STIRERS...what are they?

What is your opinion of this discussion title? And on that note, what purpose does one serve when they stir and seem to have no other purpose of unity but instead create division? I say this because there is usually some sort of chaos associated with this word - result of this descriptive word. For sake of argument you may also provide an example of this not being so. Are there other "titled" or other names or classes? Care to express yourself and provide example of this for sake of a good discussion? Definition use for sake of discussion: to rouse, as from indifference, and prompt to action In politics it is a form of movement - so basically what comes to mind when you hear this word stirer whether good or not. Mahalo for participating. your opinion is welcomed.

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  • Thanks for posting the "Six Degrees of Separation" it surely was intriguing to me, because of the notion that it's the human web architec. Kaohi
    • BTW Kaohi, sometimes a name was changed by a Kahuna if the person did pilau stuff; sometimes a name was changed to protect themselves from being killed - pending what era in history the family came from.
  • You are awesome! I mean it in a non patronizing way! You are taping into energies that are so rare, this phenomenon is the stuff around that forms an existence --yet to be discovered. The old folks were so smart they named their children in a negative way. That child in his physical form is the positive form. Energy moves around the child.

    You forgot the time factor into your understanding of what is.

    In this world I see this as a shift in the universe, if one moves just six inches one can make a positive change. It works; I do this all the time. It's a way out of being stirred crazy! It's just a matter of choosing, or to decide to contribute to ones community. May that be ohana; your growing up community, the Hawaiian Islands, archipelago, or even one's own psyche.

    Taken from “Dostoevsky” by Joseph Frank, he writes “Pity the poor feuilletonist, who has to rack his brains to find something new to say about her talent! But there he is, sitting in some damp fourth-floor flat, gnawing at this pen and waiting for inspiration, while right next door, dragging out a miserable existence, huddle together a whole family whose cold and hungry children wait incessantly. Meanwhile, as inspiration about Ristori delays or sputters out entirely, how many “dramas” similar to that of his neighbors are being performist in the vicinity! “(pg. 64 Frank) May you see my dance light in this ray of words. Kaohi
    • Aloha Kaohi,

      From how I was raised and told in stories, old folks of spiritualness were told by 'uhane to name their children an opposite of what they were or to compliment a positive to keep a balance and a spiritual armor of protection because in the line of which they were to birth children would come a change of greatness to benefit the whole whether in the family line or to bring/bridge families in whatever form they were to be.

      In speaking of "You forgot the time factor into your understanding of what is" I'm not sure to what reference you make of this. However, I believe in the "6th degree of separation" theory which brings people to say, "Wow what a small world eh?" LOL
  • Hey Steph;
    My husband and I think that stiers are those that cant leave the sh-t to sit and dry up and blow away in the wind. When you keep stirring the sh-t you know what happens, it stinks. That is my opinion. Thought I would throw that in, grass roots. Take care and God bless
    Malama pono
  • Aloha Kakahiaka,

    Martin Luther King Jr. comes to mind as a Stirer. Jesus Christ would be another Stirer. Rosa Parks is a Stirer. Hugo Chavez, current President of Valenzuela, would be another Stirer. Ghandi is another one. Hitler would be another one. Staling would be another one. There are thosands, if not tens, and hundreds of thousands of people, that have been stirers. There is obviously different frequencies and levels of stirers to. Stirers like t0 "Stir the Pot", so to speak. Stirers challenge the "Status Quo." It was Martin Luther King Jr. who said during the Vietnam War, and i quote that "Dissent does not mean disloyalty." Stirers are those outstanding human beings that do what ever it takes to make the conditions, whether it be individually, or socially, so much better than it was one they found it. Stirers is those individuals that have literally "Changed the World" they lived in, during the time that they were living.To answer your question, to me this is what "Stirers" are, what they do and why they do it.

    Bruddah Kaleo
    • Mahalo for sharing your mana'o are correct to the different frequencies and levels of stirers too...SMILE. Me personally I don't like crap or what my hubby calls SH*T stirers where it can get down right too personal and in appropriate but to move that is something else and what empowerment that is. Whether the masses move in negative or positive you are correct dissent does not mean disloyalty, but to divide and conquor and attack personally on a one to one level is not a mover of masses compared to the list example of names you provided. I greatly appreciate your input and would like to see if anyone else has a different take on this discussion for the sake of argument or opinion of a good forum...SMILE.
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