it took me 7 solid years to gather and collect the needed mo'okuauhau (geneology),

after the death of my mama kahili kaina momona to identify...who i am and where i belong~~~

for my mama were there to teach and honor the sacredness of my Ancesters on Loko O Mokuhinia!!!


i learned that my mo'okuauhau....will automatic lead me to my Ahupua'a (lands of my Ancesters),

once you have identified your Kupuna Kahiko (Royal Kigndom Ancesters)....of your Ahupua'a,

then you....change your last name to the surnames of your Ancesters,

get approved by this state leutinant governor and submit your name publicly in the Advertiser,

it will get costly is well worth the price.....small compared to where it will take you...smiles


i will share more information to the steps to your Royal Kingdom Birthrights,

at the same time get hold of the "Decesendant Lineage" Application,

from the Burial Council Committee of your county and submit with your new surnames

of your Royal Kingdom Ancesters and i will let you all know the next step to CLEANSING,

and being Recognized and Identified as a Royal Kingdom Kanaka Maoli Heirs.....amene~~~


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  • this is the steps i am being lead to be recognised by this illegal state of oahu government,

    coming our of our Kingdom of Maui Nui.....for i have experienced the Blind leading the Blind,

    however i have identified the living Kupuna's of my Royal Kingdom Ancesters and they are

    leading me to where i need to be.....for i refuse to die in silence in the hands of the Deaf, Dumb and the BLIND.....amene

  • i just got off the phone with the State Lieutenant Governor Assistant for my legal "Name Change"

    and all my legal paper documents of my Royal Kingdom Heirs of Loko O Mokuhinia was "APPROVED" in black and white,


    mahalo Ke Akua for lead me to the fountain that flows with the Life  and Traditional Protocals of my Royal Kupuna Kahiko's....big nui smiles~~~

    now i was told to submit my Approval of my legal Royal Kingdom Ancesters surnames.....and run a ad in the

    oahu Star Advertisers to Officially Announce my Lineal Ancestrial Birthrights of my Royalties of La Haina....Maui Nui!!!

    i just mail all legal official paper documents out and now i await the Blessings to our Ohana Nationals and to our Royal Kingdom Heirs within this very generation of our Ancesters.....mauruuru.....da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia~~~ 

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