"Rules For Radicals"

A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals

By Saul D. Alinsky



THE REVOLUTIONARY FORCE today has two targets, moral as well as material.  Its young protagonists are one moment reminiscent of the idealistic early Christians, yet they also urge violence and cry, "Burn the system down!"  They have no illusions about the system, but plenty of illusions about the way to change our world."


"The Toynbee-Ikeda Dialogue"

Man Himself Must Choose

by Arnold Toynbee

Daisaku Ikeda


TOYBBEE:  Of course, it is not always merely alignments of the kind you describe in terms of collective security agreements that involve nations in the conflicts of other nations.  Take for example the tragic case of Lebanon, whose population composition and geographical location almost inevitable involve her in the belligerency of her next-door neighbor, Israel. Though a small nation, Lebanon is by far the most modernized and advanced of the Arab countries.  Once entirely a Christian country, Lebanon inherited a large Muslim population when, after World war I, France took over former Turkish territory in Lebanon and Syria and doubled the size of the Lebanese Republic by adding big stretches of Muslim Territory to it.  Today the Christian and Muslim elements of the Lebanese population are about equal in size, theough the Christians are richer and more efficient.  Naturally the Muslims, who do not like being under Christian Domination, sympathize with Arab guerrillas.  This means that the issue between Isarael and Lebanon becomes a domestic Lebanese issue between the Muslims and Christians.  This situation has brought Lebanon to the verge of civil war.  Although she has been very careful, Lebanon has been unable to stop Arab guerrillas who operate from Lebanon or the Israelis who make raids on Lebanon in retaliation against the guerrillas.  This is Lebanon's tragedy, but it is not Lebanon's fault. p191-2


"Towards A New Cold War"

By Noam Chomsky


     "Senator Paul Tsongas of Massachusetts was one of ten senators who called Secretary of State Muskie in October 1980 to act to ensure that an independent international presence would remain in East Timor fulltime--in vain, as we have seen. In April 1981 he introduced into the Congressional Record a letter sent in late 1980 by a Roman Catholic priest living in East Timore.29  The letter points out that while the military Red Cross has apparently had a moderating influence on the level of violence: the Indonesian Air Force has stopped its policy of heavy bombardments of areas when Fretilin is active." From June 1980, the priest reports, "the prisons have been overflowing.  The island of Atauro, in particular, has been turned into a penal colony for political prisoners."  In one region, "Almost all the teachers ... have been imprisoned." "Dozens of prisoners are reported to have disppeared." The material situation is "desperate." "Hunger and disease continue to decimate the population.  Several villages have been burned to the ground and their in habitants sent to concentration camps."  Indonesian military authorities sell food, clothing, and medicines donated by the ICRC and CRS for high prices.


"Struggle For The Land"




     The Cherokee Cases were followed by a half-century hiatus in important judicial determinations regarding American Indians.  On the foundation provided by the Marshall Doctrine, the government felt confident in entering into the great bulk of the more than 370 treaties with indigenous nations by which it professed to have gained the consent of Indians in ceding huge portions of the native land base.  With its self-anointed position of superior soveriegnty, it would be under "no legal obligation"  to live up it its end of the various bargains struck.48  Well before the end of the nineteenth century, the United States stood in default on virtually every treaty agreement it had made with native people, and there is considerable evidence in many instances that this was intended from the outset.44 Aside from the fraudulent nature of U.S. participation in the treaty process, there is an ample record that many of the instruments of cession were militarily coerced while the government implemented Marshall's version of Just Wars against Indiana." p45-6



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  • Much of the above readings can sway 'thought' from military simplistic Christian thinking process to actual 'humanity'. Problem is Na Kanaka men do not read and hit the hallow ground where life should exist. On the moral side their are young children that play with other children and trust their adults to not break their contractual agreements. I don't have a clue as to how not to corrupt young minds except to say be happy and do your best. What a stupid cop-out! I just don't have the desire right now to do battles with stupid men. Brown-skin dressed in feather cloak preaching the gospel of genocide are essential to understand this weekend Sept 18-19, 2010. It's man's best of friends boy to boy chit chat weekend.

    With mier hand on poverty Na Kanaka men are going to attempt to solve their problems this weekend, or excuse themselves for their failures and blame the white man. Which of course they are the blame with the help of their coconuts and I do mean the 'crutch' area of location.

    Lacking in 'smarts' or 'thoughts' come Monday morning how much more damage would this table of meaty game confess to their failures? Or, the white man burden sorta version of hell. One such argument I am sure that will rise in chorus is the letter 'A'. I am sure we will have a lot of stone throwing at the females of this world for not giving all their energy to: pleasure, soil, children, hunt and prepared meals on table, wash clothes, scrub the piss off the toilet seat, floors, walls and work for the 'white economy' for minimum wage.

    Equal to the fire hydrant on my street one finds this weekend to be a sad but laughable one given the young eye view of the world. The wise, stupid, and the military veteran clown makes life a bowl of 'awa' sensible. One partakes a cup of awa and sprinkle a few drops to our ancestors in hopes that we can go home with an estrangement of laughs. Come Monday morning we all return to work--that is those of us that are not couch potatoes and live in the real world.

    No man should speak from the back bone of an ass. Therefore, I do not give permission to any man to speak about women living on DHHL. For they are the labor of the Hawaiian soil from the very womb of the body. Men do not have an inkling as to what that means because they are not concern with the birthing of a child. And most times raising children on DHHL. I resent the attempt of men this weekend agreeing with their counterparts to share the soil or their women with any US Military Armed Forces. And that is my final say on this week end of lolo machoism.
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