after the death of my mama {kahili kaina momona),

and making a promise to her personally to go back to college to learn the american system of technology,

i majored in Business Technology and Hotel Management in college on my maui nui,

i had wonderful aggressive professors that took interest in my abilities to be educated,

i was also homeless living on the beach, streams, valleys and or on trees on maui nui for 7 solid years,

making it on the our community national Deans List of 3.7 in my tent and trailing my laptop everywhere i went......and now i can use my knowledge and experience to voice the exposure of hewa and to testify what i have witnessed in my generation to IMUA.....

i was able to get my brith certificate updated and corrected legally,

i am on the hawaiian home lands due to my mama being Pure Hawaiian,

i am also able to get all my other 10 siblings to also get on the Hawaiian Home Lands List,

this allowed me to also change my legal name by ADDING the surnames of my Royal Kingdom Ancesters,

and after this process is the next step.....i await my Mission to IMUA and to KUKANAKA~~~

i need to remember that it is always Ke Akuas time table...never ours......amene~~~

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  • this is the time for all Royal Kingodm Heirs to IMUA and to be Recognized and REPSECTED, period.

    for this is our Royal Kingdom Birth Right, nothing to do with illegal Usa.....the path is ready for all kanaka maoli' IMUA, especially on oahu.....since you all have the documents on oahu to be researched (archives, bishop museum) for the so called unfortunate kanaka, needs to Kukanaka with other educated Kanaka's to help these ones to "Identify" themselves to know who they are (mo'okuauhau) and where they come from "ahupua'a"....and than to CLAIM,

    that is  why my mama made me make a promised, on her death bed to go back to college and Study hard and i did with HONORS to my Ancestors of Maui Nui and to now help others to do it "step by step" for the path is PREPARED for us~~~

  • Fantastic,

    Just note that one has to be savvy about those that cannot walk your path and seem to think that they can run all over us.  

    And too, we are part of a community that have been for the betterment of outsiders and their political agenda's other than ourselves.

    I hope in your life time that things work out for you, at this time those that are not on the list are working to make sure that only the top earner's get on to Hawaiian Homestead.  One that would side politically to their governing agenda.

    And too, we don't own the land under us so therefore we are less than citizens when compared to those that don't live on Hawaiian Homestead.  

    Many think that living on homestead is a good thing, until the torch is passed to the next generations occurr..than all hell breaks the families into decay!

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