i can not understand....why is kamehameha being honored for murdering

our Royalties and Ali'i Nui of our Kingdom of Maui Nui at our Iao Valley,

for history proves kamehameha as the one to give the death sentence to our Kingdom of Maui Nui....

because of the american Greed.....no praising to kamehamehe.....for because of him....we today suffer greatly....only this illegal american government as Thieves and Murderers...... Benefit from kamehameha evil actions~~~for kamehameha fought for this illegal system of americans.....thats why these

americans worship kamehameha.....he was their star and shinning armor to continue the Hewa today!!!

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  • these decendants is misleading the deaf, dumb, blind, lost and greedy,

    and is the poision to killing the rest of our Kanaka Maoli,

    just like their evil father kamehameha that allowed the badly influrence

    of americans to lead them in GREED and EVIL.......soon to be identified,

    for the truth will set all of our Kanaka Maoli free from this american Usa illegal system and society~~~

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