Just received news that Richard Figueroa's Primary (could actually be his ONLY) Financer, Dave McQueen, was indicted and arrested for investment fraud! This is the guy expected to bankroll the Native Hawaiian Independence National Election/FullO...n Holdings/ Golden State Biofuels and other Figueroa schemes. You folks with Figueroa's Hawaiian Independence better jump ship now before you sink with them all. Signed: Hawaiians Against Na Okole Puka

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  • I came back to the sight to check out the citations.

    It's difficult to see so many people bring their life savings into the movement with good intentions, and don't see the 'capitalistic' outcome.

    It is diffuclt to see so many non-profit organizations, also too with good intentions, never reach the need.

    Lot's of people sacrifice themselves, not realizing the ramifications that go with protecting cultural practices from exploitations.

    I do things out of pocket.

    As I said just regroup again, the intentions are there and many needy people out there that can benefit from good leadership.
    Good Job Ululani
  • Pau the Venting, Pau the Tears, Time to KUE............... o Pomai
  • I'm sad to read this but I hope everyone involve do jump ship and because their hearts are in the right place--that they regroup again. Kaohi
  • David W. McQueen... is this the same guy

    "The envelope full of cash was picked up by a third Continental flight attendant, David McQueen, the affidavit said. He told investigators Robinson called him and asked him to pick up the package and give it to Saraf, the affidavit said. Investigators watched McQueen deliver the package to Saraf.

    A search of public records shows a Ronald C. Robinson, 50, listed at the Newark address. He could not be reached for comment. Shown living in another apartment at the same address is David W. McQueen, 49, who also could not be reached. "


    If so.. it doesn't surprise me. Thayer Lindauer is an MLM Lawyer: http://mlmlawyer.com . Lindauer's ex-wife also allegedly stated:

    "These claims arose out of a domestic relations case in which Rogers, an attorney representing Thayer Lindauer's former wife, sought to have Lindauer Law Offices, P.C., a professional corporation, and Thayer Lindauer, as its sole shareholder, officer, and director, held in contempt for failure to fulfill an assignment of earnings."


    I also saw a pic of Figueroa wearing a "Kau Inoa" shirt which contradicts what he claims to advocate. In the picture he is smiling and looks like he's having fun.

    Shady people. I'm not surprised.

    Malama pono, Lana
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