Legal Notice
From: <>
Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 1:44 AM
Subject: Significant Ancestral Burials, etc. Claims from Amelia Gora, a Royal P erson, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
![[Kanaka Maoli flag]](

Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom No. 2011-3075
Significant Ancestral Burials, etc. Claims from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person,
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
Greetings President Obama,
The SHPD/State of Hawaii Preservation Department has not responded to claims of my ancestral burials.
The claims are significant and affects major projects in the Hawaiian Islands today. Am talking about the Rail, Haseko, Military in Pearl Harbor, etc.
Some of the issues that have surfaced recently is one of international intrigue. It appears that the State of Hawaii genealogist Analu Josephides was fired/released from his job, which leaves the Department unable to proceed in verifying genealogies.
Additionally, one of the members of the Oahu Burial Council resigned shortly after Analu was fired/released.
Analu Josephides appears to have been a foreign agent positioned in the State of Hawaii to block claims to burials, etc. Josephides has left the islands and went back to Cyprus ---- appears to have been a Russian Jew on assignment. The Josephides family(ies) appears to be connected to the One World Order movers.
It is only right that re-entry into the U.S. should involve questioning due to his background, and the fact that members of families he claimed to be part of maintain that he is not part of their families and appeared out of nowhere claiming their Mahoe family lines.
Josephides took time to learn the language, the culture, the chants, genealogies and did prevent many from claiming their ancestors by being a block. Researcher friends have also uncovered his connections to international banking moguls/criminal deviants interested in the Hawaiian Islands rail system.
Although being very female like, it was surprising to see Analu marry a kanaka maoli/ Hawaiian, part blind, who also appears to be drugged out, and incoherent many times.
Josephides always looked horrified when I tried to talk with her and he would immediately grab her hand and walk away from me.
Unlike most couples /newlyweds who cuddle, smooch...........the two were peculiar in that Josephides looked disgusted, irritated most of the times when they were together. He acted as if he hated being near her and she being partly blind, controlled, drugged, she timidly allowed him to guide her.
I have heard that Josephides had many complaints over genealogies and after being fired/ released did leave for Cyprus, the lands from where he came from.
All of you have heard of Mike Lee's genealogy claims to Kamehameha III and it appears that these important claims have been blocked, and it was also due to Analu Josephides, genealogist of the State of Hawaii's termination.
Additionally, the resignation of a Oahu Burial Council member has resulted in a lack of quorum for the Oahu Burial Council.
This problematic issue has also affected my claims which are (temporarily) blocked as well. This apparently planned maneuver by Josephides, et. als. allows the rail, other developments such as Haseko, et. als. to continue on disregarding or preventing claimants/descendants/heirs from ancestral iwi/bones/burials, lands, etc. and disregarding genuine claims from proceeding.
I, Amelia Gora, have already been recognized for my ancestral claims by the previous genealogist named Kanai Kapeliela, who reviewed all of my research documents and approved my Nuuanu genealogy line.
In my recent claims, I maintained the Nuuanu family lines and have merely added the female lines of the male lines...............the following in bold print are the family lines which has already been recognized, verified by genealogist Kanai Kapeliela who continues to work for the State of Hawaii in the Hawaiian Homes Department as a genealogist, the family lines extending across affects all lands affecting Haseko, the rail, etc.:
Mahi/Mahihelelima (k) brother of Kanekapolei (w) who married to Kalaniopuu (k);
/ Kamehameha (k); Kuuku (k); Mahi/Mahihelelima (k)
/ was also the kahu/caretaker of Kamehameha's wives:
/ Kaahumanu (w); Kaheiheimalie/Hoapiliwahine (w); and
/ Namahana/Piia (w)
Nuuanu (k) married Kanekapolei 2; others. Nuuanu (k) was one of the konohiki of
/ Kapalama, Oahu - affects the Rail project.
Kikau/Kiikau (k) married Akahi who married Kalanimoku; Kahope; Waha; Pomaikai;
/ Kaiama (k); Kepaa (k)
Nahuina (k) married Kaili/Kailihou (w) who married others
/ (siblings/stepsiblings)
Kaluakini (k) married Kawahineahanui (w); and Haili/Kaili/Kalama (w)
/ (siblings/stepsiblings)
Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini (w) married Joseph Gora/Joseph Matsugoro (k)
/ (siblings)
John Kekapu Gora (k) married Mary Kuulei Castro (w)
/ (siblings)
Amelia Gora/Amelia Kuulei Gora (w)
note: (w) means wahine or female
(k) means kane or male
/ means descendant
The following are the names of ancestors, family members that I have claimed recently and shown next to the bold names above. These claims remain pending, pushed aside, and which can be used as evidence of active genocide issues, etc. ( along with Mike Lee's claims on hold):
Kanekapolei (w) - one of the wives of Kalaniopuu (k) Alii of the Big Island from the time of
Captain James Cook. She was the mother of Keoua Ahuula (k);
Keoua Peeale (k); Kaoleioku (k); stepmother of Kiwalao (k) father of
Keopuolani (w) another wife of Kamehameha (k); Kalanimoku (k);
Hoapilikane (k). Keopuolani (w) was the mother of Liholiho/
Kamehameha II; Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III; and Nahienaena (w); she
was the stepmother of all Kamehameha's children.
- married Kamehameha (k) after Kalaniopuu (k) died; had Kaoleioku(k);
- married Kuuku (k); Together they had hanai/adopted children: Waha (k)
who was one of the husbands of Akahi (w) previously married to Kikau
(k); others; became the hanai/adopted father of Kaluakini (k) - he had
children and hanai/adopted daughter Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani (w) who
married Kalakaua/King David Kalakaua; Kalama (w); Kapapu(w); and
Kaanana (w)
Kanekapolei 2 (w) - daughter of Kamehameha.
Akahi (w) who married to Kalanimoku - had married Kuwahine (w); Keopuolani (w) widow of Kamehameha and mother of Liholiho/Kamehameha II, Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III, and Nahienaena (w) - she was also the stepmother of all of Kamehameha's children; and Hoapiliwahine/Kaheiheimalie (w) another widow of Kamehameha. Kalanimoku's hanai children were Leleiohoku (k) husband of Ruth Keelikolani (w), and Kekauonohi/ Miriam Kekauonohi, the konohiki of Honouliuli, Ewa, Oahu - affects Haseko development and the Rail, Kekauonohi (w) married Aaron Keliiahonui, oldest son of Kaumualii of Kauai, and married Haalelea/Levi Haalelea (k);
Akahi (w) also married Kahope (k), konohiki of Honouliuli, Ewa, Oahu - affects Haseko development and the Rail; She had Halemano (k) and hanai/adopted grandson Kaluakini (k)
Akahi (w) also married Waha(k) the hanai/adopted son of Kanekapolei (w) who had married Kalaniopuu (k); Kamehameha; and Kuuku (k);
Akahi (w) married Pomaikai (k) and they had Kauki (w); Kahele (k) and u.i. twin. They had a hanai/adopted son named Paalua (k) who was the oldest son of Kekuanaoa (k), who was also the father of Moses Kekuaiwa (k); Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/Kamehaemha IV; Victoria Kamamalu; and many stepchildren.
Akahi (w) married Kaiama (k) and they had daughter Kekapu (w); Kaiama (k) was our families caretaker; he was one of the landowners, descendants of landowners in Kaiaka Bay area/surrounding areas of the Heiau in Waialua/Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii. His daughter Kekapu (w) was married to Kalakua/Kalakaua/King David Kalakaua's son Kaopu/ Kaopumomona/Kolomona Kaopumomona (k) and called the younger brother of Kaluakini (k).
Akahi (w) married Kepaa (k).
Kaili/Kailihou/Kamaliiwahine (w) - was a Kamehameha descendant. Her siblings were: Kaakau (w); Kamai (k); Nainoaalua (k); Nahuina (w) - hanai/adopted mother of Keohokalole (w) mother of King David Kalakaua; Queen Liliuokalani, et. als.; Meleana (w); and Kaapiipii (w). She legally adopted her grandchildren who were the children of her son Kaluakini (k) and his wife Haili/Kaili/Kalama (w) who was the daughter of Abigail/Kapooloku/ Kapoolohu/ Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani the sister of Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani; and Kinoiki (w).
Joseph Gora/Joseph Matsugoro (k) - son of Maria Rodrigues Silveira aka's daughter of Joseph Sylva/Silva/Silveira/Keo Manuel/Keoki Kealohapauole (k) married to Kekualoa/ Kekua/Kuahine/Luika/Luka/Kaaumoana (w) the hanai/adopted daughter of Kaeha/ Liliuokalani/Kamakaeha/Queen Liliuokalani.
Mary Kuulei Castro (w) - wife of John Kekapu Gora (k), descendant of Nuuanu (k) et. als., Mary Kuulei Castro(w) was a granddaughter of Mele Keawe (w) daughter of David Keawe aka's son of Keawe (k) son of Konohiki of Kapalama, Oahu - affecting the Rail, named John Kapena/Ioane Kapena (k) and Peke/Peke Davis (w) daughter of Isaac Davis - Counselor of Kamehameha; adopted daughter of John Young/Olohana (claims made as well - affects Halawa Ahupuaa - Pearl Harbor, etc. thru his daughter Kamaikui (w) whose children were Hueu (k); Kale (w); and Peke (w)) - Counselor of Kamehameha; hanai/adopted daughter of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.
Mary Kuulei Castro (w) was also a descendant of Mataio Kekuanaoa, father of Paalua (k), Moses Kaikioewa (k); Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu, their stepbrother Alenoho (k) who was a son of Mataio Kekuanaoa's last wife Kalima/Kalimakuhi (w).
Other claims entered included the Kawaiahao lands konohiki claims for Kaaha (k) who married Kalola (w) next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop documented in Probate records.
Kalola (w) married Kalaniopuu (k) descendant Luluhiwalani (k) whose claims were also filed.
They were also the hanai/adopted parents of another ancestor Princess Poomaikelani aka's.
Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani's (w) claims were also filed because Kaluakini (k) was the hanai/ adopted father, which makes Queen Kapiolani (w) a sister of my grandmother Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini (w).
Note: All of the above ancestors are proof that our families are the descendants of the two permanent parts of the three part Hawaiian Government. The two (2) permanent parts being the 1) Sovereign - descendants/heirs exist; and 2) House of Nobles - descendants of three (3) members and heirs of all of the House of Nobles. The third (3) part is the elected part which is the House of Representatives.
The above remain pending claims which has been submitted and the Department overseeing the Burial Claims have not acted on this since the application dates claiming our ancestral iwi/burials, etc.
All of the above are evidence that I, Amelia Gora/Amelia Kuulei Gora, am one of the Crown Lands Owners, etc. wrongfully/criminally claimed as Ceded lands by the State of Hawaii who perpetuates the Crimes of the Ages, disregarding the Truth that the bloodlines exist.
This is posted for all to Take Notice, and Recognize that the moves or non-moves on the part of the State is a genocide issue, legal matters which also lacks jurisdiction because Sovereigns descendants have Immunities and are not subject to the laws as documented in the Probate of Victoria Kamamalu in the First Circuit records at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands.
I take this opportunity to remind all of you that rents, leases of $500 Trillion Dollars retroactive to 1893, gold bullion, gold coins, etc. are due/overdue. These letters/notices/ billings have been forwarded to each of the U.S. Presidents since President William Clinton.
Amelia Gora/Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal person,
and One of the Representatives of the Hawaiian
Genealogy Society/Hawaiian Genealogical Society;
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Royal
Families House of Nobles - Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/
Hawiaian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/ Hawaiian
Islands/Hawaiian archipelago
Other information:
The State of Hawaii operates on only 1/3 government and does not fall under the definition of the Hawaiian Government. The permanent members parts of the government exists today representing the Sovereign and the House of Nobles as defined in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2 Case: Rex vs. Booth section on the meaning of the Hawaiian Government (Reference 1). See also John Young's families claims, owners, true owners of Pearl Harbor (Reference 2).
copy(ies) to Attorney General for Governor Abercrombie; Judge Gary W.B. Chang, Judge in Land Court App. No. 439 (amended); Ld. Ct. Case No. 09-0300 - Pioneer Mill Company, Limited, and Kahoma Land LLC;
interested others
Reference 1 - The permanent members parts of the government exists today representing the Sovereign and the House of Nobles as defined in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2 Case: Rex vs. Booth section on the meaning of the Hawaiian Government:
Explanation of the Hawaiian Government given in HAWAIIAN REPORTS 1863 Volume II in Rex vs. Booth
Read this Over and Over again, the Part about what the Hawaiian Government is.......the two (2) permanent bodies - Sovereign; and House of Nobles; and the last part which can vote and that third part is the House of Representatives............doesn't that mean that the entity State is operating on 1/3 function...........totally illegal.........this is ON RECORD! Maka Ala you Sleeping Giants!
Reference 2 - John Young's families claims, owners, true owners of Pearl Harbor:
- A Review -
by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2011)
Halawa Ahupuaa which includes Pearl Harbor does not belong to the U.S. (Other areas include Pohakuloa, Schofield, Makua, etc.)
Halawa Ahupuaa, and other lands were given to English Counselor John Young/Olohana by Kamehameha.
John Young's descendants were his heirs (James Young Kanehoa, Keona Ana/John Young, Jr., Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui, Kekela/ Fanny Kekela, Gina Lahilahi) as documented in his Will.
John Young's daughter Grace Kamaikui was granted Halawa Ahupuaa in the 1848 Mahele. Grace Kamaikui did have stipulations written in her Will in the event Queen Emma, an heir, left no descendants.
Grace Kamaikui did marry Isaac Davis and had three (3) children: Hueu; Kale; and Peke Davis.
In 1876, A FRAUD deed was made by King David Kalakaua who did sign a Constitution which his sister Princess Liliuokalani (later Queen Liliuokalani) dubbed the "Bayonet Constitution" because he signed the documents under duress, coercion, stress, usurpation and had a gun pointed at his head at the time.
The Deed was made out to Mataio Kekuanaoa and Kamaikui. Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868 and Kamaikui, the true land owner died in 1866 or 8-10 years BEFORE the FRAUD Deed.... How can an elected King deed out land that was already secured to Grace Kamaikui and her descendants forever?
Since Queen Emma did not have the ownership to HALAWA because she left no surviving descendants, the lands are owned by the descendants of JOHN YOUNG, specifically GRACE KAMAIKUI whose descendants are part of the bloodlines of ISAAC DAVIS, another English man and another Counselor of Kamehameha. Their children were: Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis.
When BERNICE PAUAHI died in 1884, it appears that a conspiracy was set by the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates with Charles Reed Bishop and Friends to assist the U.S. by placing King David Kalakaua under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion to add a phony/fictitious deed so that Queen Emma married to Kamehameha IV would be part of a deed covering KEKUANAOA/Mataio Kekuanaoa's claims and disregarding the fact that KEKUANAOA/ Mataio Kekuanaoa had a last wife named Kalima who has descendants existing today.
Note the following transactions which were found at the NEW YORK TIMES, and especially note the PREMEDITATION - Coaling Station document and the 1894 document highlighted which shows that the "United States occupation...."
The following are additional evidence of the Criminal deceit, Racketeering, Frauds, Lies, Terror(ist) acts of a Criminal, Warring Nations moves on a neutral, non violent, peaceful nation whose Royal Families existed then and descendants exist today:
1892 and other articles about Pearl Harbor in The Liberal - a Hawaiian newspaper and at the New York Times:
After some search, the place selected for this purpose was Pearl Harbor, ... With the expenditure ot a reasonable sum of money Pearl Harbor could have been ...November 6, 1892
OOO appropriated for the improvement of coaling stations to allow ships to enter the harbor. This sum is in the Treasury Department at the disposal of the ...
.. - Similar
1894 - March.
... fund of $250000 placed at his disposal to establish coaling stations for ...
1894 - October.
1894 - March.
WOULD OCCUPY PEARL HARBOR.; President Said to Favor Establishing a ...
1894 - October.
Business Centres of Two Towns Burned; DYNAMITE GUNS FOR BOSTON ...
I Three to Ije Purchased and So Placed, as to Sweep the Harbor's Entrance. ... calling also for the immediate improvement of Pearl Harbor at the Hawaiian Islands, and the establishment thereat of a. naval station and coaling depot, ...October 17, 1894Articles about Alfred Drake
... which took place in Pearl Harbor and dealt with ranking Naval officers .... the rude Welsh coal miner who is transformed by a sympathetic teacher in the ...TO SIZE A HAWAIIAN ISLE; ENGLISH CRUISER ON ITS WAY TO TAKE NECKAR ...
Her cargo was hurriedly discharged, coal for ten days was put on board, ... In view of the United States' occupation of Pearl Harbor a cable station owned ...June 3, 1894
PANAMA CANAL - Times Traveler Blog
An explosion and fire trapped 400 men yesterday at a coal mine near Cherry, ... Fortifying the Middle of the Pacific; Pearl Harbor, Uncle Sam's New Ocean Home ..... Facilities Now Inadequate; Pennsylvania Station to be Opened Wholly ...Timestraveler BlogAn Interesting Analysis Judicates Lines Along Which a Possible War ...
Pearl Harbor, near Honolulu,' has been selected for the "naval base, .... that by fast steaming (for coal economy is no object here) a transport can get ...June 16, 1907MUST DEFEND COLONIES; Gen. Gillespie's Report Sounds a Note of ...
The degree of defense to be ,' coaling and other naval stations scattered all ... for the defenses for San Juan, Porto Rico: Pearl Harbor and Honolulu--. ...October 26, 1903WILL FIGHT TO SAVE THE N.Y. NAVY YARD; Friends of the ...
"It is the intention to develop Pearl Harbor, San Francisco Bay, ... The policeman did so and took him to the East Fifty-first Street Station. where Capt . ... The pier and bulkhead of the Robins Company and the engine room and coal yard ...December 10, 1911WOULD ADD 18000 MEN TO OUR NAVY; Meyer Says They Are Needed to ...
Mr. Meyer says. is the for large reserve supplies of coal. ... Vash.,'-arid Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. While arrangements have been made to increase the capacity and facilities of 'these station, a considerable additional appropriation is ...April 16, 1915LACK OF BASES PUTS THE NAVY IN PERIL; Strategic Areas Are Left at ...
Cathca. rt instanced Delaware and Ergansett Bays and the harbor of! ... which at present ,cn be[ docked only at 'ew York, Norfolk, and Pearl Harbor. ... a splendid base: it is as near to the ret railroad system and the coal fields as . ... "We also need a station in the Gulf. r there is no other way I should favor ...December 9, 1916
The PIRATE Trustees /the Treasonous Trustees Rewarded themselves with lands, monies belonging to the Royal Families who existed then and now. The Treasonous Trustees gifted the Provisional government turned Republic turned Territory and State with oppositions documented, and the U.S. government.
The PIRATE Trustees are recorded as Genocide Activists and are issues that the Hawaiian Kingdom government will have to deal with.
Meanwhile, the PIRATE Trustees/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees/Queen Liliuokalani Trustees/Liliuokalani Trust Trustees/Queen's Hospital/Queen Emma and Kamehameha IV Trust Trustees/Charles Reed Bishop Trustees/ King Lunalilo Trust Trustees/Queen Kapiolani Trust Trustees/ Kapiolani Park Trustees/ King David Kalakaua's Trustees, etc. must CEASE AND DESIST from utilizing, transferring, selling, conveying, investing, etc.
Complaints have been filed with the Hawaiian Kingdom - Royal Families House of Nobles (Hulu Manu), and many operating groups/committees of the Hawaiian Kingdom, etc.
The Honolulu Police Department has been given a list for the Genocide Activities List.
Our Royal Families are not subject to the Laws and have sovereign immunities. No taxes may be charged on lands belonging to our Royal Families.
The gold bullions, the gold "Coins of the Realm", etc. of our Hawaiian Kingdom must be returned.
The buildings built pre -1893 must be returned, etc.
Lastly, Rents and Leases are due/past due, the amount of $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins retroactive to 1893. A portion of that amount is for our Royal Families, the other portion for the Hawaiian Kingdom, the de jure government and subjects.
p.s. Am one of Kamehameha's, Kalaniopuu's, Kahekili's, Kaumualii's, John Young's, Grace Kamaikui's, Peke Davis's, Akahi (Bernice Pauahi's aunt), Kalola ( Bernice Pauahi's first cousin), Kaaumoana's (Queen Liliuokalani's true trustee), Nuuanu's et. als. descendant

Hawai'i Forever - Hawai'i 78
A collection of images and video footage of Hawai'i with the song Hawai'i 78 performed by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. Kamehameha, Queen Emma, Victoria ...
From: Andrew Walden <>
To: bert thomas <>
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 1:57 AM
Subject: Re: For release - Onelua Hawaiian Burials Destruction Case - The Big Coverup !
----- Original Message -----From: bert thomasSent: 09/21/11 10:04 AMTo:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eTN Juergen Steinmetz,,,,,,,,,,, The White House David Plouffe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, President Barack Obama,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, For release - Onelua Hawaiian Burials Destruction Case - The Big Coverup !
FOR RELEASEHonolulu, HawaiiSeptember 21, 2011ONELUA EWA BURIAL SITES DESTRUCTION CASE IS FILED.Legal papers delivered to Hawaii Attorney General, Dept. of Land & Natural Resources, Haseko-Ewa Inc., and Honolulu City/County Officials .Armed with over "230 exibits" that document many years of cover-ups, delayed meetings, and hidden agendas, by Hawaii's Dept. of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Haseko-Ewa Inc. (subsidiary of Haseko -Japan), State Historical Preservation Divison (SHPD), and City/County Parks Office, "final legal paperwork" has been filed with the State's Attorney General in Honolulu, Hawaii. Documents that were submitted define past and ongoing destruction of many ancient Hawaiian burial sites; the pilferage of sacred Hawaiian Royal-family heir-looms from the graves, and ongoing denials of Hawaiian citizen rights to preserve their culture by the developer - Haseko Ewa Inc., "with sanctions" from the DLNR, SHPD, and other City/County offices. (see attachments).Mr. Mike K. Lee, a living decendent of Queen Kaomileika'ahumanu ( a wife of King Kamehameha I, and true mother of King Kamememeha III) is a Hawaiian historian and "cultural preservation" expert, and in legal documents filed by him, it seeks to bring an "immediate closure" to the further destruction of his ancient Hawaiian Royal-family's burial site, as well as, stopage of looting of ancient Hawaiian capes, rare wooden kii's (idols), and other Royal funerary objects taken from his Royal-family's grave by Haseko-Ewa, Inc, when they began dredging the Ewa marina in Onelua years ago. In addition, there are seven (7) other burial sites of the Kings of Oahu and Kauai that are treatened to be destroyed by Haseko-Ewa Inc.This case (since 2000) has been discussed and documented with numerous Hawaii Government officials, land and recreation heads, the major principals in Haseko-Ewa Inc. and City/County representatives.. The evidence presented will prove that Mr. Lee's Hawaiian civil and legal rights have been violated, and that his Royal-family's burial site was destroyed and looted by the Oahu Japanese developer. Haseko-Ewa Inc.'s lack of due-diligence when digging the Ewa marina violates the Hawaii State Constitution (Article 12, section 7). It states and protects the rights of Hawaiian citizens to preserve and protect their ancient Hawaiian burial sites throughout the Hawaiian Islands.A final decision regarding this case is expected within 30 days. Mr. Lee can be reached via , or Telephone 808- 683-1954 in Hawaii.# # # # #Legal Notice***************************************aloha.
updates from Facebook:
Aloha Amelia, read one of your posts that came from Maoli World, that mentioned about Analu Joshepides being a possible Russian spy, is this true? and he is being sought out by the FBI or police for questioning? I heard that he closely works together with Nicole Lui or Lui ohana from kona,who resides on the big Island in Kona. Nicole Lui use to work with him or partner up with him, she now is making claims to iwis in different places, We heard, could be rumors that she still works together with him. Last I heard he was working in the mainland as a Librarian. Nicole Lui is well know by the SHPD people and office in Kona. I know her through burial council meetings when she comes forward as a claiment. We have our story about him too, we hired him to do some research for us a long time ago. Aloha no
yes it is true about him being a Russian spy....hope he's taking care of his blind wife.,,,he seems very irritated with her a lot ...the last times that I saw him.....and actually several of the researchers though he was a included.....credible sources....
Yes, the last I knew they were separated a long time ago, although she refused to live with her family and preferred to live with his mother and father and they were upset with him too, this was over a year ago though. He was working for SHPD then and was about to leave for a job in the mainland, think he was fired, not positive on that, but he did leave. As far as I know he was only taking care of her financially, from what I know he wanted to be out of the responsibility because it was too much for him, and yes he is gay and should not have married her, it was not fair to her, but he claims she knew what he struggled with, heresay, but he did take good care of her while he was married to her but I think he could not handle the stress of it anymore, no excuses just what he said. It's been a long time since then, heard he was in the mainland at his new job, what happen after that, I do not know. But there are those here who want us to bring forth what he did to us while he was working with SHPD. I am willing to do things to help our people and we are not about vengeance, I am praying on this, if what we do will help more than ourselves then I need to seriously think on this. Mahalo for replying to me. I am shocked about his involvement with the Russians, too much craziness going on.
this was posted on Maoliworld: Analu Josephides appears to have been a foreign agent positioned in the State of Hawaii to block claims to burials, etc. Josephides has left the islands and went back to Cyprus ---- appears to have been a Russian Jew on assignment. The Josephides family(ies) appears to be connected to the One World Order movers.
It is only right that re-entry into the U.S. should involve questioning due to his background, and the fact that members of families he claimed to be part of maintain that he is not part of their families and appeared out of nowhere claiming their Mahoe family lines.
Josephides took time to learn the language, the culture, the chants, genealogies and did prevent many from claiming their ancestors by being a block. Researcher friends have also uncovered his connections to international banking moguls/criminal deviants interested in the Hawaiian Islands rail system.
Although being very female like, it was surprising to see Analu marry a kanaka maoli/ Hawaiian, part blind, who also appears to be drugged out, and incoherent many times.
Josephides always looked horrified when I tried to talk with her and he would immediately grab her hand and walk away from me.
Unlike most couples /newlyweds who cuddle, smooch...........the two were peculiar in that Josephides looked disgusted, irritated most of the times when they were together. He acted as if he hated being near her and she being partly blind, controlled, drugged, she timidly allowed him to guide her.
I have heard that Josephides had many complaints over genealogies and after being fired/ released did leave for Cyprus, the lands from where he came from.
All of you have heard of Mike Lee's genealogy claims to Kamehameha III and it appears that these important claims have been blocked, and it was also due to Analu Josephides, genealogist of the State of Hawaii's termination.
Additionally, the resignation of a Oahu Burial Council member has resulted in a lack of quorum for the Oahu Burial Council.
This problematic issue has also affected my claims which are (temporarily) blocked as well. This apparently planned maneuver by Josephides, et. als. allows the rail, other developments such as Haseko, et. als. to continue on disregarding or preventing claimants/descendants/heirs from ancestral iwi/bones/burials, lands, etc. and disregarding genuine claims from proceeding. see: