Putin Describes America As A Parasite!
Friends, according to Reuters today, Putin has offered some very strong criticism of America.
“They are living beyond their means and shifting a part of the weight of their problems to the world economy,” Putin told the pro-Kremlin youth group Nashi.
“They are living like parasites off the global economy and their monopoly of the dollar,” Putin said at the open-air meeting with admiring young Russians in what looked like early campaigning before parliamentary and presidential polls.
Well, there you have it. Russia is speaking out and putting into words what many people in the world are thinking. The passing of the raising of the debt ceiling bill has changed nothing at all. America will, as Putin says, continue to live well beyond its means.
It will also continue with its insane imperialism and its endless war doctrine, and it will screw its own citizens and the citizens of other nations to fund it. And it will continue to ensure that its rich get richer.
The question for the world is: what can be done to stop this insane nation killing, destroying, and sucking the lifeblood out of the rest of the world?
There is a clear answer. America must be boycotted out of existence. America must be isolated. America must be condemned. We cannot afford to have America, now a second-rate power, lording it over the rest of the world. America is a rogue nation, clear and simple. Its leaders are deranged.
The passing of the Bill today so that America can borrow more money has not solved the problem. America is broke. Its economy is stuffed. Its political system is corrupt. It is over-stretched militarily. It has few values. It is run by the money-men for the benefit of the monied elite.
If America is brought down, could it recover? Perhaps, although the many cancers which afflict it are probably too entrenched, too malignant.
Hopefully, more world leaders will follow Putin and speak out, begin to apply the pressure. Hopefully America’s triple A credit rating will be downgraded. Hopefully nations around the world will see the writing on the wall and begin to move away from America and the American dollar.
And hopefully the people of the world will join together in an anti-American protest and help to stop America before it does even more damage to our world!
This may encourage the American people to take things into their own hands, to rebel, to take their country back.
The survival of our world depends on it!
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Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.9 Comments
Putin is as corrupt, fascist, and megalomaniacal (sp?) as all the other leaders that have ruined our world. He’s just hitting the campaign trail with his usual nationalist bluster.
David G Reply:
August 2nd, 2011 at 12:37 pm
There’s no ‘disputin’ that Putin has correctly described America, Denise!
And he comes from a country that helped to stop Hitler and also avoided a nuclear war (Cuba) which would’ve ruined our world big-time.
denise Reply:
August 2nd, 2011 at 2:28 pm
The pot does speak the truth when it calls the kettle black.
Tea, anyone?
David G,
According to the economic historian Niall Ferguson, the US is approaching the ‘tipping point’ for declining imperial powers, when the cost of debt servicing exceeds the military budget. The result is not a graceful decline but a precipitate collapse. So perhaps, all we need to do, is watch the show.
That said, the old expression, “Better the devil you know” is worth remembering.
David G Reply:
August 2nd, 2011 at 5:22 pm
I hope Niall is right, Russell!
Funny thing is that America became the ‘devil’ and almost nobody noticed. It was a massive shift from ‘paragon of virtue’ to ‘villain’ that still leaves me stunned.
Late Revolution Reply:
August 2nd, 2011 at 5:52 pm
America has been the world’s top villain for a long time, David. They’ve fought more illegal wars, conquered so many more sovereign nations—whether economically or forcefully—placed more unelected evil dictators in power, and been responsible for more untold ruined lives than any other nation of the last one hundred fifty years. Keep in mind this country has only been in existence for about two hundred and forty. The “Paragon of Virtue” and “Beacon of Hope” unrealities were the product of the massive worldwide propaganda campaign the U.S. has been forcing down the world’s throat for decades and decades. Unfortunately, the majority believed, and when the velvet glove came off to reveal the iron fist, it was too late. America’s power is unchallenged and will remain as such in all likelihood. And it really doesn’t give a damn who likes or admires it anymore, its own citizenry less than any.
David G,
I’d agree it was a massive shift, but not as sudden as it might appear.
Even though the Americans have the most expert users of soft power and propaganda since the Romans, we’re no longer prepared to overlook the imperial nature of US power since the end of the Cold War. The invasion of Iraq was the last straw.
The US has been expansionist since independence, as its neighbours in Latin America know all too well, I’m amazed how many people are ignorant of that obvious historical fact.
I forgot to mention Prof Johan Galtung who also predicts the end of the US Empire (by around 2020).
denise Reply:
August 3rd, 2011 at 3:05 am
A good step to curtail US expansionism: the 100-plus countries hosting US military bases need to do whatever it takes to shut them down. My use of the word ‘host’ is meant to be a pun (based on Putin’s campaign speech).
The US government is run by multinational corporations, who are the true parasites. They have a base of operations in the US (because the US Supreme court erroneously granted corporations the rights of personhood a few years back), but borders are meaningless in the relentless drive toward corporate profit. US citizens and citizens of the world need to stand together in resistance.
Late Revolution, before Ii became interested in things political, I was largely taken in by American propaganda although I was skeptical about its motives. Now the beast has been revealed, it must be fought against or Big Brother will take over!
Russell, William Blum has written many good articles chronicling America’s many military forays. When it slaughtered the Native Indians, the world should have know what would follow.
Denise, the politicians are willing supporters of Corporations and have doubtless made a lot of money from owning shares in them. Getting U.S. and world citizens to unite is what I’ve been trying to do for some years with limited success. Americans, in the main, don’t listen to non-Americans!
My comment is pending which includes the following post:
By Amelia Gora (about the author)

From: Amelia Gora <>
Date: Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 3:57 PM
Subject: Hawaiian Kingdom Record No. 2010 - 01780 from Amelia Gora - Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs Fwd: PARASITES IN PARADISE
To:,, "Cc: Vietti-Cook, Annette" <>,, Web Japan <>,

The following is being sent for your information.
Note that an article was found pertaining to Queen Liliuokalani being given back Hawaii by President Cleveland. See: (also see below)
Am awaiting Mr. Jones, Attorney General/Parens Patriae meeting due to our ancestors being on the Bernice Pauahi Will and we are owed monies through Kaaumoana (w) and Kealohapauole (k).
Kaaumoana (w) and Kealohapauole (k) were also the true trustees of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust..........which means our families are the true trustees of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust.
Please contact us:
Mahalo and aloha,
Amelia Gora, a Royal person, a living human being, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
see: for article below
From: amelia gora <>
Date: Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 2:52 PM
Subject: PARASITES IN PARADISE (sent to only a few - posting at Oped news soon)
PARASITES IN PARADISE - MASONS/FREEMASONS, American Missionaries/Mercenaries, et. als. in the Hawaiian Kingdom
> A Overview of research by Chris Roses, Amelia Gora, et. als. -
> review by Amelia
Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha's, et. als. descendants, a Royal person not subject to the laws (2007), a living human being with Sovereign Immunities (revisions 2010)
> The following is a different view of history. It is from the
eyes of researchers, focusing on Masonry/Freemasonry and their activities in Hawaii.
> The main researcher in this article is Chris Roses, who is a long
time history, legal researcher who befriended many kanaka
maoli/aboriginal Hawaiians in Hawaii. His research focus was on the
bankers, the Masons and Freemasons. He has helped many kanaka maoli
in their court cases and has been a helpful guide for some.
> Chris Roses has an interesting background including having
friends in Waco, Texas.
> He's a very private person. He's a teacher, a philosopher, a
truth seeker.
> Chris Roses work proves that Masons/Freemasons are indeed 'set in
place to break down Monarchy governments worldwide'.
> The Masons/Freemasons focus validates that Hawaii's history does
indeed affect the World today.
> Hawaii's Chronological History with a focus on Masons/Freemasons:
> continued at
Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
Stop Using a neutral, non violent nation Hawaiian Kingdom's monies, lands, resources for WARS!
Click here to see the most recent messages sent to congressional reps and local newspapers
Am a descendant of Kamehameha, Queen Liliuokalani, Princess Poomaikelani, etals. from Hawaii. Am a 24 year history, 18 year genealogy, 8+ years legal researcher in Hawaii. Have written more than 25 books, am editor of the news on the web IOLANI - (more...)
and the latest article:
Pirates Around Us in the Hawaiian Islands and our Sister Nations