Monday, December 14, 2009 Honolulu Advertiser Sen. Inouye responds to charges of Akaka Bill 'sneak attack' Comments(8)Recommend(3) Print this page E-mail this article Share Facebook Digg Reddit Newsvine Buzz up! Twitter Advertiser Staff U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye issued a statement in response to a protest today by Native Hawaiian groups at the state Capitol over the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009, also known as the Akaka Bill. The groups claimed that Inouye is trying to "sneak" the so-called Akaka Bill into spending bills to get its passage. "I have never suggested that the Akaka Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill be passed and adopted as part of the defense appropriations process," Inouye said in his statement. "I don't know where this nonsensical suggestion originated. The Akaka bill for the past many years has been considered under what we call the regular order. It has had hours upon hours of hearings, many, many revisions and amendments and has gone through the scrutiny of three administrations. We have had hearings in Washington and in Hawaii. It is not a measure that has been shepherded in the dark of the night. It has been fully transparent." The Akaka bill is scheduled for a markup in the House Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday and the Senate Indian Affairs Committee on Thursday.

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  • Thanks Tane,

    I don't know why I wanted something concrete that connects to the lie. Also too, I've seen Inouye's budget before with lots of native Hawaiian appropriations. Kaohi
  • "National Review Online sounded the alarm bells today and sources on Capitol Hill confirmed to Big Government that a version of the Native Hawaiian Bill may end up in the Defense Appropriations bill. According to NROnline:

    NRO - National Review Online
    Monday, December 14, 2009
    It's Not Just the Obamas Going to Hawaii This December [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
    For years (since 1999), Daniel Akaka has been trying to make the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act law. On Friday afternoon, the minority on the House Natural Resources Committee got word that there will be a mark-up on it on Wednesday. Apparently there's an agreement on the bill, but Republicans on the committee haven't seen it.The Hill rumor is that Democrats plan to attach Akaka to the Department of Defense funding bill before this session ends — basically, sneaking it in at a busy, contentious time of year to avoid full debate.


    Get rid of inouye in the next election; with friends like that, who needs enemies. He's been caught using this tactic many times before; yet he still denies it or tries to talk his way out of it.
  • KU I KA PONO NO KE AUPUNI MOI O HAWAII, Mahalo Nui to all who were there this morning to KUE, o Pomai
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