'New World' Actress Arrested at White House

www.popeater.com/media/2010/06/kilcher.jpg"/>Actress Q'orianka Kilcher, best known for her role as Pocahontas in the 2005 film 'New World' opposite Colin Farrell, was arrested today at the White House, the Associated Press reports.

U.S. Park Police say the 20-year-old actress tied herself to a fence while her mother, 41-year-old Saskia Kilcher, poured a black substance all over her.

Mother and daughter were both charged: Q'orianka will face disorderly conduct charges and Saskia is charged with defacing government property. Both are due in Washington D.C. Superior Court on June 9, the LA Times reports.

When asked for a comment, Kilcher's agent Carlyne Grager confirmed the arrests and stated that the actress is "strong supporter of indigenous populations around the world." The pair told authorities they were protesting a visit from Alan Garcia, the president of Peru. Q'orianka's father is a Peruvian Indian.

This isn't the first time the actress has been vocal about her political beliefs. It was reported she recently visited Lima, the capital of Peru, to help champion an indigenous leader there and also supported Bolivian president Evo Morales at a political rally in April on climate change.


KU I KA PONO ..................................o Pomai

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  • No wonder I had a good feeling about this "Historical Romance"...SMILE...
  • She was protesting the fact that the Peruvian president sold parts of the Amazon to oil companies, hence the black substance poured over her body. She's a fearless woman who knows how to use the press to advocate on behalf of her native people, just like Princess Ka`iulani did in her day.
    • I'm so proud of her for what she is doing. She follows in the footstep of Princess Ka'iulani. She is standing up for her native people and all native peoples of the world. More so now that I'm glad that I saw the movie and she played the role of Princess Ka'iulani. Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
  • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii, Actres Q'orianka Kilcher bring honor to her role as Princess Ka'iulani. o Pomai
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