Repost: What Everyone Needs to Know About the Hawaiian Kingdom......; Problematic People - the Masons/Freemasons, et. als. 


                                         compiled by Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal person.(2010)
The "glue" that adheres all of us together are genealogies.  We are based on a 2,650 - 3,000 year history of genealogies.
Our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii has been the target of many criminal deviants over time and the identity theft of our ancestors, along with the criminal dethroning of our Queen, criminally assuming assets, resources, occupation of our lands became the moves by the U.S. whose representative asked for loans and our House of Nobles said "no" to.
Now that many of our people are moving onto their ancestral lands, or pressing on with their beliefs, because most have oral histories of the wrongs, it is best (and wise) to gear up with information to better represent yourselves.
Have the following on hand, keep copies for yourselves and family members.  If you can, also pass the important information on to those who haven't a clue on what to do.....etc.
1.  Genealogy research of your own families.
2. Know that if you're a member of the Royal family(ies) - anyone descending from the King - Kamehameha then that means that you should be aware that governments, and the Masons/Freemasons were set in place to break apart Monarchy governments worldwide.

3.  Print this article and the references below as evidence, etc.


The United States has been on the road to WAR since the criminal assumption, occupation of a neutral, non-violent nation known as the Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii since 1893.

The following are the important dates in Hawaiian history which shows other nations interactions along with the belligerent occupiers the U.S., United States/United States of America, as well as an entity under the title:  The Independence of the United States of America.

350 A.D.  - 1765   Kumulipo or the Creation Chant documents ancient genealogies of our ancestors.

1555 - Hawaiian Islands documented by Spaniard Juan Gaetano.

1700 -  Japanese vessel shipwrecked in the Hawaiian Islands, Samurai swords kept and used by the kanaka maoli.  Japanese returned to Japan on a repaired vessel.

1766 -  Keaweikekahialiiokamoku's, Kekaulike's, Manokalanipo's, Kakuhihewa's families lead organized societies on the eight (8) major islands, the other 125 islands were maintained by alii, konohiki families.

1778 - Captain James Cook anchored in Kauai, He had sailed past Oahu and moved on to Kauai.

          November. Captain Cook anchored in East Maui.  His 66 disease infested men introduced sexually transmitted diseases to our people.  Cook introduced the Western calendar.

1779 -  Captain Cook's voyages were translated into French, German, and Russian.

           Russia recognized the Hawaiian archipelago as a strategic, political, and economical pursuit.  Hawaii was looked at as a connection to Kamchatka, the Aleutians, and North America's Cossack hunter-traders outposts.

1782 -  Kalaniopuu, uncle of Kamehameha, died.  Family skirmishes over leadership continued.  Kamehameha married his aunt Kanekapolei and led the Hawaiian people.

1786 -  The Hawaiian archipelago was documented by Nathaniel Portlock and George Dixon arriving on British ships.

Note:  Attempts to dissuade the public that Hawaii was not an Archipelago came from the United States Administration later in history.

1787 -  Kaiana sailed for China with Captain Meares.

1788 -  Kaiana returned from China.

1789 - Abroad:  George Washington was inaugurated the first President, after five (5) others headed Americans in the British Colonies.

          George Washington was a descendant of the British Royal family and failed to tell the citizens.  He used his Royal privileges by extending it to the "Executive Order" which became a tradition used by U.S. Presidents, and not law.

           Congress debated over his title as "His High Mightiness."  A German ridiculed them and Congress decided to call him simply the President.

            Thomas Paine, author of the Constitution pronounced him "Treacherous in private friendship and a hypocrite in public lifte."

            Washington was a shareholder in the Bank of England, owned 300 slaves.

            England established a penal colony in Australia.

Note:  Unlike all other nations, the U.S. did not consider itself a Monarchy government. In 2005, the U.S. was viewed to be "a colony of the Crown (of England)" on the CBS Channel 9 news at 5:45 P.M. while broadcasting the news of Prince Charles and his long time affair wife visiting the U.S. on their first official overseas trip.  Prince Charles former wife Diana had died earlier, and she was an international banker - Rothschild's descendant.

1790 - Simon Metcalfe of the ship ELEANORA traded with the Hawaiians who brough taro, bananas, potatoes, chickens, and hogs.  The sailors whipped the Hawaiians with ropes.  A Hawaiian stole a small boat, took it apart for weapons, and the ELEANORA set off killing many innocent people. More Hawaiians came from other areas to trade and Metcalfe commanded the sailors to open fire on the Hawaiians and killed many.  This was called the "Olowalu Massacre."

A boatswain, Englishman John Young decided to sightsee and was detained by Kamehameha.  Metcalfe decided that John Young had abandoned his post and sailed on to his destination, Oregon to China.

ELEANORA's sister ship the FAIR AMERICAN was attacked, five (5) killed and survivor Isaac Davis was held and became good friends with his future father-in-law John Young.  Many of their descendants exist today.

1803 - The ship LELIA BYRD captained by American William Shaler introduced horses into Hawaii.

In the United States, France sold the Louisiana Territory for $15 million - doubling the area of the American nation.

1806 - Austria head whose title was Holy Roman Emperor removed his title Francis II.

           Napoleon Bonaparte of France pronounced his brother Joseph, King of Spain.

1809 -  The Russian Ship NEVA returned with Archibald Campbell, whose descendants exist today.

The Russian Governor of Alaska indicated an interest in Hawaii.  A fort was built, imperial flag was raised, and negotiations for the lease of the entire island of Kauau began but not consummated.

1810 -  Kamehameha formed the Hawaiian Kingdom Monarchy government.

           Kamehameha made treaties with Aetearoa, and the Samoan Islands and became part of the Pacific Empire.

1814 -  The SIR ANDREW HAMMOND sailed into Honolulu's Harbor as the first American Ship flying an American flag.  This was a pirated ship at sea, reclaimed by the British at sea and returned to Honolulu's Harbor.

          Under the Law of Nations general convention, the Congress of Vienna convened, and "contained delegates from the eight principal Powers of Europe, Austria, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Prussia, who among other arrangements saw fit to terminate by mutual agreement, the dissension about precedence:  These Powers unanimously agreed to the following articles on that subject... see THE POLYNESIAN, Saturday, July 20, 1844

1816 -  Russian ships IIMEN; KADIATE: and OTKYODE arrived in Hawaii.

          Kaumualii of Kauai was claimed to have signed a document putting the island of Kauai under the protection Russia's Czar.

1817  -  Kaumualii of Kauai renounced the Russian's claim.

            Abroad, in the foreign port of Macao, the Hawaiian flag was flown for the first time.

1818 -  Spanish pirates captured by the ship ARGENTINA arrived in Hawaii.

           Chile and LaPlata declared independence from Spain.

1819 -  Kamehameha set aside the kapu system, an ancient system involving men, women eating separately, the people kneeling before high chiefs/alii, rituals, etc.  He instructed his chiefs/alii as well.

1822 -  Independence of Brazil was recognized.

           The Secret Treaty of Verona was signed by Austria, France, Russia, Prussia, United States and the Vatican.  Reference from the Congressional files uncovered by researcher Wolfram Graetz.  The move towards One World Order/New World Order is indicated here:



Senator Owen: I wish to put in the Record the secret treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822, showing what this ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the many. I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this treaty because it is the threat of this treaty which was the basis of the Monroe doctrine. It throws a powerful white light upon the conflict between monarchical government and government by the people. The Holy Alliance under the influence of Metternich, the Premier of Austria, in 1822, issued this remarkable secret document:


The undersigned, specially authorized to make some additions to the treaty of the Holy Alliance, after having exchanged their respective credentials, have agreed as follows:
ARTICLE 1. The high contracting powers, being convinced that the system of representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchical principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the divine right, engage mutually, in the most solemn manner, to use all that their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever county it may exist in Europe, and to prevent it being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known.
ARTICLE 2. As it can not be doubted that the liberty of the press is the most powerful means used by the pretended supporters of the rights of nations to the detriment of those of princes, the high contracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper measures to suppress it, not only in their own States but also in the rest of Europe.
ARTICLE 3. Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective States those measures which clergy may adopt, with the aim of ameliorating their own interests, intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations.
ARTICLE 4. The situation of Spain and Portugal unite unhappily all the circumstances to which this treaty has particular reference. The contracting parties, in confiding to France the care of putting an end to them, engaged to assist her in the matter which may the least compromit [sic] them with their own people and the people of France by means of a subsidy on the part of the two empires of 20,000,000 of francs every year from the date of the signature of this treaty to the end of the war.
ARTICLE 5. In order to establish in the Peninsula in the order of things which existed before the revolution of Cadiz, and to insure the entire execution of the articles of the present treaty, the high contracting parties give to each other the reciprocal assurance that as long as their views are not fulfilled, rejecting all other ideas of utility or other measure to be taken, they will address themselves with the shortest possible delay to all the authorities existing in their States and to all their agents in foreign countries, with the view to establish connections tending toward the accomplishment of the objects proposed by this treaty.
ARTICLE 6. This treaty shall be renewed with such changes as new circumstances may give occasion for, either at a new congress or at the court of one of the contracting parties, as soon as the war with Spain shall be terminated.
ARTICLE 7. The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications exchanged at Paris within the space of six months.
Made at Verona the 22nd November, 1822.
for Austria: METTERNICH
for Prussia: BERNSTET
for Russia: NESSELRODE
Senator Owen: "This Holy Alliance, having put a Bourdon prince upon the throne of France by force, then used France to suppress the condition of Spain, immediately afterwards, and by this very treaty gave her a subsidy of 20,000,000 francs annually to enable her to wage war upon the people of Spain and prevent their exercise of any measure of the right of self-government. The Holy Alliance immediately did not same thing in Italy, by sending Austrian troops to Italy, where the people there attempted to exercise a like measure of liberal constitutional self-government; and it was not until the printing press, which the Holy Alliance so stoutly opposed, taught the people of Europe the value of liberty that finally one country after another seized a greater and greater right of self-government, until now it may be fairly said that nearly all the nations of Europe have a very large measure of self-government.
"However, I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this important history in the growth of constitutional popular self- government. The Holy Alliance made its powers felt by the wholesale drastic suppression of the press in Europe, by universal censorship, by killing free speech and all ideas of popular rights, and by the complete suppression of popular government. The Holy Alliance having destroyed popular government in Spain, and Italy, had well-laid plains also to destroy popular government in the American Colonies which had revolted from Spain and Portugal in Central and South America under the influence of the successful example of the United States."
"It was because of this conspiracy against the American Republics by the European monarchies that the great English statesman, Canning, called the attention of our government to it, and our statesmen then, including Thomas Jefferson, who was still living at that time, took an active part to bring about the declaration by President Monroe in his next annual message to the Congress of the United States that the United States would regard it as an act of hostility to the government of the United States and an unfriendly act, if this coalition, or if any power of Europe ever undertook to establish upon the American continent any control of any American republic, or to acquire any territorial rights.
"This is the so-called Monroe Doctrine. The threat under the secret treaty of Verona to suppress popular government in the American republics is the basis of the Monroe Doctrine. This secret treaty sets fourth clearly the conflict between monarchial government and popular government, and the government of the few as against the government on the many."
(Senator Owen, Congressional Record 1916)


1824 -  The Russian Imperial Navy ship PREDPIYATIE captained by Otto von Kotzebue arrived in Hawaii.

1825 -  English frigate manned with forty-six-guns named BLONDE under Lord Byron brought the bodies of Kamehameha II and one of his seven(7) wives named Kamamalu back from England where they were exposed to measles.  They had returned some of the remains of Captain Cook, and were on a peaceful mission to learn more about Monarchy governments.

           Claims by England's Lord Byron attending a Hawaiian council meeting was made.  Lord Byron was claimed to have been under secret orders of England's King George IV to declare Hawaii as its protectorate from foreign intervention.

Note:  This is questionable since the Council of Alii/Chiefs were made up of the Secret Advisors of Kamehameha, their descendants.

           Lord Byron with his crew on the BLONDE bid farewell and made a stop at Kealakekua Bay where Captain James Cook died and placed an engraced brass plate inscribed with the following:

            "To the memory of Captain James Cook, R. N. who discovered these islands in the year of our Lord 1778.  This
             humble monument was erected by his fellow countrymen in the year of our Lord 1825."

Note:  Rather than that plaque, the following should replace it:

              "In the defense of intruders upon the shores of 1,650+ years inhabited Hawaiian Islands; in the year 1778, here resulted a massacre of several hundreds of human life, Hawaiians/kanaka maoli, who had befriended England's Captain James Cook and his foreign disease infested, immoral men who sought to kill our leaders, plunder, and to decimate our masses by multiples of diseases, carnal lust, slavery, greed, hatred, animosity and jealousy".

1827 -  The First U.S. Naval vessel entered Hawaii's port.

1836 - A Treaty between England and the Kingdom of Hawaii recognized the sovereignty and the independence of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

          A French Navy ship BONITE arrived, requesting permission for Fr. Arsenius Walsh, Irish-Catolic priest to reside in Hawaii.

          A British Warship ACTEON arrived and whose Captain Lord Edward Russell negotiated a Treaty between Great Britain and the "Sandwich Islands".

1837 - Two European ships arrived in Honolulu:  Sir Edward Belcher and his British Royal Navy ship SULPHUR; and Captain Abel du Pettithouars and his French Naval ship VENUS.

           They intervened in the conflicts between Catholic missionaries Alexis Bachelot and Patric Short.  The CLEMENTINE, a British Ship was chartered by the French.

1839 -  The French frigate ARTEMISE with Captain LaPlace threatened to fire on Honolulu unless Catholic priests were allowed into the Kingdom and liquor imported.  The King allowed them and revised the Missiona laws.

           A Treaty was signed and $20,000 paid to Captain LaPlace.

1840 - England annexed Aetearoa or New Zealand. 

Note:  Aetearoa, Samoan Islands, and the Hawaiian Islands were part of a democratic Pacific Empire recognized among nations.

1841 - An ambitious policy of guaranteeing the security of Slavery in the United States and the "whole of this continent" was proclaimed by Secretary Calhoun.

1842 - Hawaii's ambassadors Messrs. Haalilio and Richards left for the United States and Europe.

         "The United States of American first recognized publicly, and by an Act of Congress, 19th Dec. 1842, the sovereignty and independence of your Majesty's Kingdom".

Note:  Under the Law of Nations general convention, the Congress of Vienna convened, and "contained delegates from the eight principal Powers of Europe, Austria, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Prussia, who among other arrangements saw fit to terminate by mutual agreement, the dissension about precedence:  These Powers unanimously agreed to the following articles on that subject... see THE POLYNESIAN, Saturday, July 20, 1844

1843 -  "Great Britain, on the first of April 1843" recognized the sovereignty and independence of the Hawaiian Islands.

           "France next recognized publicly, by her joint guarantee with Great Britain, dated the 8th November, 1843."

Note:  Under the Law of Nations general convention, the Congress of Vienna convened, and "contained delegates from the eight principal Powers of Europe, Austria, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Prussia, who among other arrangements saw fit to terminate by mutual agreement, the dissension about precedence:  These Powers unanimously agreed to the following articles on that subject... see THE POLYNESIAN, Saturday, July 20, 1844

          Arrival of H.B.M. ship CARYSFORT with Lord George Paulet and crew.

A provisional cession of the islands to Great Britain was documented.

          July 31.  Admiral Thomas of the English Navy restored the sovereignty of the islands.

           November 28.  Great Britain and France recognized Hawaii's independence.

1844 - England and France's governments recognized the independence of the Hawaiian Islands.

Equal consideration of the three 1) The United States of America; 2) Great Britain, and 3) France was approved by the King and Premier of the Hawaiian Kingdom and signed by Kamehameha III, and Kekauluohi at Lahaina, Maui, on the 29th day of June, A.D. 1844.

Note:  Under the Law of Nations general convention, the Congress of Vienna convened, and "contained delegates from the eight principal Powers of Europe, Austria, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Prussia, who among other arrangements saw fit to terminate by mutual agreement, the dissension about precedence:  These Powers unanimously agreed to the following articles on that subject... see THE POLYNESIAN, Saturday, July 20, 1844

          Belgium's government recognized the independence of the Hawaiian Islands.

1845 -  British Treaty and Danish Treaty documented with the Hawaiian Kingdom.          

1848 -  Republics of France and Rome began. 

          The King of Prussia destroyed the German's unity at Frankfort, German's parliament.

1849 - French Admiral Tromelin arrived in the ship POURSUIVANTE.  Tromelin seized a Honolulu Fort.

          Occupation of the Fort and seizure of the yacht KAMEHAMEHA II was documented.

          Treaty concluded with the United States.

1850 - French consul, Mr. Perrin, arrived on the ship SERIEUSE.

1851 - A Protectorate by the U.S. was claimed according to American mercenary/missionary W. D. Alexander.

Note:  the issue remains questionable.  Such an action as "Protectorate" would have to require the approval by the House of Nobles, the House of Representatives and signed by the King in Privy Council according to the Constitution of 1840.

1852 -  Napoleon III became the Emperor of France.

           The Hawaiian Kingdom passed the anti-slavery law.

Note:  The United States passed their anti-slavery law which was almost identical to the Hawaiian Kingdom law in 1865 or 13 years later and after the assassination of U.S. President Lincoln.

1853 -  France annexed New Caledonia.

           U.S. President Franklin Pierce allowed slave ambitions in the America's and foreign lands.  Slavery was abolished by Great Britain in the West Indian islands.  Mexico abolished Slavery.  Spain abolished slavery in Cuba after a meeting in Belgium with the joint issue in the "Ostend Manifesto" involving Great Britain, France, and Spain.

           Three American ministers to Europe proclaimed that the United States intended on capturing Cuba, if it could not be bought.  This issue was called the "Ostend Manifesto" which became disowned.

1854 -  The United States signed a treaty with Japan.  Commodore Perry successfully completed his secon expedition/mission, and opened Japan to Wester trade.

            The U.S. President and associates seriously considered the formal annexation of the Hawaiian Islands according to the Native Hawaiian Study Commissions compilation, Volume II.

Note:  This is one of lies conjured up by the Americans looking to assume our Hawaiian Islands. 

Judge William L. Lee left for the United States according to the Probate 2410 (First Circuit Court) of Kamehameha III who died on December 15, 1854.  Executors appointed were Mataio Kekuanaoa (true father of Kamehameha IV); John Young/Keoni Ana (uncle of Emma who became Queen Emma married to Kamehameha IV); and William L. Lee (Judge and documented early Terrorist in Hawaii - he was an early American spy who worked for the American Consulate and Charles Reed Bishop's lover.  Charles Reed Bishop also worked for the American Consulate, an American spy, who was a banker, plantation owner who married one of Kamehameha's descendants, was employed with the Morgan bankers, owed several millions of dollars to the Hawaiian Kingdom for a loan, was a conspirator, pirate, treasonous person against Queen Liliuokalani and the Royal families, and the Hawaiian Kingdom subjects, et. als.)

1858 - New treaty made with France.

1861 - The Kingdom of Italy was established.  The King named was Victor Emmanuel.  Rome and Venice were not part of the Kingdom.

1864 - The Mercenaries/Missionaries in Hawaii provided nearly $12,000 American money to the U.S. Sanitary Commission (similar or like the Red Cross services) for the American Civil War (1863 - 1865),  Read THE FRIEND, December 5, 1864 Column 3, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

           In the U.S., an Amendment to the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was made abolishing slavery.

1867 -  A Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary was established.

           The new Emperor of Mexico Maximilian was shot.

           Midway Islands became occupied.

           Secretary of State W.H. Seward moved to acquire Santo Domingo and the Danish West Indies.  It was refused by the U.S. Senate.

1871 - The German Empire was founded after Paris surrendered.  Prussia's King William I became the German Emperor.

           In Italy, the Law of Papal Guarantees rejected by the Vatican; the Pope considered himself the prisoner of the Vatican.

           A settlement for the Treaty of Washington was made in the U.S.

1872 -   In Geneva, Switzerland an arbitration between the U.S. and Great Britain occurred.  The U.S. claimed that the British Government failed in allowing the Confederates (Civil War Southerners) to build and fit their ships/cruisers in the British ports contradicting their neutrality duties.  The verdict awarded the U.S. $15,5000,000 in gold.

Note:  The U.S. evolved into a predatory nation aggressively assuming Hawaiian private properties in 1893, which changed their status from one of neutrality to Warring, aggressive, criminal, terrorist, conspirators, deviants, etc. The planning, premeditation includes the following:

           Admiral A.M. Pennock, Commander of the North Pacific Squadron, General John M. Schofield, Commander of the U.S. Army in the Pacific, and Brigadier General B. S. Alexander were on a mission steaming to Hawaii aboard the U.S.S. California under secret orders by the War Department.  The plan was to visit Hawaii during the Holidays.

           Pearl Harbor, Schofield Barracks, Fort Armstrong, and other military staging areas on Oahu and the neighbor islands were mapped and pinpointed during this survey.

           Generals Sschofield and Alexander retured and reported on the value of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  "Admirals Irwin, Walker and Miller, agreed that it would be tremendously useful" providing the sand bar entrance be eliminated.

1873 - John Schofield/General Schofield arrived in Honolulu and concluded that Pearl Harbor should be acquired for strategic use in defending the West Coast from overseas invaders.

1875 -  The British purchased shares in the Suez Canal.

1876 -  King David Kalakaua signed a fraud deed over Pearl Harbor.  The deed was made out to two deceased ancestors 8-9 years after they died.  Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868.  He was the father of Paalua, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, Victorial Kamamalu, and stepfather to many others.  Grace Kamaikui died in 1866.  She was one of the wives of Mataio Kekuanaoa, T.C. B. Rooke, mother of Hueu, Kale, and Peke Davis; claimed adopted mother of her niece Emma who married Kamehameha IV.

Note:  The U.S. disclaimed any interest in Pearl Harbor according to Land Court application no. 966; however, the criminal entity Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates criminally claimed ownership and supported the fraud claim of the U.S. over Pearl Harbor.

1878 -  The Pacific Cable Company was formed by Charles Reed Bishop, sugar planters, who helped to pay for the costs of laying a cable for the U.S. communications which would also be used to inform them that the Japanese were coming.

Note:  The U.S. feared that the Japanese would enter San Francisco Bay, etc. and it would take more than 10 years to get them out.  Read the book VALOR OF IGNORANCE by Homer Lea or see pages in Afffidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) by Amelia Gora, Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

1879 - Atlantic Cable Company employee Celso Moreno came to Hawaii and befriended King David Kalakaua.  His project included the promotion of the California to China trans-Pacific cable.

           The French laid the Atlantic Cable.

1882 -  The French began the work on the Panama Canal.

1883 -  Great Britain occupied Egypt.

1884 -  The Trade Treaty was renewed with the U.S.  The Pearl Harbor locale was allowed for the U.S. to use as a naval base.  The Treaty was good for 10 years or due to expire in 1894.

Note:  The U.S. disclaimed any interest in Pearl Harbor according to Land Court application no. 966; however, the criminal entity Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates criminally claimed ownership and supported the fraud claim of the U.S. over Pearl Harbor.

            Germany annexed northeast New Guinea and Bismarck Archipelago.

1887 -  With guns to his head, King David Kalakaua signed a new Constitution accommodating American conspirators, treasonous person in Hawaii.  The Constitution was dubbed "The Bayonnet Constitution" by his sister Princess Liliuokalani (later became Queen Liliuokalani). 

            The Constitution was signed under duress and without the consent/ratification/approval by the Legislature.

           A Joint French-English-American Naval Commission was established over the Samoan Islands.

 Note:  The Samoan Islands, Aetearoa, and the Hawaiian Islands formed the Pacific Empire which was held by treaties since the time of Kamehameha.  Aetearoa was grabbed by England, (see previous entries).

1889 -  Pacific Cable Company was formed with the following members:

W.G. Irwin; H.F. Glade; P.C. Jones; H.A. Widemann; James Campbell; Charles Reed Bishop; Samuel Northrup Castle; John T. Waterhouse and unnamed others.

1892 - A Concerted Move to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani progressed:

            Lorrin A. Thurston, American, conspirator, treasonous person, offered to purchase the Hawaiian Islands for approximately $60,000.

           A. U.S. agent through the Annexation Club offered Queen Liliuokalani $250,000 to purchase the Hawaiian Islands.

           U.S. Secretary of the Navy, B..F. Tracy, met with Makua Valley rancher, Samuel Andrews, a nephew of Lorrin Thurston during the "preliminary contemplation ......of overthrowing the Monarchy" and talk about annexation after.

           Hawaiian Kingdom employees in Washington, D.C. Dr. Mott-Smith and Thomas Akaka (ancestor of Daniel Akaka promoter of the Akaka Bill presently pushing criminal assumptions of all lands, assets, identity(ies) of all kanaka maoli) consulted, confided, planned the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani and assume lands, assets, resources, etc. with communications from Sanford B. Dole, Lorrin Thurston, U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, Congress, et. als.

           May 24.  Cousin to Queen Liliuokalani Robert Wilcox, and Englishman Volney V. Ashford were arrested for Treason in Hawaii.  "On the morning of the 21st...twenty persons charged with the crime of treason against the Hawaiian Government were arrested.  Their object was the overthrow of the existing form of government by deposing Queen Liliuokalani and establishing a Hawaiian republic."

                        Robert Wilcox did try to overthow King David Kalakaua, also a cousin, and "he and his associates were convicted on like charges, they were promptly pardoned"..........Wilcox "was elected to the Legislature."

               "The leaders of the movement are understood to be Voleny V. Ashford and Robert Wilcox, the well-known agitators."
Read:  THE NEW YORK TIMES, published June 1, 1892.''

                "The penalty for treason is death; for conspiracy imprisonment, not to exceed ten years, and a fine of $1,000."

Read also articles "The Hawaiian Conspirators", THE NEW YORK TIMES, and "Trials for treason in Hawaii do not seem to be very fruitful in results...:, THE NEW YORK TIMES, Thursday, July 14, 1892.

Note:  It appears that this and previous moves to dethrone cousins King David Kalakaua, and his sister Queen Liliuokalani by Robert Wilcox and 19 others shows trial runs, testing over what was to come......Robert Wilcox appears to have been supported by the U.S., and Volney Ashford supported by England, etc.

Other New World Order/One World Order Activists - Masons/Freemasons:
The following article appeared in the Hawaiian newspapers before the criminal dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani:
Hawaiian Gazette, Honolulu, Tuesday, January 3, 1893
(note:  Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully dethroned on Tuesday, January 17, 1893, exactly two (2) weeks later.)
                                              THE NEW TEMPLE
The Corner-Stone Is Laid With Masonic Honors.
Eloquent Oration By Hon. Paul Neumann --- Full Account of the Impressive Ceremony.
Tuesday afternoon the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple, on the corner of Alakea and Hotel Streets, was laid with appropriate ceremonies by Hotel Streets, was laid ith appropriate ceremonies by Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. & A.M., for which lodge the new temple is being erected.
Everything passed off pleasantly and the impressive Masonic ceremony was witnessed by a vast concourse of people.  During the morning a number of carpenters were engaged erecting a platform for the limited guests.  The platform was a covered one and seats were provided for 300 people with a special row of chairs for the Royal party.
About 2:00 o'clock the procession started from the building at the corner of Fort and Queen streets.  A: present occupied by Hawaiian Lodge, and marched up Fort street to King, along King to Alakea and up Alakea to the scene of the ceremony, proceeding in the following order:
                                                                The Procession
                                                             Royal Hawaiian Band.
                                                           Henri Berger, Conductor.
                                                        Grand Tyler, with a Drawn Sword,
                                                             Bro. John Morris Angus
                                                        Two Grand Stewards, with White
                                                           Bro. Charles Jerome Campbell,
                                                           Bro. Archibald Forrest Gilillan.
                                                                        Grand Marshal,
                                                               Bro. James Anderson King.
                                                                      Entered Apprentices, 
                                                                          Fellow Crafts,
                                                                     Master Masons,
                                                                         Junior Deacons,
                                                                         Senior Deacons,
                                                                         Junior Wardens,
                                                                         Senior Wardens,
                                                                           Past Masters,
                                                             Brother Bearing Golden Vessel of
                                                                    Brother John Harris Soper,
                                                             Two Brethren Bearing Silver Vessel
                                                                       Of Wine and Oil
                                                                   Bro. Thomas James King,
                                                                       Bro. Robert Catton,
                                                          Grand Orator and Grand Chaplain,
                                                                        Bro. Paul Neumann,
                                                          P. .M. ., Alexander Mackintosh.
                                                       Principal Architect Bearing Working
                                                                    P..M..C. Briggs Ripley
                                                                       Grand Secretary
                                                                   P..M..John Philillips,
                                                                      Grand Treasurer.
                                                       P..M.. James Nelville Monsarrat.
                                                                    Grand Bible Bearer,
                                                                   Bro. Charles Ham(?)
                                                       Supported by two Stewards with
                                                                         White Rods,
                                                           Bro. William Francis Love
                                                            Bro. Abraham Fernandez
                                                                Grand Junior Warden,
                                                           P..M.. William M. Graham.
                                                             Grand Son of Warden,
                                                     P..M.. Theodore Cunningham Porter.
                                                               Deputy Grand Master,
                                                             P..M..John Astair Hasinger.
                                                                     Grand Master,
                                                      P..M.. William Fessenden Allen,
                                                     Supported by two Grand Deacons
                                                                     With Rods.
                                                        Bro. Clarence L. Crabbe,
                                                      Bro. Milton Nelson Sanders,
                                                          Grand Sword Bearer,
                                                      Bro. David Bowers Smith
                                                  Two Stewards with White Rods,
                                                     Bro. William George Ashley,
                                                     Bro. William Lewers Hopper.
When the procession reached the new building, thanks to Mr. E. D. Thomas, the contractor of the edifice, everything was in readiness for the ceremony of laying the cornerstone.
During the ceremony, odes were sung by the choir of St. Andrew's Catherdral, Mr. Wray Taylor accompanying on the organ.  The instrumental music was furnished by the Hawaiian Band under the direction of Professor H. Berger.
                                              The Ceremony
After a prayer byGrand Chaplain P.M. Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, an ode was sung by the choir, when the ceremony of laying the cornerstone was begun by W. M. Andrew Brown, on behalf of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A.M., who invited Grand Master P.M. W. F. Allen to commence the ceremonies.  The Grand Master responded as follows:
     We are gathered here today by invitation of the Grand Lodge of California, F. & A.M. under authority given me as follows:  "You will convene the Grand Lodge of California, F. & A.M., at Honolulu, H. I.. on the 27th day of December, 1892, for the purpose of laying the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple at that place, performing said ceremony in my place and stead, accepting this as your authority and deputation from me, C. R. Gretman, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California."; to witness and assist in the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of this building, which, when complete, will be the Hawaiian Masonic Temple.
     Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A. M.. was chartered by the Grand Lodge in California on the 5th day of May, 1872 our sister Lodge Le Progress some years older, and the charter members were:  Letanel Lyon, C. W. Vincent, Wm. Wond, Frederick W. Thompson, Andrew C. Mott, John Meek, David P. Penhallow, Jas. G. Saukins, Alexander J. Cartwright, Joseph Irwin, F.M. Stokes.
     From that time our Lodge has prospered, and today we have one hundred and twenty-seven members, and are able to erect this Temple.
     Masonry has always held a high position in Honolulu:  sovereigns, governors, judges, clergymen, and those most respected in our community have and do belong to the order.
     I do not say that all good citizens are Masons, but I do say that all good Masons are good citizens.
     Brother Masons, now that we shall become more prominent, let me ask you to unite with our neighbors the Young Men's Christian Association and the Honolulu Library and Reading Room Association in doing all we can by our good example, to promote good morals, and good citizenship in this our home city.
     After the Band played a selection Grand Secretary P.M. John Phillips read the contents of the box which was afterwards deposited in the cavity of the lower stone.  The box was made of sheet copper and was 14 l/2 inches long, by 9 inches wide by 7 inches high.  The following is the official list of the contents:
                                                        List of Documents.
     List of contents of receptacle of cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple, corner of Hotel and Alakea Streets laid on St. John's Day, December 27, 1892 at 2:00 P.M.
     Objects transferred from receptacle of the cornerstone of former Mason building corner of Queen and Fort Streets, (?) not published in the Daily Bulletin of December 16, 1892.
Photographs of Her Majesty Queen Liliuokalani.
Photograph of H.R.H. Princess Kaiulani.
Photograph of Hon. A.S. Cleghorn
Photograph of Hon. A.F. Judd, Chief Justice and Chancellor, P.M.
Photograph of C. W. F. Alle, P.M., Acting Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California.
Photograph of Andrew Brown, Master Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & A.M.
Photograph of J.H. Soper, Senior Warden of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & A.M.
Photograph of the Officers of Lodge le Progres de PO sat le No. 121 F. & A.M.
Photographs of prominent men, Masons and officials of this Kingdom.
Photographs of prominent public buildings.
List of Past Masters, Officers, Members, Trustees, Building Committee and Committee of Arrangements of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F& A.M.; Certified copy of the Dispensation of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California, delegating W.F. Allen, P.M. to lay the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple.
List of Meanings of Lodge de Progreess de l'Oceanie No. 121 F. & A.M.
List of Members of Kamehameha Lodge of Perfection.
Proceedings of Grand Lodge of California of 1881 (?).
Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1892 and 1893(?) compiled by Thos. G. Thrum.
History of the Hawaiian People by W.D. Alexander: Tourist's Guide Through the Hawaiian Islands, by H.M. Whitney
Compiled Laws of 1884.
Seventh Volume Hawaiian Reports.
Report of Chief Justice to Legislature of 1892(?).
Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, signed by King Kalakaua in 1887.
Report of the Minister of the Interior to the Legislature of 1892.
Copy of Catalogue of Library of Supreme Court.
Copy of rules of Supreme Court.
Session Laws of 1890 (?).
Act to Re-organize the Judiciary Department.
Report of the President of the Board of Health.
Report of the President of the Board of Education.
Review of the Honolulu Water Works by J.C. White, Superintendent.
Report of the Chief Engineer of the Honolulu Fire Department and of the Superintendent of the Honolulu Water Works to the Legislature of 1891(?).
List of the Cabinet:  list of the Supreme Court:  list of Government officials, Heads of Departments.
Daily Bulletin of December 16, 1892, containing a specified list of objects transferred from the cornerstone of former Masonic building to the receptacle of the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple.
Legal English and Hawaiian Papers.
Masonic Diploma(?) of King Kalakaua.
Complete set of Hawaiian postage stamps, postal cards and envelopes issued since 1878. 
Hawaiian Silver coins, $1, (?), 25c.,inc.: effigy of King Kalakaua.
Planters' Monthly for November, 1892.
Programs of the Ceremony of the Laying of the Cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple, December 27, 1892.

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