As Sovereignty Sunday is but a few weeks away (January 15th) there is a need to come together to discuss in detail political trends that could have a profound adverse effects not only on the community at large but especially for the Hawaiian Community.
One of the questionable actions is this State sponsored Hawaiian Recognition Bill, a preliminary move to support the Akaka Bill. In this action is the authorizing the Rolls Commission (Dawes Act) to gather up names who may wish to participate. This calls for caution.
My memory reminds me that since the inception of the Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission (HSAC) Hawaiian’s have been fighting against the State’s involvement with the Sovereignty movement….then there was HA Hawaii..Ho’o Malu Ma Kualoa.. the coalition meeting… all showing no support for the state involvement…including OHA’s.
In spite of all these failures the State and the Federal continue to push their version of Hawaiian Recognition… with funding only for those who support state and federal recognition and had purposely denied funding for equal opposition positions. All the while OHA working with the State and Federal government has insisted on promoting their version of the Dawes Act by pushing programs like Kau Inoa, collecting names for the formation of a Hawaiian Government..never once allowing the full disclosure and conversation, debate of What Government and Who’s government, what is to be governed, what resources, what lands. Even the names gathered under Kau Inoa is held secret and lodged with the Hawaiian Civic Clubs with the claim that sharing those names with opposing parties would violate privacy laws even though those names were gathered with financing by OHA..who is supposed to be working for all Hawaiians.
The Dawes Act and it Dawes rolls has been the tools that the US has used successfully to render Native Americans as second class citizens..break up the families and remove their claims for their lands..even the reservation lands. There are 6 volumes of the “Felix Cohen’s Federal Indian Laws” that show the path of the true intent of the State of Hawaii and the Federal Government Akaka Bill. Part of this whole scheme is the “lands in severability act”. It is important to understand how this is going to play a major roll with the future of the Ceded lands/ Hawaiian Kingdom lands.
May I remind us that U.S. Public Law 103-150 (Apology Bill) states that the “Hawaiian People never directly relinquished their inherent Sovereignty or their National lands”.
One of the descriptions of the word Sovereignty is the supreme control of your natural resources. One cannot be Sovereign under someone else’s laws and rules. It is a contradiction of terms.
We have so much to talk about …I encourage your participation as we take the time to discuss our future…protection of our National (Hawaiian Kingdom) Assets..Burials..Sacred lands..Land Development…Land Title’s… Military Presence…education ..Where are the Alii…? Plenty to talk about…time to rise to the occasion.
Aloha Hank
FYI: I have permits for January 15-17 at Iolani Palace..The Burial Mound Quadrant.. it allows for 5 canopies,chairs and tables..Presently I have two canopies and a few chairs...can anyone help..
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago Records No. 2012-0001 from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
Honolulu Police Department, etc.
I have posted the following message on the web:
Hank needs canopies, etc. Crafts, food, music, displays, etc. kuka kuka with some of the Royal Families, etc.
State Capital sits on Keoni Ana's lands - his families exist, which includes our families.
The District Court on Oahu sits on Mataio Kekuanaoa's lands - his families exist, which includes our families.
The Kalanimoku Building, etc. sits on Paki's brother Kalani's lands, and our families are descendants of Kalani/Kalaniulumoku.....
The State of Hawaii Attorney General's office sits on Abner Paki's lands....who died intestate. His claimed daughter was Bernice Pauahi who according to our families oral history was part haole/hapa haole......we are descendants of Abner Paki's brother Kalaniulumoku whose daughter was Kalola (w) documented cousin of Bernice Pauahi.
Kalola's first husband was Kaaha (k) konohiki of Kawaiahao........they lived in the area that the City and County high rise, etc. sits.......Kalola married Luluhiwalani our tutu who descended from Kalaniopuu and his mother was the stepdaughter of Kamehameha, etc.
There's more...........maybe I'll display a history of each of the parcels in downtown Honolulu based on the GREER MAP and of course post it on the internet for the World to see................including the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends listed!
I have a EZ up canopy......will be there.......hows bout some Hawaiian Crafts made by kanaka maoli/ foods, etc.?
Brothers Cazimero " Waika " The Best of the Brothers Cazimero
Brothers Cazimero " Waika " The Best of the Brothers Cazimero (No Copyright Infringement Intended)
It appears we may need your assistance for protection from Abercrombie, et. als. due to the recent research material found............see below:
Researcher Adam Kinau Manalo of facebook.
Amelia: OMG ! Thank you for sharing this ---- Genocide Evidence! The Holomua from Lorrin Thurston....wicked SOB's....explains why many of the bloodlines hid......aloha...
Tags: activites, conspirators, criminal, genocide, lorrin, persons, pirates, thurston, treasonous
Holomua, November 21, 1894
Note: This is an issue......DURESS.......which also means this evidence supports why the entity State of Hawaii needs to be under the AMERICAN EMBASSY, the AMERICAN Consulate in the Hawaiian Islands!
Genocide Activities Files remain at your offices .....
..Please add President Obama also due to his canceling the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution on December 31, 2011.
Mahalo and Sincerely,
Amelia Gora
one of the Royal Families members, One of the Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogy Society, One of the Representatives of the Konohiki, Acting Liaison of the Royal Families House of Nobles, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago
p.s. the display material will be posted on the internet prior to the display on December 15-17, 2012 on the Iolani grounds/Palace grounds/Iolani Palace grounds.
Hi Hank,
Thank you for posting forwarding this to the Royal Families House of Nobles also...........and Konohiki descendants.......
Am thinking about setting up a display with blown up documents showing criminal issues, etc. as part of the Hawaiian Genealogy Society.....perhaps something about the Royal Families House of Nobles, etc. would also be shown as well..................
wondering why a military person is on your mailing list?
Personally, I think that the State of Hawaii needs to be under the American Embassy in the Hawaiian Islands, or the American Consulate.........and I will continue to promote that due to the Premeditation to dethrone the Queen is recorded evidence.............Leprechaun/LepreCON Abercrombie, et. als. with his offices, buildings are sitting on our families properties......rents, leases are due..........all Nations needs to know this..........the word terror as in the legal dictionary can be used for those who dethroned our Queen in the past....terrorist is a new word which also describes what the treasonous persons did..............remember too that the PERMANENT Treaties are in place..........yes, much to talk about.......
For everyones information:
State Capital sits on Keoni Ana's lands - his families exist, which includes our families.
The District Court on Oahu sits on Mataio Kekuanaoa's lands - his families exist, which includes our families.
The Kalanimoku Building, etc. sits on Paki's brother Kalani's lands, and our families are descendants of Kalani/Kalaniulumoku.....
The State of Hawaii Attorney General's office sits on Abner Paki's lands....who died intestate. His claimed daughter was Bernice Pauahi who according to our families oral history was part haole/hapa haole......we are descendants of Abner Paki's brother Kalaniulumoku whose daughter was Kalola (w) documented cousin of Bernice Pauahi.
Kalola's first husband was Kaaha (k) konohiki of Kawaiahao........they lived in the area that the City and County high rise, etc. sits.......Kalola married Luluhiwalani our tutu who descended from Kalaniopuu and his mother was the stepdaughter of Kamehameha, etc.
There's more...........maybe I'll display a history of each of the parcels in downtown Honolulu based on the GREER MAP and of course post it on the internet for the World to see................including the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends listed!
I have a EZ up canopy......will be there.......hows bout some Hawaiian Crafts made by kanaka maoli/ foods, etc.?