Re: [kaleimailealii] FW: PRESS RELEASE: Protest and Demand filed with the United Nations General Assembly [1 Attachment]

"" <>, "" <>
"Cheryl Lovell Obatake" <>, "J Kēhaulani Kauanui" <>, "Nathan Ratner" <>, "Nathan Kalama" <>
OMA! ( O my Aumakua!)  Hulo! hulo! Dr. Keanu Sai, Ph.D. Mahalo nui loa! Ke Akua ho`opomaika`i ia `oe!
Puanani Rogers
Ho`okipa Network - Kauai
Kingdom of Hawai`i
Think Sovereign.....Think Ahupua`a

From: LC <>
Cc: economics-hawaii <>
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:59 AM
Subject: [kaleimailealii] FW: PRESS RELEASE: Protest and Demand filed with the United Nations General Assembly [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from LC included below]
From: [] On Behalf Of Keanu Sai, Ph.D.
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:19 AM
To: Hawaiian Society of Law and Politics
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Protest and Demand filed with the United Nations General Assembly


For Immediate Release – August 10, 2012
Contact: Dr. David Keanu Sai, Ph.D.
Telephone:  (808) 383-6100
Hawaiian Kingdom Protest and Demand filed with United Nations General Assembly against the United States of America and one hundred seventy-two (172) member-States of the United Nations
NEW YORK, 11 August 2012 — On Friday afternoon, August 10, the Ambassador-at-large and Agent for the acting Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom, H.E. Dr. David Keanu Sai, Ph.D., filed with the President of the United Nations General Assembly at United Nations headquarters in New York a Protest and Demand against the United States of America concerning the prolonged occupation of the Hawaiian Islands since the Spanish American War of 1898, and 172 member-States of the United Nations. All the named States in the Protest have treaty relations with the Hawaiian Kingdom either as States or as successor States to their predecessor. There are forty-six (46) States and one hundred twenty-seven (127) successor States that have treaty relations with the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The Protest was received and acknowledged by Dr. Hanifa Mezoui, Ph.D., Special Coordinator, Third Committee and Civil Society, Office of the President of the Sixty-Sixth Session of the General Assembly. The Protest was also received and acknowledged by the Executive Secretary of the G-77 at the United Nations, and the Executive Secretary of the Council of Presidents, a think tank of former Presidents of the United Nations that advise the sitting President of the General Assembly. One hundred twenty (120) of the named States are members of the G-77.
The Protest and Demand was filed with the General Assembly in accordance with Article 35(2) of the United Nations Charter, which provides, “a State which is not a Member of the United Nations may bring to the attention of the Security Council or of the General Assembly any dispute to which it is a party if it accepts in advance, for the purpose of the dispute, the obligations of pacific settlement provided in the present Charter.” The Hawaiian Kingdom is a non-Member State of the United Nations.
The Protest and Demand calls upon the United Nations General Assembly:
1.   To ensure the United States of America comply with the 1893 Lili‘uokalani assignment & Agreement of restoration, 1899 Hague Convention, IV, the 1949 Geneva Convention, IV, and international law, as hereinafter described;
2.  To ensure that the United States of America establishes a military government, to include tribunals, to administer and enforce the civil and penal laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom pursuant to the 1893 Lili‘uokalani assignment and Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Convention, IV, as hereinafter described;
3.  To ensure that all member States of the United Nations shall not recognize as lawful the United States of America’s presence and authority within the territory, territorial seas, exclusive economic zone and airspace of the Hawaiian Kingdom, except for its temporary and limited authority vested under the 1893 Lili‘uokalani assignment and Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Convention, IV, as hereinafter described;
4.  To ensure full reparation for the injury caused by the serious breach of obligations and internationally wrongful acts in the form of restitution, compensation and satisfaction, whether singly or in combination.
The Ambassador-at-large and Agent for the Protest, Dr. Sai, served as lead Agent for the acting Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom in arbitral proceedings before the Permanent Court of Arbitration, Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom, 119 International Law Reports 566 (2001).[1] The Arbitral Tribunal in the Larsen arbitration comprised of Professor James Crawford, SC, Presiding Arbitrator, who at the same time was a member of the United Nations International Law Commission and Special Rapporteur on State Responsibility (1997-2001); Professor Christopher Greenwood, QC, Associate Arbitrator, who now serves as a Judge on the International Court of Justice since February 6, 2009; and Gavan Griffith, QC, Associate Arbitrator, who served as former Solicitor General for Australia. The jurisdictional basis of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom was a dispute between a State and a private person. Dr. Sai also served as Agent for the acting Government when a a Complaint was filed against the United States of America with the United Nations Security Council on July 5, 2001, under the Presidency of China.[2]
The Hawaiian Kingdom will withdraw States named in the Protest and Demand, with the exception of the United States of America, when these States shall declare, whether individually or collectively, that they will not recognize as lawful the United States of America’s presence and authority within the territory, territorial seas, exclusive economic zone and airspace of the Hawaiian Kingdom according to Article 41(2), Responsibility of States for International Wrongful Acts (2001), except for the United States’ temporary and limited authority vested by virtue of the 1893 Lili‘uokalani assignment, Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Convention, IV, and international law.
The Hawaiian Kingdom achieved the recognition of its independence as a sovereign State on November 28, 1843 by joint proclamation from Great Britain and France and by 1893, the Hawaiian Kingdom maintained over ninety (90) Legations and Consulates throughout the world. The Hawaiian Kingdom has been a Member State of the Universal Postal Union since January 1, 1882, which is currently an agency of the United Nations.
This case arises out of the prolonged and illegal occupation of the entire territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom by the United States of America since the Spanish-American War on August 12, 1898, and the failure on the part of the United States of America to establish a direct system of administering the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom. There are currently 119 United States military sites throughout the Hawaiian Islands encompassing 230,622 acres of land under the command and control of the United States Pacific Command whose headquarters is situated on the Island of O‘ahu. These military sites have been illegally established within the territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom and have consequently placed the Hawaiian State and its population in grave danger from military attack by foreign States, e.g. Japan’s military attack of United States military sites on the Island of O‘ahu on December 7, 1941, and the threat of missile attacks from China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and the Russian Federation.
The United States disguised its occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom as if a treaty of cession annexed the Hawaiian Islands. There is no treaty. For the past 114 years, the United States of America has committed a serious international wrongful act and deliberately misled the international community that the Hawaiian Islands had been incorporated into the territory of the United States. It has unlawfully imposed its internal laws, by Congressional legislation, over Hawaiian territory, which includes its territorial seas, its exclusive economic zone, and its airspace, in violation of its treaties with the Hawaiian Kingdom, the 1907 Hague Convention, IV, the 1949 Geneva Convention, IV, and international law.
The Protest and Demand and Annexes will soon be available on online at:

[1] Bederman & Hilbert, “Arbitration—UNCITRAL Rules—justiciability and indispensable third parties—legal status of Hawai‘i,” 95 American Journal of International Law 927-933 (2001).
[2] Patrick Dumberry, “The Hawaiian Kingdom Arbitration Case and the Unsettled Question of the Hawaiian Kingdom’s Claim to Continue as an Independent State under International Law,” 2(1) Chinese Journal of International Law 655-684 (2002); and David Keanu Sai, “A Slippery Path towards Hawaiian Indigeneity: An Analysis and Comparison between Hawaiian State Sovereignty and Hawaiian Indigeneity and its Use and Practice in Hawai’i today,” 10 Journal of Law and Social Challenges 68-133 (Fall 2008).
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  • Review

    The Executive Agreements are good.............BUT everyone needs to know that the PERPETUAL TREATIES continue with the Heads of Nations and the Sovereigns descendants/heirs..........and the Kamehameha descendants/heirs exists whether anybody likes it or not......

    Reminder also that

    1)  The Hawaiian Government is made up of three (3) branches - 2 PERMANENT ones 1) Sovereign - heirs/ descendants and successors and the House of Nobles - descendants/heirs exist................and the TEMPORARY VOTED IN branch which were treasonous to the Sovereign and House of Nobles were called the House of Nobles did evolve into the Provisional Government, the Republic, the Territory, and the State even though there was no Treaty of other words, the PERMANENT branches are here, whether anybody likes it or not!

    2)  The Hawaiian Government did go "under ground".........

    3)  Much evidence of Premeditation has been documented...............see all 404 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk to see the issues/evidence etc.

    4)  Note that those who are pushing issues and not aligned with the Kamehameha family(ies) usually have a questionable ancestor who did participate in the illegal dethronement of our Queen in 1893.

    5)  Our Queen Liliuokalani who has many children/hanai children documented was under DURESS/duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, threat, intimidation, victim of piracy(ies), treason, conspiracies, etc.

    6)  Queen Liliuokalani did maintain that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations.

    7)  The U.S. did not respect women's suffrage until after Queen Liliuokalani died in 1917.

    8)  Kanaka Maoli have been and continue to be part of the genocide activities by terrrorists/terrorism/terror by conspirators/pirates/parasites...........including our Alii family(ies).

    9)  The 2/3 part of the Government is represented by our family(ies), and the 1/3 part continues with some who support what we do..........Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom existed then and exists now....

    10)  Many of our families now together are Kamehameha's descendants /heirs and /or House of Nobles descendants/heirs

    11)  We're the only ones on the whitehouse website:

    earch Results

    1. [PDF] P.O. Box sauau. H H - The White House Similar
      File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
      Sep 29, 2009 -- Japan>. Bcc: Email address removed, ... My name is Amelia Gora, a Royal person and Acting Liaison of Foreign ...

    12)  We have given Protective Orders to Kanaka Maoli to help to take care of our families interests in the Hawaiian Islands because we are the land owners, the title holders.

    13)  We have the ongoing Konohiki projects - the return of the Konohiki families to all of the ahupuaa.

    14)  We support all Kanaka Maoli in helping to reconnect to their tutu's lands....directions posted on the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web....on how to.

    15)  We maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

    16)  The activities of those who dare to self appoint themselves Kings and Queens and Premiers etc. are not in alignment with our de jure Hawaiian Government.......and are no different from the conspirators of 1893 who did premeditate the takeover of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

    17)  We are the researchers and the educators of our families oral history(ies) which is also purposefully dispersed around the world about what happened to our families, our people, our Alii, etc.

    18)  We recognize that Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III did give an opportunity for all Kanaka Maoli to run their own lands/kuleana as a business because of the alodio/ano alodio land system which is forever/"inures" forever to each kanaka maoli family.

    19)  We recognize that we have to empower everyone with knowledge and support all Kanaka Maoli, Konohiki, et. als. whose ancestors were not treasonous to the Queen in 1893, etc.

    20)  We recognize that ALL Kanaka Maoli has water rights, etc.

    aloha and Sincerely,

    Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's et. als. descendants/heirs, one of the House of Nobles members descendants/heirs, one of the representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society, one of the House of Nobles members, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs/Department

    We who know the Truth about the Hawaiian Islands, of an ancient 3,000-5,000 year old Society knows that
    Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME/us)  WICKED TO THE MAX!
    eyes 068
  • Review


    Keanu Sai is NOT part of our self-appointed and

    The Perfect Title Scam -- Self-Proclaimed Regent of Hawaiian Kingdom Collects Huge Fees, Causes Grief to Property Owners, Messes Up Land Titles, Escapes With Probation and $200 Fine


    1. The Perfect Title Scam -- Self-Proclaimed Regent of Hawaiian ...

      The maximum sentence for Keanu Sai's crime was 10 years in prison. But Judge Sandra Simms (known as a bleeding-heart liberal who gives light sentences ...
    2. Ken Conklin Ph.D. vs. Keanu Sai Ph.D. -- Dialog regarding a theory ...

      On September 12, 2011 Keanu Sai published a response in Hawaii Reporter, .... on the company by the Honolulu Police Department's white collar crime unit.
    3. Hawaiian Kingdom - David Keanu Sai v. Barack Obama, et al

      Dr. Keanu Sai's 2nd interview with host Dr. Lynette Cruz, Hawai`i Pacific .... Whenever a lawsuit is filed, whether criminal or civil, there has to be a dispute.
    4. Hawaiian Kingdom Government - Welcome - E Komo Mai

      Dr. David Keanu Sai lectures on the profound effects of the two Executive ... Dr. Keanu Sai discusses "Kamehameha III and the Transformation of the Land ...
    5. Hawaiian sovereignty movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Trained as a U.S. military officer, Sai uses the title of Chairman of the Acting Council ... See also Joseph Cook & Paul Markus, Criminal Law (1995) The theft statute ... For his class B felony conviction, David Keanu Sai was sentenced to 5 years ...
      You visited this page on 8/2/12.
    6. Sovereignty Mortgage Scammer Keanu Sai at it again with help from ...

      Jul 17, 2011 – Recidivist: A convicted criminal who reoffends. ... David Keanu Sai is back in the public eye 11 years after being put on probation after telling ...
    7. The Hawaiian Kingdom - Keanu Sai

      The Hawaiian Kingdom. Keanu Sai ... From 1843 all the way until 1893, the Hawaiian Kingdom had a complete system of laws, both criminal and civil. It had an ...
    8. Kingdom-based claims still being used to block foreclosures

      Sep 5, 2011 – It was promoted by Perfect Title back in the 1990s, which led to criminal charges. Keanu Sai, one of the Perfect Title principals, is now a ...
    9. Images for keanu sai crimes

        - Report images
    10. Sovereignty Endures: Dr. Keanu Sai Speaks at UHMC | Maui Now

      Aug 29, 2011 – Dr. Keanu Sai. Courtesy Photo. Dr. Keanu Sai will be the featured speaker at a presentation tonight at the University of Hawai'i Maui College.
    11. HCR107. Executive Agreement - YouTube

     23, 2011 - 51 min - Uploaded by ponosize
      1893 Cleveland—Lili`uokalani Executive Agreements by Keanu Sai ... committed the crime of high treason ...
      and Where In the World is Donald Lewis, Keanu's partner?
      1. The Perfect Title Scam -- Self-Proclaimed Regent of Hawaiian ...

        countered David Keanu Sai, a partner of Perfect Title owner Donald Lewis. .... Donald Lewis, president of Perfect Title, said he was surprised by the criticism.
      2. Perfect Title Co. -

        The Big Island case is the first indication that Perfect Title's work - widely dismissed ... countered David Keanu Sai, a partner of Perfect Title owner Donald Lewis.
      3. Perfect Title handed -

        But Perfect Title President Donald Lewis dismissed Circuit Judge Ronald Ibarra's finding, saying it came from a "court that doesn't exist." And even if the ruling ...
      4. [PDF] 

        G:\docs\ezra1\AE Orders\Hawaii Kingdom - MTD.wpd

        File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
        Feb 24, 2012 – The Complaint in Condemnation identifies Plaintiff Donald A. Lewis. (“Lewis”) and Perfect Title Company as parties to the condemnation action ...
      5. Land Title Search Company Creates Furor With Claims Of Hawaii ...
        Hawaii was annexed in 1898 don't tell them they don't have to pay off their mortgage," Perfect Title president Donald Lewis said of his customers. it's a loan and ...
      6. the Tax Appeal of Donald A. LEWIS - Cases & Codes - FindLaw

        Appellant-Appellant Donald A. Lewis (Lewis) appeals the “Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part ... In January 1996, Lewis started Perfect Title Company.
      7. Privy Council Resolution

        Whereas, on December 10, 1995, Donald A. Lewis and David Keanu Sai, both being native Hawaiian subjects, established the Perfect Title Company as a ...
      8. Hawaiian Firm Says History Decrees Land Sales Invalid - Los ...

        Mar 20, 1997 – Mar is a client of Perfect Title Co., a partnership formed by Donald Lewis and David Keanu Sai in December 1995, which has been challenging ...
      9. FW: Perfect Title co-founder faces up to 10 years ... - Groups ...

        Dec 2, 1999 – Earlier in the trial, Judge Sandra Simms acquitted Donald Lewis, who was president and co-founder of Perfect Title, of the attempted-theft ...
      10. Public Notices from "Privy Council" of the Kingdom

        96-112088 -- Notice of Objection - Cease and Desist to Hawaiian Kingdom Trust Company, Perfect Title Company, Donald Anthony Lewis, David Keanu Sai, ...


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