i personally thank all of the concerned and RESPECTED ones......big nui smiles

that REFUSED to participate in this weekend event at waiola chruch

it was brought to my attention that only a few Kamehameha Royal Leaders

showed up and that Cops got involved after one of the officials of waiola chruch made a call....

this is where PONO of being in the right....should have taken place way before

these individuals made plans without the Proper Protocols

of the SACREDNESS of my Royal Sacred Ancestors, our SACRED Land of Maui Nui......

This the Paulos guards, not Royal Kingdom Guards of our History.....they are made up

of Kids from high school (rotc program), these kids is Paulos followers.......NO Mana, NO Meaning, NO our SACREDNESS....on our Sacred Lands....

Both Waiola chruch officails and Paulos REFUSED to sit and LISTEN to our concerns,

like our maui mayor whom said "KUPUNA"S NO MATTER".....these nonprofits of GREED,

taught they could slide one more money making how they did with kauilani money bash a few months ago.....Hewa!!!

I am very Pleased, that the WORD is out and these nonprofits will be Responsible and ACCOUNTABLE for their Greedy Actions and be EXPOSED in my generation of "Cleansing our SACREDNESS from the GREED of dirty money laundering, using dead ali'i-s to make money....this is called EXPLOITATION of the worst kine.....

mahalo Ke Akua for cleaning his house of Pule (waiola chruch) and soon to be REMOVED from our SACRED Lands of our Mana (spiritual powers)....for our CLEANSING HAS BEGUN within my generation to prepare the way for our next future Royal Kingdom Heirs~~~mauruuru


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