Aloha kakou,
Who says the Doctrine of Discovery is over?
Only idiots dare say.  
The 10,000 leg He'e is on the move again. With such an enormous appetite it must devour everything it can place it sucking legs around even it means it destroys the very environment it depends upon for its very existence.
May I draw your attention to the alarming revelation of Christopher Pala's article, "PAID NOT TO FISH" in THE HONOLULU WEEKLY, October 13-19, Volume 20, Number 41. This is the first public report I recall of Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, better known to Hawaiians, federal or otherwise as the marine -basket of the Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, the Hawaiian Archipelago. The refrigerator of Hawaiian Marine Resources has been raped and its perpetrators are being rewarded with the tax money from your pockets. Booty of the high seas.
This Federal Program, "Paid Not To Fish" is not knew for America farmers since the 1920's were beneficiaries of the Federal "Paid Not To Grow" to stabilize the markets at the price of Federal U. S. citizens pockets..
Pala's report on the "chosen" seven Bottom-Fish and fifteen Lobster Pirates of Northwest Hawaiian Islands (NWHI), another Kahoolawae underwater. Here I thought Pirates were only in the Caribbean.
Many of Hawaii's professional fishermen and their self-made associations have sat down shoulder to shoulder with these pirates thinking the Hawaiian Marine Environment would be protected for the general welfare of people of Hawaii and swallowed the barbless hook themselves. Many thought the monument would become a sanctuary to prevent "foreign" long-line fish factories from their continued rape of marine life while it only licensed domestic pirates to plunder. It seems in this U. S. Constitutional system allows piracy as long as they take out a permit. 
Pala's article says it all. Our question should be what can we do about it?? Well staying status quo, we can do only nothing, but go McDonald's. More than seventy-five percent of Hawaii's food bank is under water. Without it self-sustainability remains an illusion like sovereignty. One can stay in the line at McDonald's or declare your political right as Hawaiian Nationals and secure our food chain at Papahanaumokuakea.
E kala mai I don't know how to transpose Pala's article to you via my pc but one can go to  and search for October 13-19, 2010, Volume 20, Number 41. 
I suggest one read the article before the UH game, for after their victory there is a tendency for most forget the agony we must continue in for there is life after football.  
E alae e! CAUTION! You may know some of the Pirates. They are not foreign to your soul.
Malama aina,
Hawaiian National (July 28, 1843)           

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