i am constantly told that...one has the lineal to my Great Great Great Grand mama,
Her Sacred High Chiefess Queen Keopuolani....i mean direct line with out any Breaks???
i am still waiting for the Ali'i Nui to step up to the plate and to also speak up for the SACREDNESS...
till today....i am the only person that HONOR and is speaking up for the SACREDNESS of my Sacred Lands and Royalties in RESPECT and HONOR for the Loyalty of my Ancestors....
i am wondering who is these other families that is claiming this lineal line to my Royal Sacredness....i will call them on it, that is in connection to the Hewa (wrongful criminal actions)....for why would a Ali'i Nui of my Sacred Lands of Loko O Mokuhinia of the Village of Moku'ula allow the hewa to continue on our SACREDNESS of our Kupuna Kahiko (ancestors)...why
please go look at the village of mokuula
see the disgraceful site of my SACREDNESS,
and i am told that the person in charges is also an Ali'i
you got to be kidding me....
go take pictures and share......you would be amazed of the way this sacred land
has been Misused and Abused by these dirty nauty mo'o on maui nui....
for i am told to wait and to watch.....mauruuru....da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia