We shouldn't buy into Conklin's manufactured points of argument. 

Let's stick to the issues of:

 U.S. conspiracy to destabilize the Kingdom of Hawaii's government;

U.S. collaborated 1893 invasion, setting up a puppet Provisional Government and belligerent occupation;

Queen Liliuokalani and U.S. President Cleveland Executive Agreement;

the Ku'e Petitions of 1897 protesting U.S. Annexation and the ipso facto Republic of Hawaii, and the Turpie Resolution of 1894;

the U.S. Congress'  twice rejected of the Provisional Government/Republic of Hawaii treaties of annexation;

the infamous, illegitimate, and unlawful passage of the U.S. Newland's Resolution - a proclamation for passage of an illicit annexation contrary to international law, U.S. law, and Hawaiian Kingdom law;

the ipso facto Organic Act of 1898 proclamation;

the implementation of the U.S. WASP racistt doctrines of Manifest Destiny and double-standard justice;

the ipso facto Statehood Act of 1959 proclamation;

the continuous violations of the law of occupation and the law of neutrality;

the forced assimilation to the U.S. racist WASP dominant society.


These are the factual, pertinent issues and not the made-up issues expounded by the Conklin-ites of the hypocritical United States of America.


The Kingdom of Hawaiin was a modern, progressive nation-state recognized internationally and an active participant  internationally embraced by the "family of nations".   The Hawaiian monarch was the boss in a democratic constitutional legislative government.   It consisted with an executive branch, house of nobles, and a legislative branch.   It had a bill of rights and a constitution and laws.   It was a multi-ethnic  citizenship in a Hawaiian Polynesian dominant society. 


In the 1890 census, the citizenship had 15.6% of foreign origin who were naturalized or born of naturalized parentage.   During that time, 49.9% of the residents were foreigners who were there by work contracts,  foreign businessmen, and foreigners in general from throughout the world.  The U.S. Americans were sent to Hawaii to tip the scale of  population and influence because they were afraid of British influence or other world influences that would diminish U.S. influence and possible control.


The U.S. needed naval dominance in the Pacific Ocean to further its agenda of Expansionism, Imperialism, and Hegemony.   It sent spies to survey the Kingdom of Hawai'i toward that goal and with its racist doctrines of WASP christianity that they were ordained by God himself to rule the world.   It employed the double-standard of justice, freedom, and its interpretation of democracy.   This included its economic-capitalistic advantage, extortion, and anti-socialism foreign policies that favor its ethnocentric Manifest Destiny doctrines.


Recognize these facts that are the real issues and stand proud as Kingdom of Hawaii patriots that demand justice and freedom.  Know that we love our country, the Kingdom of Hawaii, as much as any citizen of any other country.



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  • Tane,


    The former governor testimony is on Videos thanks for being there will return to reread again, much love

  • Tane,


    I stopped in to say hello, but you were resting.  It was nice to be on Iolani Palace grounds after yesterdays mess at the capital.  Pono and I had a little catching up to do things are happening and I believe clarity is important as well as focusing on the important details that one has posted.  Its interesting that I find occupation so real and informative around the world.  Much love

  • hi Tane..........had to do some additions, although I enjoy your informative posts and would still like to do a correct version of our History with you and a few others (cousin Alex, Shane, et. als.):


    " U.S. conspiracy to destabilize the Kingdom of Hawaii's government;"


    Conspiracy/piracy to ASSUME the Hawaiian Kingdom's government.


    "U.S. collaborated 1893 invasion, setting up a puppet Provisional Government and belligerent occupation;

    Queen Liliuokalani and U.S. President Cleveland Executive Agreement;"


    U.S. PREMEDITATED the criminal assumption of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation, SUPPORTING a puppet Provisional Government made up of many YALE graduates, the MASONS, FREEMASONS move.


    Queen Liliuokalani did TEMPORARILY give the Hawaiian government during American Civil War General service President Benjamin Harrison's term.  His Vice President, Morton, was a bank owner and an expert in international banking transactions.


    The U.S., England, were bankrupt due to the COSTS in the American Civil War........England did finance BOTH SIDES of WAR.....both Confederates AND Union........the intent was to maintain SLAVES then and now.


    Morgan WAS their investor and did purchase Vice President Morton's bank......Morgan continued investments for both the U.S. and England.  See MASTERS OF CAPITAL for more information.


    The Morgan bankers were also aligned with the BANK OF ENGLAND, the international bankers.


    "the Ku'e Petitions of 1897 protesting U.S. Annexation and the ipso facto Republic of Hawaii, and the Turpie Resolution of 1894;"


    U.S. President Cleveland did give Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani. 


    The failure of receiving proper notification was blocked by the Provisional government et. als. who did collude with the Kawananakoa's, and Prince Kuhio.


    Queen Liliuokalani was UNABLE to send messages out of the Hawaiian Islands, which means she was UNABLE to receive them as well.


    President Cleveland was part of the BANKER's families, his cousin being one of the NEW YORK BANKERS......... the U.S. was bankrupt.


    The NEW YORK BANKER cousin was directly related to the JUDD family in the Hawaiian Islands, the treasonous persons, etc.


    The fact that Queen Liliuokalani was under DURESS, COERCION, USURPATION, and STRESS NEGATES all under International laws.


    Being a person of color, labeled BLACK, the intent was to criminally assume all.


    The MONROE DOCTRINE put all countries on NOTICE and began the road to WAR for all............the MAHAN activities, the criminal act of claiming lands outside the normal 200-300 miles outside the CONTIGUOUS borders of the U.S. left MANY NATIONS uneasy, including MEXICO, CANADA, etc.


    Researcher Kili did find the TRUE DOCUMENTS of Queen Liliuokalani's OPPOSITION and it was posted in the past here on Maoliworld, etc.


    "the U.S. Congress'  twice rejected of the Provisional Government/Republic of Hawaii treaties of annexation;"


    The U.S. Congress WAS NOT part of the package when it comes to LEADER TO LEADER relationship.....only the U.S. President was to be consulted with when it came to a LEADER to LEADER transaction........see Queen Liliuokalani's wording in the Opposition to Annexation.


    "the infamous, illegitimate, and unlawful passage of the U.S. Newland's Resolution - a proclamation for passage of an illicit annexation contrary to international law, U.S. law, and Hawaiian Kingdom law;

    the ipso facto Organic Act of 1898 proclamation;

    the implementation of the U.S. WASP racistt doctrines of Manifest Destiny and double-standard justice;

    the ipso facto Statehood Act of 1959 proclamation;

    the continuous violations of the law of occupation and the law of neutrality;

    the forced assimilation to the U.S. racist WASP dominant society."


    The important find by researcher SHANE LEE POINTS out the fact that the U.S. did PREMEDITATE the criminal assumption of the Hawaiian Islands through PEARL HARBOR which had owners then and owners NOW.


    Our family has opposed every step of the way...............our great grandmother's cousin HAROLD CATHCART documented OPPOSITION TO STATEHOOD in 1959.....and my LAW PROFESSOR said that 'because Opposition was documented....Sovereignty shall be!'


    These are MAJOR ISSUES which is what I have been trying to convey over time.......could not let the important stuff slide................ramifications are many.............am waiting for many of our people to CATCH UP!



    eyes 068






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  • Thank You Tane for a clean board to write on.


    We needed to come back to focusing on Hawaiian Kingdom principles and the face values of 'acts of war' and ones listings makes it easier.  My understanding of the Turpie Resolution and Newland's Resolution still seems fuzzy and I am working on it.  For now, I am focusing on "the continuous violations of the law of occupation and the law of neutrality" in hopes that much of the grey area of occupation is understood and the neutrality stays unmuddy.


    Again, it was a battle for culture interpretation yesterday at the capital so we shall see the 'modernity' in yesterday's gain for Hawaiian Kingdom and it's ancestral lands. 


    As oppose to the populace 'tea party' spread of force among our people and for the use of our aina for their realestate speculative consumerism. The fear factor played a huge emotional game of wills yesterday because of the immaturity of the newly formed 'Kipuka' unbiased students of the University of Hawaii at Manoa.



    • The Turpie Resolution, 31 May 1894, proclaims in its foreign policy for all nations to back off and not interfere with the Hawaii situation; this also included theany and all U.S. officials.  Cleveland had Turpie include a more democraatic phrase for the people of Hawaii by having Turpie include, " ... Resdolved, That the of right-it-belongs wholly to the people of the Hawaiian Islands to ewstablish and maintain their own form of Government and domestic policy; that the United States ought in no wise to interfere therewith, and that any intervention in the political affairs of these islands by any other Government will be regaqrded as an act unfriendly to the United States."


      It should be mentioned that prior to this, the U.S. had already set up the U.S. puppet Provisional Government and militarily protected it for 75 straight days before withdrawing to their ship in the harbor and its presence still threatened the Kingdom of Hawaii and its subjects.  


      During that initial time of the U.S invasion, while still under the protection of the U.S. Navy, the Provisional Government sent representatives to submit a treaty of annexation.  The Queen was barred from sailing on the same ship to the U.S.   She was able to get on a later ship to the U.S.


      Meanwhile, President Harrison was nearing his term off office and was most anxious to complete the conspiracy and have the islands annexed by Congress forthwith.   President Cleveland succeeded Harrison who was bent on signing the annexation treaty which was aided by his Secretary of State James L. Blaine who was involved in the conspiracy. 


      The newly sworn-in President Cleveland heard of the intrigue and withdrew the treaty of annexation from Congress to investigate the event and also received the Queen's protest.   To Harrison's great displeasure and dismay, he would not have the distinguishment of signing the treaty.   Harrison was outraged, to say the least, from having that  insidious "honor".  Cleveland and the Queen entered into an Executive Agreement to return the Kingdom of Hawaii and restore her to her throne.


      The representatives of the newly re-named Republic of Hawaii resubmitted their treaty of annexation while the Hawaiian Kingdom subjects submitted the Ku'e Petitions of 1897 and Memorial against the annexation to the U.S.   Congress once again rejected the treaty of annexation due to the lack of the constitutional requirement  of 2/3rds majority vote. 

       The justly ill-fated McKinley newly-elected president and the powers that controlled Congress, expressed to Congress that he would sign a resolution for annexation due to the Spanish-American War and the annexation of Hawaii was utterly necessary, compulsory, and required for the U.S. expansion and naval dominance in the Pacific was crucial and vital for national security and control.

      Thus Congressman Francis G. Newlands wrote  the Joint Resolution that was named after him and it was approved on July 4, 1898 and signed by McKinley on July 7, 1898. 


      Wikipedia states, "The Newlands Resolution established a five-member commission to study which laws were needed in Hawaii. The commission included: Territorial Governor Sanford B. Dole (R-HI), U.S. Senators Shelby M. Cullom (R-IL) and John T. Morgan (R-AL), Congressman Robert R. Hitt (R-IL) and former Hawaii Chief Justice and later Territorial Governor Walter F. Frear (R-TH). The commission's final report was submitted to Congress for a debate which lasted over a year. Congress raised objections that establishing an elected territorial government in Hawaii would lead to the admission of a state with a non-white majority."

      Poetic justice was the assassinationn of President McKinley on September 6, 1901.  No love lost there!





      • Sorry Tane,


        I didn't see this I just scrolled down! I will get back to this and read it tomorrow.  Have to get back to bed --gottah work tomorrow.

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