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Kihei “Soli” Niheu is a Hawaiian National who has been at the forefront of Hawaiian struggles for four decades. Learning much from the struggles of the sixties for Native American, Black, Chicano and other oppressed peoples, Soli began to question the state of his people. When he returned to Hawaiʻi after studying in San Jose, California, Soli became a spokesperson for his Ni‘ihau ‘ohana and involved himself in the antiwar protests and the struggles for ethnic studies on the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa campus. He was a founder of Kokua Hawai‘i, a group that was influential in organizing against the evictions of Kalama Valley residents, actions that many mark as the reemergence of Hawaiian activism. Soli then became a lead member of HULI (Hawaiians United for Liberation and Independence) and has consistently represented Ka Pae ʻĀina ʻo Hawaiʻi with the Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific movement. A father and grandfather, “Papa Soli,” as he is affectionately known, continues to fight for his people. He is a founding member of Hui Pū, a diverse coalition of Hawaiians who organized to protect self-determination and oppose the model of federal recognition that Niheu and others believe is a sham of pseudo-sovereignty.

On Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians from Mo'olelo Aloha 'Aina on Vimeo.



Public Statement on U.S. militarism & occupation

Printed from: Punatalk
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Printed on: 12/05/2012


Topic author: silverpenny10
Subject: Public Statement on U.S. militarism & occupation
Posted on: 02/11/2011 13:34:16

"For Public Release concerning U.S. military training at Pohakuloa

Appeal for Solidarity!

We (the undersigned) appeal to all Hawaii peace, justice, environment, and independence activists, to the general public, and to local and state government officials. We ask that you stand in solidarity with us on Moku O Keawe in resistance to major U.S. military expansion at the 133,000-acre Pohakuloa Training Area, and now even helicopter assault training for Afghanistan on our sacred mountains --Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa.

We congratulate the Malama Makua community organization for its victory in stopping all military live fire in Makua Valley on Oahu. But Makua is still held hostage by the military and used to train for ongoing U.S. wars of aggression.

We are opposed to pushing U.S. desecration and contamination from one site to another. We want an end to U.S. occupation in Hawaii and the restoration of the Hawaii nation. We want the U.S. to stop bombing Hawaii and clean up its opala. We want to put an end to U.S. desecration and contamination of all sacred cultural sites. We do not want the U.S. training anywhere to do to others what the U.S. has already done to Hawaii: overthrow and occupy its government and nation, desecrate its sacred sites, and contaminate its air, land, water, people, plants, and animals with military toxins.

Restore the Hawaii Nation!
End U.S. Terrorism!
Military Clean-Up NOT Build Up!
Stop all the Wars! End all Occupations!

Further contact: Jim Albertini 966-7622
Contact: Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.

Isaac Harp, Kelii "Skippy" Ioane, Hanalei Fergerstrom,
Kihei Soli Niheu, Ali`i Sir Kaliko Kanaele, Calvin Kaleiwahea,
Lloyd Buell, Danny Li, Stephen Paulmier, Ronald Fujiyoshi,
Moanikeala Akaka, Tomas Belsky, Penny Silva, Samuel Kaleleiki, Jim Albertini..."  



Kihei Soli Niheu:

It is with deep sadness that I will not be able to attend memorial services for Kupuna Marion because of dialysis sessions. However, let me have the oportunity to express my Aloha for this wonderful and beautiful person. I was very fortunate to work along side of Marion for four decades starting with Ethnic Studies and the Peoples’ Committee. And I was even more fortunate to work with her in Wawamalu, Kalama Valley. For forty years, she was the Kumu and I was the Haumana. Until I can duplicate her experience and her knowledge, I will forever be a Haumana and I will continue to learn from others.

It has been said, “Who can find a precious Woman, for her price is far above Rubies.” This was Marion. She was the Kumu of many in our struggles for Liberation and Independence. Her Manaʻo was not based on fairy tales or hearsay, but rather on cold hard facts of History.

Who will replace this Wahine Koa Nui? Who will be willing to spend a Lifetime dedicated to what is Pono and not what is convient. Who will be willing to speak the truth? As long as the americans keep telling lies, Kupuna Marion kept telling the truth and for that reason I adore and love her and I will certainly continue to follow the path that she has paved for me.

Mahalo Na Akua for allowing me opportunity for being a part of her Life. And to Colleen and Kathy. Mahalo Nui loa for sharing the lives of your Na Makua with us. Me Ke Aloha Pumehana, Aloha a hui hou Marion




  1. Aloha Oʻe e Anakala Soli! Give my Aloha to my Ohana.
  2. Kihei Soli Niheu, RIP. I'm hoping to let all who heard your words, seen your presence, and felt your love. Continue to carry on your unfinished crusade. May new faces google your name, and not forget your cause
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  7. O ko'u me'e wiwa'ole, hoe aku, hoe a pae me Ka onipa'a,mahalo no ~♥
  8. Miss you already my bruddah! Mahalo for giving us great memories.