reply by amelia gora (517 posts) Mililani, Hawaii, Kingdom of Hawaii 3/13/2006 (21:42) |
Response to message 1 written by amelia gora
part 3 of 3:
Thomas Paine was an early writer who influenced Thomas Jefferson in writing the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Thomas Paine was known for his writings: COMMON SENSE – best seller “with half a million copies distributed in short order. Jefferson, Washington, and John Adams read this pamphlet; Congress voted him $3000 for his pampheteering services, and the state of New York awarded him three hundred acres of land. The propaganda caught fire throughout the land; the militant phrases did their work, and wer reflected almost immediately in the Declaration of Independence. Paine wrote THE RIGHTS OF MAN and THE AGE OF REASON.
Paris, July 30th, 1796.
As censure is but awkwardly softened by apology, I shall offer you no apology for this letter. The eventful crisis to which your double politics have conducted the affairs of your country, requires an investigation uncramped by ceremony.
There was a time when the fame of America, moral and political, stood fair and high in the world. The re of her revolution extended itself to every individual, and to be a citizen of America gave a title to respect in Europe…The Washington of politics had not then appeared…I declare myself opposed to several matters in the constitution, particularly to the manner in which, what is called the Executive, is formed….I also declare myself opposed to almost the whole of your administration; for I know it to have been deceitful, if not even perfidious…
It was very well said…that “thirteen staves and never a hoop will not make a barrel,” and as any kind of hooping the barrel, however defectively executed, would be better than none, it was scarcely possible but that considerable advantages must arise from the federal hooping of the States. It was with pleasure that every sincere friend to America beheld as the natural effect of union, her rising prosperity, and it was with grief they saw that prosperity mixed, even in blossom, with the germ of corruption. Monopolies of every kind marked your adminstration almost in the moment of its commencement. The lands obtained by the revolution were lavished upon partizans; injustice was acted under pretence of faith; and the chief of the army became the patron of the fraud. From such a beginning what else could be expected, than what has happened? A mean and servile submission to the insults of one nation; treachery and ingratitude to another. The fugitives have found protection in you…
As the federal constitution is a copy, though not quite so base as the original, of the form of the British Government, an imitation of its vices was naturally to be expected.
The part I acted in the American Revolution is well known; I shall not here repeat it. I know also that had it not been for the aid received from France in men, money and ships, that your cold and unmilitary conduct, as I shall show in the course of this letter, would, in all probability have lost America; at least she would not have been the independent nation she now is. You slept away your time in the field till the finances of the country were exhausted, and you have but little share in the glory of the final event. It is time, sir, to speak the undisguised language of historical truth.
Elevated to the Presidency you assumed the merit of every thing to yourself, and the natural ingratitude of your constitution began to appear. You commenced your Presidential career by encouraging and swallowing the grossest adulation, and you travelled America from one end to the other, to put yourself in the way of receiving it. You have as many addresses in your chest as James the II. As to what were your views, for if you are not great enough to have ambition you are little enough to have vanity, they cannot be directly inferred from expressions of your own; but the partizans of your politics have divulged the secret.
John Adams has said, (and John it is known was always a speller after places and offices, and never thought his little services were highly enough paid) – John has said, that as Mr. Washington had no child, the Presidency should be made hereditary in the family of Lund Washington. John might then have counted upon some sinecure for himself, and a provision for his descendants. He did not go so far as to say, also, that the Vice Presidency should be made hereditary in the family of John Adams. He prudently left that to stand, on the ground that one good turn deserves another....The right to set up and establish hereditary of a degree beyond treason; it is a sin against nature. The equal rights of every generation is a fixed right in the nature of things; it belongs to the son when of age, as it belonged to the father before him…
John Jay has said, (and this John was always the sycophant of every thing in power, from Mr. Girard in America to Grenville in Englalnd) –John Jay has said, that the Senate should have been appointed for life. He would then have been sure of never wanting a lucrative appointment for himself, and have had no fears about impeachment…
I began to find that I was not the only one who had conceived an unfavorable opinion of Mr. Washington; it was evident that his character was on the decline as well among Americans, as among foreigners of different nations. From being the chief of the government, he had made himself the chief of a party…The mission of Mr. Jay to London…was beginning to be talked of….
In the year 1790, or about that time, Mr. Washington, as President, had sent Gouverneur Morris to London, as his secret agent…If, while Morris was minister in France, he was not an emissary of the British ministry and the coalesced powers, he gave strong reason to suspect him of it…Morris still loiters in Europe, chiefly in England; and Mr. Washington is still in correspondence with him. Mr. Washington ought, therefore, to expect, especially since his conduct in the affairs of Jay’s treaty, that France must consider Morris and Washington as men of the same description. The chief difference, however, between the two is, (for in politics there is none) that one is profligate enough to profess an indifference about moral principles, and the other is prudent enough to conceal the want of them…Errors, or caprices of the temper, can be pardoned and forgotten; but a cold, deliberate crime of the heart, such as Mr. Washington is capable of acting, is not to be washed away…
The character which Mr. Washington has attempted to act in this world, is a sort of non-describable, camelion-colored thing, called prudence. It is, in many cases, a substitute for principle, and is so nearly allied to hypocrisy, that it easily slides into it…
The first account that arrived in Paris of a treaty being negotiated by Mr. Jay, (for nobody suspected any) came in an English newspaper, which announced that a treaty, offensive ad defensive had been concluded between the United States of America and England. This was immediately denied…but at length the treaty itself arrived…The party papers of that imbecile adminstration were on this occasion filled with paragraphs about sovereignty. A paltroon may boast of his sovereign right to let another kick him, and this is the only kind of sovereignty shown in the treaty with England…
The Washington administration shows great desire that the treaty between France and the United States be preserved. Nobody can doubt its sincerity upon this matter. There is not a British minister, a British merchant, or a British agent, or factor, in America, that does not anxiously wish the same thing. The treaty with France serves now as a passport to supply England with naval stores, and other articles of American produce; whilst the same articles, when coming to France, are made contraband, or seizable, by Jay's treaty with England....It is too paltry to talk of faith, of national honor, and of the preservation of treaties, whilst such a barefaced treachery as this stares the world in the face.
The Washington administration may save itself the trouble of proving to the French government its most faithful intentions of preserving the treaty with France; for France has now no desire that it should be preserved; she had nominated an envoy extraordinary to America, to make Mr. Washington and his government a present of the treaty, and to have no more to do with that, or with him. It was at the same time officially declared to the American minister at Paris, that the French Republic had rather have the American government for an open enemy than a treacherous friend. This, sir, with the internal distractions caused in America, and the loss of character in the world, is the eventful crisis alluded to in the beginning of this letter…
A stranger might be led to suppose, from the egotism with which Mr. Washington speaks, that himself, and himself only, had generated, conducted, completed, established, the revolution. In fine, that it was all his own doing…Mr. Washington’s merit consisted in constancy…
But when we speak of military character, something more is to be understood than constancy; and something more ought to be understood than the Fabian system of doing nothing. –The nothing part can be done by any body. Old Mrs. Thompson, the house-keeper of head quarters (who threatened to make the sun and the wind shine through Rivington of New York) could have done as well as Mr. Washington. Deborah would have been as good as Barak.
Mr. Washington had the nominal rank of Commander in Chief; but he was not so in fact…He had no control over, or direction of, the army to the northward, under Gates, that captured Burgoyne, nor of that of the south, under Green, that recovered the southern States. The nominal rank, however, of Commander in Chief, served to throw upon him the re of those actions, and to make him appear as the soul and centre of all the military operations in America….
It appears that the intent of the new U.S. government was to be one following England:
“the Presidency should be made hereditary in the family of Lund Washington. John might then have counted upon some sinecure for himself, and a provision for his descendants. He did not go so far as to say, also, that the Vice Presidency should be made hereditary in the family of John Adams. He prudently left that to stand, on the ground that one good turn deserves another....The right to set up and establish hereditary of a degree beyond treason; it is a sin against nature. The equal rights of every generation is a fixed right in the nature of things; it belongs to the son when of age, as it belonged to the father before him…”
Perhaps if Washington had children, the above would have been set in place. Washington had many relatives living with him, owned Bank of England’s shares which appears to have been assumed by his relatives who were also descendants of George III of England.
When the revolution of America was finally established…the minister penitentiary, (as some of the British prints called him) Mr. Jay, was sent on a pilgrimage to London, to make all up by penance and petition….The commerce of America, so far as it had been established, by all the treaties that had been formed prior to that by Jay, was free…The commerce of America is, by Jay’s treaty, put under foreign dominion. There never was such a base and servile treaty of surrender, since treaties began to exist….
And as to you, sir, treacherous to private friendship (for so you have been to me, and that in the day of danger) and a hypocrite in public life, the world will be puzzled to decide whether you are an apostate or an impostor, whether you have abandoned good principles, or whether you ever had any?
Thomas Paine
Notes and Comments:
George Washington’s dual roles appear to have been recognized by Thomas Paine in the following about ‘double politics’:
“The eventful crisis to which your double politics have conducted the affairs of your country, requires an investigation uncramped by ceremony.”
Washington played the role of a ‘Royal person not subject to the laws in a country based on another government unlike a Monarchy’:
Elevated to the Presidency you assumed the merit of every thing to yourself, and the natural ingratitude of your constitution began to appear. You commenced your Presidential career by encouraging and swallowing the grossest adulation, and you travelled America from one end to the other, to put yourself in the way of receiving it. You have as many addresses in your chest as James the II.
James the II was the King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1685-88).
James the II was succeeded by William of Orange, his brother-in- Law.
William of Orange, after the 1689 revolution, “signed the Bill of Rights which reaffirmed ancient rights of people and Parliament.”
William of Orange’s son became William III (1689-1702).
James II’s daughter Anne ruled (1702-1714)
George I (1714-1727)
George I “left the affairs of the government in the hands of the ministers”, because he could not “easily speak English”.
George II (1727-1760)
George II “left the affairs of the government in the hands of the minsters”, Because he could not “easily speak English”.
George III (1760-1820)
George IV (1820-1830)
* * * * * George Washington’s ancestor was Edward III (1327-1377). Edward III had three children Edward, the Black Prince; John Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and Edmund, Duke of York.
It was the line of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster that ruled England till today.
All three lines (3 children of Edward III) were Royal persons.
* * * * *
It appears that Thomas Paine knew a bit of genealogy when commenting about Washington and comparing him to James II.
It appears that the U.S. was maneuvered to be under England by Washington’s imbecile administration:
The party papers of that imbecile adminstration were on this occasion filled with paragraphs about sovereignty. A paltroon may boast of his sovereign right to let another kick him, and this is the only kind of sovereignty shown in the treaty with England…
Washington operating under a dual role was:
“ treacherous to private friendship (for so you have been to me, and that in the day of danger) and a hypocrite in public life, the world will be puzzled to decide whether you are an apostate or an impostor, whether you have abandoned good principles, or whether you ever had any?”
Thomas Paine was not popular with “politicians for denouncing Washington”.
A hundred years later, Warmonger Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. President “denounced Thomas Paine as “a filthy little atheist.”
Warmonger’s the TRUTH.
* * * * *
· Laws based on Presidential Executive Order/Discretion/Executive Privilege
Washington defended the Presidential privilege. However, this privilege appears to be a Royal issue and has no place in the Democratic government. It appears that he turned his Royal decree/issue and ran with it unopposed. This in turn became one of a “custom” which has the ‘force of law’, but the reality is that it is NOT LAW.
A Monarchy government has a King. “The King reigns but does not rule. He represents to the people of England the continuing presence of their own power in the constitution; by his very permanence he is the symbol of the impermanence of politicians, and by his stability the reminder to them that their business is not their own power but the well-being of his people.”
THE MONARCHS OF ENGLAND (1975) by Jean Morris, Charterhouse, New York, Reference 923.142M Hawaii Kai Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
A Democratic government has a President, who is NOT A KING. It is a government that is not in alignment with a Monarchy government.
In 1822, the Secret Treaty of Verona was agreed to by France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, the Vatican, U.S., and England. The purpose was to break down/block the formation of Monarchy governments.
The Masons/Freemasons were also set up to break down Monarchy governments as well.
Finally, there is a saying “One lie makes a hundred.”
“All countries have passed through periods when someone who should not rule has made the attempt to rule over them, but a strong instinct forced them at once to concentrate their energies and to crush that irregular claim to exercise power. They rejected the passing irregularity and thus reconstituted their morale as a people….There can be no elastic vigour for the difficult task of retaining a worthy position in history in a society whose State, whose authority, is of its very nature a fraud.”
Therefore, many lies are hereby documented from the dishonest teachings that George Washington was the first President, he operating as a Royal person and a citizen of a Democracy, LIES to his people/deceit/fraud, operating with two incompatible governments, a scoundrel as documented by Thomas Paine, utilizing private interests in funding WARS/Business of Wars, etc.
Other References:
THE REVOLT OF THE MASSES (1957) by Jose Ortega Y Gasset, W. W. Norton & Company Inc, New York
HERE’S ENGLAND (1955) by Ruth McKenney Bransten and Richard Bransten, Harper & Row, Publishers, Incorporated
THE AMERICAN NATION YESTERDAY AND TODAY (1942) by Rolla M. Tryon and Frances Morehouse, The Athenaum Press, Ginn and Company, Proprietors, Boston, U.S.A.
IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO- (posted in the IOLANI-The Royal Hawk Vol 1 No. 68 or see at or )
Responses: 3 |
A matter of International Records........for everyone's information.............has been posted on many websites, and to the following governments due to the GAZA issues which Hillary Clinton and OBAMA is blocking peace activists.... fyi
portions of the Legal Notice:
From: amelia gora <>
Sent: Sat, July 2, 2011 7:41:05 AM
Subject: Hawaiian Kingdom Records 2011-2002a fyi from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs Re: Dissent is Patriotic
Remembering July 4 th etc.: "Americans Addicted to A--Holes" --- George Washington, Scum and Scoundrel #1 up to OBAMA...
update on what's happening with the GAZA and the peace ships:
Freedom Flotilla Live Blog
Adam Shaprio, an International Flotilla Committee organiser and spokesperson told Al Jazeera: “The captain has been charged with a felony. Initially it [the charge] was a misdemeanor, but it has been upgraded to a felony."
"The ship itself is currently in the naval compound, where it is being detained," Shapiro said.
"We [the International Flotilla Committee] however will continue to challenge this [the Greek ban] and we are challenging it this weekend politically.
"We have people working in the political scene here in Greece to put pressure. We are working on the legal options and we intend to sail still to Gaza," Shapiro said.
The Associated Press reports that activists accuse Israel of damaging two ships docked in Turkey and Greece that are part of a flotilla attempting to reach the Palestinian territory with humanitarian aid. Efforts were further stalled Friday when Greece prevented ships from sailing.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Yigal Palmor on Saturday dismissed the sabotage charges as "ridiculous," calling them "sad conspiracy theories."
US flotilla activists attempted to leave Greek waters to head for Gaza on Friday, but were turned around by Greek authorities. Videos in this compilation were sent in to Al Jazeera by activists on board. The video depicts parts of the confrontation between Greek coast guard officials and activists on board the Audacity of Hope.
The captain on board the US ship to Gaza has been arrested by Greek authorities for a felony after being brought before a prosecutor, Jane Hirschmann, a member of ‘Jews Say No!’ and a coordinator for the Gaza Flotilla movement told Al Jazeera.
Activists on board the US boat dubbed the Audacity of Hope are currently holding a press conference about the captain’s arrest and the Greek government decision to decision to prevent all flotilla vessels from leaving Greek ports.
Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal reflects on the role of the flotilla in his newest blog: 'Getting in bed with Israel has now made Greece morally bankrupt too'.
"Greece has been brought to its knees because of the global economic recession which arguably hit it harder than any other country in Europe, but its new found friends will do little to help it stand back on its feet.
Since last year's Freedom Flotilla, and the outcry cause by Israel's murder of nine innocent civilians in international waters, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been doing his best to prevent a similar expedition of humanitarians exposing Israel's true nature."
Read the full blog posting here:
Activists who were on board the US vessel in the flotilla to Gaza, called the Audacity of Hope, in front of their ship. On Friday, they attempted to leave the port in Athens, Greece, but were turned around by the Greek Coast Guard.
view more at aloha.
re: comment about the Presidents etc.
the difference being that these have references, research was done vs. blanket approach to the genealogies------took lots of reading, piecing info together etc. actual research, gathering aged books, etc.
The research has taken much more efforts than a simple statement, because like many Hawaiians who don't do their homework, they say everyone's related........and disregard the long time (30+ years history, 22 years genealogy(ies), etc.) research.
maybe see you on the 6th July. Till then.
From: pilipo <>
To: amelia gora <>
Sent: Sat, July 2, 2011 8:16:48 PM
Subject: Re: Biography of an Aide to General Bundy
Remembering July 4 th etc.: "Americans Addicted to A--Holes" --- George Washington, Scum and Scoundrel #1 up to OBAMA...
From: History Researchers <>
Sent: Sat, July 2, 2011 6:30:09 AM
Subject: Biography of an Aide to General Bundy
NEW on! The Second Edition of "A Salute to Patriotism: The Life and Work of Major General Howard L. Peckham" was published in May 2011 and is now available at
When he was a young lieutenant and stationed at Ft. Hayes, Ohio, Howard Peckham served as aide to General Omar Bundy.
"A BOY growing up on a farm in Connecticut, a descendant of Revolutionary War heroes, dreams of graduating from West Point. That dream comes true, and his career in the U.S. Army lasts more than thirty-five years. The first two decades, which are engagingly described, are spent moving with his wife and two children to assignments with the Corps of Engineers and staff appointments with divisions of the Armored Force. During World War II he transfers to the Quartermaster Corps to head its Fuels & Lubricants Division. For meritoriously procuring fuels and allocating them to American troops worldwide, he receives a Distinguished Service Medal. . . .In postwar France, he heads the American Graves Registration Command . . . a huge task that he and the U.S. Army perform admirably. . . .Duty, country, and patriotism dominate his life to the end, as shown in this thoroughly researched book, A Salute to Patriotism."
History Researchers
Hi Pilipo -
Aran put out a book Fake State..........was that served on the entity State? We have a number of documents that were served to the Attorney General's office, and even the Presidents from Clinton thru Obama.
Countering all with documentation stands. The entity State is operating on lands that they don't have title to..........
Evidence is all over the world now and like a trapped animal, the entity State is defending itself in a little corner....
I suggested to Pomai that we have Pirate flags (maybe at the tops of the U.S. flag) surrounding the area with our Hawaiian flags outside of that flag.
perhaps the Pirate flag could have red circles with part of the "x" meaning NO PIRATES?
Is Aran drumming up a CEASE and DESIST? or others looking at Independence, a separate government, Henry Noa is for a Nation within a Nation, etc.
Secret signing of SB1520?
haven't heard anything..........but the following was posted by HAWAIIAN INDEPENDENT...aloha.
Senate Bill 1520 intended to facilitate Akaka Bill
HONOLULU—Next week, Gov. Neil Abercrombie will be holding a bill signing ceremony for Senate Bill 1520, which the governor says will significantly improve protection of cultural rights, “ceded lands” and other entitlements, advance self-governance, and heal the “kaumaha”—the heaviness or sorrow.
Specifically, the bill establishes a five-member Native Hawaiian roll commission in the Office of Hawaiian affairs for administrative purposes to prepare and maintain a roll of qualified Native Hawaiians. The commission will publish the roll to facilitate commencement of a convention for the purpose of organization. The governor of Hawaii is required to dissolve the commission after publication of the roll.
The bill signing ceremony will occur at Washington Place, former home of Queen Liliuokalani, on Wednesday, July 6 at 2:00 p.m.
The governor said the bill is intended to move in concert with the efforts by Senator Daniel Akaka and Hawaii‘s Congressional Delegation to achieve federal recognition of Native Hawaiians via the Akaka Bill.
The bill, which passed with only one “No” vote (from Republican Sen. Sam Slom) out of 76 legislators on May 3, 2011, is seen as an act of “reciprocal healing recognizing Hawaiians as equal partners, rather than a conquered people,” said Sen. Malama Solomon, who was the bill’s chief negotiator in securing passage. She worked closely with Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz and members of the joint conference committee to finalize the measure. Members of the joint conference committee on Hawaiian Affairs included: Senate Chair Brickwood Galuteria, co-chairs Sen. Clayton Hee and Sen. David Y. Ige, Sen. Gil Kahele, Sen. Malama Solomon, House co-chairs Rep. Faye Hanohano and Rep. Gilbert Keith-Agaran, Rep. Chris Lee and Rep. Blake Oshiro.
“Every generation of Native Hawaiians since the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893 has struggled with not legally being recognized as equals,” Solomon said in a statement. “So many have given so much; many have fought in World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam—some losing their lives—for a country that doesn’t recognize them. ... While much has been done including the creation of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act in 1921, formation of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs in 1978, and the signing of the ‘Apology Resolution’ by President William Clinton in 1993, we are still not equals in our own land.”
When signed into law, the measure adds a new chapter to the Hawaii Revised Statutes, which would establish a process for Native Hawaiians to organize themselves.
“Hawaiians are very different from the American tribes; we had a kingdom that was recognized by the United States and many other nations around the world before the overthrow,” Solomon said. “Many of us today are directly connected to this history and heritage through our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. This new law will begin the healing.”
The bill specifies how individuals shall be nominated for consideration for the commission, and requires that each of the four counties be represented, with the fifth individual serving at-large. Funding to facilitate the activities of the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission will be provided by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
From: pilipo <>
To: amelia gora <>
Subject: Re: Biography of an Aide to General Bundy
Note: Kamehameha did have a PIRATE hung in his days...........others were reclaimed by their nations, which the U.S. should be doing................hmmmmm........
This was posted on the English forums just now:
161264.3 in reply to 161264.1 - the clown asked "What's the Point" (Note: there are many disinformers there or government paid people who are on various forums to put down, turn away, refute the TRUTH, etc.):
OBAMA must raise taxes to pay off his own butt..........he is one of the shareholders of the BANK OF ENGLAND, BANK OF HAWAII, WORLDBANK, etc.
read article just posted:
Remembering July 4 th etc.: "Americans Addicted to A--Holes" --- George Washington, Scum and Scoundrel #1 up to OBAMA...
* Posted by Amelia Gora on July 2, 2011 at 6:25am in Politics
* View Discussions
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OBAMA is one of the descendants of Robert E. Lee, who's descendants are heirs of the BANK OF ENGLAND stocks.....he's part of the shareholders of BANK OF HAWAII thru his grandmother who was a JOSEPH BOOTH descendant, a drunkard, animosity filled saloon owner who moved to the Hawaiian Islands and called our ancestor, "a NIGGER", etc. see or ......OBAMA'S A BANKER, A SLAVE MAKER, A ONE WORLD ORDER PUPPET, etc....there's nothing more to be said.......end of story.........piece the rest of the history together for yourself! and try reading or have someone read it for you and explain everything s l o w l y for you.