Excerpts from "Hawaii's Story By Hawaii's Queen" --by: Liliu'okalani, 1898 "Since the bold admissions of members of the missionary party made to Minister Blount of their own guilt, since the confession, by those who had established themselves at the head of a provisional government, of the intended crime of which my brother was to be the victim, all of which appear in black and white on the pages of their own testimony, the scornful title of "P.G." has clung to them, to their children, and will be passed down to their children's children. After the truth was made public they became ashamed to hear themselves called "P.G.'s" and, repudiating the name, called themselves instead "Annexationists."....... ...."The so-called Provisional Government began in the spring of 1894 to consider again a change of name. So they allowed a few of their chosen tools to vote for what was called a constitutional convention, of which the original conspirators, to the number of nineteen, who had no warrant for their position save their own self-given nominations, and eighteen others in sympathy with them, enacted what they called a constitution; and in order to have some guns fired at its adoption, and to curry favor with the United States, they announced the so-called Republic on the fourth day of July, 1894, while the vessels of war in the harbor were saluting for a totally different occasion."....... ....."Further, from the date of the overthrow the constitutional monarchy to the present day, I have never received from the Provisional Government,nor from its successor, the "Republic of Hawaii," a single cent of income from any source whatever. Even those revenues of the crown lands which had been collected prior to the seizure of the public treasury by the insurgents, and which remained in the hands of the commissioner at the time of my retirement from public life, were never paid to me. What became of these moneys I do not say, but not a dollar of it was ever handed to me.".... ....."For four years and more, now, these people have confiscated and collected the revenues reserved from all time in order that the chief highest rank, that is, the reigning sovereign, might care for his poorer people. Never were the revenues of these lands included in government accounts. They comprise 915,000 acres out of a total of four millions, or about one-quarter, and yield an income of about $50,000 a year. They are by legislative act and the ruling of the Supreme Court my own property at this day. But notwithstanding this, the doctrine that might makes right seems to prevail; and not content with depriving me of my income, and employing it to forward their own schemes, the present government is now striving to cede these lands, which they do not own and never can own to the United States." NOTE: This happened before we were a "Fake State'. We need to look at how these lands were utilized for the Hawaiian Kingdom Government and Queen Liliu'okalani provides us a clear picture of how it was handled way before we were a state. She wasn't very happy and I'm sure wanted this to be made right....provide your mana'o....SMILE

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  • Step,

    I'll try to keep your position in mind and try not to get too cranky too. But, I think you need to keep in mind that we on Oahu think very differently. We don't have the vacation, space in between issues we live in the issue 24/7 and don't have the resources to gain grounds with US heads of state and the Don Quiotes.

    The Maoli women are too weak in health, and 'will' sometimes to battle beyond and deep as a whole, note that's your forte. So give a little space, and I will try to keep your agenda in mind as I move along the realities of independence. I can assure you we will disagree at times, which is the norm for most of us. Some people don't do well with disagreement, but in time it will smooth out. Kaohi
    • This discussion is to the "how to approach" perspective of land issues AFTER the Hawaiian Kingdom Government is established. It should be one of the top 5 issues of discussion. ISSUES: Water, Homelessness, Land for preservation and those that promote income for the Kingdom, Health & Medical Conditions, Economic Welfare, Divisions of Government and how to maintain budget in each Dept/Division, etc. Not in this order but some off the top of my head that is of pressing concern to caring for po'e after the re-establishment of our Hawaiian Kingdom.

      It takes a group to delegate responsibility in these areas of concern; those skilled as well in this area to provide good directorship. There are already employees in position. How do you then deal with Unions? Was there Unions in the Hawaiian Kingdom? Amendments are to be made in this area of government if there isn't any provisions in the Kingdom Law as it is now. This part of government is another area of discussion.

      Land and how to provide perspective of any changes or amendments is tied to the Hawaiian Kingdom because that's always the first thing people talk about when you talk about Sovereignty. "What about the land? What about all that land that was taken away? Who going get em, etc etc. " So, this is why I started up this discussion.
      once the Hawaiian Kingdom is re-established it will be a TOP discussion at the dinner table.
      • The Top Priority of the Lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom should be that all lands of the Kingdom are kept in a Perpetual Trust. A Perpetual Trust with the Sovereignty of the Lands inherent in the Kanaka Maoli people, the indigenous Hawaiian people. This to me is the most important issue and reason why we need to revive the Hawaiian Kingdom government. Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono needs to be more then a Motto of the Kingdom. It should be the Golden Law of the Kingdom. So that No Kanaka Maoli will be Landless or Homeless in their Kingdom. Fee Simple ownership of Lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom will be of the past.
        ALOHA AINA should be the Model of Ownership of the Lands of the Kingdom. Where the Lands of the Kingdom are Sacred and we are the Caretakers of the Lands. There should be no placements of Tax on the "ALOHA AINA" Trust Lands of the Kingdom. Tax will be place only on those lands of the Kingdom that are own in Fee Simple. Especailly on Lands of the Kingdom that are owned by Foreign Interest.
        Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, SOVEREIGN, HPACH
  • So Stephanie where do we start? Simple question with not so simple answer just a whole lot of work for more than one person. Kaohi
    • In regards to this discussion....you can start from the RP, State, County, BOC.....OR BOC, County, State, RP.....who holds the information of title that is recorded? Either BOC or County visa vie. This is the area of a land investigator, a land broker not a land agent...there are many hawaiian brokers out there. But you also need to take heed of information provided by our last reigning monarch on how to approach the land issues and what needs to be done. Whatever lands that trusts have settled from the death of a monarch we as po'e should not interfere the wishes of the monarch and the estate - pau already, went into probate and you can't touch. Any other land issues regarding Konohiki should be discussion also.

      Darn skippy this is a lot of work which needs to be delegated for that is a government agency. Not one or a handful - groups of people to handle it...SMILE. BTW, I've already mentioned in prior discussion in Kings & Queens of how this can happen.
  • On January 16, 1893 the United States thru an "Act of War" invaded and occupied the lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Every thing that has followed the actions of the United States on January 16, 1893 is Hewa. Including the "State" of Hawaii is HEWA. The "State" of Hawaii is a FAKE STATE. The "State" of Hawaii has no Lawful Jurisdiction of law. Since the Jurisdiction of the "State" of Hawaii is based on an "Act of War." An "Act of War" that continues till this day. Especailly on Hawaiian Nationals of the Hawaiian Kingdom nation. Every day more and more people in Hawaii and thru out the world are beginning to understand the true history of Hawaii. Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
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