as kanaka maoli's we are the heirs of this hawaiian kingdom government that is still alive and well. when the the leaders is rightfuylly chosen, we will be ready to breath the life (ha) into our government of this hawaiian kingdom. how did real estate get established in our hawaiian kingdom( illegally)???, where our lands is being sold off to intruders, this is a punishable crime and an act of injustice to a nation that only gave Aloha. now that we are gathering the konohiki's (our land caretakers) and kupunas (our traditional cultual elders), we will then begin the process to make the proper decisions of our lands and the sacredness of each ahupua'a(s) through out our kingdom islands. each real estate company on our kingdom islands should be fined, period! after our leaders is chosen, by the people who represents the our native hawaiian kingdom government, each illegal act done to our native hawaiians by the americans and their greed, will be accounted for each crime done willingly to our native hawaiian people and to their sacred lands.

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  • Aloha mai e princess.

    I have never sold any property in KHP and would never do that for personal reasons such as to sell land in KHP is to sell our roots. I also do not judge those oiwi who have taken part in profiting off of the aina because to me in some way all of us exchange something for money in order to survive. Some even accept some money from the Feds in the form of pensions, social security, welfare, food stamps, etc so to me it is a slippery slope.

    The way that I would answer the question "Who gave them rights to sell our native Hawaiian lands?" tthough is... themselves. That's who and yes what they did and continue to do is very disrespectful....

    In fact when I work with some people who ask me to send them a buyer on Maui... they have the audacity to ask ME ~

    What greed will do to some people but after the Revolutionary War the Feds decided to open an area for settlement and commissioned a survey for that area and called it the Government Survey System (GSS) aka "U.S. System of Rectangular Surveys" and "The Public Domain Survey" which created a large grid with every square of the grid identified. In turn these grids use a reference called a principal meridian and base line. That is their basis in order to sell every square for a profit.

    Over time the Feds commissioned the GSS in 30 states then of course in 1959 the "state" of Hawai'i was included. Very shady.

    They try to make it seem as though the crown lands have been replaced by their system. I won't go into specifics since IMHO as someone already mentioned we need to be focusing on the crown lands and having legal heirs step up and claim the crown lands.

    Right now just my mana'o but I am not concerned about punishing the usurpers. That WILL come later.

    I could not care less about Americans or about real estate companies though.. because thinking about punishment does not and will not get our land back.

    For now like some people have already mentioned we need our konohiki-s, kupuna-s, legal heirs, etc to put their EGO aside and work together on common ground to get the crown lands back perhaps not for themselves since some people's personality clash with others but at least do it for their mo'opuna! ~~~ Of course some people in sales will not mention this but this is stating the obvious. They are focused on 6 to 7% of sales prices which is A LOT. Commercial leasing is MUCH more profitable as well and it will get much worse where people's mo'opuna will not have anywhere else to go if WE do not put aside our ego for the sake of our mo'opuna. I know this from personal experience.

    Some people have already mentioned this but we as legal heirs need to FOCUS on the land --- not on America nor on Americans nor on punishing the haole usurpers. We need to focus on the legal heirs and on the crown lands.

    So I am not concerned about punishment right now.

    Instead I think that we should be finding ALL of the legal heirs who are still alive.

    E malama pono.
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