Campus mourns 'First Lady of Limu' Isabella Abbott

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Posted: Nov. 3, 2010

Isabella Abbott
Isabella Abbott
Isabella Kauakea Aiona Abbott, a University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa ethnobotany professor emerita who was known worldwide as a gifted algae taxonomist, passed away on October 28 at the age of 91. Memorial services are pending.
According to the October 2010 issue of UH’s Mālamalama magazine, more than 200 algae owe their discovery and scientific names to Professor Abbott. Several species have been named after her, along with an entire genus—Abbottella, which means “little Abbott.” See the October 21, 2010 Mālamalama cover story, “Pioneering professor is first lady of limu,” at
“Professor Abbott was considered the world’s foremost expert on central-Pacific algae, and she was also a gracious, beloved member of our Mānoa ‘ohana,” said Chancellor Virginia Hinshaw. “Her dedication to the field brought much honor to campus, and her gifted talents and love for research resulted in numerous recognitions, including being named a Living Treasure by the Honpa Hongwanji.”
Dr. Abbott received her undergraduate degree in Botany at UH Mānoa, MS in Botany from the University of Michigan, and PhD in algal taxonomy from the University of California at Berkeley in 1950—becoming the first person of Hawaiian ancestry to attain a PhD. For more than five decades, she was the preeminent marine botanist of the Pacific region. The dedicated scholar and prolific writer published over 170 research papers, books and technical reports, and gave generously of her time in service to numerous organizations in Hawai‘i.
She is survived by family members who include daughter Annie Abbott Foerster of Kāne‘ohe and granddaughter Catherine Foerster of Danville, California.
To honor Dr. Abbott, the UH Mānoa Department of Botany has established a fund at UH Foundation to support graduate research in Hawaiian ethnobotany and marine botany. Checks may be made out to UH Foundation, with “Abbott Award for Graduate Research” in the memo section, and mailed to UH Foundation, P.O. Box 11270, Honolulu, HI 96828-0270. To make a donation online, please see the website at

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  • Amelia,

    I just left you another mess on the other postings, imagine that, arsenic found in limu are the evidence for contention in the Makua case. Thanks
  • Amelia again,

    much thanks for this posting it brought up a lot of memories.

    But here is a reposting of my response:

    I still stand by the research part of genealogy, but caution to sharing the information: we can still do this research sharing and share it with the future generations This is just me, meetng with Ohana reunions is a major part of this research for filters, and protocols. There has got to be an openess for research work, Na Kanaka (including myself) will not spend the 24 hours and daily task pouring over records. The land disputes is a never ending stories and the bulk of na kanaka children will not go and do this type of work. I knew that Edith Mckenzie met with a huge block and Bisop Museum took over. I was there and had a talk story with her when this was decided upon. I also understood why?

    Soon the academic community (which is in process) will publish and connect to the community with their findings and of course the usual we will spend years debating the facts from fiction. There will always be around the corner are 'cheap' group'ys with their empty talk shows taking up space and time and most times the resources that is needed for the real research problems at hands.

    So I don't mind the less players on this forum --would like to see more. We can move faster through issues that are alive and slamming!

    Today, Shad Kane (turn coat) hurt many warriors in his process to gain power (misuse). He basically lost his way as he grew up in Wahiawa, went to Kamehameha Schools 1964, Utah State, Military UH, and Police Department a recent plant into the Hawaiian Movement via Oahu Civic Club. Partnershiped with OHA and the military Shane conjoined with the Federal Agencies, DLNR etc.. which is all and well, but this happened at the expense of people that have been tirelessly working at the helm for decades.

    Where as the newbies such as Jalna, Shad and Amaral, acting out of the patriot act comes on board because of 911 and decides to be the head hunchos. Their duties given to them by the Feds are to carve out the pure seeds planted by our ancestors of 2,000 years, has Na Kupuna connections (unbroken), as well as obidence to our ancestors spirits all for the love of US and their stolen revenues from the mouths of children. Land revenues are for our children not comprehensive-intergrated- political-budget-stealing-projects from educational funds.

    Today's Makahiki Nov 6 ties into the worlds view of 'Make Love not War' for a day which is okay in my eyes. But, debunks cultural values, desecrate our 'iwi, and sells the very souls of our young people and their thinking process. These are dangerous times.

    The national flavor when you play the high game of patiot act for the love of war, one is in favor or knowingly committing genocide. Where the General sits on the top of a hill and sends his men into harms way against it's fellow men such as the civil war.

    911 was not a civil war!!!! Or, was it?

    911 was over the fight of the last drops of oil.

    As Na Kanaka one should fasten ones belt and look at the real issue this friendly relationships between the US and Shad, Jalna and Amaral placed us in grave danger with the US and the future. Giving resources out of the mouths of children to a 'princess party' in this case a prince party favors of genocide. I cannot stop the background of decit. We will spend years (after party) to sort through the clean up. Sorting through why we have children with congenial defects or too many rotting in their graves.

    We just don't get why people like Shad get's away with developing a relationship with the US for super-ego reasons and to sell our future done the drain. The construction contracts on military bases which Shad is negotiating the two sentences on a any given plans with the DLNR poisons our future generation for a few pennis on the dollar. Shad is a two bit idiot and his sisters Jalna and Amaral are the same.

    This is an age old game that has been played since the early 70s with native Hawaiian women that were from the homesteads. Today there is a working relationship that is on going with CNHA, Feds, and OHA. We should see many changes and many unecessary lives lost!!!

    May you find this posting in the light of understanding and meaning--for the moment!

    It takes tireless workers at the helm in good times and bad times.
  • thank you Amelia for this posting,

    I could not pass Chemistry as an unclassified student (no money) by then the Kamehameha Schools in house people had put a dent in my pocket and I just couldn't pay for my own tuition. Had I met my goal, I would have been in the botany depart. working under Prof. Abbott--so thanks for the space to share.

    About the tuition beginning with Andy Anderson the Republicans ( Kamehameha Schools) stole our tuition, and funding for higher education from the defined native Hawaiians that are 50% plus bloodquantum in the late 70s along with everything else. From that said meeting with Hoala Kanawai (Hawaiian Homestead Women), I decided to go to college out of fear that my children would loose their mometum for higher education. In truth all native Hawaiian children was about to loose the opportunity to go to college, so I jumped into the fight and spent ten years of my life in the battle field at UH Manoa thus the reason for dorming.

    The fight or battle ended in defeat for native Hawaiians with 50% plus bloodquantum living on DHHL, but it's to know fault to anyone but us.

    For much of that ten years I was the only UH student that was a leasee on DHHL and if a new person came around they did not have the experience or background for native Hawaiians they were there for themselves as an individualistic person and could be used by the Ethnic Studies, Hawaii Studies and Hawaiian Languages. and Geography departmens to shut the doors and rake in the monies allocated to native Hawaiians by rules of UH Manoa, and their state laws for non natives. Actually, although we needed the monies to pay our tuitions, it wasn't the real reason. Kamehameha School's and their in house leaders just didn't want the 'dirty' people those that were growing up on homesteads to sit in the same classroom at UH Manoa. Why? They were the prince and princess and we were the paupers, or the na kawa'a. So when Abbot talks about the 'little' people she knows that in a US setting what it means. Skipping over the native Hawaiians on homestead for those few spaces was always to no fault of theirs. I believe that we let them both non/Hawaiians beat our heads into the ground until we find ourselves breathless.
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