kupuna tutu man said, this morning
we need stop putting down, for this is not PONO at all~~~
yet we still need to continue to Expose the Hewa, that please do not stop
for this is the time to show of the Disrespect, the Dishonor and Disregard
we are facing within our generation today by the desendants of the
missionary and the military and this illegal system government of usa.
start Praying Humbly, to soften the Heart of our President Obama
to make the right choice to Hand over our Rightful Legal Kingdom
to our Rightful CARETAKERS of our Valley's, of our SACREDNESS of our Ahupua'a-s
asking to REMOVE immediately...so we can REPLACE with our Rightful Kingdom Government, for our educated and aggressive Kanaka Maoli is ready to Lead without the bad influrence of the missioinary and the military of Usa.
ask for CLEANSING and the RETURNING of our RIGHTS as Recognized Native Hawaiians,
kupuna tutu man...said.....ask it, believe it and it will happen within the Generations to come~~~