PH treaty explanation

show details Mar 30
signed Amelia Gora 11-7-08 |
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Malama pono everyone! aloha nui loa.
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol III No. 206 Wednesday - Legal Post October 24, 2008 Fwd: Important Foreign Affairs Affecting U.S. Occupation: 1) Premeditation to Take Over the Hawaiian Islands 2) Royal families are the Alii Trusts Owners recorded in the
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amelia Gora <>
Date: Oct 24, 2008 11:07 AM
Subject: Important Foreign Affairs Affecting U.S. Occupation: 1) Premeditation to Take Over the Hawaiian Islands 2) Royal families are the Alii Trusts Owners recorded in the Kingdom of Hawaii's aka's records, 3) $500 trillion dollars in gold coins due per yea
To:,,,,,, Dylan Blaylock <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Web Japan <>
The following was posted for the world to see from the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago/ He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii on Wednesday, October 22, 2008, through the news on the web IOLANI - The Royal Hawk (see
repost and part two(2)
Important Article Review by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha's, etals. descendants (2008)
The article showing the Premeditated, Planned Move to dethrone our Queen Liliuokalani was found by Shane Lee 2 1/2 months ago......The following is a Review of the article which affects all in our Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago/ He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii:
Washington, Jan. 8 - The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it stands in real need. Nothing has been done since 1884, when the Pearl Harbor site in the Hawaiian Islands became available, beyond a number of surveys which have abundantly demonstrated the excellence of this harbor as a site for a naval station.
Note: A deed from King David Kalakaua was claimed for by the KSBE - Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates because it was done in 1876 from King Kalakaua to Mataio Kekuanaoa (father of Kamehameha IV, V, Victoria Kamamalu, Moses, Paalua, etals.) and his wife Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui (mother of Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. Queen Emma was adopted by Dr. TCB Rooke alone and was regarded as an adopted child.) Important are the facts that Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868 and Grace Kamaikui died in 1866.
This means that the Pearl Harbor claims by the U.S. is a fraud. The owners of Pearl Harbor, Halawa Valley/Ahupuaa are the John Young's descendants and heirs. Many exist today.
This also means that the WAR over Pearl Harbor was a FRAUD, and hundreds of thousands of people died needlessly.. ....serious business folks......because many lives were lost over Pearl Harbor including the use of multiples of atomic bomb tests in the U.S., in the Marshall Islands, Hawaiian islands, Nagasaki, Japan, and Hiroshima, Japan! , etc.
The partiality of the Navy Department for the more distant Pago Pago as against Pearl Harbor is surprising to those who know England's ambition for securing the site on the Hawaiian Islands and the desire of the French and Germans to the same end. Pearl Harbor is regarded by these maritime nations as the best site for a war supply depot in the Pacific. Once secured by England, it places her principal station 2,700 miles nearer the Pacific seaports than the single coaling station and supply depot which this country owns, for Pago Pago is 5,000 miles from the California ports, while Pearl Harbor is 2,300 miles. The latter will serve at once as an aid in the protection of the Pacific coast cities and of the western entrance of the Nicaragua Canal, if it be completed under American control.
Note: The French did survey the Pacific Ocean and England, U.S. funded further studies in the Pacific. 3,000 miles was the determined amount of miles that the U.S. claimed for outside of the contiguous U.S. All free nations saw that as a threat. Although Pago Pago was brought up, the U.S. was not able to move and assume 5,000 miles because Japan, other nations would be within that range. The U.S. move was based on the "Monroe Doctrine". This in effect put all nations on alert.
In reality, the U.S. President and Congress have limitations of only 300 miles outside of the contiguous U.S. according to the U.S. Supreme Court documented in 1996.
After the criminal dethronement of Hawaii's Queen, the U.S. grabbed for Hawaii, England grabbed for Aetearoa/New Zealand, and the Germans grabbed for the Samoan Islands.
Our Hawaiian islands, Aetearoa, and Samoan Islands were known as the Pacific Empire and was pulled together through treaties by Kamehamameha.
The bankrupt nations had invested in the slave nation U.S. Civil War, losses were great and the U.S. was able to borrow from the German Jews who expected a 10% return in interest. A U.S. representative approached King Kalakaua and our House of Nobles for a loan and were declined because payment would not have been for thousands of years ---only interest amounts would have been given.
Kamehameha III in our Hawaiian islands passed the anti-slavery law in 1852, the American Civil War financed by France, England, and the U.S. sufferred great losses and owed to the Bank of England.
In 1865, the U.S. passed the anti-slavery law with nearly exact wording as Kamehameha III's anti-slavery law.
The remote Pago Pago might as well be in the Atlantic for all the value a station at that place would be in protecting either the Pacific possess alone or any interests she may have at Nicaragua, and Pago Pago might as well be under the British flag if the English Government is to secure the right to coal her vessels and repair her ships in Pearl Harbor. This is what the English Government is striving for and will probably be in possession of when the existing treaty between the United States and the Hawaiian Government shall have expired. This will be in 1894, and although a new treaty is now pending, which may take the place of the present convention, before the date of expiration, there is a possibility that the privilege which the United States now possesses on the Island of Oahu may be lost. In which event, the English are pretty sure to outgeneral the French and the Germans in securing the most important and valuable naval station in the Pacific.
Note: The date of the article in the New York Times was January 9, 1893 or seven (7) days before the move by Americans in Hawaii to assume the Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian government/Hawaiian archipelago/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii.
The Pearl Harbor Treaty was expected to expire in 1894. Queen Liliuokalani documented the U.S. as having breached the Law of Nations, she was criminally dethroned by conspirators/ PIRATES/terroror ists/treasonous persons in Hawaii who long sought the island paradise since they stepped foot on our ancient lands.
The conspirators/ PIRATES/terroris ts/treasonous persons under direct U.S. planned, premeditated orders criminally assumed a neutral, non-violent nation, whose Queen denied them loans for WARS against others, pay for WAR debts, etc. criminally assumed a friendly nation, moved to PIRACY and made treaties with their own selves, their own nation, the U.S.
All nations since 1893 have been on alert against the International PIRATES who move to enslaven all people of color/exterminate all people of color, etc. and move towards One World Order, etc.
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The article showing the Premeditated, Planned Move to dethrone our Queen Liliuokalani was found by Shane Lee 2 1/2 months ago......The following is a Review of the article which affects all in our Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago/ He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii:
Washington, Jan. 8 - The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it stands in real need. Nothing has been done since 1884, when the Pearl Harbor site in the Hawaiian Islands became available, beyond a number of surveys which have abundantly demonstrated the excellence of this harbor as a site for a naval station.
Note: A deed from King David Kalakaua was claimed for by the KSBE - Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates because it was done in 1876 from King Kalakaua to Mataio Kekuanaoa (father of Kamehameha IV, V, Victoria Kamamalu, Moses, Paalua, etals.) and his wife Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui (mother of Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. Queen Emma was adopted by Dr. TCB Rooke alone and was regarded as an adopted child.) Important are the facts that Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868 and Grace Kamaikui died in 1866.
This means that the Pearl Harbor claims by the U.S. is a fraud. The owners of Pearl Harbor, Halawa Valley/Ahupuaa are the John Young's descendants and heirs. Many exist today.
This also means that the WAR over Pearl Harbor was a FRAUD, and hundreds of thousands of people died needlessly.. ....serious business folks......because many lives were lost over Pearl Harbor including the use of multiples of atomic bomb tests in the U.S., in the Marshall Islands, Hawaiian islands, Nagasaki, Japan, and Hiroshima, Japan! , etc.
The partiality of the Navy Department for the more distant Pago Pago as against Pearl Harbor is surprising to those who know England's ambition for securing the site on the Hawaiian Islands and the desire of the French and Germans to the same end. Pearl Harbor is regarded by these maritime nations as the best site for a war supply depot in the Pacific. Once secured by England, it places her principal station 2,700 miles nearer the Pacific seaports than the single coaling station and supply depot which this country owns, for Pago Pago is 5,000 miles from the California ports, while Pearl Harbor is 2,300 miles. The latter will serve at once as an aid in the protection of the Pacific coast cities and of the western entrance of the Nicaragua Canal, if it be completed under American control.
Note: The French did survey the Pacific Ocean and England, U.S. funded further studies in the Pacific. 3,000 miles was the determined amount of miles that the U.S. claimed for outside of the contiguous U.S. All free nations saw that as a threat. Although Pago Pago was brought up, the U.S. was not able to move and assume 5,000 miles because Japan, other nations would be within that range. The U.S. move was based on the "Monroe Doctrine". This in effect put all nations on alert.
In reality, the U.S. President and Congress have limitations of only 300 miles outside of the contiguous U.S. according to the U.S. Supreme Court documented in 1996.
After the criminal dethronement of Hawaii's Queen, the U.S. grabbed for Hawaii, England grabbed for Aetearoa/New Zealand, and the Germans grabbed for the Samoan Islands.
Our Hawaiian islands, Aetearoa, and Samoan Islands were known as the Pacific Empire and was pulled together through treaties by Kamehamameha.
The bankrupt nations had invested in the slave nation U.S. Civil War, losses were great and the U.S. was able to borrow from the German Jews who expected a 10% return in interest. A U.S. representative approached King Kalakaua and our House of Nobles for a loan and were declined because payment would not have been for thousands of years ---only interest amounts would have been given.
Kamehameha III in our Hawaiian islands passed the anti-slavery law in 1852, the American Civil War financed by France, England, and the U.S. sufferred great losses and owed to the Bank of England.
In 1865, the U.S. passed the anti-slavery law with nearly exact wording as Kamehameha III's anti-slavery law.
The remote Pago Pago might as well be in the Atlantic for all the value a station at that place would be in protecting either the Pacific possess alone or any interests she may have at Nicaragua, and Pago Pago might as well be under the British flag if the English Government is to secure the right to coal her vessels and repair her ships in Pearl Harbor. This is what the English Government is striving for and will probably be in possession of when the existing treaty between the United States and the Hawaiian Government shall have expired. This will be in 1894, and although a new treaty is now pending, which may take the place of the present convention, before the date of expiration, there is a possibility that the privilege which the United States now possesses on the Island of Oahu may be lost. In which event, the English are pretty sure to outgeneral the French and the Germans in securing the most important and valuable naval station in the Pacific.
Note: The date of the article in the New York Times was January 9, 1893 or seven (7) days before the move by Americans in Hawaii to assume the Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian government/Hawaiian archipelago/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii.
The Pearl Harbor Treaty was expected to expire in 1894. Queen Liliuokalani documented the U.S. as having breached the Law of Nations, she was criminally dethroned by conspirators/ PIRATES/terroror ists/treasonous persons in Hawaii who long sought the island paradise since they stepped foot on our ancient lands.
The conspirators/ PIRATES/terroris ts/treasonous persons under direct U.S. planned, premeditated orders criminally assumed a neutral, non-violent nation, whose Queen denied them loans for WARS against others, pay for WAR debts, etc. criminally assumed a friendly nation, moved to PIRACY and made treaties with their own selves, their own nation, the U.S.
All nations since 1893 have been on alert against the International PIRATES who move to enslaven all people of color/exterminate all people of color, etc. and move towards One World Order, etc.
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The existing treaty, which was concluded in 1884 and ratified in 1887, contains an article proposed by this Government and accepted by the Hawaiian authorities as follows:
"His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands grants to the Government of the United States the exclusive right to enter the harbor of Pearl River in the island of Oahu, and to establish and maintain there a coaling and repair station for the use of vessels of the United States, and to that end the United States may improve the entrance to said harbor and do all other things needful to the purpose aforesaid."
Note: King David Kalakaua along with conspirators created a fraudulent set up by creating a deed over Halawa Ahupuaa (included Pearl Harbor) to two ancestors in 1876. Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868 and Grace Kamaikui died in 1866!
Identity theft/historical identity thefts occurred through the American criminals in our Hawaiian islands..... ....the theft of the identities of our ancestors were assumed by The PIRATES of the Pacific: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.
Charles Reed Bishop and Friends began the Pacific Cable Company in 1878 with the purpose of aiding the U.S. with information via the cable lines.
Celso Moreno, who became a good friend of King Kalakaua, was actually an American spy sent to assist in the Pacific Cable Company project. Moreno was actually employed by the Atlantic Cable Company.
The U.S. feared that the Japanese would enter San Francisco Bay, and from studies, and strategic maps made by Homer Lea etals (read VALOR OF IGNORANCE or see excerpts of the book filed in Affidavit Lien/Notice no. 96-177455 at the Bureau of Conveyances, filed on 12/17/96 and Kingdom of Hawaii File No. 2008-0001 as recorded in Doc. 2008-150014 9/25/2008 for the records, etc.) shows that it would take more than 10 years to get them out of San Francisco Bay, etc.
With the short time at the disposal of the United States for taking possession of the Pearl Harbor site under this treaty, it is regarded as remarkable that the Navy Department makes no demonstration of its exclusive right. Although the entrance of the harbor is to-day barred by a coral reef, there is opportunity for small vessels drawing not more than eight feet of water to enter the harbor. The appearance of a ship, even if it were nothing but a torpedo boat, flying an American flag would be a notice to the three nations which stand watching that the United States intends to occupy its property.
Note: Due to fraud, criminal claims, and criminal documents recorded, the facts remain that the true land owners, the Halawa Ahupuaa owners existed then and exist now.
Although one could argue that the King had every right to convey, the King did not have a claim in any of John Young's and Isaac Davis family lands.
King Kalakaua was not related by blood to the two and would have had a hard time to claim heirship to any of Kamehameha's sibling's family. Kamehameha's sibling was named Keliimaikai.
Besides, even a King could not bring dead people back to life.
Only criminals could bring dead people back on paper, and would have a difficult time in proving their existence without their presence, etc.
The land on the Island of Oahu can be easily secured. The main item of expense is the removal of a coral reef which is dead and when once dredged out will not reappear. Authorities differ regarding the cost of the work of effecting an entrance, but sufficient of the obstruction could be removed with the available $250,000 appropriated for the improvement of coaling stations to allow ships to enter the harbor. This sum is in the Treasury Department at the disposal of the Secretary of the Navy, who proposes to expand a part of it in oking(?) out the sum originally set aside for the construction of an iron pier at Pago Pago. While this is allowable under the law, since the pier at the remote Pago Pago is an improvement of a naval station, it is recalled that the $250,000 was was originally put in an appropriation bill for the purpose of making Pearl Harbor accessible. When one looks at the relative value of occupation of Pago Pago and of Pearl Harbor, there is no room for doubt that the Hawaiian site will serve the purpose of a naval station infinitely better than Pago Pago. If the $250,000 be frittered away on construction work at Pago Pago, no matter how meritorious that work may be, and Pearl Harbor be left without American demonstration of ownership, it will not be long before one of the European nations, without doubt the English, will take the Island of Oahu for its own benefit. This would make the money which is spent at Pago Pago superfluous expenditure. It is for this reason that the proposition to expend even a small portion of $250,000 originally appropriated for the Pearl Harbor site will be opposed to the end.
Note: the coral was not was only until the military came into the Hawaiian islands that caused death among the sealife, lands, soil, water, etc.
Pearl Harbor was at one time a thriving, colorful area, which was brimming with sealife, man created/kanaka maoli created fishing structures, oysters, clams, and yielded an abundant amount of food for the people.
Family stories shed light on the fact that pearls were gotten from the oysters in the past.
$250,000 was a mere amount compared to the loans that Charles Reed Bishop borrowed from the Kingdom of Hawaii just before they usurped Queen Liliuokalani ---- history notes showed $2,000,000 was borrowed, other researchers pointed out that it was more --- more like $3,000,000 and $4,000,000!
It was during King Kalakaua's reign that an American representative asked the King and our House of Nobles for a loan and were denied because only small interest amounts would be paid and the principal amount would not be paid for thousands of years!
Because the U.S. already had taken on loans from the German Jews, who expected a 10% interest, it appears that the U.S. is in deeper debt than what we have seen recently and are borrowing monies from many countries, along with the banks, Bank of England the funding agent of WARS and who gives out loans to both sides of WARS.
There is no fear among those who are interested in the proper defense of the Pacific seaports and our commercial interests in the Pacific that the new treaty which is preparing in the recesses of the State Department will withhold from the United States the exclusive right to the Pearl Harbor site granted in the treaty of 1884. The new treaty is known to establish better trade relations between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands, and corrects some of the commercial defects created by the McKinley bill. The privilege to occupy the Island of Oahu as a naval station will be included in the provisions of the convention unless some acutely able gentleman, as was once before done, makes mention of military occupation of Hawaiian soil. This is a matter on which the foreign nations are exceedingly sensitive, and the Hawaiian Government is no exception to the rule. The stipulated right to land troops on foreign soil is withheld except on application. This application in the case of the Hawaiian Islands in its relations with the United States would hardly be denied, since this country is in no sense antagonistic to the Hawaiian Government.
Note: "The privilege to occupy...... military occupation" is an admission of occupation of Hawaiian lands.
Contrary to the claim that "this country is in no sense antagonistic to the Hawaiian Government" --- the request for loans from our House of Nobles and denial shows a sense of antagonism.. ....a bankrupt nation cannot treaty and conventions are made instead.... the U.S. breached the law of nations and Queen Liliuokalani documented the fact(s).
The framer of the new treaty should avoid all mention of troops. All that is necessary is the continuance of the exclusive right to enter Pearl Harbor and establish and maintain there a naval station. The renewal of that right will account to little if the Navy Department continues its policy of inactivity, if it favors Pago Pago and neglects Pearl Harbor, if it allows say one of the three waiting European nations to take the only means of outside protection to our interests in the Pacific.
Note: Standing order by Washington, D.C. January 9, 1893 that "The framer of the new treaty should avoid all mention of troops" is but a continuation of the concerted effort by many, including B.F. Tracy who met with Thurston's family in Makua (yes, the site of the military bombings in Waianae, Oahu), and Dr. Mott Smith with Thomas Akaka planning to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani since 1892!
Note the Akaka name, and how it appears that there is yet another Akaka, namely Daniel Akaka/a kaka (translates to unko/dodo/waste product) up to no good planning to pass the AKAKA B(ull)ill in Washington, D.C. along with his cohorts including Lingle(penis nosed Jew), Inouye (one armed bandit), OBAAAAAma, etals.
For everyone's knowledge... .this article is clearly an important bit of historical information because this proves that the U.S., the agents in our Hawaiian islands, entity Provisional government, turned Republic of Hawaii (fashioned after Texas), turned Territory of Hawaii, executive order turned State of Hawaii--- with documented kanaka maoli oppositions- -- along with their agencies are illegal and have no jurisdiction in our Hawaiian archipelago. Legally, they are illegal.
They are to be credited for getting "down into that awful drag the Administration and the American flag into it with them" (excerpt from the New York Times, November 21, 1897 article: "The Hawaiian Disgrace".
The New York Times
Published: January 9, 1893
Note: Seven (7) days later, January 16, 1893, the conspirators/ PIRATES/criminal deviants/ usurpers/treasonous persons/American citizens dethroned Queen Liliuokalani, and secured a treaty contrary to the neutral status of the Hawaiian Kingdom and aligned with the U.S.
Our Hawaiian Islands are criminal occupiers who have criminally usurped the head, Queen Liliuokalani, are law breakers, thieves, conspirators, criminals, PIRATES, treasonous persons who have supported the U.S. and the goals to enslaven people of color, kill off the true owners of lands, and continue to bully, plunder upon innocents in the World today.
Linda Lingle and her gang of thieves (trustees of the various trusts, etals.) should be loaded on the unrepaired FALLS OF CLYDE historical ship and set out to sea!
They are the perpetuators of criminal activities against the true owners, true heirs, descendants of Kamehameha, etals. in the Hawaiian islands today and supported by the U.S., a nation aligned as a "colony of the Crown (of England)!" and on the momentum towards a new world order, one world order.....
aren't you even a little bit ashamed of your activities based on historical crimes documented? look at all the countless deaths, killing, suffering that you've caused.....
For the record of the Kingdom of Hawaii, all nations with a permanent treaty in place with Hawaii, and the World Court: The United States/United States of America/ U.S. and the treasonous persons documented supporting the U.S. in dethroning our Queen Liliuokalani, let it be known that this article, along with the 24+ years of research yields evidence that they are truly the real terrorists documented in our Hawaiian islands today.
As stated in prophesy by Queen Liliuokalani, the U.S. will fall apart if they don't make corrections. ......... .let the falling begin....(or continue)... ....
Continue to spend very little when you come to Hawaii! Don't swim in Waikiki due to the flesh eating bacteria, etc. Don't swim near Pearl Harbor due to the contaminants, suspected nuclear wastes disposed which kills off sea life, etc.
aloha and malama pono.
Additionally, for the record, this has also been filed as a lien/affidavit/ notice affecting all Royal families lands, assets, resources, etc. This filing is recorded as of today, October 24, 2008 9:00 a.m. as 2008-0034 which will also be recorded in the entity State of Hawaii, Bureau of Conveyances.
The Alii Trusts affected are as follows:
* Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE/ Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates aka's
- as one of the descendants of Kalola (w), first cousin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop; one of Kamehameha's, etals. descendants.
-as one of the descendants of Mataio Kekuanaoa, heir of Victoria Kamamalu, Kaioipahia (k)etals.
This has been researched, verified by a Royal person, a representative of our Royal families, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.
* Queen Emma/Queen's Hospital aka's
-as one of the descendants of Grace Kamaikui (w), Peke Davis (w), Isaac Davis, John Young, heir of Kamehameha III who did hanai/ adopt the children of Isaac Davis along with John Young named Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. Stipulations of Grace Kamaikui's will leaves her family, excepting Queen Emma, from heirship because she did not have bloodline descendant surviving her, etc. This has been researched, verified by a Royal person, a representative of our Royal families, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.
* Queen Liliuokalani/ Liliuokalani Children's Center/Liliuokalani Trust aka's
-as one of the descendants/ heirs of Queen Liliuokalani/ Makaeha/Kaeha/ Kamakaeha, King David Kalakaua, Keohokalole (w), Caesar Kapaakea, etals. This has been researched and verified by a Royal person, a representative of our Royal families, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.
* Queen Kapiolani Trust aka's
-as one of the descendants of Queen Kapiolani's hanai father named Kaluakini/Luakini (k) and his daughter or Queen Kapiolani's sister named Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini married to Joseph Gora. This has been researched and verified by a Royal person, a representative of our Royal families, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.
* King Lunalilo Trust aka's
-as one of the heirs of Charles Kanaina, father of King Lunalilo/KingWillia m Lunalilo/William Lunalilo for he had many documented heirs as listed below:
Here are the list of heirs out of the Estate of Charles Kanaina, First Circuit Probate No. 2426 - father of King Lunalilo:
Bernice Pauahi's heirs: Kalola's family
Ruth Keelikolani' s heirs: Mataio Kekuanaoa's family
Hana Lilikalani (w)
Edward Lilikalani (w)
Naihe (k)
A.W. Haalilio (k)
Levi Haalelea (k)
Kahuakaiola (k)
Pahau (w)
Kaaua (k)
Kaiapoepoe (k)
Nahihikua (w)
Namilimili (k)
Namakalele (w) hsb Ai (k)
Puahi (k) wife Lama (w)
Kilinahe (k) heirs
Pamahoa (w)
Kaneikolia (w)
Maele (w)
Kaupae (w) heirs
Kaupae (w)
Kalepa (k)
Maihui (k)
Kamakamohaha (k)
This has been researched and verified by a Royal person, a representative of our Royal families, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.
*Kamehameha Trusts aka's - includes the Trusts held in several banks such as San Francisco, China, American Savings Bank which secures the Coins of the Realm, the gold coins which was formerly banked by Charles Reed Bishop, his banks, etc.
This has been researched and verified by a Royal person, a representative of our Royal families, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.
Other Estates owned by our families:
Crown Lands and not that they are not Ceded lands due to documented activities involving Treason, etc.
This has been researched and verified by several Royal persons, including a representative of our Royal families, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.
Problematic Estates interests owned by our families:
James Campbell Estates
- descendant/heirs of his first wife named Hana Butler affecting lands of Edmund Butler, John Preveer/Previer, James Robinson (there appears a divorce affecting criminal claims of the Robinson's and criminal claims to lands belonging to Hana Butler's descendants/ heirs), and James Campbell who secured properties based on his first wife's family(ies). James Campbell with Hana Butler had a child who ended up in the Leper colony. James Campbell contracted syphillis and was unable to father children. Hana Butler died, James married Abigail Maipinepine whose brother was a judge associated with others who were documented as persons who committed treason, etc.
This has been researched and verified by several Royal persons, including a representative of our Royal families, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.
Also be aware that those parties claiming to own lands as documented above are without title and have purchased properties of the Royal families without granted authority and have instead bargained/participa ted in criminal transactions due to treason based claims perpetuated over time and have no rights to ownership.
Our Royal families maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and also continue to post billings to the U.S. through you Mr. George W. Bush for the amount of $500 trillion dollars in gold coins per year retroactive to 1893.
A reminder to you that our lands are not for sale, and Pearl Harbor lands are owned by the John Young's, Isaac Davis families who are also Kamehameha's descendant, Royal persons.
Amelia Gora
A Royal person, a Royal family representative, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
Legal Notice