Obama Signs the “National Defense Authorization Act " (H.R. 1540) - Which Repeals the U.S. Constitution!
The NDAA Authorizes the Arbitrary & Indefinite Military Detention of American Citizens.
Transcript of Signing Statement by President Barack Obama on H.R. 1540, December 31, 2011 follows article by Michel Chossudovsky.
Obama Signs the “National Defense Authorization Act " (H.R. 1540)
By Michel Chossudovsky, Montreal, Canada, January 1, 2012
Global Research, January 1, 2012
With minimal media debate, at a time when Americans were celebrating the New Year with their loved ones, the “National Defense Authorization Act " H.R. 1540 was signed into law by President Barack Obama. The actual signing took place in Hawaii on the 31st of December.

According to Obama's "signing statement", the threat of Al Qaeda to the Security of the Homeland constitutes a justification for repealing fundamental rights and freedoms, with a stroke of the pen.  

The controversial signing statement (see transcript below) is a smokescreen. Obama says he disagrees with the NDAA but he signs it into law. 

"[I have] serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists."

Obama implements "Police State USA", while acknowledging that certain provisions of the NDAA are unacceptable. If such is the case, he could have either vetoed the NDAA (H.R. 1540) or sent it back to Congress with his objections.

The “National Defense Authorization Act " (H.R. 1540) is Obama's New Year's "Gift" to the American People. 

He justifies the signing of the NDAA as a means to combating terrorism, as part of a counter-terrorism agenda.  But in substance, any American opposed to the policies of the US government can --under the provisions of the NDAA-- be labelled a "suspected terrorist" and arrested under military detention. 

"Moreover, I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law."

Barack Obama is a lawyer (a graduate from Harvard Law School). He knows fair well that his signing statement --which parrots his commitment to democracy-- is purely cosmetic. It has no force of law.

The signing statement does not in any way invalidate or modify the actual signing by President Obama of NDAA (H.R. 1540) into law. 

"Democratic Dictatorship" in America

The “National Defense Authorization Act " (H.R. 1540) repeals the US Constitution. While the facade of democracy prevails, supported by media propaganda, the American republic is fractured. The tendency is towards the establishment of a totalitarian State, a military government dressed in civilian clothes.

The passage of  NDAA is intimately related to Washington's global military agenda. The military pursuit of Worldwide hegemony also requires the "Militarization of the Homeland", namely the demise of the American Republic.  

In substance, the signing statement is intended to mislead Americans and provide a "democratic face" to the President as well as to the unfolding post-911 Military Police State apparatus.  

The "most important traditions and values" in derogation of the US Constitution have indeed been repealed, effective on New Year's Day, January 1st 2012.

The NDAA Authorizes the Arbitrary and Indefinite Military Detention of American Citizens.

The Lessons of History

This New Year's Eve December 31, 2011 signing of the NDAA will indelibly go down as a landmark in American history.

If we are to put this in a comparative historical context, the relevant provisions of the NDAA HR 1540 are, in many regards, comparable to those contained in the "Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State", commonly known
as the "Reichstag Fire Decree" (Reichstagsbrandverordnung) enacted in Germany under the Weimar Republic on 27 February 1933 by President (Field Marshal) Paul von Hindenburg.

Implemented in the immediate wake of the Reichstag Fire (which served as a pretext), this February 1933 decree was used to repeal civil liberties including the right of Habeas Corpus. 

Article 1 of the February 1933 "Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State" suspended civil liberties under the pretext of "protecting" democracy: "Thus, restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press, on the right of association and assembly, and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications, and warrants for house-searches, orders for confiscations, as well as restrictions on property rights
are permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed." (Art. 1, emphasis added)

Constitutional democracy was nullified in Germany through the signing of a presidential decree.

The Reichstag Fire decree was followed in March 1933 by "The Enabling Act" (
Ermächtigungsgesetz) which allowed (or enabled) the Nazi government of Chancellor Adolf Hitler to invoke de facto dictatorial powers. These two decrees enabled the Nazi regime to introduce legislation which was in overt contradiction with the 1919 Weimar Constitution.

The following year, upon the death of president Hindenburg in 1934, Hitler "declared the office of President vacant" and took over as Fuhrer, the combined function's of Chancellor and Head of State.

Obama's New Year's Gift to the American People

To say that January 1st 2012 is "A Sad Day for America" is a gross understatement.

The signing of NDAA (HR 1540) into law is tantamount to the militarization of law enforcement, the repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act and the Inauguration in 2012 of Police State USA.

As in Weimar Germany, fundamental rights and freedoms are repealed under the pretext that democracy is threatened and must be protected.

The NDAA is "Obama's New Year's Gift" to the American People.
Transcript of Signing Statement by President Barack Obama on H.R. 1540, December 31,  2011 
Today I have signed into law H.R. 1540, the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.” I have signed the Act chiefly because it authorizes funding for the defense of the United States and its interests abroad, crucial services for service members and their families, and vital national security programs that must be renewed. In hundreds of separate sections totaling over 500 pages, the Act also contains critical Administration initiatives to control the spiraling health care costs of the Department of Defense (DoD), to develop counterterrorism initiatives abroad, to build the security capacity of key partners, to modernize the force, and to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of military operations worldwide.
The fact that I support this bill as a whole does not mean I agree with everything in it. In particular, I have signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists. Over the last several years, my Administration has developed an effective, sustainable framework for the detention, interrogation and trial of suspected terrorists that allows us to maximize both our ability to collect intelligence and to incapacitate dangerous individuals in rapidly developing situations, and the results we have achieved are undeniable. Our success against al-Qa’ida and its affiliates and adherents has derived in significant measure from providing our counterterrorism professionals with the clarity and flexibility they need to adapt to changing circumstances and to utilize whichever authorities best protect the American people, and our accomplishments have respected the values that make our country an example for the world.
Against that record of success, some in Congress continue to insist upon restricting the options available to our counterterrorism professionals and interfering with the very operations that have kept us safe. My Administration has consistently opposed such measures. Ultimately, I decided to sign this bill not only because of the critically important services it provides for our forces and their families and the national security programs it authorizes, but also because the Congress revised provisions that otherwise would have jeopardized the safety, security, and liberty of the American people. Moving forward, my Administration will interpret and implement the provisions described below in a manner that best preserves the flexibility on which our safety depends and upholds the values on which this country was founded.
Section 1021 affirms the executive branch’s authority to detain persons covered by the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) (Public Law 107-40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note). This section breaks no new ground and is unnecessary. The authority it describes was included in the 2001 AUMF, as recognized by the Supreme Court and confirmed through lower court decisions since then. Two critical limitations in section 1021 confirm that it solely codifies established authorities. First, under section 1021(d), the bill does not “limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force.” Second, under section 1021(e), the bill may not be construed to affect any “existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.” My Administration strongly supported the inclusion of these limitations in order to make clear beyond doubt that the legislation does nothing more than confirm authorities that the Federal courts have recognized as lawful under the 2001 AUMF. Moreover, I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law.
Section 1022 seeks to require military custody for a narrow category of non-citizen detainees who are “captured in the course of hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.” This section is ill-conceived and will do nothing to improve the security of the United States. The executive branch already has the authority to detain in military custody those members of al-Qa’ida who are captured in the course of hostilities authorized by the AUMF, and as Commander in Chief I have directed the military to do so where appropriate. I reject any approach that would mandate military custody where law enforcement provides the best method of incapacitating a terrorist threat. While section 1022 is unnecessary and has the potential to create uncertainty, I have signed the bill because I believe that this section can be interpreted and applied in a manner that avoids undue harm to our current operations.
I have concluded that section 1022 provides the minimally acceptable amount of flexibility to protect national security. Specifically, I have signed this bill on the understanding that section 1022 provides the executive branch with broad authority to determine how best to implement it, and with the full and unencumbered ability to waive any military custody requirement, including the option of waiving appropriate categories of cases when doing so is in the national security interests of the United States. As my Administration has made clear, the only responsible way to combat the threat al-Qa’ida poses is to remain relentlessly practical, guided by the factual and legal complexities of each case and the relative strengths and weaknesses of each system. Otherwise, investigations could be compromised, our authorities to hold dangerous individuals could be jeopardized, and intelligence could be lost. I will not tolerate that result, and under no circumstances will my Administration accept or adhere to a rigid across-the-board requirement for military detention. I will therefore interpret and implement section 1022 in the manner that best preserves the same flexible approach that has served us so well for the past 3 years and that protects the ability of law enforcement professionals to obtain the evidence and cooperation they need to protect the Nation.
My Administration will design the implementation procedures authorized by section 1022(c) to provide the maximum measure of flexibility and clarity to our counterterrorism professionals permissible under law. And I will exercise all of my constitutional authorities as Chief Executive and Commander in Chief if those procedures fall short, including but not limited to seeking the revision or repeal of provisions should they prove to be unworkable.
Sections 1023-1025 needlessly interfere with the executive branch’s processes for reviewing the status of detainees. Going forward, consistent with congressional intent as detailed in the Conference Report, my Administration will interpret section 1024 as granting the Secretary of Defense broad discretion to determine what detainee status determinations in Afghanistan are subject to the requirements of this section.
Sections 1026-1028 continue unwise funding restrictions that curtail options available to the executive branch. Section 1027 renews the bar against using appropriated funds for fiscal year 2012 to transfer Guantanamo detainees into the United States for any purpose. I continue to oppose this provision, which intrudes upon critical executive branch authority to determine when and where to prosecute Guantanamo detainees, based on the facts and the circumstances of each case and our national security interests. For decades, Republican and Democratic administrations have successfully prosecuted hundreds of terrorists in Federal court. Those prosecutions are a legitimate, effective, and powerful tool in our efforts to protect the Nation. Removing that tool from the executive branch does not serve our national security. Moreover, this intrusion would, under certain circumstances, violate constitutional separation of powers principles.
Section 1028 modifies but fundamentally maintains unwarranted restrictions on the executive branch’s authority to transfer detainees to a foreign country. This hinders the executive’s ability to carry out its military, national security, and foreign relations activities and like section 1027, would, under certain circumstances, violate constitutional separation of powers principles. The executive branch must have the flexibility to act swiftly in conducting negotiations with foreign countries regarding the circumstances of detainee transfers. In the event that the statutory restrictions in sections 1027 and 1028 operate in a manner that violates constitutional separation of powers principles, my Administration will interpret them to avoid the constitutional conflict.
Section 1029 requires that the Attorney General consult with the Director of National Intelligence and Secretary of Defense prior to filing criminal charges against or seeking an indictment of certain individuals. I sign this based on the understanding that apart from detainees held by the military outside of the United States under the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force, the provision applies only to those individuals who have been determined to be covered persons under section 1022 before the Justice Department files charges or seeks an indictment. Notwithstanding that limitation, this provision represents an intrusion into the functions and prerogatives of the Department of Justice and offends the longstanding legal tradition that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions should be vested with the Attorney General free from outside interference. Moreover, section 1029 could impede flexibility and hinder exigent operational judgments in a manner that damages our security. My Administration will interpret and implement section 1029 in a manner that preserves the operational flexibility of our counterterrorism and law enforcement professionals, limits delays in the investigative process, ensures that critical executive branch functions are not inhibited, and preserves the integrity and independence of the Department of Justice.
Other provisions in this bill above could interfere with my constitutional foreign affairs powers. Section 1244 requires the President to submit a report to the Congress 60 days prior to sharing any U.S. classified ballistic missile defense information with Russia. Section 1244 further specifies that this report include a detailed description of the classified information to be provided. While my Administration intends to keep the Congress fully informed of the status of U.S. efforts to cooperate with the Russian Federation on ballistic missile defense, my Administration will also interpret and implement section 1244 in a manner that does not interfere with the President’s constitutional authority to conduct foreign affairs and avoids the undue disclosure of sensitive diplomatic communications. Other sections pose similar problems. Sections 1231, 1240, 1241, and 1242 could be read to require the disclosure of sensitive diplomatic communications and national security secrets; and sections 1235, 1242, and 1245 would interfere with my constitutional authority to conduct foreign relations by directing the Executive to take certain positions in negotiations or discussions with foreign governments. Like section 1244, should any application of these provisions conflict with my constitutional authorities, I will treat the provisions as non-binding.
My Administration has worked tirelessly to reform or remove the provisions described above in order to facilitate the enactment of this vital legislation, but certain provisions remain concerning. My Administration will aggressively seek to mitigate those concerns through the design of implementation procedures and other authorities available to me as Chief Executive and Commander in Chief, will oppose any attempt to extend or expand them in the future, and will seek the repeal of any provisions that undermine the policies and values that have guided my Administration throughout my time in office.

December 31, 2011

also see:  http://mywebecomplanet.com/GORA8037 John Nelson's article


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    PREMEDITATION over taking Pearl Harbor and the Hawaiian Islands by U.S. Congress, and the U.S. President:





    WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -- The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department and the indifference of the State Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it stands in real need. Nothing has been done since 1884, when the Pearl Harbor site in the Hawaiian Islands became available, beyond a number of surveys which have abundantly demonstrated the excellence of this harbor as a site for a naval station.

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    President Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1895.



    SAYS GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS TRUSTS; Mr. Hitchcock Condemns System of Army and Navy Contracts. ARMOR PLATE AS EXAMPLE Beef Trust, Shipbuilding Trust, and Railroads Cited -- Bates Calls Cleveland a Receptive Candidate.


    WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. -- That the Federal Government, which is supposed to be after the trusts, is making large contracts with them and paying them the people's money, was charged by Representative Hitchcock (Dem., Neb.) in the course of a vigorous criticism of the army and navy expenditures in the House to-day.

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    By John Moody (1919), Yale University Press 
    Along with other historical documentation notated 

    By Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha’s 
    Descendants, a Royal Person not subject to the laws 
    August 12, 2003 (updated April 12, 2009)

    The following is a review of John Moody’s book, The MASTERS OF CAPITAL, according to Chapters. The column on the left are a REVIEW of facts appearing in the book, and other historical accounts. The column on the right shows an OVERVIEW, OBSERVATIONS of the period and other documented evidence uncovered in research or court case(s): 

    1849 – Gold discovered in California (page 52) 

    1855 – “The rich Cuban planters deposited their 
    money with him (Moses Taylor of City Bank) 
    and left in his care the reams of United States 
    government bonds into which they had put their 
    savings. The bank had also a strong cotton 
    clientele, and it handled the business of such 
    houses as the great importing metal firm of 
    Phelps, Dodge and Company.” (page 60) 

    1859 – Petroleum/liquid gold discovery made 
    in Pennsylvania. 

    1860 – John D. Rockefeller invested $700 to drill 
    for oil. Within two years he made “up to about 
    four thousand dollars.” Years later “tens of 
    thousands of dollars were made annually…”. 
    Rockefeller reinvested “every cent possible”. 
    (page 52-53)

    1869 – “at least a billion dollars’ worth a U.S. representative 
    of United States bonds were held abroad, **** approached Hawaii’s House 
    of which a large proportion were held in **** of Nobles for a loan, the 
    South Germany…..the Jewish bond dealer” **** principal would not be 
    **** paid 
    (page 16) **** for thousands of years. The 
    **** Kingdom of Hawaii’s House 
    Of Nobles said “NO”. In 
    King Kalakaua’s papers, the 
    South German Jews loaned 
    Monies to the U.S. 

    1870 – J.S. Morgan and Company took a 
    “French loan of 250,000,000 francs. It was 
    a syndicate operation and one of the largest 
    and boldest ever known. In the previous 
    month the Germans had crushed the French 
    army at Sedan, had taken the Emperor Louis 
    Napoleon prisoner, and had besieged Paris. 
    The only authority for the loan was a *** Note: Americans in Hawaii 
    Provisional government at Tours.” *** Claimed a Provisional Govern- 
    *** Government in Hawaii but 
    *** Queen Liliuokalani documented 
    *** The Americans “entity” neither 
    “As the first big organizers of capital, *** De jure NOR de facto 
    the Morgans—father and son—were to *** Government. (The Morgan 
    wield a mighty influence in American *** Bankers gave loans on such an 
    finance.” (page 18) *** Authority.) 

    “Standard Oil Company of Ohio was formed… 
    with one million dollars cash capital, it was 
    undoubtedly the one great business corporation 
    of America which had no debts and no direct 
    banking alliances or affiliations.” (page 54-55) 

    “…the Standard Oil Company began to buy the 
    weaker refineries at bargain prices and to establish 
    a chain of plants across the country.” (pages 55-56) 

    1873 – Panic of 1873 (pg. 43) 

    “Carnegie company acquired a property *** Note: In Hawaii, Probates 
    which in a few years was worth tens of *** document excessive amounts of 
    millions of dollars.” (page 50) *** FRAUD leading to sales of 
    *** properties WITHOUT CLEAR 

    1875 – Claim to Pearl Harbor made thru *** Note: FRAUD document 
    FRAUD DEED. Reciprocity Treaty agreed *** entered in Honolulu - First 
    To by King Kalakaua and Washington, D.C. ***Circuit Court Case No. 92-2435- 
    *** 07 STATE OF HAWAII by its 
    *** Attorney General v. Robert 
    *** Kalani Kihune. Ronald Dale 
    Libkuman, Constance hee Lau, 
    David Paul C o o n, and Francis 
    Ahloy Keala, Interim Trustees 
    Under the Will of the Estate of 
    Bernice Pauahi Bishop etals. 
    (a FRAUD Trust created by 
    Banker Charles Reed Bishop, 
    See Exhibit D to two 8-10 years 
    Deceased Alii/chief/chiefess, one 
    An ancestor of mine.) 

    Standard Oil Company’s cash resources 
    Reached ‘over thirteen million’. (page 57) 

    1879 –“William H. Vanderbilt, president and 
    chief stockholder of the New York Central and 
    Hudson River system, was then being harassed 
    Beyond endurance. Popular suspicion had been 
    Excited by his accumulation of a fortune of one 
    Hundred millions in ten years; and the New York 
    Legislature, reflecting public indignation, was 
    Investigating the management of the New York 
    …Vanderbilt consulted J. Pierpont Morgan… 
    New York Central stock …sold secretly in 
    England…The Morgan firm, through its London 
    House, formed a syndicate and distributed 250,000 
    Shares…to permanent investors abroad. 
    Vanderbilt…announced…a large part of the great 
    Sum of money he had received had been reinvested 
    In United States government bonds….J. Pierpont 
    Morgan…made a profit …of more than three 
    Million dollars. (pages 21-23) 

    Morgan reorganized the Southern Railway system 
    Because he “felt obliged” to the English investors, etals. 
    And feared the loss of millions of dollars in capital. 
    (pages 27-28) 

    1881 – Standard Oil Company cash resources were 
    ’45 million’ … “and during that decade the company 
    and its subsidiaries had not only bought up most of 
    their competitors with ready cash but in addition 
    had paid out in dividends over eleven million dollars.” 
    (page 57) 

    1882 – The Standard Oil Trust was formed on Wall Street. 
    “The Standard Oil Trust had taken its place as the most 
    powerful “master of capital” on the continent.” 
    (page 57) 

    1882 – “ The time was at hand when the big bankers 
    of Wall Street, already busy in the railroad field, 
    would take part also in petroleum, steel, and a multitude 
    of other industrial enterprises and utilities which had so 
    grown in size and value that they could no longer remain 
    independent of vast banking interests. (page 51) 

    1890 –“ the wealth of the nation was 
    estimated at only sixty-five billion dollars, 
    and the corporate capital at that time was 
    only twenty-five billions…” (page 4) 

    1891 – City Bank and the Standard Oil Company 
    began business together. Its “deposits were only 
    twelve million dollars, but before the panic 
    year 1893, they had risen to thirty-one millions.” 
    (page 64) 

    1893 – U.S. in a Depression….bankrupt, ill ** Hawaii’s Queen wrongfully 
    able to Treaty. ** Dethroned by “an entity, not 
    ** de jure NOR de facto govern- 
    President Cleveland made a loan from J.P. ** ment. 
    Morgan – N.M. Rothchilds Syndicate, which 
    Was formed in 1870. Suspicion was on the ** The U.S. BREACHED the 
    President due to his allowance of the Nation’s **Law of Nations documented 
    Money being in absolute control by private **Hawaii’s Queen. Treaty was 
    Interests, Morgan, Belmont, and the Rothschilds. ** Broken. Due to the status 
    ** Of Bankruptcy, the U.S. 
    President Clevelands first cousin Mr. Pratt of ** could NOT Treaty. 
    Albany, New York was a banker. His cousins son 
    Resided in Hawaii and married into Conspirators 
    Families…the Judd families. ** MASONS/FREEMASONS 
    ** Surrounded Hawaii’s Queen. 
    ** MASONS were set in place 
    ** To break down Monarchial 

    Millions (2-4 million) of dollars owed to 
    The Kingdom of Hawaii by 
    BANKER Charles Reed 
    Bishop for loans. 

    $279,000 in treasury, rents, 
    leases, taxes, shipping fees 
    owed. Gold bullions, gold 
    and silver coins stolen. 
    Ancient treasure removed, 
    Most stolen. 

    Queen Liliuokalani called 
    The Americans 
    “conspirators” (in 2000, 
    the name was updated to 
    “TERRORISTS” in 
    President Clinton’s letter) 

    Important Note: Japan, 
    Spain, and Germany 
    Questioned dethronement 
    Of Hawaii’s Queen. 

    “A disastrous panic of 1893, from which 
    most of the large industrial enterprises of the 
    United States emerged in a dilapidated 
    Condition. In the long depression which 
    Followed, manufacturers everywhere were 
    Forced into bankruptcy. Capital was scarce, 
    The demand for goods was small, and 
    Thousands of plants remained in total or 
    Partial idleness for several years. This was 
    Particularly true of the steel and iron 
    Industry. Most of the steel plants, always 
    Excepting the Carnegie Works, were 
    Dormant or moribund. Dividends were 
    Discontinued; foreclosures were the order 
    Of the day; investors had lost their capital.” 
    (page 70) 

    1895 – Queen Liliuokalani was beckoned to sign an abdication for her supporters so that they would be set free. She signed, however, was told that they would not be set free but would be allowed to live. 

    Under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, etc. “The Queen held her throne through her oath and Constitution, and Abdicated when She Declared Herself Above Them.” 

    190 subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii were imprisoned, 137 were charged with “treason and open rebellion; 141 “treason” and 12 “misprision (of treason).” 22 exiled to the United States; three were deported to Canada; five were given suspended sentences; five were acquitted. Several were fined and given sentences of hard labor. 

    Queen Liliuokalani, aged 57, was placed on Trial in the Iolani Palace Throne Room, minus the stolen kahili’s (decors), minus the stolen portraits, minus the stolen rugs/ carpets, minus the stolen gold and crimson chairs, etc., by a military commission composed of the entity group calling themselves a de facto government supported by the United States. 

    *Note: The furniture, plates, personal jewelry, dinner plates, silverware, etc. were stolen, auctioned from the Iolani Palace. The carpets were cut into pieces and sold as souveniers of the Iolani Palace, etc. Pieces have slowly been returned or purchased by the Friends of the Iolani Palace, etc. 


    In Washington, “Morgan, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, today presented the report of the investigations of that committee made under a resolution requiring it to report “whether any, and if so what irregularities occurred in the diplomatic or other intercourse between the United States and Hawaii in relation to the secret political revolution in Hawaii. 

    The report is prepared by Morgan and concurred in by Frye, Dolph and Davis, Republican members of the committee, who make also a supplemental report….Morgan begins with the proposition that this  Government in dealing with any form of government in Hawaii, can have no break in its line of policy corresponding to any change in the office of President. It is in all respects the same government as if under the same President during the entire period. The President, however, has the right to change his opinion and policy, but it must be regarded as a change of mind in the same person. 


    The report then declares against monarchism in the islands, saying we exercise at least moral suzerainty over Hawaii, which, it says, “is an American State embraced in the American commercial and military system,” entitling it to the indulgent consideration, if not active sympathy, is its endeavors to release her people from the odious anti-Republican regime, and subordinate her people to the supposed divine 

    right of a monarch “whose title to such divinity originated in the most slavish conditions of pagan barbarity.”…….The Hawaiian Monarchy had perished…” 

    Note: J.P. Morgan and friends have FAILED TO DO THEIR HOMEWORK… Royal descendants of Kamehameha EXIST,including the author of this paper, Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal Person not subject to the laws. Families claims documenting FRAUD has been recorded over time… the PROBATES, other documentation have testimonies and other indications of FRAUD, DECEIT, CORRUPTION, CRIMINAL DEVIANCE, CRIMINAL MALFEASANCE documented. 

    It is from this point on that the BULK OF RESOURCES of HAWAII appears to have been PLUNDERED UPON. 

    1897 – “Edward H. Harriman and Kuhn, ** Note: OPPOSITION to 
    Loeb, and Company agreed upon the ** Annexation documented and 
    Reorganization of the Union Pacific…they ** rediscovered in the Library 
    Decided to finance the undertaking through ** of Congress–21,000 of 40,000 
    City Bank….involving a payment of over ** signatures. Only 3,000 
    $45,000,000 in cash to the United States ** Americans were for U.S. 
    Government” (page 65-66) 

    1898 – “Pierpont Morgan was …a towering 
    figure in the railroad and banking world.” 
    (page 31) 

    Spanish-American War. The American ** Note: Investigations years 
    Battleship MAINE was claimed to have been ** after indicates the Americans 
    Bombed by the Spaniards. **Bombed their own ship to 
    **Create a War

    ** Cuba was made independent. 
    ** Philippines, Puerto Rico, etc. 
    ** Became Occupied by U.S. 

    ** Warmonger Roosevelt said, 
    ** “that was a splendid little 
    ** war.” 

    For WAR is documented. 

    The United States became an arm of the Vatican through the Papal Bulls authority, also known as the Christian International Laws validating the PLUNDERING UPON Barbaric cultures, societies. 

    1899 – “…The spectacular merger with the Edison 
    Illuminating Company of New York” occurred with 
    Oliver H. Payne, large stockholder of Standard Oil, 
    Who also “had secured control of the Consolidated 
    Gas Company of New York”. “By one stroke all the 
    Lighting companies in New York City were brought 
    Under one control.” (page 69) 

    “Money was cheap, credit was everywhere 
    available, and prosperity was rising throughout the 
    country. All the important railroad reorganizations, 
    as we have seen, had been carried through, and the 
    great bankers, whose coffers swelled with huge 
    underwriting commissions, were looking for new 

    1901 – “Morgan paid (Carnegie-steel business)… 
    was equivalent to a cash price of over $447,000,000. 
    This was represented by giving Carnegie and his 
    Associates $303,450,000 in bonds and nearly two 
    Hundred million dollars’ worth of stock which 
    Immediately had a market value of about 
    $144,000,000. It was the greatest sale in the history 
    of the world.” (pages 82-83) 

    “Morgan launched the United States Steel Corporation.” 
    “The stock capitalization was in excess of a billion 
    dollars, with a bonded debt of more than three hundred 
    millions, and both the big banking groups of Wall Street 
    were firmly tied to the enterprise. The great merger 
    dominated by Morgan drew into its orbit even the 
    Standard Oil “Money Power.” Among the big names 
    Included in the syndicate, aside from Morgan and his 
    Partners, were H.H. Rogers and Daniel O’Day of 
    Standard Oil; Marshall Field, William H. Moore, 
    James H. Moore, Elbert H. Gary, John W. Gates, H. H. 
    Porter, and Norman B. Ream, of Chicago; Samuel Mather 
    Of Cleveland; Nathaniel Thayer of Boston; and Danie G. 
    Reid, Henry C. F rick, Charles M. Schwab, and D.O. 
    Mills, of New York. So under the control of a single 
    Corporation passed seventy per cent of the American 
    Iron and steel industry. That industry, instead of being 
    Operated on the old plan of individual control or 
    Independent corporate control, was now linked with 
    Scores of banks of great power, with railroads, and 
    With numerous other corporate undertakings.” (page 88) 

    1903 – “The United Steel Corporation failed to earn its 
    dividends, its great issue of common stock fell to a few 
    dollars a share…”(page 110) 

    1904 – The U.S. Supreme Court decision ordered the 
    “dissolution of the Northern Securities Company.” 
    (page 110) 

    1906 – “New York banks reported a deficit in 
    reserves and appealed to the United States Treasury 
    for surplus gold. This timely deposit afforded 
    temporary relief; but the year closed in strain.” 
    (page 140) 

    1907 – “During these years Morgan formed the great 
    shipping combination known as the International 
    Mercantile Marine Company, which absorbed the 
    White Star Line, the American Line, the Red Star 
    Line, the Leyland Line, and many other transatlantic 
    Companies……The leading lines between New York 
    And England, which included the Cunard Line, the 
    White Star, and the American Line…” (page 110) 

    “The new Morgan combination, being under American 
    control and financed by American capital, could not 
    enjoy these benefits. Moreover, as soon as the new 
    combination began to compete aggresively with 
    the Cundard and German lines, both the English 
    and German Governments came to the rescue with 
    further large subsidies and benefits.” (page 111) 

    “During a long period the Morgan firm had been 
    closely identified with the General Electric Company, 
    a great manufacturing concern which had been 
    building up a world-wide industry.” (page 112) 

    1908 – British government supported a private 
    company drilling oil. Persian(Iran) oil discovered. 

    1914 – “In the early days of the war England had 
    practically abdicated, for the time being, the 
    position of international banker which she had 
    held for a hundred years.” 

    England “had invested over a billion dollars in 
    New securities, domestic and foreign. Lombard 
    Street had largely financed the building of 
    American railroads, had contributed greatly 
    To the financing of American enterprises of all 
    Kinds, had been a large purchaser of government 
    And municipal bonds, not only in the United States, 
    But in South American countries.” (pages 161-162) 

    “Wall Street had played little part in financing 
    foreign governments, its activities in this direction 
    being limited almost to lending Great Britain 
    $200,000,000 at the time of the South African War and 
    Japan $50,000,000 at the time of the Russian War.” 
    (page 163) 
    The British purchased the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.” 
    (Of Many Times and Cultures –page 169) 

    1915 – The “British Government vetoed all operations 
    of this kind and informed the bankers that their 
    resources must be used exclusively for war purposes.” 
    (page 162) 

    “Wall Street bought the bond issues of Paris, 
    Bordeaux, and Lyons, and even provided funds for 
    International trade.” (page 162) 

    “A distinguished Anglo-French mission arrived in 
    New York for the purpose of floating an American 
    Loan….” The amount approved was for half the 
    Request or $500,000,000. (page 164) 

    “the House of Morgan has always maintained close 
    and confidential relations with the British Government 
    and the British public.” (pages 164-165) 

    “Wall Street began to deal in shells, cannon, submarines, 
    blankets, clothing, shoes, canned meats, wheat, and 
    thousands of other articles needed for the prosecution 
    of a great war.” (page 165) 

    1916 - “ The United States produced 43,000,000 tons 
    of steel, while Great Britain, which normally ranks 
    next to this country in steel manufacturer, produced 
    9,000,000 tons….” (page 156) 

    “The gold supply of Europe began to find its way into 
    coffers of Wall Street, a movement that was coninuous 
    until 1917, when of the approximately $8,500,000,000 
    outstanding, nearly $3,000,000,000 was ultimately 
    deposited in American safety vaults.” (page 161) 

    “we had ceased to be a debtor nation and now had Europe 
    deeply in our debt. We had lent foreign Governments, 
    bankers, and merchants not far from $2,000,000,000; 
    yet so plentiful was money in New York that the 
    investment bankers complained because they could not 
    find enough securities to supply their customers. 
    (page 170) 

    1917- “Congress declared war on April 6, 1917.” 
    (page 168) 

    “The mere fact that the United States, besides 
    spending enormous sums on its own military 
    preparations, was able to lend nearly $10,000,000,000 
    to European Governments in little less than two years, 
    gives some idea of the resources which this country 
    brought to bear in the European conflict. (page 175) 

    Some people charged that it was “Wall Street’s War”. 
    (page 1

    Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani died. 
    A Trust by BANKERS were put under her name; 
    However, she maintained that she did NOT create 
    A Trust. Other FRAUDS are documented in 
    Alii Probates, Trusts, etc. 

    1919 – Haiti revolted against American/United States occupation. The United States marines killed more than 1,800 INNOCENTS. 


    The insecurities of a BANKRUPT society(ies) which has basically PLUNDERED UPON INNOCENTS OR RESOURCES, who happen to be basically PEOPLE OF COLOR and validated by the Vatican’s Papal Bulls Authority or Christian International Laws is relying on the assist of paid-off friends, countries it has accumulated at its side by granting monies at the expense of many…the complex slave society-Americans, at the aborigines expense: American Indians, Alaskan-Indians, Hawaiians/kanaka maoli, Spanish, Haitians, Japanese, Micronesians, Vietnamese, Koreans, Germans, Iraqis and others. 

    History reveals a lot of issues and conspiracies…but recognize there are ways out of the controlling tyranny of America with Hitler’s benefactors descendants at the helm, etc. 

    The criminal deviance, CORRUPTION, criminal malfeasance involved has been a lucrative, PIRATING scheme affecting Hawaii and the World even today. 

    The wrongful, criminal PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS AND/OR RESOURCES are the goals of the criminal deviants now documented. The FAILURE to do their homework and the rewards for CRIMINAL KILLING, MASSACRES of INNOCENTS will not go unpunished, if one believes in God. For those who have a difficult time in the spiritual basis, remember this from another perspective: Because DEVILS exist; therefore, God exists. 

    Rents and Leases are due as documented in previous Letters to the Presidents, Clinton and Bush. Much to the dismay of the U.S. Presidents, the Senators representing Hawaii (without granted Jurisdiction), Kamehameha’s descendants EXIST, including myself, Amelia Kuulei Gora. It’s Not our Problem that the U.S. FAILED to do their homework on the Royal families, Sovereigns, etals. 

    Because the WARS over time, which includes the PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS have been financed by the Kingdom of Hawaii’s monies, and documented so in these papers, the wrongful recognition of J.P. Morgan’s ill authority/determination made as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations claiming to grant the U.S. Presidents authority over Hawaii’s finances are based on FRAUD, DECEIT, erroneous, CRIMINAL and is hereby NULLED and VOIDED. 


    One of Kamehameha’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal Person not subject to the laws. 


    THE MASTERS OF CAPITAL by John Moody (1919) Yale University Press 


    WAR GAMES by Thomas B. Allen 


    OF MANY TIMES AND CULTURES by Marvin Scott (1993) 

     see also:

    MASTERS OF CAPITAL at http://www.archive.org/details/masterscapitala00moodgoog  free download of the entire book available at this link


    Important Points:

    1.  Premeditation by the U.S. to take over Pearl Harbor and the Hawaiian Kingdom /Ko Hawaii Pae Aina - Hawaiian Government

    2.  U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani

    3.  Problematic Corporations, including bankers in the book MASTERS OF CAPITAL by John Moody

    4.  Problematic Bankers specifically JP Morgan who dictated to the U.S., etc. validating the THEFT OF MONIES, etc. from the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina - Hawaiian Government.....the evidence of this can be found in the article AGAINST MONARCHY..........article posted previously.

    5.  Note Addition/Correction:  Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations.  The Law of Nations is not the same as the Perpetual Treaty(ies) signed by Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III and to be continued by his heirs AND successors.......Kamehameha's families existed then and exists now.

    Treaties supercede State Laws, etc.

    6.  Because OBAMA was born in Kenya, then claimed to have been born in the Hawaiian Islands...he would have been born in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom.......presenting a dilemma on the legality of his position which was funded by the millions of dollars from England.  OBAMA would therefore be illegal if Americans would like to cure what is ailing them, charge treason, put Vice President Biden in place, and recognize the facts that both GW BUSH & Tony BLAIR have been declared WAR CRIMINALS in Kuala Lumpur based on International Law......OBAMA perpetuated the WAR CRIMES of G W BUSH & Tony BLAIR, et. als.

    Read John Nelson's article, etc. at http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037 - legal research of what the U.S. President's and company(ies)  have done over time causing enslavement of American citizens, etc.

    Wicked!  Beyond Wicked!  It is NOT O.K. to Plunder on Innocents with Hawaiian monies, especially given the facts that we maintain a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation since the time of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III's period.

    Documenting Truth because


    Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME)  WICKED TO THE MAX!




    eyes 068

    <font color="#888888"><font color="#888888"><br/></font></font>

    Sudden RushMessenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

    Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

      2 years ago  4,201 views



  • Just telling it like it is

    • You and 17,147 others like this.
    • 50 of 1,131
      • Zhan Borukhov What a load of shit that is : "democracy cant never win, if republicans take over again in usa. peace."
        about an hour ago ·
      • Chellsea Na Its not just republicans.... Who in here knows that bush and obama are like 9th cousins..... Who in here knows that all the presidents are related with the exception of 1. Dont quote me on this but i think it was garfield. Sux huh?
        about an hour ago ·
      • Tee Gee Democracy....haha....is that what we call a two party dictatorship these days? The mind boggles how some sheeple still believes democracy exists at all!!!
        about an hour ago ·
      • Jeffrey Malo IF LIFE WERE FAIR, George W. Bush would be asking: "Ya' want fries with that?"
        about an hour ago ·
      • Rabar Mantik Bush has to stand in trail for causing the death of half a million civilians in iraq . Murders should be kept in jail not walk arround freely . Am so glad now china became the economic leader of the world .
        about an hour ago ·
      • Joris Luteijn
        Please repost if you agree.

        Do you support peace?
        Right now there is just one man who can and WILL do something about America wasting trillions of its dollars on unnecessary bombings, torture, killing and exploitation in 3rd world countrie...See More
        about an hour ago ·
      • Mike Horne so true...
        about an hour ago ·
      • Martin Kenny I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.
        Thomas Jefferson
        about an hour ago ·
      • Tosia Neiger McCormick I don't know just when having an argument began to equal the end of civil discourse. Profanity is not the same as making a cogent point, people!
        about an hour ago ·
      • Amanda Williamson Excellent. A bit like the banker whose greed and staggering criminal negligence cost the taxpayer billions whilst he guffaws over another bumper bonus. The kid who steals a tele from Dixon's during the riots gets a jail sentence and a criminal record which will condemn him to poverty most of his adult life.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Louise Meats However, he is in solitary confinement for very good reasons!! Seems somewhat disconnected. And trite. What happened to the good old days where liberals actually understood the chants and opinions they were spouting?
        about an hour ago ·
      • Anita Duvall
        Some have seen the reality of the dysfunctions of corporate, industrial society for a very long time: they are impatient with the urgency to turn this ship around, NOW! Some remain in a deep sleep, seemingly unaware of the series of crises...See More
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gareth Barnard He might be locked up for good reason but it still doesn't change the fact that this why this bullshit continues
        about an hour ago ·
      • Habane Rupert Fuck u and Montesanto Bush u cunt
        about an hour ago ·
      • Neil Jones At Amanda, regradless of the bankers actions, are you saying the rioter shouldnt get a jail sentence. regardless of the world not being fair does not excuse or explain some chav nicking TV's. The rioters got what they deserved. Agreed that some bankers should be held to account, but the action or inaction on one group does not give another the right to cause distress and problems to so many.
        about an hour ago ·
      • David Mccann
        It's a shame you can't directly post on here: as it’s quite clear to see the general public, you know - the ordinary masses, ‘members of society’, and not members of a “secret society”, - are fed-up with these members of secret societies, being appointed positions of power and control within our governments and their related bodies, so much so, as with little exposure, this cause has attracted 570 members in its first week of being made public. - Earth is our home, and our society is a ‘human society’, - never in our ancestor’s lives, nor ours, have we ever been ruled by just and fair leaders. - Never yet to date, have we had a Parliament, House of Lords, Congress, Duma or any other place of governing – free from the influence of these secret societies, - and to rub ours noses in it, they in fact have Masonic lodges within the Palace of Westminster; the New Welcome Masonic Lodge No. 5139, set-up in 1929, was created at the suggestion of the then Prince of Wales, [later King Edward VIII], who was concerned by the antagonism between Freemasonry and the British left, and the fact that a number of Labour MPs were ‘blackballed’ when applying to join Masonic lodges. So here we can see the deliberate act of trying to infiltrate and manipulate the ‘working class’ representatives, and why it membership today is so much broader, i.e. you can get a Honorary 33rd Degree Taxi – driver appointed nowadays. - It’s long been alleged, that the forming of this lodge, influenced the outcome of the 1935 Parliamentary leadership elections, - and its founding was reported in a number of national newspapers including the Daily Telegraph, and Sporting Life. This is why many trade union bosses, are now miles apart from their counterparts, their wages are so astronomically high in comparison to the men and women they are suppose to be representing, - and have clearly lost touch with, - and whilst they are also members of the ‘very same’ society that has ‘secrets’, the worker, or the public in general, will never get a honest and fair transparency of government, - and the reason why this cause is so important, not just for this country, but for the world as a whole! JOIN US – Our government and its representatives; via our town halls and justices of law must be free from commitment to these highly influential groups if they are expected to maintain a shred of credibility and earn the public’s trust and respect once again. - http://www.causes.com/causes/643665-ban-members-of-secret-societies-from-serving-in-our-government-and-their-related-bodies?template=cause_mailer%2Frecruitment&causes_ref=email
      • about an hour ago · · 1
      • Cesar Andres Pinto Urzua bush is almost about to say ... "problem?"
        about an hour ago ·
      • Balaji Manoharan How is that bush's fault he remains in solitary confinement??
        about an hour ago ·
      • Charles Burgess Bal its not, its a comparison. Free that man now!
        about an hour ago ·
      • John Wettermark Should have taken him out with a drone strike as was done to fellow citizen and traitor Al-Awlaki under presidential order.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Jose Roberto Tobar Cabrera Al perro mas flaco se le pegan las pulgas...
        about an hour ago ·
      • Joachim Nyseth There are numeroius amount of other men in the top of US politics who should sit in solitary confinement instead of Bradley Manning. Bush is one of them. Cheney another.
        about an hour ago · · 1
      • Mads Nygaard I say we nuke all of earth... clear it from this human infestation...! If politics and mega corporations is gone after that, no matter what, we will have done the universe a favor..!
        about an hour ago ·
      • Annica Odina You know how to cause a stir,..!
        about an hour ago ·
      • Stefan Dengler that's the price for cheap oil
        about an hour ago ·
      • Marilyn Daniels that's just how perverted and twisted everything is
        about an hour ago ·
      • Angela Schoenmakers cant we secretly swap them=
        55 minutes ago ·
      • Luigi Gradilone Bush, sei un Criminale!
        50 minutes ago ·
      • Kelli Cox
        further evidence of the psychopathic nature of the american gov't industrial machine. they abhor the truth and will do whatever is within their means and power to subvert, deny and hide it. they protect their own kind and they are the kind that have no conscience, being motivated solely by their insatiable need and desire for power and money. we must as human beings do all that we can to learn their nature, recognize it when we see it, name it and destroy it. our very lives depend upon it. their name is Narcissicism, Machiavellianism and Psychopath. DOWN WITH THE PATHOCRACY! DESTROY THE PATHOCRACY! Awake from the nightmare, my brothers and sisters.
        49 minutes ago ·
      • German Vaquero Vaquero fucking Bush son of a bitch he and all his government self destroyers of the twin towers and wTC3 and enslavers of the rest of american citicens ex-free people.
        45 minutes ago ·
      • Torb Pedersen
        Every american deserves to know the truth and must hold their government accountable for their actions. No one should be confined for exercising their constitutional right to freedom of speech. America's security had never been compromised by individuals exercising this basic right. If murdering and torturing our own country men to spare the politicians the humiliation has become acceptable then there the human race can fall no further.
        44 minutes ago · · 1
      • Oscar Skoog Prosecute Bush for war crimes.
        43 minutes ago ·
      • Michael Vain I say we clean house by dragging all these corrupt pieces of governmental filth out into the street, cover them in tar and set them on fire as a message to all who would subvert democracy for reasons of power or greed.
        42 minutes ago ·
      • David Dunne Polictions They are all bastards
        38 minutes ago · · 2
      • El Nebuloso ‎@bluebird dub: and guess who´s going to save your sorry broke ass this time?!
        31 minutes ago ·
      • Damian Johnson Which is the better use of freedom of speech yet gets you locked up? Is it A- Telling the truth about the war in Iraq etc...and revealing corruption at the establishment level, or is it B - Buying legislators votes to remove the cap on corporate donations making it easier for the rich to buy even more influence?
        30 minutes ago ·
      • Shazia Shaikh bush is terorist
        29 minutes ago · · 2
        • Jon Reynolds Whatever. This country is going to fall to shit soon anyway, and you bleeding heart types can sing kumbaya and eat tree bark all you want before you die, I will be prepared.
          28 minutes ago ·
        • Tony Robinson He's been treated really. Do the 29 jews who were livng in bagdad of whom 23 are dead because wikileaks allowed thier home address to go out not count as a loss of life?
          27 minutes ago ·
        • Damian Johnson Next question, this time not rhetorical. Who on earth votes Republican? It is a matter of public record they are in the pockets of the rich. They don't care about anybody less fortunate than themselves and abhor the thought that perhaps those who caused the current financial mess and can afford it should pay more towards cleaning up the aftermath. I am preaching to the quoir I guess though...
          26 minutes ago ·
        • Slim Eddy Bush is new world order!
          26 minutes ago · · 1
        • Felix Sugiarto ‎704 billion dollars? Gee, it could end hunger and provide resources for medical research, instead of wasting it on war. I am from a muslim country and have met an israel lawyer who said ''it's not george w bush fault, it's the people behind the scenes who gave him bad advices''. And i agree with her, thought to share it.
          24 minutes ago ·
        • Emily McGuire Yepp, I am pretty sure the American Government Industrial Machine is pretty psycopathic.
          22 minutes ago ·
        • Adam Pasternak
          The problem is money driving everything in politics. The founding fathers never meant for "politician" to be a career. You were a teacher, a doctor, a janitor, a butcher, whatever: you go do your time for a year or two to represent your ...See More
          22 minutes ago · · 1
        • David White ‎@ Shazia. I agree. Terror is an emotion felt by everyone, not just Americans.
          12 minutes ago ·
        • Kuulei Gora https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPlX_W1G1RM
          If George BUSH & Tony BLAIR have been declared as WAR CRIMINALS and may be arrested at any time...where does that leave OBAMA who perpetuates the WAR CRIMINALS works and continues the WAR CRIMES? Impeach him....TREASON is documented....stripping the Bill of Rights, the Constitution...Wake Up Americans! take back your government! aloha. " - posted by hwnwahine.

          posted at this website.....



  • "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPlX_W1G1RM If George BUSH & Tony BLAIR have been declared as WAR CRIMINALS and may be arrested at any time...where does that leave OBAMA who perpetuates the WAR CRIMINALS works and continues the WAR CRIMES? Impeach him....TREASON is documented....stripping the Bill of Rights, the Constitution...Wake Up Americans! take back your government! aloha. " - posted by hwnwahine.

    http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30125.htm posted at this website.....


    • Top 25 Stories of 2011 Subjected to Press Censorship

      1. More US Soldiers Committed Suicide Than Died in Combat (For full story, click here



      For the second year (2010) in a row, more US soldiers killed themselves (468) than died in combat (462). In 2009, the 381 suicides of active-duty soldiers recorded by the military also exceeded the number of deaths in battle. The Good report, which references the Congressional Quarterly as a source, was published in January 2011, just weeks after military authorities announced that a psychological screening program seemed to be stemming the suicide rate among active-duty soldiers. “This new data, that American soldiers are now more dangerous to themselves than the insurgents, flies right in the face of any suggestion that things are ‘working,’” Good Senior Editor Cord Jefferson wrote.

      Sources: Good Report, “More US Soldiers Killed Themselves Than Died in Combat in 2010


      Truthdig, “Death and After in Iraq


      Alternet, “Can You Face the True Consequences of War?



      2. US Military Manipulates the Social Media (For full story, click here



      The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda. Anyone suspicious of “sock puppets” ... would be unnerved by the US military’s “online persona management service,” a little-known program described in The Guardian UK, Raw Story, and Computerworld stories. The U.S. Central Command (Centcom) is developing the program. Using up to 10 false identities, they can counter charged political dialogue with pro-military propaganda. These "personas" can be given detailed, fictionalized backgrounds to make them believable to outside observers, and a sophisticated identity protection service to back them up, preventing suspicious readers from uncovering the real person behind the account.

      Sources: Guardian UK, “Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media


      ” Raw Story, "Military’s ‘persona’ software cost millions


      "; Computerworld, "Army of fake social media friends to promote propaganda



      3. Obama Authorizes International Assassination Campaign (For full story, click here



      The Obama administration has quietly put into practice an ‘incomplete idea’ left over from the G.W. Bush presidency: creating a de facto ‘presidential international assassination program.’ U.S. citizens suspected of encouraging “terror” are being put on “death lists” without any due process of law. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S. military have the authority to kill U.S. citizens abroad without a trial and outside war zones if strong evidence exists that they’re involved in terrorist activity, the Washington Post reported in a front page story. A moral, ethical, and legal analysis of the assassinations seems to be significantly lacking inside the corporate media. In December of 2010, Human Rights Watch asked for clarification of the legal rationale behind this practice after a judge dismissed a lawsuit challenging the notion.

      Source: Human Rights Watch, “Letter to President Obama – Targeted Killings


      ” Inter Press Service, “Judge Declines to Rule on Targeted Killings of U.S. Citizens


      Salon, “Obama Authorizes Assassination of U.S. Citizen


      ” Philip Alston, UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Killings


      4. Human Caused Food Crisis Expands (For full story, click here



      A new worldwide spike in agricultural commodity and food prices is generating both predictable and extraordinary fallouts. The search for causes once again leads to a conjuncture of flawed policies in trade, environment, finance and agriculture that is likely to produce more dangerous volatility in years to come. David Moberg, offering an in-depth breakdown of the global food crisis in In These Times, places the blame for rising food prices and increasing malnutrition on flawed economic policies. “Hunger is currently a result of poverty and inequality, not lack of food,” he concludes. “Since 2010 began, roughly another 44 million people have quietly crossed the threshold into malnutrition, joining 925 million already suffering from lack of food,” Moberg writes. “If prices continue to rise, this food crisis will push the ranks of the hungry toward a billion people.”

      Sources: In These Times, “Diet Hard: With A Vengeance


      5. Private Prison Companies Fund Anti–Immigrant Legislation (For full story, click here



      Over the past four years roughly a million immigrants have been incarcerated in dangerous detention facilities in our taxpayer-financed private prison system. Children were abused, women were raped, and men died from lack of basic medical attention. When Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer ran for reelection in 2010, her greatest out-of-state campaign contributions came from high-ranking executives of Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), one of the nation’s largest prison companies. CCA profits directly from building and operating prisons and detention centers. CCA previously employed two of Brewer’s legislative aides as lobbyists. Peter Cervantes-Gautschi spotlights Brewer’s links to CCA and goes deeper still, offering an historic account of how investors in CCA and prison giant Geo Group have for years actively pushed for legislation that would result in the widespread incarceration of undocumented immigrants.

      Sources: Social Policy, "Wall Street & Our Campaign to Decriminalize Immigrants



      6. Google Spying? (For full story, click here



      Earlier this year the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigated Internet search engine giant Google for illegally collecting personal data such as passwords, emails, and other online activities from unsecured Wi-Fi networks in homes and businesses across the US and around the world. A flurry of stories aired in the spring of 2010 when it became apparent that Google Street View vehicles, in the process of collecting data for its mapping service, also picked up consumer “payload” data on Wi-Fi networks, including e-mail messages, website data, user names, and passwords. The tech giant publicly apologized for what it characterized as a mistake, saying it had “failed badly.” The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) admonished Google in a letter, but declined to pursue it further. Project Censored authors claim that the FTC abandoned its inquiry because a week earlier, Obama attended a Democratic Party fundraiser at the Palo Alto home of Google executive Marissa Mayer, citing a San Francisco Chronicle article about the $30,000-per person affair.

      Sources: United States Federal Trade Communication, Personal Communication of David Vladeck


      ; San Francisco Chronicle, "Google’s Marissa Mayer Hosting Obama At $30,000-A-Head Fundraiser T...



      7. U.S. Army and Psychology’s Largest Experiment–Ever (For full story, click here



      In the January 2011 issue of American Psychologist, the American Psychology Association (APA) dedicated 13 articles to detailing and celebrating a 117 million dollar collaboration with the US Army, called Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (CSF). It’s being marketed as a resilience training to reduce adverse psychological consequences to soldiers who endure combat. Comprehensive Solider Fitness (CSF) is described as a “holistic approach to warrior training,” emphasizing positive psychology as a means to counter mental health problems arising from horrific combat situations. Yet there are many questions about the wisdom of launching a required, untested psychology program for more than a million soldiers, one that encourages soldiers to think positive even in the face of traumatizing events. This “training” program might better be described as a research project. The core hypothesis of this massive program’s success has yet to be confirmed through further research.

      Sources: Truthout, “The Dark Side of Comprehensive Soldier Fitness


      ” Psychology of Well Being, A Holistic Approach to Warrior Training


      ; Truthout, “Army’s 'Spiritual Fitness' Test Comes Under Fire


      8. The Myth of Clean and Safe Nuclear Power (For full story, click here



      The terrifying meltdowns of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear reactors reignited worldwide debate about the wisdom of relying on nuclear energy as an electricity source. While Germany opted to phase out its nuclear facilities by 2022 in the wake of the tragedy, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) came under scrutiny after a Union of Concerned Scientists report analyzed 14 “near misses” at nuclear power plants in 2010, revealing the shortcomings in NRC inspections. Yet mainstream media’s treatment of nuclear power is all too willing to endorse the idea that nuclear power is safe. Major news publications readily go along with the nuclear industry’s branding of the power source as “clean” and “carbon free” when it’s really not. Nuclear power presents a security threat of unprecedented proportions: It’s capable of a catastrophic accident that can kill hundreds of thousands of people, with a byproduct that is toxic for millennia. To call nuclear power “clean” is an affront to science, common sense, and the English language itself.

      Sources: Union of Concerned Scientists, “Nuclear Reactor Crisis in Japan FAQs


      ” Nuclear Information and Resource Service, “Nuclear Energy Is Dirty Energy


      "; U.S. NRC, “Radiation Exposure and Cancer


      9. The Government is Manipulating the Weather (For full story, click here



      Rising global temperatures, increasing population, and degradation of water supplies, have created broad support for the growing field of weather modification. The U.S. government has conducted weather modification experiments for over half a century, and the military-industrial complex stands poised to capitalize on these discoveries. One of the latest programs is HAARP


      , the High-Frequency Active Aural Research Program. This technology can potentially trigger floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes.The scientific idea behind HAARP is to “excite” a specific area of the ionosphere and observe the physical processes in that excited area with intention of modifying ecological conditions. HAARP can also be used as a weapon system, capable of selectively destabilizing agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions. At a recent international symposium, scientists asserted that manipulation of climate through modification of cirrus clouds is neither a hoax nor a conspiracy theory and is fully operational.

      Sources: Global Research, “Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Che...


      ” Dr. Coen Vermeeren, Symposium speech


      ; Commonwealth Club, “Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies


      [For highly revealing documentaries on HAARP by Canada's CBC and the History Channel, click here



      10. Real Unemployment: One Out of Five in US (For full story, click here



      The corporate media wants America to feel secure during a time of unemployment crisis, but people deserve to know what is really happening rather than a statistical lie. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) calculates the “official unemployment rate” by counting everyone who had no job, was available for work, and had actively sought work in the last four weeks, according to the BLS website. But alternative BLS statistics incorporate so-called “discouraged workers,” unemployed individuals who’ve given up on the job hunt. In the first four months of 2011, the national unemployment rate officially stood at around 9 percent, while a BLS statistic incorporating discouraged workers and the marginally employed bumped that figure up to 15.9 percent. Yet according to San Francisco-based economist John Williams, who maintains a website called Shadow Government Statistics, the “real” unemployment rate is actually 22.1 percent, or more than one out of five US residents.

      Sources: Information Clearing House, “9% Unemployment Rate is a Statistical Lie


      ” Shadow Government Statistics, "Alternate Unemployment Charts



      Thanks to the San Francisco Bay Guardian


      and Rebecca Bowe for parts of the above summaries.

      More of the Top 25 Press Censorship Stories of 2011

      11. Trafficking of Iraqi Women Rampant (For full story, click here



      Human trafficking occurs throughout the world, yet has become increasingly more prevalent in Iraq due to the instability produced by the war. Many Iraqi women and girls are widowed or orphaned by wartime casualties. Currently, more than 50,000 Iraqi women have fled to Jordan and Syria and are trapped in sexual servitude with no possibility of escape.

      12. Pacific Garbage Dump: Did You Think Your Plastic Was Being Recycled? (Story here



      Many people do not realize that there is a swirling mass of plastic in the middle of the Pacific ocean that qualifies as the planet’s largest garbage dump. Recent research


      sponsored by the National Science Foundation suggests the affected area may be twice the size of Hawaii. The 5 Gyres Project estimates that there are 315 billion pounds of plastic in the ocean right now.

      13. Will a State of Emergency Be Used to Supersede Our Constitution? (Story here



      A program dating back to the Eisenhower era is now converted to bestow secret powers on the president for anything he considers an emergency. Recent “Continuity of Government” planning has quietly removed time-honored constitutional protections and increased the militarization of civilian law enforcement. For the first time in US history, military troops are allowed to do police actions in US cities. Recently the US Army established an active-duty brigade trained to manage civil unrest and crowd control. Historically this has been illegal. There has been a loss of local authority and sustained preparations for the possibility of martial law.

      14. Family Pressure on Young Girls for Genitalia Mutilation in Kenya (For full story, click here



      Girls as young as nine years old were threatened with death if they tried to escape the Kamunera location, where they awaited female genitalia mutilation in Kenya. Some are still in hiding, fearing that their parents will disown them for running away to avoid circumcision. Many girls have been forced to cut short their studies and married off at a young age because of parental fear the daughters will be ostracized if too educated.

      15. Big Polluters Freed from Environmental Oversight (For full story, click here



      The Obama administration has distributed billions of dollars in stimulus money to some of the nation’s biggest polluters and granted exemptions from basic environmental errors. The administration’s main goal in Energy Secretary Steven Chu words was to “get the money out and spent as quickly as possible”.

      16. Sweatshops in China Are Making Your iPods While Workers Suffer (Story here



      Apple’s suppliers routinely violate China’s “Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases.” Several manufacturers replaced alcohol with n-hexane, which is used to clean parts. It is a chemical that works better than alcohol, but poisons workers. In these factories the workers, often women in their teens or 20s, were forced to work with the poison in unventilated rooms.

      17. Superbug Bacteria Spreading Worldwide (For full story, click here



      Lethal superbugs are emerging that do not respond to any known drugs. The World Health Organization states that the New Delhi or NDM-1 superbug was recently found in UK patients and has reached a critical point. These super bugs are resistant to carbapenem antibiotics, which is a major concern to experts because they are used for hard to treat infections that evade other drugs. Already 25,000 people die each year from superbugs in Europe.

      18. Monsanto Tries to Benefit from Haiti’s Earthquake (For full story, click here



      In May 2010, five months after an earthquake destroyed Haiti, the American multinational Monsanto donated the country 60 tons of corn and vegetable hybrid seed. USAID took charge of the seed distribution. A month later, on June 4, 2010, around 10,000 Haitian farmers demonstrated against Monsanto’s donation. Haitian farmers denounced Monsanto’s seeds as they can’t be reused each year, which leads to the necessity of buying new seed from the multinational every new sowing season. This dependence could also extend to the fertilizers and herbicides required by the american multinational who also produces them.

      19. Oxfam Exposes How Aid Is Used for Political Purposes (For full story, click here



      In a new report, Oxfam has found that billions of dollars in international aid which could have transformed the lives of many people in some of the poorest countries in the world, was spent on unsustainable, expensive and dangerous aid projects which international donor governments used to support their own short-term foreign policy and security objectives. This type of aid often bypasses the poorest people and dangerously distorts the line between civilian and military activity. The politicization and militarization of aid has in some places made it much harder for aid agencies to provide help to those in need.

      20. US Agencies Trying to Outlaw GMO Food Labelling (For full story, click here



      There is increasing concern over the health impact of growing and eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The World Health Organization has identified allergenicity, antibiotic resistance, gene transfer, outcrossing, escape of GM genes into the wild population, gene stability, susceptibility of non-target organisms (insects), and loss of biodiversity as potential issues of using GM seeds. Multiple, reliable sources show that you may be eating genetically modified food daily which scientific experiments


      have repeatedly demonstrated can cause sickness and even death in lab animals. (More here



      21. Lyme Disease: An Emerging Epidemic (For full story, click here



      Lyme disease is one of the most political and controversial epidemics of our time. Lyme originates from a bacteria transmitted through the bite of a tick which can remain hidden for years, with symptoms mimicking other diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, and ADHD. And it is growing – new cases of Lyme occur each year at a rate ten times higher then that of AIDS and the West Nile Virus combined. Yet doctors risk losing their license if they treat Lyme as the chronic disease it is known to be. (Powerful documentary here



      22. Participatory Budgeting: A Method to Empower Local Citizens, Communities (Story here



      “Participatory Budgeting” (PB) is a process that allows citizens to decide directly how to allocate all or part of a public budget. The process typically involves a series of meetings, work by community “delegates” or representatives, and ultimately a final vote. It was first implemented in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 1990, and has since spread.

      23. Worldwide Movement To Ban or Charge Fees For Plastic Bags (For full story, click here



      Shoppers worldwide are using 500 billion to one trillion single-use plastic bags per year. These bags pollute our waters, smother wetlands and entangle and kill animals. As larger animals eat smaller plastic-laden creatures, this also affects our health as we end up eating some form of plastic in our sea food. Now 35 countries have already banned the use of plastic bags, nine countries have passed levies and fees on use, and 12 countries are considering bans or fees.

      24. South Dakota Takes Extreme Measures to Be the Top Anti-Abortion State (Story here



      South Dakota is taking extreme action against any person who performs an abortion within the states borders. The South Dakota House is taking up a bill to redefine “justifiable homicide” that may “make it legal to kill doctors who perform abortions,” Mother Jones reports



      25. Extension of DU to Libya (For full story, click here



      President Obama’s undeclared and Congressionally unauthorized war against Libya may have been compounded by the crime of spreading toxic uranium oxide in populated areas of that country. Concern has been voiced by groups such as the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons, which monitor the military use of so-called depleted-uranium (DU) anti-tank and bunker-penetrating shells.

      News Stories of Hope and Creative Change


  • Obama signs NDAA into law, dismantles Bill of Rights

    "In case you haven't heard, H.R. 1540: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 or NDAA, is not your typical defense spending bill. It gives authority to the president (or perhaps it'd be more fitting to call him king or ruler at this point) to order the military to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without official charge or trial on the mere suspicion of being a terrorist or linked to a terrorist organization.
    Many in government will argue that there is nothing for Americans to worry about -- unless you're a terrorist that is. But as our government slips further and further from the rule of law and the founding principles of our nation that once made us great, tyranny inevitably creeps in to take its place. And when tyranny reigns, the line between who is a terrorist and who isn't becomes easily blurred. A "terrorist" could simply mean a political enemy of the state."

    Honolulu Going Green Examiner

    Aloha, from HAWAII
    *********************************************************the following is a film from Youtube and the rest is my (Amelia Gora) Commentary:
    Biden disliked what BUSH did - Plundering Upon Innocents.......
    BUSH and BLAIR are documented WAR CRIMINALS.............
    Which makes OBAMA on the same level.....................
    OBAMA signed into Law ridding the U.S. citizens of Bill of Rights, Constitution.......
    Impeaching is mild..................Treason is documented.....................meaning
    JOE BIDEN the true President needs to move in place...............Wake Up Americans!
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