First War Crime Complaint Filed with International Criminal Court


The first war crime complaint was filed on February 14, 2012, with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and copied to the United Nations Human Rights Commission by Dexter Kaiama, attorney, on behalf of his client Kenneth K.K. Kawa‘auhau. Kawa‘auhau is a Hawaiian subject and a protected person under the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention. The specific war crime is denying a protected person a fair and regular trial. According to the ICC, elements of the war crime of denying a fair trial include:

  1. The perpetrator deprived one or more persons of a fair and regular trial by denying judicial guarantees as defined, in particular, in the third and the fourth Geneva Conventions of 1949.
  2. Such person or persons were protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949.
  3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established that protected status.
  4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an [occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party].
  5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an [occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party].

The ICC also clarifies that with respect to the last two elements listed for the war crime of denying a fair trial:

  1. There is no requirement for a legal evaluation by the perpetrator as to the existence of an [occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party] or its character as international or non-international;
  2. In that context there is no requirement for awareness by the perpetrator of the facts that established the character of the [occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party] as international or non-international;
  3. There is only a requirement for the awareness of the factual circumstances that established the existence of an [occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party] that is implicit in the terms “took place in the context of and was associated with.”

In 2012, ejectment proceedings were instituted by the State of Hawai‘i Attorney General against Kawa‘auhau seeking a court order from the District Court of the First Circuit, Waianae Division, to remove him from his home in Waianae. Kawa‘auhau held a 99-year lease from the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. On January 24, 2012, Kawa‘auhau filed a Motion to Dismiss on the grounds that the District Court was not lawfully constituted because the United States has been illegally occupying the Hawaiian Kingdom in violation of the 1893 Lili`uokalani assignment and the Restoration Agreement, being international compacts, the 1907 Hague Convention, IV, and international law. Kaiama provided special appearance for Kawa‘auhau at the hearing on the motion that was held on February 7, 2012.

According to Kawa‘auhau’s pleadings in the case, his argument and supporting evidence centered on the fact that there is no treaty between Hawai‘i and the United States, and without a treaty United States laws enacted by the Congress have no force and effect beyond U.S. territory. As a result, the District Court, which derives its authority from An Act To provide for the admission of the State of Hawai‘i into the Union (March 18, 1959), cannot claim to have jurisdiction in territory that does not belong to the United States. Kawa‘auhau argues that the Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist and that international laws, not U.S. laws, apply in his situation.

Despite Kaiama getting District Court Judge Maura Okamoto to take judicial notice of the evidence, she denied the motion to dismiss without cause and the court eventually granted the order for eviction. Kawa‘auhau’s appeal with the Intermediate Court of Appeals was also denied by Presiding Judge Daniel Foley, Associate Judge Katherine Leonard and Associate Judge Lawrence Reifurth without any counter-evidence as well. (United States) State of Hawai‘i Government is a War Crime under International Law.

The War Crime Complaint alleges:

“State of Hawai‘i Judges OKAMOTO, FOLEY, LEONARD, and REIFURTH committed a war crime by willfully depriving my client, a protected person, of a fair and regular trial prescribed by the fourth Geneva Convention.  The Plaintiff, State of Hawai‘i Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Chair JOBIE MASAGATANI and State of Hawai‘i Governor NEAL ABERCROMBIE, represented by the State of Hawai‘i Attorney General DAVID M. LOUIE and Deputy Attorney Generals MATTHEW S. DVONCH, DIANE K. TAIRA and S. KALANI BUSH were complicit in these proceedings and therefore committed a war crime as accessories.”

The War Crime Complaint concludes:

“Accordingly, pursuant to Article 17(3) of the Rome Statute, I respectfully request the office of the Prosecutor, with all due speed, investigate the situation in order to determine if the alleged perpetrators should be charged with the war crime specified above.”

The ICC jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands will begin March 4, 2013.

This entry was posted in International RelationsNationalWar Crimes by Hawaiian Kingdom. Bookmark the permalink.


  1. Doreene on February 16, 2013 at 8:19 pm said:

    This is the best news yet! Congratulations and mahalo nui loa `ia Kenneth Kawa`ahau for your belief and fortitude. Mahalo Dexter Kaiama for working for justice.

  2. Walter Ritte on February 17, 2013 at 2:34 am said:

    The facts are there, will “might makes right” defeat this case. Can you really push around america? Will the US get off on a technicality, political power or simply not show up?
    Everyone will be holding their breaths, or should we be doing more? This seems to easy.

  3. As I understand it, under The International Criminal Court (ICC) proceedings, the individual or people who are committing war crimes are held responsible for their actions and not their country. I donʻt believe the U.S. government can protect these people committing war crimes in the Hawaiian Kingdom, simply because, this is not the U.S. The criminals only have two options,
    1. Face prosecution for their war crimes.
    2. Avoid prosecution and flee to their prospective country.


NOTE:  Public Notice: the ICC has No Jurisdiction and will have No Jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Islands requested for by those who are Not part of the Hawaiian Kingdom....a Treaty must be made with the Sovereigns descendants/heirs and successors and the House of Nobles -original members descendants ......Keanu Sai et, als. are not part of our Royal families,,,,,Dexter Kaiama failed to properly represent us in the Crown Lands case and did not oppose the Attorney General's comments saying that we were 'terrorists'. I, Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants did file Oppositions in Court, documented it in our Hawaiian Government files, filed Genocide Activities report(s), etc. For the Records dated 2/17/2013., by Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles - Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago./Kingdom of Hawaii


The first war crime complaint was filed on February 14, 2012, with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and copied to the United Nations Human Rights Commission by Dexter Kaiama...

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  • 2766674444?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Dr. David Keanu Sai will be attacked for his intelligence.
    David will be attacked for being secular.

    David will be attacked as an enemy of democracy.
    David will be attacked as an enemy of equality.
    David will be attacked as an enemy of reform.

    David will be forced to answer to imported superstitions.

    The cut- throat pirates will defend themselves as un- appreciated for their good actions and good intentions.

    Imported superstitions will be portrayed as the norm;  David's claims as utopian dreams.

    How will Dr. David Keanu Sai defend himself ??


    Comment by Amelia Gora just now
    Delete Comment

    Keanu Sai was not able to defend his partner Donald Lewis.

    Keanu Sai lost his parents home in Kuliouou?

    Keanu Sai helped many to lose their homes while operating his Company "Perfect Title".

    Keanu Sai now operating another Title Company with Dexter Kaiama and others in tow.

    Keanu Sai admitted that he and several others removed/stole the Kaai from the Bishop Museum and returned it to the Big Island.

    Keanu Sai did not get our and many families permission to do the removal.

    Keanu Sai is a felon, served time in jail, and is trying to remove the label.

    Keanu Sai claims to be a 'Premier' and operates without our House of Nobles - descendants of the original House of Nobles authority.

    Keanu Sai moves with the United Nations which moves towards One World Order/New World Order instead of approaching other neutral nations to document a case with individual nations and not an organization which was brewed up by the perpetrator/occupier nation the United States, England, and the bankers who created the League of Nations, then the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations, then the United Nations.

    Keanu Sai promotes his agenda when he is not part of the real Hawaiian Government.

    Keanu Sai is a Mason/Freemason along with Dexter Kaiama et. als. who are part of the arm of those moving towards One World Order/New World Order.

    Keanu Sai, Dexter Kaiama et, als., are aligned to promoting the United Nations who are not granted jurisdiction here.

    Keanu Sai, Dexter Kaiama et, als. fail to be informed about the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona which was agreed to by the U.S. et. als. with the intent to break apart Monarchy Governments worldwide.

    Keanu Sai, Dexter Kaiama et, als, have failed to protect, and defend the true owners in the Hawaiian Islands and fails to understand what the alodio/ano alodio system is all about.

    Therefore, Keanu Sai, Dexter Kaiama, et., als. are no different from the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 and seen as treasonous persons on records of the true Hawaiian Government.


    Comment by Kai Landow on February 4, 2013 at 3:14am

    The process is not simple, I was answering the idea of attacks.  What do we gain from attacking each other?  I think we need more meetings in community and a better way to respond to each other.

    Comment by kukuna o ka la on February 3, 2013 at 7:33pm

    Dr. Sai's approach seems understated.  If we can get to first base in some Court or other,  the real work will have just begun.  If he becomes effective outside of the Court,  he will be attacked.  Will you be ready to defend him ??  You make it sound so SIMPLE !  And to a certain extent Dr. Sai makes it seem simple himself along with you.  Please,  PLAN NOW and be prepared for developments !!  Anybody can fall behind and play catch- up.  We have little time for excuses.

    Comment by Kai Landow on February 3, 2013 at 3:04am

    Dr, Sai no need defend himself as he can put before anyone the "Declaration of Right 1839" the Constitution and the great Mahele as answer.  Within these documents are the descriptions of Hawaiian rights, their origins and practice.  He can put on top of that the treaties and practice of law, commerce and reciprocity of at least 60 years.  So what question I like ask is how fast can the people assemble to claim what is theirs?

    • Posted on Facebook, etc.:
      Amelia Gora shared a link.
      Small piece of info about Keanu Sai, et. als. (this message was originally posted on Tane's thread): 

      .after the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani, many of our Alii moved to Aetearoa...according to some of the Alii there, the Maori are actually "Maui" people and many of the places in Aetearoa are named after the various Maui lands as well......met this Alii/Arii named Matthew years ago and he was arrested with a cousin of ours named Herbert Pratt.....Matthew looked like a Hawaiian and the Police didn't listen to his it turned out, the State engaged in an international incident because Matthew was one of Aetearoa's Representatives and he had immunities. We had a neat discussion, a very heart lifting prayer in the Archives and I hoped to see him again.... had the pleasure of meeting him thanks to cousin.....btw my cousin Herbert Pratt had at one time formed a pact with Donald Lewis and Keanu Sai. Cousin said that Sai followed by Donald Lewis changed what was originally planned and he left them at the beginning......Perfect Title was formed, there were hotel engagements which packed in attorneys listening to Sai's explanations, etc. Then the State, et. als. arrested Sai, etc. Donald Lewis keeps up with Hawaiian issues by reading the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web......and Donald there's a Protective Order for you.......aloha.
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    West Point Cadets Taught Patriots Are Terrorists :: Minute Men News
    At West Point where cadets are groomed into officers, a new 148-page report released on January 15 is urging enlisted men and women to be on alert for “terrorists”
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        New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union And A One World Economic System

        When it comes to Barack Obama, one of the most important things to understand is that he is a committed globalist.  He firmly believes that more “global governance” (the elite don’t like to use the term “global government”) will make the world a much better place.  Throughout his time in the White House, Obama has consistently sought to strengthen international institutions such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO.  At every turn, Obama has endeavored to more fully integrate America into the “global community”.  Since he was elected, Obama has signed a whole host of new international economic agreements.  He regularly speaks of the need for “cooperation” among global religions and he has hosted a wide variety of different religious celebrations at the White House.  Obama once stated that “all nations must come together to build a stronger global regime”.  If you do not want to live in a “global regime” that is just too bad.  To globalists such as Obama, it is inevitable that the United States of America will be merged into the emerging global system.  Just this week, Obama has issued a new executive order that seeks to “harmonize” U.S. economic regulations with the rest of the world.  This new executive order is yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system.  Unfortunately, most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening.

        The American people need to understand that Barack Obama is constantly looking for ways to integrate the United States more deeply with the rest of the world.  The globalization of the world economy has accelerated under Obama, and this latest executive order represents a fundamental change in U.S. economic policy.  Now federal regulators will be required to “harmonize” their work with the international community.  The following is how this new executive order was assessed in a recent Businessweek article….

        Obama’s order provides a framework to organize scattered efforts to promote international regulatory cooperation, the chamber’s top global regulatory official said today.

        “Today’s executive order marks a paradigm shift for U.S. regulators by directing them to take the international implications of their work into account in a consistent and comprehensive way,” Sean Heather, vice president of the chamber’s Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation, said in an e-mailed statement.

        Members of the Obama administration are touting this as a way to “reduce regulation”, but the truth is that this is much more about aligning ourselves with the rest of the world than anything else.

        Obama’s “Information Czar”, Cass Sunstein, authored a piece in the Wall Street Journal on Monday in which he stressed the need to eliminate “unnecessary regulatory differences across nations” so that the United States can compete more effectively in our “interdependent global economy”.  The end result of this process will be that we will now do things much more like how the rest of the world does things….

        In an interdependent global economy, diverse regulations can cause trouble for companies doing business across national boundaries. Unnecessary differences in countries’ regulatory requirements can cost money, compromising economic growth and job creation. Think of divergent requirements for car headlights, or the labeling of food, or standards for container sizes.

        Recognizing this, President Obama’s Jobs Council has called for U.S. agencies to better align U.S. regulations with those of our major trading partners. And today the president is issuing an executive order, “Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation,” with a simple goal: to promote exports, growth, and job creation by eliminating unnecessary regulatory differences across nations.

        But a one world economic system is not going to arrive overnight.  Initially, it is much more likely that there will be a very strong push toward North American integration first.  The goal will be to shape North America into an integrated regional economic unit similar to the EU.  Cass Sunstein discussed how this new executive order will affect North American integration on the White House website on Tuesday….

        The new Executive Order will build on work that is already underway. We have started close to home, with President Obama launching Regulatory Cooperation Councils with Prime Minister Harper of Canada and President Calderon of Mexico. The Councils are implementing work plans to eliminate or prevent the creation of unnecessary regulatory differences that adversely affect cross-border trade; to streamline regulatory requirements; and to promote greater certainty for the general public and businesses, particularly small- and medium-sized enterprises, in the regulation of food, pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, and other areas. The United States and Canada released the United States-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC) Joint Action Plan last December. In February, we announced the United States-Mexico High-Level Regulatory Cooperation Council (HLRCC) Work Plan.

        Most Americans have absolutely no idea how far plans to integrate the United States, Canada and Mexico have advanced.

        Last year, Barack Obama signed an agreement to create a “North American security perimeter” and most Americans never even heard about it because the mainstream news networks almost entirely ignored it.

        But this is exactly what the globalists want.  They don’t want people to become alarmed by these moves toward North American integration.  In fact, a document uncovered by Wikileaks shows that those involved in the effort to integrate North America believe that an “incremental” approach is best.  Apparently they believe that small moves toward integration are less likely to alarm the general population.  The following is from an article that appeared in The National Postlast year….

        The integration of North America’s economies would best be achieved through an “incremental” approach, according to a leaked U.S. diplomatic cable.

        The cable, released through the WikiLeaks website and apparently written Jan. 28, 2005, discusses some of the obstacles surrounding the merger of the economies of Canada, the United States and Mexico in a fashion similar to the European Union.

        “An incremental and pragmatic package of tasks for a new North American Initiative (NAI) will likely gain the most support among Canadian policymakers,” the document said. “The economic payoff of the prospective North American initiative … is available, but its size and timing are unpredictable, so it should not be oversold.”

        If the people of Canada, the United States and Mexico were told that there was a plan to merge all three economies, there might be massive protests to stop it, and the globalists do not want that.

        A few years ago, the “Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America” (SPP) that was being promoted by President George W. Bush started to generate quite a bit of negative publicity.  That caused those seeking to integrate the economies of North America to back off for a little while.

        But as an article by Jerome Corsi last year detailed, the eventual goal is to turn North America into another version of the eurozone.  That includes a common currency for North America called the “amero”….

        The SPP in the administration of President George W. Bush appeared designed to replicate the steps taken in Europe over a 50-year period following the end of World War II to transform an economic agreement under the European Common Market into a full-fledged regional government, operating as the European Union, with its own currency, the euro, functioning as the sole legitimate currency in what has become known as “the eurozone.”

        The concern under the SPP has been that the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, could be evolved into a regional government, the North American Union, with a regional currency, the amero, designed to replace the U.S. dollar, the Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar.

        So will we ever see the “amero” replace the U.S. dollar?

        Hopefully not.

        If the globalists try to introduce the “amero”, it would probably be after a horrible financial crisis in which the U.S. dollar falls apart.  The “amero” would be heralded as the “solution” to the problems that were plaguing the dollar.

        If there ever is a move to get rid of the U.S. dollar for an international currency of some kind, the American people will need to resist it with all of their might.

        The more integrated the world becomes, the more likely it becomes that we will see nightmarish global tyranny someday.  It is very frightening to think of what someone very evil might do if they had the chance to run the entire planet.

        Once our national sovereignty is gone, it will be incredibly difficult to get back.  If the American people don’t take a stand while they still can, their children may wake up someday as citizens of a very oppressive “global regime”.

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    Searches related to united nations a part of one world order
                                        Mac Dominick

      Subtitle:  The United Nations Millennium Assembly in September will gather more heads of state than at any other time in history. Their purpose--gain consensus for the Charter for Global Democracy, which would in effect, transform the UN into a World Government. As if that were not enough, the United Nations is also sponsoring the Millennium World Peace Summit. This summit will gather more than 1000 religious leaders to search for common ground and common values among their respective faiths. This will lay the groundwork for a One World Religion. The UN offers global peace and security as a result of these meetings. Is this going to be Utopia, or will the results be cataclysmic?

      The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

      Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

      Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.





      The Arab nations and their Palestinian comrades never saw it coming.  They finally made the fatal mistake of pushing Israel too far.  The ensuing conflict brought all the nations of the world into the fray, but not soon enough to rescue Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, parts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and the Palestinians from total devastation.  With the populations of these nations almost completely annihilated, all of the land that God promised to the descendants of Abraham was now under Israeli control. The World Tribunal of the United Nations responded by mobilizing the global army to move against Israel.  The hierarchy of global governance had no choice but to respond with force or face utter humiliation.  Their efforts for personal gain under the guise of world peace culminated by leading all of mankind to the very brink of global thermo-nuclear war, and leaving the UN's bureaucratic system of global governance in shambles. 


      Mankind had now come to its darkest hour, but out of this darkness the Great Man emerged into the world's spotlight.  He not only seized the reigns of the UN system of global governance, but he also proved his right as the legitimate heir to the Throne of David.  In one fell swoop, this man had become the virtual global dictator as well as priest-king of the planet.  He succeeded where all others had failed.  He transformed the UN's bureaucratic system into one of a world dictatorship.  He also built on the UN's spiritual foundation and world wide religious ecumenism to implement a one-world religion under his own leadership with the Pope as a more-than-willing puppet.  He took the weak, corrupt UN system to the next level, One World Government and One World State Religion.   




      Just as Christians are looking for the coming of Jesus Christ, those involved with the occult or new age beliefs are anxiously awaiting the coming of a system of world government led by the one Christianity will call Antichrist.  This is the underlying premise of the New Age Movement, Illuminist Freemasonry, Fabian Socialism, Theosophy, and other occult globalist groups. As a result, many involved in the occult world have embraced the UN as the vehicle by which this system will transpire.  Alice Bailey, the leader of the Theosophical Society who authored books "via automatic" writing of the "spirit guide" Dwahl Kuhl, said of the UN, "The UN is the hope of the World." (1)  Bailey has been joined in recent years by other notables such as the late John Denver, David Spangler, Jean Houston, Robert Mueller, and Maurice Strong.


      In spite of all this support, the decade of the 1970s saw hopes for world government (with or without the UN) waning, as evidenced by Richard Gardner in the CFR publication, Foreign Affairs:

      "What is 'worst' about our times for those who wish for rapid progress toward world order is clear enough. The United Nations is very far from being able to discharge the responsibilities assigned by its Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security. The willingness of U.N. members to risk their short-term interests for the good of the community seems at the level of the frontier town in High Noon, where the citizens abandoned their lawman as soon as the outlaw was released from jail... Nor are the world's principal economic forums in much better shape. In contrast to the accomplishments of happier days, nobody now takes a major issue to ECOSOC, UNCTAD, GATT, IMF or OECD with much hope for a constructive result. Even the European Community threatens to unravel under current economic and political pressures. In this unhappy state of affairs, few people retain much confidence in the more ambitious strategies for world order that had wide backing a generation ago-'world federalism', 'charter review', and 'world peace through world law'. The consensus on basic values and willingness to entrust vital interests to community judgment clearly do not exist. One need only picture a world constitutional convention including Messrs. Nixon, Brezhnev, Mao, Brandt, Pompidou, Castro, Peron, and Qaddafi, not to mention Mmes. Golda Meir and Indira Gandhi. What rules or procedures for world government could they agree upon? "(2)



      Even with this whining admission of defeat, the efforts to build the UN into a bonafide world government continued at a fever pitch.  As mankind now enters the second half of the year 2000, the UN is putting the finishing touches on its efforts toward global governance. On September 6, the UN will convene the Millennium Assembly, the largest gathering of heads of state in the history of the world.  The goal of the assembly is to achieve consensus among the heads of state concerning the 12 principles of the Charter for Global Democracy:


      1. Consolidation of all international agencies under the direct authority

            of the United Nations.

      1. Regulation by the UN of all transnational organizations and financial


      1. Independent source of revenue for the UN such as the " Tobin Tax" and

      taxes on aircraft and shipping fuels, and licensing the use of the global


      1. Eliminate the veto power and the permanent member status on the Security


      1. Authorize a standing UN army
      2. Require UN registration of all arms and the reduction of national armies

      " as a part of a multilateral global security system" under the authority of

      the UN.

      1. Require individual and national compliance with all UN " Human Rights" treaties
      2. Activate the International Criminal Court, make the International Court of

      justice compulsory for all nations, and give individuals the right to petition

      the courts to remedy social injustice.

      1. Create a new institution to establish economic and environmental security by insuring sustainable development.
      2. Create a new international environmental court.
      3. Adopt a declaration that climate change is an essential global security interest that requires the creation of a " high-level action team" to allocate carbon emission based on equal per-capita rights.
      4. Cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest nations, global poverty reductions, and for " equitable sharing of global resources" as allocated by the UN.


      One may quickly observe that these principles are in direct conflict with the principles found in the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence.  There are no guarantees of individual liberties, no protection of minority rights, no protection from global taxation, and certainly no right to bear arms. Furthermore, please take note that the " 12 Principles" do not include one single mention of freedom.  In its place, the word " security" is substituted. This begs the question: What price will the citizens of the western world (and the US in particular) be willing to pay for security?  The globalist UN planners are wagering that these citizens will be willing to squander all that remains of true freedom for this grand illusion of security.  In lieu of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the UN Santa Claus offers this so-called security through the philosophies of  " global governance" and " sustainable development" .  The implementation of these principles will lead to the creation of a massive, socialist bureaucracy that will then legislate pagan ideologies.  The culmination of this implementation will be the loss of personal property and freedoms, and those who lose these most cherished possessions will be the very individuals to finance the their own demise. At the same time, a very few will become extremely rich and extremely powerful -- all accomplished in the name of democracy.






      To make matters worse, the Millennium Assembly will be preceded by the Millennium World Peace Summit.  This summit, hosted by the UN, is expected to bring 1,000 religious and spiritual leaders together Aug. 28-31. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan will give the welcoming address at the religious summit, which is intended to investigate ways that the religious leaders can ease tension in areas of conflict.  The idea for the gathering emerged from a conversation between Annan and Ted Turner, the multi-millionaire owner of CNN, who has promised to broadcast the proceedings live.  Ted Turner reportedly told Annan, "If you want peace in the world you have to bring together religious leaders at the UN and get them to sign a declaration." (3)


      This meeting is not by any means the first of its type. In 1986, the Church of Rome sponsored the Vatican Interfaith Conference, a council of world religions that included Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Native Americans, African Animists, and Aboriginal Snake Worshippers (4).  This was an effort to find common ground, common values, and learn tolerance -- the building blocks of the One World Religion.


      Since 1986, many other groups have begun similar efforts.  In 1993, Chicago hosted the Council for a Parliament of the World. s Religions.  This meeting generated a proclamation for a Declaration of Human Values, and this declaration included those values common to all religions. (5)  The Parliament met again in South Africa in 1999 with similar results.  Also in 1993, Rev. William Swing (Episcopal) announced the formation of the United Religions (UR).  The UR became fully functional this year, and will serve as a NGO (non-governmental organization) to the UN.  One goal of the UR is the establishment of a "Values Bank" that will allow people to invest their money to "promote the values of the UR".  The UR also desires to be a "symbol of unity in a world of disunity" . (6)  The UR was officially launched with the signing of its charter 6/29/00.   The World Conference of Religion and Peace, organized in 1970, gathered at Melbourne, Australia, in July 1997.  This organization stressed "Acceptance, Tolerance, and Collaboration" among all religions EXCEPT those who hold to any form of exclusivity (i.e. . no man cometh to the Father but by me. ) or absolutism (i.e. absolute truth as evidenced by the Word of God).  They also endorsed the UR and sought the common values found in all religions. (7)  This reoccurring theme of tolerance, cooperation, and common values is echoed by the UN in Our Global Neighborhood when it stated,


      "We need a set of common, core values around which we can unite

        people irrespective of their cultural, political, religious, or

        philosophical backgrounds..." (8)


      This era of ecumenism and tolerance is establishing the foundation on which a One World Religion will be built.  This One World Religion will then, in turn, be utilized by Antichrist to establish himself as the Messiah of the planet.





      In conjunction with the Millennium Assembly, The State of the World Forum, founded by Mikhail Gorbechev, will meet in New York September 4-10 to seek solutions to all the problems of mankind.  The main principles of this group echo those of the UN: "sustainable development" , "global governance" , and the need for a "compassionate society".  The Forum will address  "Shaping Globalization: Convening the Community of Stakeholders" and is being pitched as a global town meeting in which the private sector and civil society can come together for substantive dialogue with selected heads of state.  The themes highlighted in the forum will include: 

      1.      The Social Implications of Globalization

      2.      Accelerating the Impact of information & Biotechnologies

      3.      Global Finance and Capital Flows

      4.      Core Economic Productivity & Sustainability

      5.      Ethical Challenges in Globalization

      6.      Governing Globalization  (9)


      This gathering of self-professed wise persons is mobilized to solve the problems of the less intelligent members of the species.  The State of the World Forum is merely one of the hundreds of NGOs that do the bidding of the UN.  By utilizing the multitude of NGOs, the UN is protected from the scrutiny it would receive by an overt exercise of power.  This method is just one aspect of "Piece-Meal Functionalism" , developed by Harlan Cleveland of the Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies. (10)  Piecemeal Functionalism evolved as a result of the mistakes of the globalists of the 1950s and 1960s.  To again quote the CFR's Richard Gardner:


          " In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from 

          the bottom up rather than from the top down.  It will look like a 

          great 'booming, buzzing confusion'... sovereignty, eroding it

          piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-    

          fashioned frontal assault..."  (11)


      Piecemeal Functionalism was then implemented to do just as Gardner recommended.  The result will be buzzing confusion -- deliberately undetectable.   Zbigniew Brezenski, National Security Advisor to President Carter, CFR member and first Director of the Trilateral Commission detailed this principal:


           " Coalitions of specialists can be built across national borders in specific areas, blunting the nationalism that otherwise might hinder agreement"(12) 


      This strategy has been perfectly implemented in the decades of the 1980s and 1990s with the hundreds of NGOs such as The State of the Word Forum, the UR, the International Green Cross; and many other political, economic, and environmental organizations -- all performing the agenda of the UN.  This, and the intentional lack of media attention, has allowed the UN to multiply its power without raising much more than an eyebrow.  Gardner's statement was truly prophetic.  National sovereignty has, indeed been eroded piece by piece, virtually undetected.





      Many of the ancient and not-so-ancient prophecies of cataclysm and doom forecasted for the coming of the year 2000 failed to materialize.  However, as the Summer of 2000 begins to wane, ominous storm clouds appear upon the horizon.  The New World Order is poised to take a giant step toward "global governance" and a consensus among the world's religions.  While the results of the Millennium Assembly and the Millennium Summit may not immediately result in World Government and World Religion, the final pieces of the puzzle are coming into place.  In the mean time, the citizens of this great nation are as the proverbial frog in water slowly brought to a boil.  Our precious freedoms are teetering precariously on the lip of the global chasm of democracy, and we are too busy with material acquisition to even notice.  Worse yet, the system that will be seized and utilized by Antichrist is becoming a reality right under the nose of Christians; but they have been mesmerized by the pleasures of this life and the siren song of unity with those building the One World Religion.  Will God give us more time?  Will these events be postponed with the triumph of righteousness?  Will Christians wake up, reach the lost with the Gospel, and make eternal changes in our world? -- OR -- Is it too late?  Will we pay the price for complacency?  The Word of God reveals:


      "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord

      so cometh as a thief in the night.  For when they shall say

      Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon

      them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall

      not escape..."   (I Thessalonians 5:3-4)


      The phrase in this passage, "Peace and safety" is very interesting when viewed in the context of UN goals.  The UN is certainly seeking for world peace, and is not "safety" a synonym of "security" ?   Look again at the words of Richard Gardner and the words of the Charter for Global Democracy.  The underlying theme of both is "peace and safety" .  Is this simply coincidence that the Word of God warns of great destruction when these goals are achieved?  Is anything a coincidence with God?  Some day, in the not too distant future, there will be "peace and safety" for the entire world.  The UN will attain that illusive state that globalists believe will usher in the Utopian Society -- Heaven on Earth.  However, according to the truth and authority of the Word of God, this will not be Heaven on Earth.  Even a Utopian Society apart from God will be judged, and this brief era will end with judgment as the world has never seen.  As God warned, " sudden destruction shall come upon them... and they shall not escape".



      Paul Warburg, on February 17, 1950, while speaking before the United States Senate proclaimed:


                 "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will achieved by conquest or consent."  (13)


      The stage is about to be set for the One World Government and the One World Religion.  Once again, Bible Prophecy is coming to fruition before our very eyes. This means that Jesus Christ is coming soon to take His children home. Are you ready to meet Him?  Are you sure that you have been born again?  If so, have you witnessed to that lost neighbor?  Are your children saved?  Time is short.  What will you do in these last days that will count for eternity?










      1.  "United Nations and the Spiritual Dimension" , World Goodwill Newsletter, Lucis Trust,   

            5/95, p.3.

      2        Gardner, Richard. "The Hard Road to World Order" , Foreign Affairs, 4/74, p.556.

      3        Petre, Johnathan. "UN Unites 1000 Clergy for World Peace Summit" , The London     

            Telegraph, 10/3/99.

      4. Kah, Gary. The Demonic Roots of Globalism, Huntington House Publishers,  Layfeyette, LA., 1996, p.140.

      5.  The Council,for a Parliament of the World. s Religions  brochure, Chicago, IL, 1993.

      6.  Swing, William. " Invitation to Share the Vision," United Religions, San Francisco, CA.,  p.3.

        7.  Howard, W.B. "World Conference of Religion and Peace," Despatch magazine, August        8 ,1997,

      8.      Our Global Neighborhood, UN Commission on Global Governance, p.9. 

      9.      State of the World Forum Website.

      10.   LaLonde, Peter. One World Under the Antichrist, Harvest House Publishers, 1991, p.  124.

      11" The Hard Road to World Order" . p.556.

      12.   LaLonde. p.124.

      13.  Cuddy, Dennis. Now is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order, Hearthstone 

      Publishers, Oklahoma City, OK, 2000, p.118.




      Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

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