
  • aloha kamea...i'm just a rookie at this... so here we go...i fine your link was fasinateting...why is canada interested in hawaiian politics...does canada know that hawaii is a sovereign independant friendly nation being occupied by another country....if not, should we share that aloha with them as well as the rest of the world...i remember when the big boat came....there was an advantage as well as disadvantages ...but when you heard about the military as well as lingal lifting up her skirt...i knew we were all getting screwed...thanks to linda we got stuck with the bill...i was proud to see kauai,molokai as well as maui doing that ku'e thing...perhaps to keep it from returning.... we all should do that ku'e thing again...aloha aina... mahalo
  • Aloha kaua e Kamea.

    I read that you are at home. While I am for the rail for local people which upsets some people... I am against the Superferry. I do not want them back!

    E kala mai because I'm working but the Sierra Club helped. I am sure they will come out again.

    It will be extremely difficult to stop the Superferry considering that Mufi Hannemann and Neil Abercrombie are for it. They both want it to return while Duke Aiona has stated, "Of course people want the Superferry back. Will it come back? What determines that? The market will determine that, the people of Hawaii will determine that."

    Aiona is the only one out of the three that is not pushing the Superferry on the local people.

    I don't want it!

    E malama pono.
    • Hey L! Not home yet. Mahalo for the links and your mana'o. I agree that it will be very hard but must remind myself that it is not impossible. 'Onipa'a! Ku'e!
      • Also, whenever a politician says it depends on the economy and what the people want, they more often than not mean that it's up to the economy and what the corporations want.
        • Sadly, corporations wants our heads and our ancestral lands and it's ocean. Thanks for sharing
  • The Superferry is part of the military industrial complex. Its ultimate purpose is for military-warfare usage. Hawaii was supposed to be a demo "parking lot" to sell its product, superferry, to foreign military market and to use it for local military use paid for by the local public of Hawaii. In the U.S., the military industrial complex is the largest segment of corporate business, thus the war-mongering stance the U.S. has adopted and utilized for corporate profit at the expense of the public.

    War is the only profit-making business for these corporate military industrial complex. There is a monopoly of businesses under control of the elite few to make the profit which looks for more profit in the manner of course. They present themselves as a benign business; but it's far the opposite. It's part of the NWO agenda. All these major corporations tie into the military industrial complex U.S. president Dwight Eisenhower warned the people against. This then has become the oligarchy that runs and controls the U.S. today instead of a republic democracy. Did anyone listen?

    • Exactly, but I guess my question is more in regards to what will be done about it. Obviously they always intended on bringing it back and they will do whatever it takes to get what they want, but what are we going to do about it? What can we do about it? Or more aptly, what is being done about it? Knowing how they intend to use something like like the Superferry isn't something to be taken lightly. Think concentration camps.
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