This is worth viewing to refresh our memory:
One of the most important speeches in
American history...and one you never
heard in school or on TV.
- Brasscheck
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thank you for posting this...WAR IS A RACKET............good stuff!
good musik to fit the post as well..........
Highlights of the Film "WAR IS A RACKET"
Most Vicious, dollars, and lives
Military generals are high class "muscle men" for corporations.
Racket: conducted for the few at the expense of many.
21,000 new millionaires made in World Wars.
War is exploited by a few and the general public pays for it.
The people do not profit.
52 billion dollars still owed.
Soldiers pay -
Profits of War Made by the Same Corporations.
Soldier's Pay includes Medals.
Boy's like to be decorated.
They use GOD to KILL>>>KILL>>>KILL...
Soldiers paid only $30 a KILL or be KILLED.
Constrict Capital, Labor and Management......
Restrict Pay to All Government Workers Equivalent to SOLDIER'S PAY.
Limited Plebiscite Needed to Vote for War from ALL CITIZENS....excludes the Profiteers.
Fiendish chemicals etc.......minus the mechanical builders and profiteers input for future wars, so that all will focus on Peace vs. WARS.
When the song, "War" first came out, it was my mantra. LOL.... still is! Mahalo for putting that in and yes it goes with that video perfectly.
The comments: To hell with war and war should be outlawed and war is a racket are pololei!
General Eisenhower when he left the office of U.S. president warned us of the military industrial complex; U.S. Congress hasn't listened to that great advice. The only way the military industrial complex can be profitable is pursuing WAR. They demonize the victim they are ensuing war with to get the people to back them up and improve their sales from war-mongering. Sheeple comply until retribution and retaliation hits them at home and they are surprised by it. It's not about supporting the troops but supporting the corporate military industrial complex for their personal gain and pecuniary interests.
If the British subjects didn't rebel against the King to cease the war against the colonists in America, there would be no U.S.A. and probably the war would still be ongoing and the U.S. American forefathers would have been hanged to maintain a British Commonwealth. Auwe no ho'i e! Maybe that would have been a good idea in the long-run, eh? then we'd still have our independence preserved.
In today's world War needs to be Out Lawed. The World and its People can not afford any more senseless Wars.
It is time for the People of the World to Give Peace a Chance, o Pomaikaiokalani