"We have permitted a suicidal situation to unfold wherein revolution and communism have become one. These pages are committed to splitting this political atom, separating this exclusive identification of communism with revolution. If it were possible for the Have-Nots of the world to recognize and accept the idea that revolution did not inevitably mean hate and war, cold or hot, from the United states, that alone would be a great revolution in world politics and the future of man. This is a major reason for my attempt to provide a revolutionary handbook not cast in a communist or capitalist mold, but as a manual for the Have-Nots of the world regardless of the color of their skin or their politics. My aim here is to suggest how to organize for power: how to get it and to use it. I will argue that the failure to use power for a more equitable distribution of the means of life for all people signals the end of the revolution and the start of the counterrevolution." Saul Alinsky page 9-10
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Saul is still the guy to learn from.
As I remember....LOL, Red and Yellow make Orange. Now orange you glad I said this? LOL (I must be on my cycle here soon...oh yeah, the full moon has passed so I'm on a delayed reaction....LOL...oh just my senior moments here).pass4sure 117-101 I gotta find some humor in this, come on join me in this discussion...I dare you...just put on your own armour and shield and we'll raise SUGAR"cane" with this.pass4sure 642-661.(oh my excuse me for the hiccup...LOL)
pass4sure 650-251
As YOU can't Fool all of the people, all of the time with your Blood Quantum Mind Set of Hitler.
As I said in the past, I hope that your Grand Performance at the Ahu on Sept. 2, 2010 will be aired on Olelo for everyone to watch you in your Glorious Action. Let the Truth be told on Olelo. Let the People be the Judge of the Truth.
Get Ready for your trip to Mars, o Lulu BELL.
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993
"Blood quantum is a scientific, government-approved method of determining blood purity and race purity. One of the most frightening examples of a government's interest in blood purity comes as recently as the 20th century in Nazi Germany, when Hitler wanted to create an Aryan master race. The consequence was that millions of people were killed because they were not Aryan. While Nazi Germany is an extreme example, blood quantum is nonetheless a clinical, inhuman, and careless way to determine the ethnic authenticity of a person. We are not Gregor Mendel's ..." Sept 2, 2010 PM in disrespect to Liliu, Uncle Mel, and Dede who past away.
Dede lived on DHHL and signed a contract of 50% plus bloodquantum, like with what I did in 1984 and Uncle Mel Kalahiki was a DHHL Commissioner. To equate us at the ahu at Iolani Palace in clear disrespect to the dead since we were standing on the graves of our ancestors-- to Hitler and Gregor Mendel's was so very and absolutely 'stupid'!
How stupid can one be! The women born at the time of the US bloodquantum, as I said that night was written as part Hawaiian although they were pure Hawaiian. We had a short period during 1974 and 1978 with the help of Aunty Margaret Apo and others to change that 'part' Hawaiian. Women now older walked into Lieutenant Doi's office 1974 to 1978 to change their status from 'part' to Hawaiian. The (fake) State seal placed on top of the certification super ceeded the Birth Certificate that was done back in those days when congress of the US was trying to accommadate Prince Kuhio, the University of Hawaii (Tropical Ag). Soon after that, we went into computerized versions of Birth Certificates. Those of us that was 'heppy' to the politics of the Homerule and their wannabees ran in to get a duplicate of the original birth certificates with our great grandparents signatures. The cost jumped to $20 and yes we paid $20 per copy. More to be said ....
Any time Sanu wants to go live on Mars please go and take your mouth piece with you!
One has no remorse for the pain that you caused on Sept 2, 2010!
"Dede lived on DHHL and signed a contract of 50% plus bloodquantum, like with what I did in 1984 and Uncle Mel Kalahiki was a DHHL Commissioner. To equate us at the ahu at Iolani Palace in clear disrespect to the dead since we were standing on the graves of our ancestors-- to Hitler and Gregor Mendel's was so very and absolutely 'stupid'!"
Reply by Janos (Keoni) Samu 4 hours ago
Aloha kākou e Kaohi a e Pomai,
Thank you for your comments. As to me being the part of the problem, I resent it. I always thought that I was part of the solution. Perhaps you don't know me well enough.
I also have to disagree with the statement that Kauaians are the problem. There are many good and progressively thinking rebellious Kauaians. I think it is hewa to generalize and designate residents of one mokupuni as "problem Hawaiians". I urge unity instead of blaming one another, the latter being a very haole tradition.
Nuclear waste dumping is a huge problem, but not bigger than the U.S. occupation. Once we get rid of the occupiers, we may prevent nuclear waste dumping easier. The topic is very important and I suggest you start a discussion on nuclear waste dumping with specific and parctical ideas as to how to prevent it. I will then join the discussion.
As to the Blood Quantum I think I had stated my opinion clearly in my earlier comment to Pomai (see below) and also on the local television Ho`ike in my presentation that ran for a week and was titled: "Hitler and the Hawaiian Blood".
Me ke aloha
Janos Keoni Samu
and here is the message about American Blood Quantum:
Aloha kāua e Pomai,
The essence of what you are saying is true; however, I would rather classify those Hawaiians who support the American system as misguided people rather than enemy. Why? Because we, who see clearly, still have a chance to educate them with collective efforts and make them change their views, while we have no chance to educate those who devised the blood quantum law and imposed it onto the Indian and Hawaiian nations. I personally rather lead a fight against those with inferior intentions towards our lāhue than against the misguided and uninformed kānaka. Once we get rid of the occupiers we can easily discard their laws, while if we get rid of kānaka, who one day might become our supporter, we would be reducing the number of our warriors. We need to follow a smart strategy: on one front fight the occupiers with their own laws and reveal their hypocrisy to the world, and on the other front deal with the misguided or uninformed Hawaiians using our manao.
Many Hawaiian people today would like to see the emphasis on blood quantum fall by the wayside. Blood quantum is a sterile, inhuman way of calculating authenticity. When you ask a person how much Hawaiian blood they have, you expect an answer. If they answer your question with a small percentage or if they refuse to answer, you immediately question their authenticity as a Hawaiian. Never mind -- that blood quantum is completely irrelevant to Hawaiian culture. Throughout history the Hawaiian people have believed that if you're Hawaiian, you're Hawaiian. If you're not, you're not. Percentage doesn't matter. In addition, many people now make a distinction between quantum Hawaiians and cultural Hawaiians. How Hawaiian you are is more determined by how you live, how active you are in the tribe, how you grew up, and what you know of Hawaiian history, culture, and language.
Blood quantum, while it appears harmless, has had a very negative effect on the Hawaiian and also on Indian nations. In many cases the issue of quantum has divided full-bloods and mixed-bloods, causing resentment. The issue also divides Hawaiian community members and non-members on the issue of proof. From a historical and cultural perspective, the idea of blood quantum is dangerous.
Blood quantum is a scientific, government-approved method of determining blood purity and race purity. One of the most frightening examples of a government's interest in blood purity comes as recently as the 20th century in Nazi Germany, when Hitler wanted to create an Aryan master race. The consequence was that millions of people were killed because they were not Aryan. While Nazi Germany is an extreme example, blood quantum is nonetheless a clinical, inhuman, and careless way to determine the ethnic authenticity of a person. We are not Gregor Mendel's cross-pollinated pea plants; we are people. Our ethnicity and cultural identity are tied to our family history, our surroundings, our own hopes and expectations, and our self-identity. To measure our "Hawaiianness" by a percentage is to completely eliminate the human element. And to allow others to judge us based on a number is to continue a harmful trend. It is also a genocidal attempt by the devisers to reduce the number of Hawaiians and Indians, because of expected mixed progression through generation. If you barely made the quantum and your son and daughters has descendents out of his/her bloodline, the offspring will not make the quantum required and will not be eligible for the so called benefits for blood quantum Hawaiians. And when you and your spouse pass away, there might be less Hawaiians to claim or use those benefits created by the US Government to appease somewhat the Hawaiians. This would not happen of course, if blood quantum Hawaiians would marry only blood quantum Hawaiians, but this exclusivity would be contradictory to the Hawaiian traditions, where Hawaiians marrying non-Hawaiians was practiced and not condemned, BECAUSE IT WAS NOT THE BLOOD QUANTUM THAT DETERMINED IF YOU WERE HAWAI`I NEI OR NOT.
Launch a quiet protest against the reliance on blood quantum to measure Hawaiian authenticity. The next time someone asks you what percentage Hawaiian you are tell them that they are asking a rude question and don't answer -- because the answer doesn't matter. Either you are Hawaiian or you're not.
We must work together, because ʻaʻohe puʻu kiʻeki e ke hoʻāʻo ʻia e piʻi.
Me ke aloha pumehana.
Janos Keoni Samu