updated Hawaiian History

                                          compiled by Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal person (rev. 2011)
                                                          credits to researchers:  Shane Lee, Kiliwehi Kekumano, Keoua
                                                                                                           Francis Gora, Aran Ardaiz,
                                                                                                           Tane/Tane Inciong, Keanu Sai,
                                                                                                            Kenolio, Pono Kealoha, Kaukuna,
                                                                                                            Hank Fergerstrom, Pomaikai Kinney,
                                                                                                            et. als.
The "glue" that adheres all of us together are genealogies.  We are based on a 2,650 - 3,000 year history of genealogies as compared to an aggressive, violent, ciminal based United States with a 200+ year history with the beginnings from 13 penal colonies with the throwaways and castouts of the English society.
Our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina has been the target of many criminal deviants over time and the identity theft of our ancestors, along with the criminal dethroning of our Queen, criminally assuming assets, resources, occupation of our lands became the moves by the U.S. whose representative asked for loans and our House of Nobles said "no" to.
Now that many of our people are moving onto their ancestral lands, or pressing on with their beliefs, because most have oral histories of the wrongs, it is best (and wise) to gear up with information to better represent yourselves.
Have the following on hand, keep copies for yourselves and family members.  If you can, also pass the important information on to those who haven't a clue on what to do.....etc.
1.  Genealogy research of your own families.
2. Know that if you're a member of the Royal family(ies) - anyone descending from the King - Kamehameha then that means that you should be aware that governments, and the Masons/Freemasons were set in place to break apart Monarchy governments worldwide.
3.  Know that the U.S. etals. breached the Laws of Nations and were documented by Queen Liliuokalani.
4.  Know that Queen Liliuokalani "has never given a legal abdication" was "still the lawful ruler" because on January 7, 1895 she was arrested for no specific charged offense, taken by force, and confined alone in the Iolani palace. * * * She was told that those she dearly loved, personal friends, were awaiting execution, and the only act which would save their lives was an act of abdication to be signed by her.  * * * To save those she loved she executed the document (abdication)...It was an act consummated under the plainest kind of duress, void even had it been legally executed."
5.  Know that Queen Liliuokalani's signature was worthless. * * * "It is not the official signature.  There was no such person recognized as Liliuokalani Dominis, and there is no such person to this day."
6.  Know that the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison was in place during the period, he was a former American Civil War general who directed that there should be a plebiscite to 'give the appearance that the dethronement was the will of the people'.
7.  Know that the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison used his executive order to stop the passage of a bill approved by both House and Senate in prosecuting piracy(ies) on the high seas.
8.  Know that the U.S. President's Vice President Morton was an expert in international banking transfers and sold his bank to the Morgan bankers.
9.  Know that there were six American Civil War Generals/Officers in Hawaii at the time of the wrongful dethronement.
10.  Know that England supported the U.S.
11  Know that both U.S. and England lost enormous amounts of money in the American Civl War and their representatives/investors were the Morgan bankers.
12.  Know that the Morgan bankers approved the criminal assumption of the Kingdom of Hawaii's assets and maneuered to invest in the Wall Street Stock markets for both the U.S. and England.
13.  Know that the bankers, U.S., and England were the founders of the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations and created the United Nations with the continued plans of One World Order/New World Order since the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona.
14.  George Washington owned stocks in the Bank of England and was a descendant of England's Royal families.
15.  The Bank of England along with the Morgan etals. bankers are known as the International bankers.
16.  Grover Cleveland's New York banker's relative married into the conspirator's Judd family in Hawaii.
17.  Queen Liliuokalani temporarily yielded to the President of the U.S.
18.  Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, etc.
19.  Queen Liliuokalani and the U.S. President, the heads of States made Executive Agreements, which no one can break.
20.  U.S. President Cleveland returned Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1895.
21.  Grover Cleveland approved the sale of Federal Reserve stocks to the following:

1844 -

1844 - England and France's governments recognized the independence of the Hawaiian Islands.

Equal consideration of the three 1) The United States of America; 2) Great Britain, and 3) France was approved by the King and Premier of the Hawaiian Kingdom and signed by Kamehameha III, and Kekauluohi at Lahaina, Maui, on the 29th day of June, A.D. 1844.

Note: Under the Law of Nations general convention, the Congress of Vienna convened, and "contained delegates from the eight principal Powers of Europe, Austria, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Prussia, who among other arrangements saw fit to terminate by mutual agreement, the dissension about precedence: These Powers unanimously agreed to the following articles on that subject... see THE POLYNESIAN, Saturday, July 20, 1844

Belgium's government recognized the independence of the Hawaiian Islands.

the following documents are very important due to the recognition of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1844.



Senator Owen: I wish to put in the Record the secret treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822, showing what this ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the many. I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this treaty because it is the threat of this treaty which was the basis of the Monroe doctrine. It throws a powerful white light upon the conflict between monarchical government and government by the people. The Holy Alliance under the influence of Metternich, the Premier of Austria, in 1822, issued this remarkable secret document:


The undersigned, specially authorized to make some additions to the treaty of the Holy Alliance, after having exchanged their respective credentials, have agreed as follows:
ARTICLE 1. The high contracting powers, being convinced that the system of representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchical principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the divine right, engage mutually, in the most solemn manner, to use all that their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever county it may exist in Europe, and to prevent it being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known.
ARTICLE 2. As it can not be doubted that the liberty of the press is the most powerful means used by the pretended supporters of the rights of nations to the detriment of those of princes, the high contracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper measures to suppress it, not only in their own States but also in the rest of Europe.
ARTICLE 3. Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective States those measures which clergy may adopt, with the aim of ameliorating their own interests, intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations.
ARTICLE 4. The situation of Spain and Portugal unite unhappily all the circumstances to which this treaty has particular reference. The contracting parties, in confiding to France the care of putting an end to them, engaged to assist her in the matter which may the least compromit [sic] them with their own people and the people of France by means of a subsidy on the part of the two empires of 20,000,000 of francs every year from the date of the signature of this treaty to the end of the war.
ARTICLE 5. In order to establish in the Peninsula in the order of things which existed before the revolution of Cadiz, and to insure the entire execution of the articles of the present treaty, the high contracting parties give to each other the reciprocal assurance that as long as their views are not fulfilled, rejecting all other ideas of utility or other measure to be taken, they will address themselves with the shortest possible delay to all the authorities existing in their States and to all their agents in foreign countries, with the view to establish connections tending toward the accomplishment of the objects proposed by this treaty.
ARTICLE 6. This treaty shall be renewed with such changes as new circumstances may give occasion for, either at a new congress or at the court of one of the contracting parties, as soon as the war with Spain shall be terminated.
ARTICLE 7. The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications exchanged at Paris within the space of six months.
Made at Verona the 22nd November, 1822.
for Austria: METTERNICH
for Prussia: BERNSTET
for Russia: NESSELRODE
Senator Owen: "This Holy Alliance, having put a Bourdon prince upon the throne of France by force, then used France to suppress the condition of Spain, immediately afterwards, and by this very treaty gave her a subsidy of 20,000,000 francs annually to enable her to wage war upon the people of Spain and prevent their exercise of any measure of the right of self-government. The Holy Alliance immediately did not same thing in Italy, by sending Austrian troops to Italy, where the people there attempted to exercise a like measure of liberal constitutional self-government; and it was not until the printing press, which the Holy Alliance so stoutly opposed, taught the people of Europe the value of liberty that finally one country after another seized a greater and greater right of self-government, until now it may be fairly said that nearly all the nations of Europe have a very large measure of self-government.
"However, I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this important history in the growth of constitutional popular self- government. The Holy Alliance made its powers felt by the wholesale drastic suppression of the press in Europe, by universal censorship, by killing free speech and all ideas of popular rights, and by the complete suppression of popular government. The Holy Alliance having destroyed popular government in Spain, and Italy, had well-laid plains also to destroy popular government in the American Colonies which had revolted from Spain and Portugal in Central and South America under the influence of the successful example of the United States."
"It was because of this conspiracy against the American Republics by the European monarchies that the great English statesman, Canning, called the attention of our government to it, and our statesmen then, including Thomas Jefferson, who was still living at that time, took an active part to bring about the declaration by President Monroe in his next annual message to the Congress of the United States that the United States would regard it as an act of hostility to the government of the United States and an unfriendly act, if this coalition, or if any power of Europe ever undertook to establish upon the American continent any control of any American republic, or to acquire any territorial rights.
"This is the so-called Monroe Doctrine. The threat under the secret treaty of Verona to suppress popular government in the American republics is the basis of the Monroe Doctrine. This secret treaty sets fourth clearly the conflict between monarchial government and popular government, and the government of the few as against the government on the many."
(Senator Owen, Congressional Record 1916)
 ***************************** **********setstats
1892 - A Concerted Move to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani progressed:

Lorrin A. Thurston, American, conspirator, treasonous person, offered to purchase the Hawaiian Islands for approximately $60,000.

A. U.S. agent through the Annexation Club offered Queen Liliuokalani $250,000 to purchase the Hawaiian Islands.

U.S. Secretary of the Navy, B..F. Tracy, met with Makua Valley rancher, Samuel Andrews, a nephew of Lorrin Thurston during the "preliminary contemplation ......of overthrowing the Monarchy" and talk about annexation after.

Hawaiian Kingdom employees in Washington, D.C. Dr. Mott-Smith and Thomas Akaka (ancestor of Daniel Akaka promoter of the Akaka Bill presently pushing criminal assumptions of all lands, assets, identity(ies) of all kanaka maoli) consulted, confided, planned the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani and assume lands, assets, resources, etc. with communications from Sanford B. Dole, Lorrin Thurston, U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, Congress, et. als.

May 24. Cousin to Queen Liliuokalani Robert Wilcox, and Englishman Volney V. Ashford were arrested for Treason in Hawaii. "On the morning of the 21st...twenty persons charged with the crime of treason against the Hawaiian Government were arrested. Their object was the overthrow of the existing form of government by deposing Queen Liliuokalani and establishing a Hawaiian republic."

Robert Wilcox did try to overthow King David Kalakaua, also a cousin, and "he and his associates were convicted on like charges, they were promptly pardoned"..........Wilcox "was elected to the Legislature."

"The leaders of the movement are understood to be Voleny V. Ashford and Robert Wilcox, the well-known agitators."
Read: THE NEW YORK TIMES, published June 1, 1892.''

"The penalty for treason is death; for conspiracy imprisonment, not to exceed ten years, and a fine of $1,000."

Read also articles "The Hawaiian Conspirators", THE NEW YORK TIMES, and "Trials for treason in Hawaii do not seem to be very fruitful in results...:, THE NEW YORK TIMES, Thursday, July 14, 1892.

Note: It appears that this and previous moves to dethrone cousins King David Kalakaua, and his sister Queen Liliuokalani by Robert Wilcox and 19 others shows trial runs, testing over what was to come......Robert Wilcox appears to have been supported by the U.S., and Volney Ashford supported by England, etc.

1892 Conspirators planned to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani: - Lorrin Thurston and Benjamin F. Tracy, U.S. Representative met with Thurston in Makua, Oahu on the 'preliminary contemplation of dethroning the Queen'. - Dr. Mott-Smith, Lorrin Thurston, Thomas Akaka etals. planned to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in Washington, D.C. - May 24. Volney V. Ashford and Robert Wilcox with 18 others were "charged with the crime of treason against the Hawaiian Government" and arrested. "Their object was the overthrow of the existing form of government, by deposing Queen Liliuokalani and establishing a Hawaiian republic." Note: It appears that this was a trial run for the January 1893 premeditated plan to dethrone the Queen seven (7) months later or January 1893. See article "Arrests for Treason in Hawaii" in THE NEW YORK TIMES, published June 1, 1892. - Masons/Freemasons gathered, paraded by the hundreds and celebrated a new building/a Temple and called Honolulu their "home city". (This happened in December 1892 or a few weeks before dethroning our Queen.) Note: Masons/Freemasons were set in place to break down Monarchy governments worldwide. Also see the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona's goals. Once again, Robert Wilcox and others, tried to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom. Once again he was tried for treason, and he was released. Robert Wilcox appeared to be testing his cousins to help the Americans. Many people tried to pay the Queen for the Hawaiian Islands. They claimed to be Hawaiian subjects but were actually Americans and treasonous, criminals to the Hawaiian Kingdom. Even the U.S. President McKinley and U.S. President Grover Cleveland were in on it with England and the bankers (Morgan bankers, Bank of England, and others). They planned the takeover of our Hawaiian Kingdom since they started to say that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha's. That was a lie! Many descendants existed then and exists today.
Other New World Order/One World Order Activists - Masons/Freemasons: The following article appeared in the Hawaiian newspapers before the criminal dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani: Hawaiian Gazette, Honolulu, Tuesday, January 3, 1893 (note: Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully dethroned on Tuesday, January 17, 1893, exactly two (2) weeks later.)
Hawaiian Gazette, Honolulu, Tuesday, January 3, 1893
(note:  Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully dethroned on Tuesday, January 17, 1893, exactly two (2) weeks later.)
                                               THE NEW TEMPLE
The Corner-Stone Is Laid With Masonic Honors.
Eloquent Oration By Hon. Paul Neumann --- Full Account of the Impressive Ceremony.
Tuesday afternoon the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple, on the corner of Alakea and Hotel Streets, was laid with appropriate ceremonies by Hotel Streets, was laid ith appropriate ceremonies by Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. & A.M., for which lodge the new temple is being erected.
Everything passed off pleasantly and the impressive Masonic ceremony was witnessed by a vast concourse of people.  During the morning a number of carpenters were engaged erecting a platform for the limited guests.  The platform was a covered one and seats were provided for 300 people with a special row of chairs for the Royal party.
About 2:00 o'clock the procession started from the building at the corner of Fort and Queen streets.  A: present occupied by Hawaiian Lodge, and marched up Fort street to King, along King to Alakea and up Alakea to the scene of the ceremony, proceeding in the following order:
                                                                 The Procession
                                                              Royal Hawaiian Band.
                                                            Henri Berger, Conductor.
                                                         Grand Tyler, with a Drawn Sword,
                                                              Bro. John Morris Angus
                                                         Two Grand Stewards, with White
                                                            Bro. Charles Jerome Campbell,
                                                            Bro. Archibald Forrest Gilillan.
                                                                         Grand Marshal,
                                                                 Bro. James Anderson King.
                                                                        Entered Apprentices, 
                                                                            Fellow Crafts,
                                                                       Master Masons,
                                                                           Junior Deacons,
                                                                           Senior Deacons,
                                                                           Junior Wardens,
                                                                           Senior Wardens,
                                                                             Past Masters,
                                                              Brother Bearing Golden Vessel of
                                                                      Brother John Harris Soper,
                                                              Two Brethren Bearing Silver Vessel
                                                                         Of Wine and Oil
                                                                     Bro. Thomas James King,
                                                                         Bro. Robert Catton,
                                                           Grand Orator and Grand Chaplain,
                                                                          Bro. Paul Neumann,
                                                           P. .M. ., Alexander Mackintosh.
                                                        Principal Architect Bearing Working
                                                                      P..M..C. Briggs Ripley
                                                                         Grand Secretary
                                                                     P..M..John Philillips,
                                                                        Grand Treasurer.
                                                        P..M.. James Nelville Monsarrat.
                                                                      Grand Bible Bearer,
                                                                     Bro. Charles Ham(?)
                                                        Supported by two Stewards with
                                                                           White Rods,
                                                            Bro. William Francis Love
                                                             Bro. Abraham Fernandez
                                                                  Grand Junior Warden,
                                                            P..M.. William M. Graham.
                                                              Grand Son of Warden,
                                                      P..M.. Theodore Cunningham Porter.
                                                                 Deputy Grand Master,
                                                              P..M..John Astair Hasinger.
                                                                       Grand Master,
                                                       P..M.. William Fessenden Allen,
                                                      Supported by two Grand Deacons
                                                                       With Rods.
                                                         Bro. Clarence L. Crabbe,
                                                       Bro. Milton Nelson Sanders,
                                                           Grand Sword Bearer,
                                                       Bro. David Bowers Smith
                                                   Two Stewards with White Rods,
                                                      Bro. William George Ashley,
                                                     Bro . William Lewers Hopper.
When the procession reached the new building, thanks to Mr. E. D. Thomas, the contractor of the edifice, everything was in readiness for the ceremony of laying the cornerstone.
During the ceremony, odes were sung by the choir of St. Andrew's Catherdral, Mr. Wray Taylor accompanying on the organ.  The instrumental music was furnished by the Hawaiian Band under the direction of Professor H. Berger.
                                               The Ceremony
After a prayer byGrand Chaplain P.M. Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, an ode was sung by the choir, when the ceremony of laying the cornerstone was begun by W. M. Andrew Brown, on behalf of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A.M., who invited Grand Master P.M. W. F. Allen to commence the ceremonies.  The Grand Master responded as follows:
     We are gathered here today by invitation of the Grand Lodge of California, F. & A.M. under authority given me as follows:  "You will convene the Grand Lodge of California, F. & A.M., at Honolulu, H. I.. on the 27th day of December, 1892, for the purpose of laying the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple at that place, performing said ceremony in my place and stead, accepting this as your authority and deputation from me, C. R. Gretman, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California."; to witness and assist in the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of this building, which, when complete, will be the Hawaiian Masonic Temple.
     Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A. M.. was chartered by the Grand Lodge in California on the 5th day of May, 1872 our sister Lodge Le Progress some years older, and the charter members were:  Letanel Lyon, C. W. Vincent, Wm. Wond, Frederick W. Thompson, Andrew C. Mott, John Meek, David P. Penhallow, Jas. G. Saukins, Alexander J. Cartwright, Joseph Irwin, F.M. Stokes.
     From that time our Lodge has prospered, and today we have one hundred and twenty-seven members, and are able to erect this Temple.
     Masonry has always held a high position in Honolulu:  sovereigns, governors, judges, clergymen, and those most respected in our community have and do belong to the order.
     I do not say that all good citizens are Masons, but I do say that all good Masons are good citizens.
     Brother Masons, now that we shall become more prominent, let me ask you to unite with our neighbors the Young Men's Christian Association and the Honolulu Library and Reading Room Association in doing all we can by our good example, to promote good morals, and good citizenship in this our home city.
     After the Band played a selection Grand Secretary P.M. John Phillips read the contents of the box which was afterwards deposited in the cavity of the lower stone.  The box was made of sheet copper and was 14 l/2 inches long, by 9 inches wide by 7 inches high.  The following is the official list of the contents:
                                                         List of Documents.
     List of contents of receptacle of cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple, corner of Hotel and Alakea Streets laid on St. John's Day, December 27, 1892 at 2:00 P.M.
     Objects transferred from receptacle of the cornerstone of former Mason building corner of Queen and Fort Streets, (?) not published in the Daily Bulletin of December 16, 1892.
Photographs of Her Majesty Queen Liliuokalani.
Photograph of H.R.H. Princess Kaiulani.
Photograph of Hon. A.S. Cleghorn
Photograph of Hon. A.F. Judd, Chief Justice and Chancellor, P.M.
Photograph of C. W. F. Alle, P.M., Acting Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California.
Photograph of Andrew Brown, Master Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & A.M.
Photograph of J.H. Soper, Senior Warden of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & A.M.
Photograph of the Officers of Lodge le Progres de PO sat le No. 121 F. & A.M.
Photographs of prominent men, Masons and officials of this Kingdom.
Photographs of prominent public buildings.
List of Past Masters, Officers, Members, Trustees, Building Committee and Committee of Arrangements of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F& A.M.; Certified copy of the Dispensation of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California, delegating W.F. Allen, P.M. to lay the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple.
List of Meanings of Lodge de Progreess de l'Oceanie No. 121 F. & A.M.
List of Members of Kamehameha Lodge of Perfection.
Proceedings of Grand Lodge of California of 1881 (?).
Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1892 and 1893(?) compiled by Thos. G. Thrum.
History of the Hawaiian People by W.D. Alexander: Tourist's Guide Through the Hawaiian Islands, by H.M. Whitney
Compiled Laws of 1884.
Seventh Volume Hawaiian Reports.
Report of Chief Justice to Legislature of 1892(?).
Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, signed by King Kalakaua in 1887.
Report of the Minister of the Interior to the Legislature of 1892.
Copy of Catalogue of Library of Supreme Court.
Copy of rules of Supreme Court.
Session Laws of 1890 (?).
Act to Re-organize the Judiciary Department.
Report of the President of the Board of Health.
Report of the President of the Board of Education.
Review of the Honolulu Water Works by J.C. White, Superintendent.
Report of the Chief Engineer of the Honolulu Fire Department and of the Superintendent of the Honolulu Water Works to the Legislature of 1891(?).
List of the Cabinet:  list of the Supreme Court:  list of Government officials, Heads of Departments.
Daily Bulletin of December 16, 1892, containing a specified list of objects transferred from the cornerstone of former Masonic building to the receptacle of the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple.
Legal English and Hawaiian Papers.
Masonic Diploma(?) of King Kalakaua.
Complete set of Hawaiian postage stamps, postal cards and envelopes issued since 1878. 
Hawaiian Silver coins, $1, (?), 25c.,inc.: effigy of King Kalakaua.
Planters' Monthly for November, 1892.
Programs of the Ceremony of the Laying of the Cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple, December 27, 1892.
After an ode was sung by the choir, the architect P.M. Clinton B. Ripley distributed the working tools among the Grand Officers, giving the trowel to Grand Master P.M. William F. Allen; the square tot eh Deputy Grand Master; the level to the Senior Grand Warden, P.M. Theodore F. Porter, and the plumb to the Junior Grand Warden, P.M. William M. Graham.  These officers then descended from the platform to the stone and placed themselves around it according to the Masonic ritual. 
After the cement had been spread on the lower stone, the Grand Master directed the upper stone to be lowered to its place which was done at three separate intervals and at each stoppage the brothers gave the grand honors.
When the stone was properly adjusted the Grand Master pointed the cement upon the edges of the stone and the usual ritual was proceeded with until the tools were returned to the architect, after which another ode was sung by the choir.
Grand Master Allen then introduced Hon. Paul Neumann, the orator of the day, who delivered the following eloquent oration:
                                                    The Oration.
This is the era of terseness.  We desire to waste no time and that which is to be said on any occasion must be said briefly, provided that brevity does not detract from the solemnity of the occasion or mar the purport (?) of the speech.
The paragraphs on the newspaper epitomizes the information which he gives us, that we may glean without waste of time what is necessary or interesting to know of the happenings of the day, and he is appreciated.  The speaker of the day who says that which he is called upon to say without waste of words or time deserves also appreciation and praise.
Let me then, in accepting the honor of addressing this goodly assemblage, make up by the brevity of the discourse for other defects.
Not only to the members of the Hawaiian Lodge of Masons, but to our fellow citizens, this ceremony is of interest.  With this ceremony is inaugurated further advancement of our town as well as a manifestation of the prosperity of our Order and our Lodge. On the 12th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1852, over forty years ago, an application was made to the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of California for a dispensation to open a lodge of Masons in Honolulu under the name of Hawaiian Lodge.  A few months later, on the 5th day of May of that year, a regular charter was granted to that lodge giving it a lawful standing throughout the world. 
The lodge then began its masonic work and while its meeting place improved in appearance from time to time, and while it could boast of the possession of its own house, many of the members deemed the accomodations insufficient.  Hence arose the intention which we are not carrying out, of erecting a place where we find room not only for our masonic work, but also for social converse.
For more than forty years our lodge has been in existence, maintaining the rites and principles of the ancient craft without a taint upon the membership or work; without strife, without comity, without ill feeling, but in undisturbed harmony has this lodge done its work during all that length of time.
The records of this lodge are but part of the evidence of the good done by it and its situation upon the confines of the world of our European and American bretheren has given additional value and weight to all the charitable acts performed by this lodge and its individual members.


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    In former days when the communication between these Islands and Europe and America was scant and irregular, it must have been a great comfort for the stranger brother landing upon these shores to find a loge of brothers of the mystic tie to welcome him.
    To find men with whom he could fraternize, and who in a measure lessened, under the shelter of the lodge, that sense of loneliness and dejection of spirit which is so often caused by the absence of relatives and friends.  It is one of the boons which masonry grants, that wherever we go, even in the furthest regions of the world, where all whom we meet are strangers, there is usually some one found who is attached to us the by bonds of masonry; with whom we can find a home; whose presence gives us a feeling of security and lifts the weight of loneliness which would otherwise depress us.
    We as Masons do not ask charity.  There is no grinding obligation on the part of a brother mason to assist us by the diminishing his own means.  Masons do not trade or speculate upon those obligations which we assume so freely and willingly.
    Doubtless there are men who have joined our order for purely selfish ends.  Doubtless there are men utterly worthless who have gained admission to our house, who have by their subsequent conduct laid bare their worldlessness to the masonic and to the outside world.  It is a consoling fact that they are not many in number and it is as a consoling fact that they do not stay with us after they are found out.
    Such mistakes as the admission of persons of that class are sometimes unavoidable.  Let us be warned to exercise the utmost caution in the selection of those who seek admission, and let us hope that when we are installed in this new house no cowans will gain access to our family; that none but those who are found worthy and well qualified will be permitted to join us.
    Before the institution of our lodge the Order was represented here by our sister lodge Le Progres de l'Oceanie, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France.  If information is correct, this lodge was opened in 1842, ten years before the birthday of Hawaiian Lodge.  In those days I am told, they had no lodge room on shore, and the earliest meetings of this venerable lodge were held on board of the ship of Captain Letellier, who was authorized to institute the lodge.  From that time on many of our best appreciated fellow citizens because members of Le Progress.  Some have joined the silent majority, a goodly number remain and sustain our ocean-born sister.  We welcome them to-day in the true masonic spirit, to join with us in this important celebration and hope to see them share in whatever good may be the outcome of our present undertaking.
    This day, my brethren, is a day of justifiable pride to us.  On this, our masonic holiday, is laid the corner stone for the new temple of our lodge.
    This budding which is to adorn our town by its outward beauty.
    This building wherein the social and moral virtues inculcated by masonry are to be, and will be practiced and maintained.
    This building, from whose portals will issue messages of fraternal love and deeds of charity, and assurances of good will toward all men.
    To those of our guests who are not connected with the order, a few historic facts relating to our order may prove interesting.  Our association of so called speculative masons is comparatively young in date, in so far as regards his direct influence upon civilization, education and sociality.  It is known to have exercised such influence at the beginning of the 10th centry or about four hundred years ago.
    Free masonry existed centuries before that time.  It originated by the formation of a guild of builders and institution of lodges, among whose members were apprentices, fellows of the craft and masters.  It had its rules of government, its instructions and its signs and passwords, just as we have now.
    The grand architectural monument of the middle ages and of the time of the renaissance cathedrals, churches, palaces, bridges and other ornamental and useful structurs were built by the most skillful wormen.  Those who followed the vocation of masons and attained masterships traveled from one place to many other places where their skill and services were needed and prized.
    As a passport recommending them for possessing the requisite skill and stainless character, certain words and signs were imparted to them, by means of which they were sure of being accepted, though they came from foreign lands.  These were the operative masons, and their art is called by us operative masonry in contradistinction from speculative masonry, to which we devote ourselves.
    From the intermingling of operative masons with men, who though not of the craft, were imbued with the love and appreciation of the arts and sciences, and especially of architecture, our modern or speculative masonry took its rise.  This latter art and science did not aid in the erection of beautiful edifices and structures, but set for its task to make man better and more perfect, and in him to raise an edifice worthy of acceptance by the Great Builder of the world.
    In the same manner wherein the benefits mentioned were bestowed upon operative master masons, so in speculative masonry., those members who are sufficiently advanced in worth and knowledge receive tokens and signs by means of which they can make themselves known as masons at home and abroad.
    Even in foreign parts and where they are unacquainted with the tongue of the land they can by those signs and words gain recognition and claim as a right the assistance and protection of the members of our order.  You may think that a keen and shrewd observe could accidentally or surreptitiously obtain those signs and tokens which are simple indeed, but nothing is more difficult than for an imposter to continue his imposition for any length of time.
    From this by no means lowly source then sprang this institution of Freemasons, and naturally it adopted for its symbols many of the tools of operative masons.
    For instance the twenty-four inch gauge which is to teach us the proper division of the hours of the day allotting one-third to the service of God and charity, another third to our usual vocations and another third to refreshment and repose.
    Again the plunder, a symbol to teach us to walk uprightly in the sight of God and man; the square to teach us to practice honestly in all our dealings; the level to remind us of the right of all mankind to equal consideration.
    We have also our traditions.  The outside world derides them as mythical and puerile, but we find in them sublime teaching; we find in them ethics far above any other except the gospel; we find in them thoughts above sublunary aspirations; we find in them a guide and inspiration to the noblest efforts of humaness.
    If we believe those traditions feeling and knowing that their influence works good, why should the outside world object?
    In every word, in every legend, in every charge and in every lecture in Masonry nothing is contained except that which makes man purer and better.
    All our lore teems with admonitions to be charitable, to be just, to be honest, to be temperate, to be loyal, as men and as citizens.
    Then if we choose to place the beginning of our institution as coeval with the beginning of the world, or with the time of the flood, or with the building of the temple at Jerusalem, or with any time, and accept that as an esoteric fact, whom does it concern?
    It is only the purposes of Masonry which may concern the world at large.
    What are those purposes?  Essentially these:  To command the practice of charity, not in it's narrower, but in its broader application to improve the mind and to preserve the morale of the members.
    To promote good fellowship and fraternal love among men who are not bound thereto by blood relationship.
    To remove irritating differences created through diversity of nationality or religion.  To having all our fellowmen, as far as possible, to a recognition of the brotherhood of mankind and of the necessity and propriety of goodwill among all men and nations.  To enable us by precept and example to curb our passions, repress our selfish aims and learn to practice that consideration toward others which is a distinguishing mark of gentlemen.
    These aims are noble and high enough to condone but the slight offence of  pomp in our traditions, in our rites and it, our regalia.  There is a seriousness and solemnity in our work which may well exclude the commonplace from our ceremonies.
    The site upon which our temple is to stand is connected with some historic reminiscences of the town of Honolulu.  Upon this land, where a few months ago, the cow of our good friend Dr. McGrew was want to chew the solitary cud and where now the busy noise of the builders resounds, stood in olden times a Temple of Thespis devoted to the drama and to music.
    In that house many of the masterpieces of the poets were presented for the instruction of the art-loving citizens of Honolulu; in it were heard beautiful straits of music, ad delightful songs of some of the great artists of the day.
    In that house were evoked touching memories of homes and of loved ones far away from this ultima thule of Western civilization.
    What more appropriate site for our Masonic temple could have been chosen?  As fellowcrafts we were bidden to cultivate the seven liberal arts, among them grammar, rhetoric and music.  And is there not, moreover, in the Master's degree a drama?  A drama most closely and intimately connected with the traditions our our order.
    A tragedy of deepest pathos which calls forth the heartfelt pity in the breast of the initiate, but which bears with it a solemn lesson of resurrection and immortality.
    A drama whereof the moral is that man may perish, but that his spiritual part and his virtues, that fidelity, truth and love remain imperishable.
    Our ancient and honorable order has had the reproach laid at its door that it indulges in useless and childish mysticism.  Who that understands the deeper import of our legends and the beautiful and comforting lessons which we gain from the, will echo the accusation?
    Has not the Saviour spoken in parables?  Are the poems of the inspired writers without merit and of less value than because the noble thoughts in them appear in attractive disguise?
    There may be myths and fictions in our ritual, but they detract nothing from the noble aims and aspirations of our institution.  Our Order has been accused of fomenting discontent, undermining religious faith and creating dangers for States and Churches.  How far from the truth is this.  One of our earliest instructions enjoins obedience to the law, loyalty to the country, forbearance with those who differ from us in creed.
    Henry of Beaufort, the Cardinal of Winchester, suceeded in suppressing the meetings and conventions of Masons daring the minority of Henry the VI, of England.  After the King attained his majority he not only caused this order to be repeated, but became a member and a patron of the Freemasons, and his successor, Henry the VII, was one of the Grand Masters of the Order.
    In 1799, when secret political societies mainly of anarchists, sprung up like mushrooms, a prohibitory law against secret societies was enacted by Parliament, but the Masonic Order was honorably excepted from its provisions, showing pretty clearly that our Order has not favored sedition or lawlessness.
    The fact that Masonic tenets discountenance bigotry and intolerance has created prejudice against masonry in the minds of bigots and fanatics, and those who weakly follow them.  Our Order has been accused of exerting deleterious influence upon us in our public relations and functions.
    Those who are of us know how groundless those charges are.  They know that we are taught to fulfill our duties with unswerving rectitude and impartiality, but always with charity toward the weak and erring.  We do not countenance oppression, or cruelty, or crime, or vice in our Order, but in the exercise of that virtue which is the foundation and reason for the existence of Masonry in the exercise of charity, we try to save, to redeem, to console, to encourage the erring brother, without, however, interfering with human justice.
    This is not a defense against cavilers.  In the consciousness of the probity of our aims and deeds, our Order needs no defense.  The binding force which unites us as though we were brothers by blood and affinity, is charity, the ever recurring lesson in our Masonic life is to restrain our passions and that to curb that strongest of our impulses—our selfishness.  We have been accused of exclusiveness.  As in natural relationship, we usually give greater scope to affection and considerateness to our relatives, so it is true that in our Masonic relations we are more strongly inclined to those who are accepted in our brotherhood, than to those who are not bound to us.
    The reason of this is not only that we expect and know ourselves to be entitled to reciprocal consideration, but because we are assured that those whom we aid, comfort and sustain are generally worthy of it.
    Mistakes may occur.  All human schemes and contrivances are imperfect.  Perfection by the grace of the Grand Master of the Universe we may, and hope to attain hereafter—not in this life.  But as a system to join in universal brotherhood all free, educated, virtuous and unselfish men regardless of religion, regardless of nationality, regardless of station, regardless of wealth—none other has ever approached Freemasonry in promise or for hope of fruition.
    No other attempt has ever been made by the civilized part of the human race to smooth the approach of man to man in fraternal affection and loving forbearance, and to carry our Christ's commands of love for our fellow man.
    The tender solicitude of Masons for unfortunate and sick brothers, and for the widows and orphans of departed members of the order; the ready and gracious help and consideration which they accord to brother Masons who are strangers; the patient forbearance which they show to weak and erring brothers who are not past redemption; the courteous deference to those who are of different creeds, political opinions, or nationality, all these are the result of Masonic teaching.
    Nor do we confine our charitable acts to our own Masonic family exclusively.  Whenever and wherever the cry of distress proclaimed a public calamity, the Masons were in the van with others in procuring and carrying relief to the stricken communities.
    Whenever and wherever institutions for the advancement of education or the relief of the sick were created by public contribution, the Masons stood side by side with other generous men in promoting the work.
    If such is the effect of Masonic lessons, we can well overlook the scoffs at our claims for antiquity, at our peculiarities of ritual and language, and at our harmless pomp.
    Upon the heaven implanted foundation of charity our house is built.  Not alone that charity which is prompted by the sight of suffering and misery, not alone that charity which is evoked because we feel that fate has dealt more kindly with us than with those whose misfortune appeals to our generosity, but that higher charity which in the words of the gospel covereth a multitude of sins.
    That charity which leaves pride behind, and making as conscious of our own transgressions, induces us in an humble spirit to crave forgiveness for our own failures, whilst we hold out a helping hand to those who are weaker and more needful of help than ourselves.
    That charity which raise up to the level of the angels, and appeals to the all-merciful Creator to take into account our good intent, and not to score against as our short-comings.
    Then let this house when built become the abode of harmony and virtue, and in its halls and everywhere let sweet charity continue to move us to good and acceptable deeds, that our course as men and Masons may gain approval above and appreciation here.
    After the oration the hymn "Old Hundred" was sung by the choir, the audience joining in the singing.  The ceremonies were terminated with a benediction by the Grand Chaplain.
                                                     List of Members.
    Following is the list of members of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & a.M.:
    PAST MASTERS – William Fessenden Allen, Albert Francis Judd, George Everett Howe, Robert More, William Montrose Graham,; John Adair Hassinger, Alexander Mackintosh, Theo. Cunningham Porter, James Melville Monsarrat, John Phillips.
    PAST MASTERS OF OTHER LODGES – William Henry Cornwell, Clinton Briggs Ripley.
    January 8.  The U.S. Congress with the U.S. President(s), the military, etc. gave orders to take over the Hawaiian Islands on January 8, 1893:
    Additional plans were passed on to the Americans in Hawaii on January 14, 1893:
    1893 Jan 9 - U.S. /Congress gave a standing order for the U.S. citizens in the Hawaiian Islands to assume Hawaii -- which meant to dethrone the Queen. This was a planned/premeditated maneuver to assume land, monies, etc. from a neutral, friendly nation, and an act of war. See New York Times article, "Pearl Harbor Coaling Station, Imperative Necessity that the United States Take Possession" Published on January 9, 1893 - article found by Shane Lee, researcher.  
    Jan 14 - Queen Liliuokalani announced that she would present a new constitution. This is later withdrawn. Annexation club formed by the Queen's enemies. U.S. diplomat John Stevens threatened the landing of troops from American warships. 


    • 1893. Jan 15

      Men from the cruiser BOSTON "poured protect American lives and property," according to United States Minister John L. Stevens. The action came a day before the committee of safety took possession of the government office building and abrogated the monarchy, forcing Queen Liliuokalani from her throne."

      "The "Committee of Safety" was formed and the conspiracy for the immediate dethronement of the Queen took definite shape and began active operations."

      Some of the soldiers who came off the ship to place duress upon our Queen, our subjects on January 15 or 2 days BEFORE dethroning our Queen

      "Three companies of bluejackets, one of artillery, one of marines, 154 men and 10 officers; with 14,000 cartridges for rifles and the Gatling gun, 1,200 revolver cartridges, and 174 explosive shells for the revolving cannon." came off the Boston.

      January 15, 1893 -Sunday- Queen Liliuokalani discarded the Bayonnet Constitution.

      January 15, 1893 -Sunday - Prayers and speechʻs made; unlawful public gathering with the intentions to pursue treasonous and terrorist activities.

      note(s): Refer to the article about Lynching - see back issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk/ book - Shadows In the Light by Amelia Kuulei Gora  ( regarding Church meetings prior to the intended crimes.).

      Briefly, the Whites attended Church, prayed, then moved to LYNCH blacks /People of Color in the South. In other words, they prayed before they moved in to physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. KILL.

      Queen Liliuokalani destroyed the Constitution, which gave her authority once more unrestricted by a Constitution which her brother had signed under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation which was dubbed "the Bayonnet Constitution".
      January 16, 1893 - Monday - 1,300 citizens gathered endorsing the Committee of Safety; illegal public gathering, inciting riot; public violence; public display of offensive and treasonous activities occured; terrorists backed by a country under a treaty, a convention that was due to end in 1894.....the treaty which was written about in January 9, 1893. Monday evening - Terrorists infiltrated their planned areas. 1893 Jan 17 Queen Liliuokalani was illegally dethroned. She was under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion. January 17, 1893 - Tuesday - Terrorists/Provisional government leaders or the "framers of the new treaty" moved to establish themselves at the Government House, the Palace surrendered, Station House surrendered; Terrorists raised themselves to Power; Surrender of the Palace made to maintain peace contrary to violence as a tradeoff; surrender of station house made to maintain peace contrary to violence as a tradeoff. Queen Liliuokalani "temporarily" yielded her authority to the United States Government, to its President, as a fact Finder, and NOT to the terrorist entity Provisional Government (which was neither de facto nor de jure but an entity) and to avoid bloodshed. "Sanford Dole and his committee declared itself the Provisional Government of the Kingdom of Hawaʻi on January 17, 1893, removing only the Queen, her cabinet, and her marshal from office." The entity which was neither de facto nor de jure called themselves the Provisional government which was planned/supported by the U.S. 1893 Feb 1. Jan 31. President Benjamin Harrison used his executive order to deny the passing of the bill into law to prosecute "crimes on the high seas". Congress House and Senate were denied the bill passing into law. Note: Hawaii is "on the high seas". Provisional protectorate proclaimed. U.S. flag raised on government buildings. Treaty of annexation written and signed by President Benjamin Harris. The new President, Grover Cleveland, had the treaty withdrawn and sent James Blount, investigator, to inquire into the circumstances of the revolution. Pirates laws passed by the entity Provisional government under Sanford B. Dole etals., which diminished the rights of kanaka maoli in their own lands. Kanaka Maoli became people with lesser status likened to slaves. 1893 Dec 18 Blount's report to Cleveland is submitted. Queen Liliuokalani did not return to the throne. Failed.  
      Note: Queen Liliuokalani owned sugar plantations. The haole/foreigners were unkind to the workers. They treated people of color like slaves and did not recognize the Hawaiian Kingdom's anti-slavery law of 1852.
      1893 February 17 and 19.

            Franklin Pratt whose job was to maintain the books on the Crown Lands did document protest in the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLES February 17, and February 19, 1893 issues. He maintained that it was a private trust and the Crown Lands were treated as the private properties of the Royals and maintained claims for his wife Kekaaniau because she was a descendant of Kamehameha's brother named Kalokuokamaile.
      Franklin Pratt did document a protest in the Congressional Hearings. Research incomplete.
      The Provisional government, an entity neither de facto nor de jure, claimed to transfer the Crown Lands under the name "ceded lands" to the U.S.
      The U.S. then claimed to transfer the "ceded lands" to the partners in crime, the American terrorists, conspirators, treasonous persons, etc. and making it appear that they were lawful when actually the U.S. did breach the Law of Nations, criminally pirated the assets of a neutral, non-violent, friendly, non-warring nation recognized under the Law of Nations who was not at war.
      The U.S. was bankrupt, along with England. (More conspiracies/piraces have been uncovered and explored in other writings.)

      December 1893 - Two Agreements were made between the U.S. President Cleveland and Queen Liliuokalani - see pdf/Exec_Agmt.pdf (81 pages) to return the government back to Queen Liliuokalani.
      1894 Jul 4 Because a Provisional government has only a 2-year life the turn to a Republic discussion was made in the Habeas corpus case of Sheldon, editor of a Hawaiian newspaper who printed the near accurate version of the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani. Establishment of the entity Republic. Sanford B. Dole, first President. The entity Provisional government operating under the directions of the U.S./Congress, proceeded in making a treaty with their own; yet, calling themselves a separate nation. They were actually conspirators/pirates, treasonous persons claiming to have a lawful right to dethrone the Queen and subjects numbering 40,000 vs. their 3,000 which included paid off supporters who were given $50-$500 each. Therefore, the Pearl Harbor Treaty was based on multiple frauds. See Pearl Harbor Condemnation Case over Pearl Harbor which included a fraud deed by King Kalakaua deeding land to ancestors who died 8-9 years previously. Freedom of speech was canceled. Important note: The Constitution of the United States does not follow the flag in its territories, claimed protectorates. Aside from the legal issue that the President and Congress has no jurisdiction outside of the 3-12 mile zone, according to the Constitution "or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;" is denied to territories, and claimed protectorates. Therefore, the Constitution of the United States does not apply to Hawaii, etc.
        Hawaii was returned to Queen Liliuokalani in 1895 according to the 1901 NEW YORK TIMES newspaper. 1895 Jan 6 Counter-revolution to restore Liliuokalani to throne. Failed. 1895 Jan 7 Queen Liliuokalani "was arrested for no specific charged offense, taken by force, and confined alone in the Iolani Palace....She was told that those she dearly loved, personal friends, were awaiting execution, and the only act which would save their lives was an act of abdication to be signed by her...To save those she loved she executed the document you publish. It was an act consummated under the plainest kind of duress, void even had it been legally executed." Ref: Washington Evening Star article "The Republic of Hawaii" purchased off the internet from a private owner in Greece. 1895 Jan 24 Liliuokalani signs statement of abdication. She remained under duress, stress, coercion, and usurpation. She directed her subjects to maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent status, even though many were beaten, killed, thrown on Kalaupapa, Molokai and declared lepers. The issues of genocide remain, the issues of piracy(ies) on the high seas remain, along with theft, conspiracies, treasonous activities, etc. 1895 Oct 2 The Queen was tried and convicted of treason. While sentenced to confinement in her room in Iolani Palace, she composed "The Queen's Prayer." Princess Poomaikelani died. She had called her a daughter. Her descendants/heirs descendants exist today.
      1895 – Queen Liliuokalani was beckoned to sign an abdication for her supporters so that they would be set free. She signed, however, was told that they would not be set free but would be allowed to live.

      Under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, etc. “The Queen held her throne through her oath and Constitution, and Abdicated when She Declared Herself Above Them.”

      190 subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii were imprisoned, 137 were charged with “treason and open rebellion; 141 “treason” and 12 “misprision (of treason).” 22 exiled to the United States; three were deported to Canada; five were given suspended sentences; five were acquitted. Several were fined and given sentences of hard labor.

      Queen Liliuokalani, aged 57, was placed on Trial in the Iolani Palace Throne Room, minus the stolen kahili’s (decors), minus the stolen portraits, minus the stolen rugs/ carpets, minus the stolen gold and crimson chairs, etc., by a military commission composed of the entity group calling themselves a de facto government supported by the United States.

      *Note: The furniture, plates, personal jewelry, dinner plates, silverware, etc. were stolen, auctioned from the Iolani Palace. The carpets were cut into pieces and sold as souveniers of the Iolani Palace, etc. Pieces have slowly been returned or purchased by the Friends of the Iolani Palace, etc.
        In Washington, “Morgan, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, today presented the report of the investigations of that committee made under a resolution requiring it to report “whether any, and if so what irregularities occurred in the diplomatic or other intercourse between the United States and Hawaii in relation to the secret political revolution in Hawaii.

        The report is prepared by Morgan and concurred in by Frye, Dolph and Davis, Republican members of the committee, who make also a supplemental report….Morgan begins with the proposition that this Government in dealing with any form of government in Hawaii, can have no break in its line of policy corresponding to any change in the office of President. It is in all respects the same government as if under the same President during the entire period. The President, however, has the right to change his opinion and policy, but it must be regarded as a change of mind in the same person.
        AGAINST MONARCHISM The report then declares against monarchism in the islands, saying we exercise at least moral suzerainty over Hawaii, which, it says, “is an American State embraced in the American commercial and military system,” entitling it to the indulgent consideration, if not active sympathy, is its endeavors to release her people from the odious anti-Republican regime, and subordinate her people to the supposed divine right of a monarch “whose title to such divinity originated in the most slavish conditions of pagan barbarity.”…….The Hawaiian Monarchy had perished…” Note: J.P. Morgan and friends have FAILED TO DO THEIR HOMEWORK… Royal descendants of Kamehameha EXIST,including the author of this paper, Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal Person not subject to the laws. Families claims documenting FRAUD has been recorded over time… the PROBATES, other documentation have testimonies and other indications of FRAUD, DECEIT, CORRUPTION, CRIMINAL DEVIANCE, CRIMINAL MALFEASANCE documented. It is from this point on that the BULK OF RESOURCES of HAWAII appears to have been PLUNDERED UPON. 1896 - Fall.   Liliuokalani freed by the entity Republic and remained under duress, coercion, usurpation, and stress.
        About Princess Kaiulani. Queen Liliuokalani did not abdicate over to her.

        1897 – “Edward H. Harriman and Kuhn, ** Note: OPPOSITION to
        Loeb, and Company agreed upon the ** Annexation documented and
        Reorganization of the Union Pacific…they ** rediscovered in the Library
        Decided to finance the undertaking through ** of Congress–21,000 of 40,000
        City Bank….involving a payment of over ** signatures. Only 3,000
        $45,000,000 in cash to the United States ** Americans were for U.S.
        Government” (page 65-66)

        1898 – “Pierpont Morgan was …a towering
        figure in the railroad and banking world.”
        (page 31)

        Spanish-American War. The American ** Note: Investigations years
        Battleship MAINE was claimed to have been ** after indicates the Americans
        Bombed by the Spaniards. **Bombed their own ship to
        **Create a War.

        ** Cuba was made independent.
        ** Philippines, Puerto Rico, etc.
        ** Became Occupied by U.S.

        ** Warmonger Roosevelt said,
        ** “that was a splendid little
        ** war.”

        For WAR is documented.

        The United States became an arm of the Vatican through the Papal Bulls authority, also known as the Christian International Laws validating the PLUNDERING UPON Barbaric cultures, societies.

        1898 Jul 8 American claimed annexation claimed disregarding the 40,000 subjects oppositions to Annexation. The true letter of Opposition to Annexation was found in the Maryland National Archives by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano. Note: Since 1929, a fraud/genocide evidence letter of Opposition has been sitting in the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu left for people to believe to be true. A comparative study of both documents shows the lies, deceit, frauds maintained vs. the truth. 1898 Aug 12 U.S. flag raised in Honolulu. Hawaiian flag lowered. Liliuokalani remains secluded at Washington Place. Queen Liliuokalani remained under duress, usurpation, coercion, and usurpation. Death of Princess Ka"iulani. (born October 16, 1875). Descendants of her heirs exist.
        1899. Queen Kapiolani died. Her heirs descendants exist today.
        1899 – “…The spectacular merger with the Edison
        Illuminating Company of New York” occurred with
        Oliver H. Payne, large stockholder of Standard Oil,
        Who also “had secured control of the Consolidated
        Gas Company of New York”. “By one stroke all the
        Lighting companies in New York City were brought
        Under one control.” (page 69)

        “Money was cheap, credit was everywhere
        available, and prosperity was rising throughout the
        country. All the important railroad reorganizations,
        as we have seen, had been carried through, and the
        great bankers, whose coffers swelled with huge
        underwriting commissions, were looking for new


        The Diary of the Queen

        Note: The haole/foreigners/Americans/ Congress deprived her and her subjects, even after Oppositions were made through the KUE Petition. She had been imprisoned, her belongings were removed by treasonous persons, she had been arrested and called treasonous by the Pirates. She was pardoned. The Hawaiian Kingdom was under martial law.
        1901 – “Morgan paid (Carnegie-steel business)…
        was equivalent to a cash price of over $447,000,000.
        This was represented by giving Carnegie and his
        Associates $303,450,000 in bonds and nearly two
        Hundred million dollars’ worth of stock which
        Immediately had a market value of about
        $144,000,000. It was the greatest sale in the history
        of the world.” (pages 82-83)

        “Morgan launched the United States Steel Corporation.”
        “The stock capitalization was in excess of a billion
        dollars, with a bonded debt of more than three hundred
        millions, and both the big banking groups of Wall Street
        were firmly tied to the enterprise. The great merger
        dominated by Morgan drew into its orbit even the
        Standard Oil “Money Power.” Among the big names
        Included in the syndicate, aside from Morgan and his
        Partners, were H.H. Rogers and Daniel O’Day of
        Standard Oil; Marshall Field, William H. Moore,
        James H. Moore, Elbert H. Gary, John W. Gates, H. H.
        Porter, and Norman B. Ream, of Chicago; Samuel Mather
        Of Cleveland; Nathaniel Thayer of Boston; and Danie G.
        Reid, Henry C. F rick, Charles M. Schwab, and D.O.
        Mills, of New York. So under the control of a single
        Corporation passed seventy per cent of the American
        Iron and steel industry. That industry, instead of being
        Operated on the old plan of individual control or
        Independent corporate control, was now linked with
        Scores of banks of great power, with railroads, and
        With numerous other corporate undertakings.” (page 88)

        1903 – “The United Steel Corporation failed to earn its
        dividends, its great issue of common stock fell to a few
        dollars a share…”(page 110)

        1904 – The U.S. Supreme Court decision ordered the
        “dissolution of the Northern Securities Company.”
        (page 110)

        1906 – “New York banks reported a deficit in
        reserves and appealed to the United States Treasury
        for surplus gold. This timely deposit afforded
        temporary relief; but the year closed in strain.”
        (page 140)

        1907 – “During these years Morgan formed the great
        shipping combination known as the International
        Mercantile Marine Company, which absorbed the
        White Star Line, the American Line, the Red Star
        Line, the Leyland Line, and many other transatlantic
        Companies……The leading lines between New York
        And England, which included the Cunard Line, the
        White Star, and the American Line…” (page 110)

        “The new Morgan combination, being under American
        control and financed by American capital, could not
        enjoy these benefits. Moreover, as soon as the new
        combination began to compete aggresively with
        the Cundard and German lines, both the English
        and German Governments came to the rescue with
        further large subsidies and benefits.” (page 111)

        “During a long period the Morgan firm had been
        closely identified with the General Electric Company,
        a great manufacturing concern which had been
        building up a world-wide industry.” (page 112)
        1908 – British government supported a private company drilling oil. Persian(Iran) oil discovered. 1913 - "The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 provided that the names of the owner banks be kept secret. However, RE McMaster, publisher of "THE REAPER" discovered through confidential Swiss banking connections the names of the controlling stockholders in the Federal Reserve. They are: 1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin 2. Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris 3. Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy 4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam 5. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York 6. Lehman Brothers Bank of New York 7. Goldman Sachs Bank of New York 8. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (Rockefellers - the same owners of EXXON formerly known as STANDARD OIL, the corporation that President George W. Bush had commented that "...WAR FOR EXXON..." was documented in Greg Palast article THE BROWN STUFF at HYPERLINK " ) "Eustace Mullins in his impeccably researched book SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE says; "Because the Federal Reserve Bank of New York sets the daily supply and price of currency throughout America, the owners of that bank are the real directors of the entire system. These shareholders have controlled our political and economic destiny since 1913." "The shareholders of the Mullins lists are similar to the Swiss bank source: 1. The Rothchilds 2. Lazard Freres (Eugene Mayer) 3. Israel Sieff 4. Kuhn Loeb Company 5. Warburg Company 6. Lehman Brothers 7. Goldman Sachs 8. The Rockefeller family and J.P. Morgan interests. 1914 – “In the early days of the war England had practically abdicated, for the time being, the position of international banker which she had held for a hundred years.” England “had invested over a billion dollars in New securities, domestic and foreign. Lombard Street had largely financed the building of American railroads, had contributed greatly To the financing of American enterprises of all Kinds, had been a large purchaser of government And municipal bonds, not only in the United States, But in South American countries.” (pages 161-162) “Wall Street had played little part in financing foreign governments, its activities in this direction being limited almost to lending Great Britain $200,000,000 at the time of the South African War and Japan $50,000,000 at the time of the Russian War.” (page 163) The British purchased the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.” (Of Many Times and Cultures –page 169) 1915 – The “British Government vetoed all operations of this kind and informed the bankers that their resources must be used exclusively for war purposes.” (page 162) “Wall Street bought the bond issues of Paris, Bordeaux, and Lyons, and even provided funds for International trade.” (page 162) “A distinguished Anglo-French mission arrived in New York for the purpose of floating an American Loan….” The amount approved was for half the Request or $500,000,000. (page 164) “the House of Morgan has always maintained close and confidential relations with the British Government and the British public.” (pages 164-165) “Wall Street began to deal in shells, cannon, submarines, blankets, clothing, shoes, canned meats, wheat, and thousands of other articles needed for the prosecution of a great war.” (page 165) 1916 - “ The United States produced 43,000,000 tons of steel, while Great Britain, which normally ranks next to this country in steel manufacturer, produced 9,000,000 tons….” (page 156) “The gold supply of Europe began to find its way into coffers of Wall Street, a movement that was coninuous until 1917, when of the approximately $8,500,000,000 outstanding, nearly $3,000,000,000 was ultimately deposited in American safety vaults.” (page 161) “we had ceased to be a debtor nation and now had Europe deeply in our debt. We had lent foreign Governments, bankers, and merchants not far from $2,000,000,000; yet so plentiful was money in New York that the investment bankers complained because they could not find enough securities to supply their customers. (page 170) 1917- “Congress declared war on April 6, 1917.” (page 168) “The mere fact that the United States, besides spending enormous sums on its own military preparations, was able to lend nearly $10,000,000,000 to European Governments in little less than two years, gives some idea of the resources which this country brought to bear in the European conflict. (page 175) Some people charged that it was “Wall Street’s War”. (page 1 Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani died. A Trust by BANKERS were put under her name; However, she maintained that she did NOT create A Trust with Archibald Cleghorn, William Smith, and Curtis Iaukea. Other FRAUDS are documented in Alii Probates, Trusts, etc. 1900. Organic Act, 'An Act to Provide a Government for the Territory of Hawaii' was passed by the usurpers. Only Republic of Hawaii citizens who were declared to be citizens of the United States and citizens of the Territory of Hawaii were covered. U.S. citizens (relocated) declared to be citizens of the Territory of Hawaii. All persons/kanaka maoli who signed the Kue Petition opposing Annexation were excluded from the Organic Act. Note: Alex Luka researcher. Archibald Cleghorn husband of Princess Likelike died. He was a Mason/Freemason, an organization set in place to break down Monarchy governments worldwide. Articles favoring Whites documented. Example: "Hawaii Wants the White Man" appeared in the Mid-Pacific Magazine, 1911, see the Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Charles Reed Bishop, banker, lawyer, sugar plantation owner, investor, pirate, husband of Bernice Pauahi died. He had only a life interest. Queen Liliuokalani "said to me she did not sign a Trust Deed but had made a will and Mr. Damon and Cecil Brown were the witnesses to it" stated Samuel Parker on oath. Ref: Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii records: First Circuit Court - Equity Case 2009 Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, Petitioner vs. Liliuokalani, et al. 1917 - Nov. 11. Death of Queen Liliuokalani at Washington Place. She was given a state funeral and her remains interred in the Royal Mausoleum. The request to utilize Kamehameha's cape for her funeral services was denied. Private invitations to attend her funeral was made, attended by the treasonous persons, limited kanaka maoli/Hawaiian Nationals. (Note: who knows what kind of rituals, or dirty acts done about bodies with Masons/Freemasons attending - especially since they do unholy rituals.....see for more information.) Queen Liliuokalani was not paid for the use of the Crown Lands, etc.
        Prince Kuhio tried to declare her to be incompetent, a crazy person. Queen Liliuokalani maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners. Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani after she died in 1917. Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa were treasonous persons, were Masons/Freemasons part of a group who helped to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her position. Both Princes, although listed and schooled as Princes, they were relatives of Queen Kapiolani and were not the descendants of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani. Unresolved Issues
        See Palmyra Island Courtcase testimony by University of Hawaii at Manoa Law Professor Williamson Chang.  First Circuit Court. Also see Keanu Sai's recent find in the Maui News about the annexation claim being illegal.
        5.  Opposition to Statehood was made by a Kamehameha descendant named Harold Abel Cathcart:
        6.  Public Law 103-150 - Apology of the U.S. President William Clinton:
        7.  The U.S. Presidents are Masons/Freemasons:
        REVIEWING THE U.S. PRESIDENTS PARTICULARLY THOSE AFFECTING THE Kingdom of Hawaii/The Hawaiian Kingdom/ The Hawaiian Archipelago/ The Hawaiian Islands Review by Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Sovereign Heir/Royal person - one of the descendants of Kamehameha, Queen Liliuokalani, Princess Poomaikelani, etals. (2007) The following is a list of the U.S. Presidents, with a focus on the Mason/ Freemason Presidents which affected Hawaii's Royal families, Kamehameha's descendants, including the wrongful/criminal dethronement of Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani, her families, her subjects in Hawaii since the American Civil War because the U.S. was bankrupt and moved to assume funds, assets, lands, resources, etc. along with England/Great Britain, France, etals. The criminal deviance affects Hawaii, along with the World today. George Washington, 1789-1797 John Adams, 1797-1801 Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809 James Madison, 1809-1817 James Monroe, 1817-1825 John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829 Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837 Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841 William Henry Harrison, 1841 John Tyler, 1841-1845 James Knox Polk, 1845-1849 Zachary Taylor, 1849-1850 Millard Fillmore, 1850-1853 Franklin Pierce, 1853-1857 James Buchanan, 1857-1861 Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865 Andrew Johnson, 1865-1869 Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1869-1877 Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 1877-1881 James Abram Garfield, 1881 Chester Alan Arthur, 1881-1885 Grover Cleveland, 1885-1889 Benjamin Harrison, 1889-1893 Grover Cleveland, 1893-1897 William McKinley, 1897-1901 Theodore Roosevelt, 1901-1909 William Howard Taft, 1909-1913 Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921 Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1921-1923 Calvin Coolidge, 1923-1929 Herbert Clark Hoover, 1929-1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933-1945 Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953 Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961 John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963 Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-1969 Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969-1974 Gerald Rudolph Ford, 1974-1977 James Earl Carter, Jr., 1977-1981 Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1981-1989 George Herbert Walker Bush, 1989-1993 William Jefferson Clinton, 1993-2001 George Walker Bush, 2001- ****************************** ***************************** 
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