You can beat City Hall

Berg, Tom
9:49 PM (1 hour ago)

A tribute for Thanksgiving....see video above - MAHALO
Tom Berg
From: kelii ioane 
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: Kaulana Na Pua is not Pakalolo, Medically or Habitually

aloha unco, the kukae we gotta go thru in this life. i agree with 99%. and i no think you is picky, rather i like to think that you fell strongly on the issues of kanaka-ism. but for pakalolo, i owe a mahalo. weed raise my kids. big island get more forest then jobs. when medical marijuana first came to be my village spoke out against it. not because of the medicinal use, but because of the marjuana stock market, which, at this writing, went from sugar to shit. the families in the village lost an integeral source of income now that everybody can plant their own. i leave this mana'o from a song i wrote. the name is "confusion on the mountain" ----- we surrouded, we is drowned, about the overthrow we didn't defend. the white folks call it welfare, we prefer the term revenge-----,   skipito

From: pilipo  
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:19 AM
Subject: Kaulana Na Pua is not Pakalolo, Medically or Habitually

Aloha kakou he Hawaii au,

There seems to be nothing is sacred anymore in the Hawaiian Culture!. 400 hundred and still counting Kupuna iwi are being excavated for progress spearheaded by a so alleged Hawaiian Christian Church, Kawaiaha'o, well known as the the Westminster Abbey of the Pacific. Then, there is a highly potential that within the 20 mile route of the RAIL several thousand more Kupuna iwi may be added.

ACT 55, Public Lands Development Corporation (PLDC) is just another threat to the Hawaiian Cultural on a massive scale with unlimited potentials of foreign funding like that of APEC interest, as long as there is "UnRestricted Land Use", the deals will fly. But ACT 55 is nothing new to Hawaii. The Great Mahele of 1848 was the First Land Rush to open the flood gates of Foreign Greed while Hawaiians could not comprehend, afford nor secure a Civil Engineer to record their claims. After 1854, the front door to the Land Rush closed but many back doors and windows in the Land Court System remained open for business to a select informed few, while the kahea of the Hawaiian went unanswered to this very day.

The Second Land Rush was the alleged Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom when the Crown Lands, Konohiki and Royal Patents that were transferred to the alleged lawful Republic of Hawaii of 1894 with the blessing of a self-proclaimed majority of the people of the new Republic which in fact represented less than 3 % of the existing Hawaiian Nation. And as the people of the Hawaiian Nation again began to ask the right questions, the Land Rush had to be further diverted with Annexation of Hawaii in 1898 that was camouflaged with the Hawaii Organic Act of 1900 that provided legislation for the governance of the U. S. Territory of Hawaii. The 1900's of America also brought the roaring 20's to Hawaii to where expansion was the mode of the day and no one could get in the way, especially barefooted Native Hawaiians. A time very identical to the RAIL of 2012 that is promoted to taxpayers of Oahu as "Get on the Train or Get out of the Way", or "Pay But No Say"!

After WWWI, International concerns started to focus upon Independent Nations and the "political question" of the status of the Hawaiian Nation began to surface twenty years even before the United Nations was established for Hawaii was  the gateway to the vast Asian Pacific. But why almost explicitly Hawaii? Because the Sandwich Islands of Hawaii had been a recognized Independent Nation by the Family of Nations in 1843 and whoever controlled the Hawaiian islands held the the key to the South Pacific. The European Nations whom had long experiences with Germany and the British Empire foresaw a "New Empire" being created in the United States of America.

The Land Rush in the Hawaiian Nation ran a mock from 1898 to 1940. Then in December 7, 1941, all the world's  attention focused upon those dirty Japs who sacrilegiously bombed Pearl Harbor on a Sunday morning.

Now, the Final Curtain of the Land Rush, disguised as Public Land Development Corporation has come ashore, this time not by foreign interest but created by Executive Order like Legislation by locally elected officials, not by Foreign Interest but for Foreign Interest.

But for me, the desecration of the kupuna iwi anywhere is as sacrilegious as the bombing of Pearl Harbor. But the other day, while in the Pearl City area, I witnessed the most degenerate cause by anyone faction or individual my 76 years. While in a fast food lunchroom I came across a newsprint bearing the title KAULANA NA PUA. in joy, I secured a copy of the newsprint and sat down to read it while eating my hamburger deluxe sandwich. To my sorrow, that newsprint "Kaulana Na Pua" is Hawaii's First Medical Marijuana Newspaper". Apparently, the Solicitors of this newsprint do not know what Kaulana Na Pua is all about. I am further sadden for Ms. Ellen Prendergast who was more than a confidant of Queen Liiu'okalani wrote the mele for the people of Hawaii at the request of the Royal Hawaiian Band whose employ had been threaten by the so-called Provisional Interim Government (PIG) in the early months of the overthrow of Queen Liliu'okalani. This classic mele of Ms. Prendergast is a warning letter to the people of Hawaii today that is right before us. Of course, I long being one that thinketh "KAULANA NA PUA" should be the NATIONAL ANTHEM of the HAWAIIAN NATION, it saddens me that right before or below our maka such atrocities are being allowed. We can expect pilau from the foreign Invader but never should we accept or swallow any bull shit about our Nationality as so finely define in Kaulana Na Pua from our own local people, whether of the koko or not!

Some of you will say I am only "picky". On January 18, 1893, most of Hawaii's population also thought that the Committee of Safety was only creating more jobs, and stayed home. It is time to come out of your hale.

e kala mai but my scanner is on the blink and can not copy you the front page of this insult but it is out there. I don't know of any of you know the promoters of this newsprint but if you do please share with them the truth. KAULANA NA PUA is about a NATION OF PEOPLE THAT EXIST, and pakalolo! I am sending a letter of protest to the purveyors of Kaulana Na Pua.

Kaulana Na Pua

malama ke kino,

Hawaiian National (1936)

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